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Toa Chuck

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Posts posted by Toa Chuck

  1. Before each round of the game,if you click on the matoran in the 'Chronicler's Company member portfolio',they each say what sort of rahi they are good and not good against(I don't remember any quotes).So the matoran indeed did have different stats.

    They say they do, but keep in mind most of the rahi they mention don't even show up in the game.

    I'm curious if a code digger could provide an answer.

  2. In the battle of Kini-Nui, as you control the matoran, I noticed as a kid that some acted differently than others. Kapura always seemed to land huge hits, and Macku seemed untouchable. Was I just crazy, or do the matoran have different stats in that little mini-game? And if so, what are they?

  3. Based on what we have seen, this is what I predict bionicle's three year plan is:

    2015: Quest for Ekimu and the mask of creation

    2016: Quest to stop Makuta and the mask of control

    2017: Ultimate showdown against the sentient and out of control mask of ultimate power.

    • Upvote 6
  4. I've been following this since chapter 7 was released, and i must say that i have immensly enjoyed your retelling of the bionicle story. It makes great sense out of many obscure plot points, a great main character, and is overall very enjoyable.

    However, i feel it is my duty to point out a somewhat glaring canonical error. In swamp of secrets, when takanuva watches the toa mata's initial training, there is a scene when hydraxon uses spinax on the toa. He then comments that spinax will be accompanying him on his next assignment(the pit). In your story, hydraxon does not get spinax till much later.

    Other than that, a great read. Keep it up!

  5. Yellow Flip-Flop was the color used for the 2002 Golden Kanohi, so named due to its solid color from the front and transparency from the back. It shared this property with silver flip-flop used for the silver masks, and red flip-flop used for copper masks of victory.

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  6. I know everyone's going to jump on me simultaneously for saying this, but I hope that, if this passes review, they'll take advantage of it being divorced from its JP context and change the erroneous aspects of it so we can have a beautifully accurate LEGO T. rex.

    Out of curiousity, what inacuracies do you see? With all the issues with the dilophosaurs and veloceraptors, I never really saw any physical errors with Mr. Rex. While its true that T-Rex had good eyesight and an excellent sense of smell (Just don't move! I'm sure it won't smell you or anything!), this doesn't make a difference in a set. As for feathers, while we know that smaller theropods have them, the bigger ones are much more uncertain.

    I am however, displeased at this Tyranosaur's apparent lack of teeth.

  7. I accept Portalfig's offer of allying, summon a flying makutafish named Fredrick, and then me and Fredrick punch fishers.


    Portalfig (Major Maes Hughes), Toa of Earth: 30 Life, 2 Attack

    Toa Chuck, Toa of Fire: 20 Life, 2 Attack

    Fredrick the Flying MakutaFish: 3 life, 2 Attack

    fishers64, Vortixx Mastermind: 41 Life, 5 Attack

    Nikan (keiththelegokid), Krahka: 20 Life, 2 Attack

    Toa Vanson, Toa of Stone: 20 Life, 2 Attack

    Krelsin, Vortixx: 20 Life, 3 Attack

    Tahtorak, 3 life, 2 attack
  8. I must agree.

    While Bionicle G2 has been fantastic set wise, the story is a real let down. They seem to be trying to overcompensate fixing old Bionicle's complexity, to the point where half the main characters don't even have names or personalities. I mean, Ninjago and Chima gave every single character a name, and those were complete flops (oh wait).


    Really though, my main issue is that the story isn't taking itself seriously. Remember MNOG? Sure it was lighthearted, and there was plenty of humor, but it still took itself seriously. The enemies were actually threatening. You got the feeling that the island was in real danger.

    In G2, the threat level is little more than a bunch of spooky scary skull spiders rampaging around remote areas of the island that can be defeated with pretty much any AOE elemental attack. There is no drama. We know the Toa will win, because there is no real reason for us to think otherwise. Not to mention that the Toa's personalities have been dumbed down to the point that I'm actually rooting for the bad guys.


    I just don't get it. With Ninjago (and to a lesser extent Chima and Hero Factory) doing so well story wise, I had high hopes for Bionicle. I just don't get it. Oh well. At least the sets are great.

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