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Toa Chuck

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Posts posted by Toa Chuck

  1. Hmm...

    The one true clue we have indicates someone who doesn't mind cold, but a Ko-Matoran seems a bit obvious. Still, analyzing today's scene, I can't find any clues, so I guess that's the only real lead I can see. It helps that this is more of a detecting vote, rather than a lynch vote.

    I vote Kopekemaster.

    Although, the rules say the group needs a day to recover to vote again, does that just mean we can only vote once a day?


    Leaked information removed. -B6

    ruh roh, you'd better drop that leaked content before B6 comes in and removes it for you 0_o


    I'm not so sure. As others have pointed out, through URL manipulation, you can try to access the sets through shop at home, and it will give a not available page, rather than the default not found page. Seems pretty validated to me.
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