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Status Updates posted by ALVIS

  1. ALVIS

    Hey, I noticed you reading my epic, All Of Reality... care to review it? :)

  2. Hey, orion. Chapter 22 of my epic is up, just in case you're interested. I normally notify fans via the Personal Message system, but yours is disabled, so...

  3. Hey, welcome to BZP! I noticed you reading my epic - care to review it in the topic linked at the bottom of each chapter?

  4. Hey, your birthday's one day after mine! :P

    ...and one year before...

  5. Hi, Chapter 23 up...

  6. Huzzah, forums are back!

  7. I didn't read your whole Interests list, but Chapter 32 of Ask Vezon! is up. Do I get cookies now? :P

  8. I dunno... can Cybermen even blink?

  9. I eagerly anticipate the next chapter of the Continent...

  10. I had a question, Electon. How'd you come to find my comedy, anyways? :P

  11. I have a whopper of a project due in nine days, so I wouldn't expect any new updates during that time. I promise I'll write a new chapter once I'm done. :)

  12. I have returned as Angel Bob. Regrettably, I'm going to be very busy for the next few weeks, so I wouldn't expect Season 3 of Makuta Hunt any time soon. :(

  13. I have two gigantic projects due now, so I won't be writing much for the next week, I'm afraid. Perhaps I'll start Season Three sometime during the summer, when I'll have some time to write quality stories.

  14. I made you my friend, but now it tells me to make you my friend. Odd... let us just remember that we are mutual friends due to you liking my comedy.

  15. I promise you, I will be returning to the BZP Library at some time, but I can't give a definitive answer. School's a bore...

    1. Underscore


      can't argue with that

  16. I saw the comments you put on Hero Factory Must Die's page, and I appreciate that you tried diplomacy - but it came off a bit like fighting hate with hate. Next time, try to be a bit calmer, 'kay? ;)

  17. I shall return to my previous persona on Saturday! It is confirmed!

  18. I should really get around to writing Chapter 1 of The Poisoned Island...

  19. I'll write Chapter 2 momentarily -- I promise! Busy as of late, that's all.

  20. I'll write Chapter 2 momentarily -- I promise! Busy as of late, that's all.

  21. I'm getting this feeling that Snake rarely checks his comment box...

  22. I'm trying to help you out here. Every single one of your posts I see is negative, just griping, whining, and flaming. This has made you an enemy of many BZPers. I strongly suggest you rethink your words BEFORE posting in future so that you don't wind up like infamous -Sarcon-.

  23. I've posted a new short story, Sundown, that's my first Hero Factory work. Reviews would be appreciated. :)

  24. I've written Chapter 6, but I'm hesitant to post it until I'm confident it's perfect. Be patient. :)

  25. Ima gonna take a random guess and say B6's teddy bear. :P

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