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Toa Chuck

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Posts posted by Toa Chuck

  1. Ok, here is my logic. Quisoves' list shows who is possibly the killer. Logically, if anyone on the list was on a different innocent list, that reduces their odds of being mafia. As such, here are my findings.


    Toa Chuck - day three innocent
    Quisoves - day two innocent
    Smooth Jazz - day two and four innocent
    - day five innocent


    As such, I vote Gengar, as the most likely to be mafia.

  2. 1. It is a full reboot as far as we know. There are some hints and rumors that it may have some sort of link, but don't get your hopes up.

    2. After journey's end, Greg continued two story serials, The powers that be, and the yesterday quest. (Shamad's tale was also completed in 2011). However, neither serial was finished, and so contains a lot of loose ends. Anything else has come from bits a pieces from Greg, so really, you haven't really missed much.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I was just reading Aanchir's excellent review of kopaka, and I noticed something. In the instructions page highlighting the "combo" model, it shows a brief ad for the bionicle app. In this, you can see a still of the protector of fire with a fireball in his hand. Does this mean the protectors have low level elemental powers?

  4. Indeed, it is a bit odd. The 2.0 wave of hero factory had quite a few unique shell pieces, but they have not made any new shells since then(Unless you count the 3.0 paw). The odd thing is, if you look at drilldozer, he has a unique chest armor that no other sets have used, along with an extra long shell only seen again on waspix. While new cladding is always welcome, shells both old and new would be appreciated.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Oh! Funky color scheme, but it actually works really well and the build is great! I love it!  :D

    The color scheme isn't as concise as I would like it, but I feel that it works with his incredibly greebly texture. Ideally he would be black, dark red, trans GITD blue, and silver. At the very least, he is way better than his early versions, which also added lime green to the mix.


    Looked like a variation on Ultimate Dume, but has some good ideas, like the Takadox armour.

    Not sure where you got those vibes. Kyro is a makuta, so they are both winged bipeds? And yes, Takadox armor is awesome.



    typically as BIONICLE gave less pieces to a set (Voya Nui & Karda Nui Matoran, as well as the Agori) the less I liked them because (aside from MOCing potential) they just ended up looking like dodgy ... not anything really; a huge chunk of plastic in a specific mold simply looked less aesthetically pleasing than an equivalent overall shape built with my pieces (even if to do that was very awkward on the 'inside'/'backside')


    Why do you mention the Voya Nui Matoran in this phrase when they included no new molds amongst them? Like the Rahaga (actually moreso than the rahaga, given their lack of year-specific launcher) they were made completely of old pieces, and were actually the most diverse and interesting range of Matoran sets Bionicle ever had.


    They were essentially a convenient way to use up surplus pieces from previous years (Toa Metru masks being the most obvious).


    Not so sure about that. They definitely seemed to be newly produced. The weapons are notable for being some of the first in the new pearl silver, and dalu's rau is a slightly different shade than Nokama's. More likely, they didn't want to make new molds due to the piraka and ignika ushering in the new bionicle system.

    • Upvote 3
  7. If you are looking for a mask that could be controlling the skull spiders, look no further than Makuta's Mask of Control. The Moup seems to be elementally powered, while the golden skull spider could be something else entirely. My guess? Its an elite skull spider, akin to the shadow kraata. Maybe the golden skull spider can disguise itself as other masks.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 2004:

    Turaga reveal they were once toa in metru-nui. Vakama retells the story of how they stopped Makuta, and brought some of the matoran to the island of mata-nui.


    Vakama tells how they returned to metru-nui, got mutated by evil skull visorak spiders, and ultimately rescued all the matoran.


    The Toa Nuva go to Voya-Nui to find the mask of life in order to stop Mata-Nui from dieing, however, they get defeated by an evil gang of yo-yo Piraka. Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu go to Voya-nui to save the toa nuva, and become Toa Ignika. They recover the mask of life, but the mask decides to be difficult, and goes into the ocean.


    The Toa Ignika get turned into amphibious toa mahri, and they go to once again recover the mask of life, which ended up in the claws of some evil creeps mutant warlords. Matoro then uses the mask to sacrifice himself to save mata-nui's life.


    The toa nuva gain flying armor, and go to Karda-nui to face off against the brotherhood of bats and bugs Makuta. Takanuva and the toa of life show up, and ultimately the toa nuva awaken mata-nui.

    Plot twist: Mata-Nui is a giant robot!

    Secondary plot twist: Makuta took over the giant robot.

    Third plot twist: red star zombie maker Mata-Nui's spirit is put in the mask of life and is ejected from the robot.


    Scene change! Mata-Nui lands on the planet of bara-magna, befriends the locals, defeats the mighty tumor Tuma, and aquires a smaller giant robot.


    Makuta lands on bara magna, and fights mata-nui. Meanwhile, tahu gets turned back into a toa mata, he puts on the golden armor, and it destroys all the rahkshi, allowing mata nui to moon defeat makuta.


    Biomechanical dinosaurs! Turns out Velika, a minor secondary character from 2006 is a great being. Also, Kopaka and Pohatu are trapped in space with a bunch of zombies. This year was canceled due to Greg being busy.

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