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Everything posted by Shippou


  2. Vary cute: Fox/Resisdent Evil anime character LOTR Character Mermaid form except for the face Moer moe please
  3. Woohoo, Disgaea stuff, V-day, awesome^.^ Also, nin nin
  4. But if I don't exist it means there would be no third impact and if there would be no third impact then it means doooooooooooom

  5. Get offa our hotline! CRAB BATTLE! crab...BATTLE!

  6. *cute avatar alart* *cute avatar alart* *cute avatar alart* all must evacuate at once, this is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill

  7. You think your silly reference could beat me? I know all about crabs and battles *crab takes out my eye* OUCH crab battle! craaaaaab battle craaaaaab battle!

  8. No reality? awesome! I am flying in the ancient space of nothingness now, look its a sheep, come here sheepy sheepy! sheepy sheepy sheepy=D

  9. Because its awesome:) now every player can be a prinny! that is the one wish fans didn't get in other disgaea games, for the main character to be a prinny

  10. I turned 18 yastrayda,*open sarcasm* horray I am 1 year closer to my death *end sarcasm*

  11. Shippou has used wall of text to damage you for massive damage

  12. I am going ninja, you know from solid snake and his real name is gray fox so woof!

  13. Then I go psycho Mantis! what!? you were playing super smash brothers? I kill!

  14. Prinny can I really be a hero is release, woot or no woot?

  15. The mods are angry dood, somebody stole their stuff. They are starting on a campain of banning everyone who tries to stop them, only you can stop them - DOOD

  16. Moer Etna! moer Etna I say!

  17. Zondaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  18. Thanks, your picture is awesome because its etna:)

  19. This is spartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  20. Gooooooooood morning:D

    did you manage to see the OVA of Lucky Star?

  21. Lol TNT! wait a second does that mean that taku-nuva-tahu is about to asplode?! everyone run!

  22. Hey hey hey i am here! look at me! hey hey hey! poke poke* hey hey.

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