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That Klaresh Dude

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Everything posted by That Klaresh Dude

  1. ......Now THAT ^^^ is just plain rude! D=< Calling me stupid! -Klaresh
  2. If the police say that it's legal then I'd trust them. If it was the government, sony, the police, or the President I'd trust them. -Klaresh
  3. Oh um, I heard you were making a yahoo email? :D

  4. I can only trust Sony.... If they say it's legal then that's ok. -Klaresh
  5. *shakes your violently* WHY HAVEN'T YOU MADE A BLOG?!?! D=

  6. NO! HACKING IS ILLEGAL! And How come you were on here but not yahoo? D= Hacking your PSP isn't illegal. You can put homebrew on it. Downloading games and putting it on your PSP is illegal. You can hack a 3000 though (I'm pretty sure of it). Oh really? Then give me proof that hacking isn't illegal. I want proof before I hack. -Klaresh
  7. That's a pretty good idea. jk.
  8. That Klaresh Dude


    I hate you too. jk. Btw I now have 139 silly bandz
  9. NO! HACKING IS ILLEGAL! And How come you were on here but not yahoo? D=
  10. O.o People come up with the weirdest names.
  11. I'm gonna get a psp 3000 and Starwars battlefront elite squadron (for psp obviously) anytime soon.
  12. Ok.... How many slices of pizza can you stuff in your mouth at one time? -Klaresh
  13. No offense but you come up with dumb names. -Klaresh
  14. I know these pics aren't hacked but, who here agrees with me that hacking a psp (like getting homebrew channel) is illegal?
  15. Should I change my name when I can? If so gimme some ideas of what to change it to.
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