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Everything posted by Mayno

  1. Mayno

    Ibanez Rg5ex1

    1. Yeah, you should. I guess it depends on how much $money$ you want to spend. 2. I'll have to listen to that song now. 3. I won't. 4. Excellent! --Mr.M
  2. I don't see the problem with the magic vs. magic in HP. It's no different really than a lot of other stories. I mean a guy with a gun shooting at another guy with a gun is gun vs. gun, but the difference is one is criminal and the other is an FBI agent. Even if you don't like the magic vs. magic, it's still a creative story with good characters and plot. As for the movie, I completely loved it. Almost exactly to the book. So glad they split it into two movies. --Mr.M
  3. Mayno

    Ibanez Rg5ex1

    1. Sounds purdy shweet. I can imagine you pseudo-frustration, but I guess that's the price to pay for smooooooothnessssss. I assume you have an amp? 2. It's more personal that way, am I right? 3. Sounds nice. What model? 4. I thought so. I wonder, am I still asking too many questions? --Mr.M
  4. Quick, someone go get Bones to post a reference thing! That is got to be a really rare occurrence. Good job on spotting it. It was right there in front of me the whole time, and I didn't even notice. --Mr.M
  5. Mayno

    I Am Not Toph!

    ^^This^^ And that's why he's on the Staff. --Mr.M
  6. Mayno

    Ibanez Rg5ex1

    A lot of musicians do. Willy Nelson has Trigger, B. B. King had Lucille, Billy Gibbons has Pearly Gates and Muddywood, Brian May has Red Special, Eddie Van Halen has Frankenstrat, need I go on? That is a nice looking guitar. Does it play well? Need help with the name? Say, what are your other guitars? Am I asking a lot of questions? --Mr.M
  7. Mayno


    Couldn't resist. But seriously, that sucks. :/ Well, at least you don't have to wait three months. --Mr.M
  8. Mayno

    Offline Today

    'Tis be no problem. Intellectuality ay? How about a nice talk about.. jeez, I don't know! There's a lot you could talk about. You could always talk about something a little more... controversial (not something huge of course), but then you'd be running the risk of having an argument, and that could escalate into rule breaking and then you'd have the blog team in here and that would probably not end well. Oh! How about what music means. Or why people came up with music in the first place. Or perhaps the meaning of some songs. Meh, I'm lacking in ideas and words today. --Mr.M
  9. *Keels over sometime within eighty-six years*

    I'm going to go live my life to the fullest!

    Sooo, you write stories sometimes, correct? :D

  10. Oz noez! I've been eating raw oatmeal all my life! I'm going to die within one hundred years!

    And there's so much I haven't done!


  11. Well in that case... I have a short story. Soulless. Or you could just click my sig. Read and review, comment and criticize if you want. --Mr.M
  12. So when is the next WA weekly update? Or... is this it?! [flash=100,100] http://www.instantsfun.es/swf/drama.swf --Mr.M
  13. Well I'll be busy for quite a while. Teammates PM me and we'll talk. --Mr.M
  14. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « The sight was stunning. The sight was magnificent. The sight was blinding in its beauty. The sight was heartbreaking. But the observer did not care. The observer only cared that it was happening, and why, and what the results would be. The observer— he with twenty thousand years of life behind him— could only think that what he saw was nothing more than another cosmological episode that was to be analyzed and studied. It was happening relatively quickly to a being of such long life, and as a result the observer would have passed this down as just another quick examination had it not been for the fact that this rapid event was an opportunity to learn something new. An opportunity to scrutinize another obscure parallelism of the universe in the hope to understand its workings; perhaps to gain some insight to how the observer might accomplish his given task. And as all this was happening— the sight and the observation of the sight— a war was being waged. Blameless civilians and passive countrymen were being subjected to statute by strength; their sovereignty and liberties taken away by the might of the masses, continually driving onward to the beat of imperialism. All fell to the vigorous legion and the machinations of the hated Barraki. And their great protector did nothing, because it was not disturbing the ‘balance’. The very same balance that kept him alive. For their protector, their sanctified being of supreme power, could not care for the individuals or the people as a mass so long as he was in a state of health. Even when he weakened because of his people’s strife, he would not turn to them and aim to cure their civil turmoil. No, for he had created organizations to deal with such important matters as universal peace. Their protector, their adored guardian, was nothing but an automaton devoid of emotion or feeling. And as this war waged, not once disturbing the perpetuated equilibrium, the observer watched the tragic sight unfolding before his analytical gaze. The system was not too large—just the right size in fact; the five planets carefully strung to their orbits around the glowing star. An adolescent star for a sun, the planets, trace amounts of cosmic rays, a lack of nearby stars, and modest interstellar debris made this a very healthy system. Therefore, the observer could not understand why the life bearing third and fourth planets were heading towards the bright sun. A quick study revealed that the gravitational field of the fourth and massive fifth planets seemed to be interacting in a normal manner, resulting in the massive pushing and pulling that was changing the third planet into a scorched rock. The second and first planets both were orbiting the other side of the sun and thus did not feel much of the gravitational dancing of the outer planets. An interestingly random accident. Firestorms erupted on the surface of the lush third planet and fast became visible from space. The oceans boiled away and steam swiftly filled the evaporating atmosphere, obscuring the conflagration that ravaged below. The planet collided into the sun, and the star hastily consumed the elements composing the now obliterated celestial body. The fourth planet did not have such a horrible fate. It would survive; but most of its life would not. The gravitational affect of the gigantic fifth planet pushed the it closer to the sun. The fourth planets massive ocean flowed over the single continent that it bore. All land life forms drowned in the newly created ocean planet and temperatures raised by eight degrees. Most aquatic life died. To the observer this was nothing more than gravitational interplay between planets. This observation led to another question, concerning why such a large body should exist in an otherwise small system with comparatively undersized planets. Several observations, studies, and one experiment were then performed, resulting in the most likely reason to be concluded upon: Due to the proximity to the galactic center, the metallicity of this solar system was particularly high. This meant that large planets could form. Not only this, but high metallicity also increases the density of the protoplanetary disk and thereby induces said giant planets to shift position. These massive planets would then dominate and determine the fate of minor planets as their gravitational fields pushed and pulled. This proved a possibly useful piece of knowledge given the observers purpose: to reform a shattered planet. But that did not matter. Even though the observation made would help the observer with his duty, he did not once give a thought to the life just obliterated. He did not care about the life of others; he did not care about the life of his own people. That made all the difference to his life. For in his years of existence, The Great Spirit Mata Nui never had a soul. And there it is. --Mr.M
  15. If you say so. Yeah The White Lotus was a good idea, and they handled it really well until the end. The idea of this ancient secret society that transcends the boundaries of the four nations, seeking philosophy, beauty and truth is a great idea and it added an air of mystery throughout the series. I just don't agree with decision of having Pakku, Bumi and Jeong Jeong all of the sudden turn out to be members without any hint of a connection to the Order. That said, I do think the idea is good, and has a lot of potential exploration. Who started the Order? What other members are there? What major historic events have a connection to the Order? And of course there are still the unanswered question of whether or not Sokka was initiated. I find the idea to be plausible; as I believe the White Lotus has tiers of membership (you know, the whole first degree-to-second degree-to-third degree). Heck, if Sokka was initiated Zuko, Aang, Toph (one of my favorite characters ), and Katara might have been as well. I'm sure we'll find out in the new series. Also: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « --Mr.M
  16. Yes, of course. But I can still submit it as a short story in next weeks entry, no? --Mr.M
  17. Yayz. Um... my final writing is about 850 words. I like it a lot, so I'm going to post it as a flash fiction story and enter it here. Is that okay? --Mr.M
  18. Soooo, when's the deadline? Is it tomorrow? Can it be tomorrow at midnight please? --Mr.M
  19. I be a not-so-well-known member who want's his name on a map! Because --Mr.M
  20. I just realized. Tahoes are made by Chevy. I don't know trucks. >

  21. Uhh, I don't think you're getting it back. I assume you didn't go to his.. funeral?

  22. You wouldn't happen to a flame thrower, would you?

  23. Would you like me to clean the gutters while I'm up there?

  24. Yo Taka! Better hurry up and print screen the front page, because you're todays featured member. So hurry up, bfore it's to late.

    Also: 'Ello. ^^

  25. *pops out of hole in ground*

    "Ello. Would you care for some cookies I baked for Turakii?

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