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Posts posted by PutYaGunsOn

  1. Hey, guys.  I threw this together last night and then edited it just now.  I’m getting into making Bonkle fanon, something I haven’t really done in years.  I had my character “Hakura, Toa of Plasma” for a long time, but I never really did anything with him.  So why not start now?  Consider this little short story the beginning of my fanon.  I'm probably gonna write more of these.




    Jion.  An island in the Matoran Universe located just northeast of the Southern Continent.  An island with a history of war.  The Fe-Matoran of the northern cliffs, the Bo-Matoran of the eastern forest, the Su-Matoran of the southern beaches, and the Vo-Matoran of the western plains all coexisted on the small island.  The four tribes fought each other for its resources for hundreds of years, until Toa Suno, one of the first Toa of Plasma, made them aware of the dangerous monsters of the center, and united them against it for the sake of their protection.


    Having survived against the common enemy, the four tribes began to regard each other as friends, and built a city in the center of their home island.  In honor of the Toa of Plasma who united them, the city became called Su-Metru.  Though a handful of Matoran continued to live in the original villages, the majority migrated to the center, while those who remained in the villages acted as coast guards.  For thousands of years, Jion continued to prosper, with Su-Metru becoming an advanced city where Matoran of different types could work together and see each other as equals.  Soon, other types of Matoran, including Fa-Matoran, De-Matoran, Ba-Matoran, and Ce-Matoran, came to live in Su-Metru as it expanded from the center.


    Though Suno remained the island’s main protector for these thousands of years, he felt that his destiny was complete, and that he needed successors.  Thus, he found one destined Matoran from each of the four original villages: Fe-Koro, Bo-Koro, Su-Koro, and Vo-Koro.


    The four gathered at the Spirit Temple of Su-Metru to begin their new destiny.


    Four Matoran entered the four doors of the Spirit Temple towards the Great Suva, each holding a glowing stone.  From the northern entrance, a Fe-Matoran in silver and rust-colored armor and a burnt orange Kanohi Kakama.  From the eastern entrance, a Bo-Matoran in green and cyan armor and a green Kanohi Miru.  From the southern entrance, a Su-Matoran in black and white armor and a red Kanohi Hau.  Finally, from the western entrance, a Vo-Matoran in blue and white armor and a white Kanohi Akaku.


    “So,” the Bo-Matoran started.  “You three are gonna be my teammates?”


    “Aggai?” the Su-Matoran called out to the Bo-Matoran.  “Toa Suno chose you too?”


    “Hakura?” the Bo-Matoran replied to the Su-Matoran.  “I’d recognize that armor and that red mask anywhere!  You’re gonna be a Toa too!  This is great!”


    The Vo-Matoran looked at the two, eyebrows raised.  “You two know each other?”


    “Yeah,” the Su-Matoran replied.  “I’m Hakura.”  He pointed to the Bo-Matoran.  “And that’s my friend Aggai.”


    “Charmed,” Aggai replied with a smirk.


    “I’m Giyan,” the Vo-Matoran replied.  She motioned her hand to the Fe-Matoran.  “And who’s our friend over here?”


    “Call me Zugok,” the Fe-Matoran replied, bowing slightly from the waist.  “Nice to meet all of you.”


    “Well,” Aggai called out.  “Let’s do this thing!”


    “You’re an assertive one,” Zugok replied with only a slight hint of sarcasm.  “Perhaps you’ll be our leader?”


    “I know he looks pretty easygoing, but I can vouch for him,” Hakura added.  “I’m for it.”


    “Let’s not hold this up,” Giyan finished.  “Shall we?”


    “Right.”  The other three Matoran replied at once.  In unison, the four Matoran placed their stones into the nearest empty slots in the Suva.  The shrine glowed as it engulfed the four Matoran in a bright light.


    The four began to examine their hands and the rest of their bodies, then each other.  "Hey, we got taller!" Aggai exclaimed.


    "Well, yeah," Giyan replied.  "We're Toa now.  Of course we're taller!  And it feels great!"


    “Wow…” Hakura quietly exclaimed.  “Not to sound vain here, but my armor never looked so good!” he added as he looked down at himself.  For a Su-Matoran, Hakura always had quite a unique color scheme, which transitioned beautifully into his Toa form.  From his chest down to his feet, it seemed as though his armor faded almost perfectly from black into white; his upper body covered in black with a dark shade of grey along his arms, and his lower body a lighter grey fading into white feet.  His red mask gave a contrast which made it clear that he was a Su-Matoran.  However, though not impossible, the red mask was still highly uncommon compared to the oranges and whites commonly associated with his kind.


    Hakura looked over to his friend, who himself was covered in bright green armor with heavy cyan accents.  His overall build looked strong yet agile, fitting for one who spent much of his life climbing trees.


    “Aggai!” Hakura exclaimed, surprised.  “Your hands!”


    “What!?” Aggai looked down at his hands and let out a slight yell.  His silver fingers were much larger than he remembered, and ended in sharp points.


    “Are these my...tools?”


    Giyan laughed.  “You look just like Toa Suno!” she commented, referring to Aggai’s claws, as they were identical to Suno’s own.  “Maybe this is a sign that you’re our new leader after all!”


    “Perhaps it is,” Zugok replied to the Toa of Lightning.  “I was only joking, you know.”


    “Hey, where are your tools?” Aggai asked the other three.


    Hakura looked to the middle of the Suva to see a curved sword, two large handheld daggers shaped like forks, and a spear.  “I’ll take this one!”  He reached for the sword and stabbed the sky, as he channeled a small surge of plasma along the blade.


    “These look pretty nice!”  Giyan grabbed the two forks and twirled them while covering them in lightning, finishing in a defensive stance.


    “In that case, I’ll take the spear.”  Zugok reached for the spear and took a firm, solid upright stance while holding it at a ready position.


    “Well, what do we call ourselves now?” Hakura asked, looking to Aggai.


    “We are the first actual Toa Team of Jion,” Giyan replied.  “The Toa Jion?”


    “Works for me!” Zugok commented.


    “What say you, o fearless leader?” Hakura asked Aggai in a slightly joking manner.


    “I like it!” Aggai confirmed.  “Toa Jion it is!”


    Zugok heard small footsteps over the other Toa’s banter.  “Hey!  Over there!” he called to the other three, pointing behind Hakura.  The three looked in the direction in which Zugok pointed.


    There stood a small, hunched figure clad in orange and white armor, an orange Kanohi Pakari, and a staff with a claw-shaped head.  “Ah, it is nice to see you four getting along so well!” the small figure commented with a laugh.  His voice was firm, but with a sense of gentleness.


    “Toa...Suno!?” the four Toa called out, immediately recognizing the small figure.


    “No,” the elder replied.  “That’s Turaga Suno to you.  You are all Toa now.  I have completed my destiny by uniting the people of Jion, and now it is your duty to protect them, as I continue to serve as their guide.”


    The four young Toa stood attentively.  “Yes, Turaga!”


    “Now, follow me.  Your people are waiting for their heroes.”


    Turaga Suno stepped out of the southern entrance, greeted by a crowd of Matoran of different types, all gathered to hear their new elder speak.


    “People of Su-Metru!” Suno announced.  “You, the people of Jion, were once warring tribes.  I have completed my destiny by uniting you all against the beasts of this island, and upon our victory, we founded our glorious city together as a symbol of the unity and friendship between our peoples.  Starting today, our four new heroes will continue to uphold that, and to protect us from those who threaten it.  Come forth, Toa Jion!”


    “The leader, Toa Aggai, the Spirit of the Green!” Suno announced as Aggai stepped forward, waving his silver clawed hand at his admirers.


    “Toa Hakura, the Spirit of Plasma!” Hakura stepped forward as Suno announced his name, proudly raising his fist in celebration as he grinned at the audience.


    “Toa Giyan, the Spirit of Lightning!” Giyan followed suit, simply stepping forward with a determined expression on her face.


    “And Toa Zugok, the Spirit of Iron!” Zugok calmly stepped forward, appearing much calmer than his teammates.


    “You four now represent the strength, the heart of the Matoran of Jion, as their new protectors!”


    As the four Toa took turns bumping fists in celebration, the Matoran of Jion cheered their new heroes on.  Jion was about to experience a new era.




    Trivia: Besides Hakura, the other three Toa Jion’s names are Gundam references.

    EDIT: Fixed some typos.


    Kinetics – Movement based element based around manipulating speed and energy of attacks and using enemy’s strength and speed against them. There was a lot of people who wanted this, and a lot of those who didn’t including Greg who believed that the concept behind it was too difficult for kids to grasp onto.  Though after many fans petitioning him about it there was a BZP official Poll on whether the fans wanted it added or not. Majority voted against it (Think it was around 57%-43%) and thus it remained uncanon.

    Oooh, this sounds pretty awesome, actually.  I kinda want to make a Toa of Kinetics now.


    You're in luck, my Pirate Red Ranger friend.  It's still not official LEGO canon, but I'd suggest you check out the Expanded Multiverse sticky in this forum if you haven't already.  IIRC, all of the elements that Roki listed, including Kinetics, are (fanon) "official" Matoran/Toa elements in that universe.  If you need inspiration for color schemes or abilities, I'd swing by there.

  3. Plasma is also a pretty unique element for a character.  Don't see too many original Toa of Plasma.


    Anyway, you have the same name as this guy, at least in Japan.

    I was wondering when somebody would make the connection!  He's my favorite Super Sentai character ever.  Of all time.  That's why I based my screen name off of him.

    I mean, look who's in my sig.  Also, only a couple of days ago, I was going by "Shinken Green", so is it really surprising that I'd make that connection?  :P  It's the first thing I thought of!


    Anyway, just to stay on topic, you're a space alien pirate who just so happens to look like a Japanese person and somehow speaks perfect Japanese despite being from space.


    I once modified Roodaka so she was predominately red, for no reason whatsoever other than to see how it looked, I guess.


    that actually sounds pretty cool. I'm going to try that.


    A blue Sidorak might be neat as well.




    That's what I love about the number of colors that LEGO released those pieces in.  You could make your own custom Vortixx or...whatever Sidorak's species is called, if you're one of those "set-accurate" types.


    Anyway, for the rest of y'all's and for the sake of staying on topic, I figure I might as well bring this up.  My very first OC ever, who I'm currently using as my username, was a Tahu and later Tahu Nuva recolor named Hakura.  He was conceived as a Ta-Matoran with a very odd color scheme (Red Hau, Nuparu's body, Kohrak Va feet, so technically a Jala recolor too?), then I made him a Toa later, and then a Toa Nuva.  I retconned him as Plasma some time after, even before we knew the canon colors (they were red and white in my headcanon, plus that was a pretty common color for plasma MOCs at the time).  But since red isn't far off from orange, and black is pretty much a universal color in the Bionicle-verse anyway, I figured, why not just keep him as he's always been?


    His build with both forms was just a complete copy of Tahu's build (though I used a Lewa Nuva katana for the Mata/Old form), but with an Onua-colored upper body and Kopaka-colored lower body.  I think I started off just using Tahu's eye color, but switched to Kopaka's later on to make him less Tahu-like.  Besides, I'm gonna use him in the BZPRPG, and a lot of Plasma characters there have blue eyes anyway, so why not?

  5. You buy them, only to find they're cheap Chinese knockoffs covered in lead paint and break more easily than the 2007 lime pieces.  There is no way to get your money back.


    I wish some of the old Bionicle story team would make a well-written story arc set entirely in The Melding universe.

  6. Here's my first character.  Possibly more to come.

    NAME: Hakura
    SPECIES: Su-Toa
    ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
    GENDER: Male
    APPEARANCE: Hakura has an average fit masculine build that one would expect from a young but experienced Toa.  His eyes are blue like superheated fire.  His armor contains the entire range of colors between black and white, with his upper body armor gravitating towards black and darker greys, and his lower body leaning towards lighter grey with white greaves and boots on his feet.  One can almost say that his armor starts black on top and fades into white towards the bottom.  He will typically wear red masks.
    Here's a roughly-edited picture of him.  Just pretend he's channeling plasma through his sword at this moment (his weapon does not look like a flame sword).
    MASK: Great Hau
    WEAPONS: Heat Falchion
    POWERS: A Toa of Plasma, Hakura can create and control superheated plasma, and is naturally resistant to heat, similar to Ta-Matoran.  He typically channels these powers through his Heat Falchion, though he can simply channel it through his hand if need be.
    Due to the mask he wears, Hakura can create a forcefield around himself which is immune to physical attacks, however it only protects him from attacks that he is aware of.
    PERSONALITY: Hakura is an overall easygoing Toa, but knows when to take things seriously.  His temper is not particularly short, though this often changes in battle, where he can often let his more primal emotions take over.  When outside of battle, he has an easy time making friends, and always gives people the due respect that he believes they deserve.  However, when around people that he does not like, he loves to mock them and suddenly gains a sarcastic streak.  Though some may say that Hakura has many conflicting personality traits, he would tell you that he is always true to himself, but that he just shows different sides of himself depending on who he is around.
    When around a female Toa or similar species (Dasaka, Lesterin, etc) that he finds attractive, Hakura is often known to put on a sense of bravado, though it is rarely if ever intentional.  Despite this, he still tries to show the best sides of himself.
    HISTORY: Formerly a Su-Matoran, Hakura spent much of his time on Mata Nui in Ta-Koro, feeling at home in the heat.  Because of this and the close bonds with the Ta-Matoran, he practically came to consider himself a Ta-Matoran, and would sometimes forget that he wasn't.  When he became a Toa, he continued working for the guard, but he rarely left the village.  He eventually decided to go his own way and protect those he cares about on his own terms.  His sudden thirst for adventure also prompted him to do things his own way.  Wanting to broaden his own horizons, he has moved onto Po-Wahi.  Though it was not quite Ta-Koro, the desert heat was still comforting to him, and he felt that living out in the wide desert was better than being cooped up inside a volcano.  He has grown attached to the Po-Matoran as well.
    WEAKNESSES: Hakura gets nervous from extreme heights, though he wants to work on overcoming this fear.  Whenever he gets frustrated, his fighting technique starts to deteriorate, and he may resort to brute strength, even when the opponent is stronger than him.  He can also easily become so focused on one goal to the point where he forgets everything else, and his closest friends worry that this could lead him down a dark path.  If he messes up in front of a beautiful female, his pride becomes much more easily hurt.
    FUN TRIVIA FACT: Hakura is a throwback to my Bionicle-loving childhood, and was my very first OC ever.  I came up with him in 2003 as a McToran with a black upper body, white feet, and red Hau...but he was supposed to be a Ta-Matoran.  Why my little 8-year-old self chose that color scheme beats me, but it stuck, and I rebuilt him as a Toa after watching Mask of Light.
    Now that I'm back into Bionicle, I've retconned him as a Plasma Toa with a strong connection to fire elementals, since his color scheme is much more plasma than fire.  But he's essentially the same character.
  7. Not sure how I feel about using Nokama Hordika's face, since it still looks very "Hordika", but I like what you did here.  I always loved Lhikan's shield, so that's a good choice there.  The tattered cape is definitely a nice touch.


    Before people start giving you flak for the straight Inika build, I personally think it makes sense.  She is the first Toa, after all, so I'd definitely imagine that she would have a simple build like that, with little to no decoration or extra bits.  Just a straightforward, practical build for a Toa.

  8. This is the first time I heard the islands of the MU being contained within domes... Do there happen to be any references where I can refer to? 

    I honestly forgot about them until Chip Biscuit brought them up, but I remember now.


    As early as '04 I wanna say, when we learned that Metru Nui was underground, I believe Greg Farshtey himself confirmed that the Matoran Universe was a series of underground domes, each containing a group of islands while Metru Nui had its own dome.  I think that's probably as close as he could get to telling us the truth without revealing the giant robot.  Sadly, I don't think I can direct you to anything, since we don't have anything that old here.

  9. I also remember making a black/medium blue pokawi (same color scheme as the medium blue nui jaga) and a brown and dark gray one which I loved, or course I like them better with minifig katanas for beaks and still don't know why they weren't used on the original pokawi?

    I always figured they could come in different colors, like a lot of tropical birds.


    Thinking about also making a Mukau-colored Artakha Bull (using Toa Nokama and Guurahk as main sets, but with some beige parts from '01 Pohatu if/when needed).  As soon as I find time to dig up my old Bonkles and actually make stuff, I'll probably make whatever recolors I can.





    I once built an ice version of Gali Mata. Problem was that the mask was grey instead of white and the hooks were silver. Either way, it was a really cool palette swap.

    I can do the exact same thing.  I have silver hooks (probably from Dume and Nivawk) and a silver Kaukau from the Bohrok-era mask/krana packs, and I'm really tempted to try this now, since I still have all my Bionicle parts and that color scheme sounds really cool.


    With what I have, I can make a perfect Water Onua Nuva.  I can also make a Fire Onua with an orange mask and claws.  And if I do that, but replace all the red parts with white, it could be Plasma Onua too!  (Okay, I'm really tempted to build that last one now.)


    There's actually a Bionicle webcomic out there that uses photos, and the main characters are just the 2002 Toa Nuva rebuilt into different colors and given different names.  Though half of them have silver masks from the Kal era because I presume the author doesn't own them in their normal colors.  (Like, the Fire Toa is red Lewa with a silver mask, the Stone Toa is just brown Gali, etc.)


    It was a pretty cool color swap. You have the pieces, so I recommend building it, even if it's just for ten minutes. It's a pretty cool thing to look at, especially if you have the original Gali Mata built.


    If you do any of those, I'd love to see some pictures, especially of the Plasma Onua! Also, you could do the same for Tahu if you have the white Hau and you could make a plasma Gali if you have orange hooks.


    That's an interesting concept. The adventures of a bunch of palette swaps under different names is definitely a rare premise. Reminds me of Red vs. Blue, too; what with most of the characters basically being palette swaps of Halo's Master Chief. Anyway, as for the comic, being a photo comic just makes it better. I mean, anyone could use sprites for it, but this guy got the pieces and filmed it in real life!

    If I find time, I will.  I still have my bonkles, but they're buried in my basement somewhere.


    I also just had another idea: Iron Pohatu.  I can make him black as a base (using the dark grey Rahkshi arms for his arms), but with burnt orange joints and mask from Matoran Hewkii.  Maybe he'll have Pohatu Nuva's shoes since they're silver.


    I could also try to make different colored versions of Tahu and Lewa Nuva, but they'd have to have silver masks.  I would say Kopaka too, since I have a silver Akaku Nuva, but I don't have his shield in any other colors, so I can't really see that working.


    In that case, Root, I could also make your Stone Lewa, but he'd have to have a silver mask 'cause that's all I've got besides the default green one.


    Now, last but not least, Tahu.  I'm thinking I could make him something really out there and not at all Tahu-like.  Jungle, maybe?  He'd be green with blue limbs!  Perfect!


    Looks like we've got ourselves a solid recolor Toa Team here (though half of them are Nuva and half of them aren't, but whatever)!  Plasma Onua, Ice Gali, Iron Pohatu, Water Onua Nuva, Stone Lewa Nuva (w/ silver mask), and Plant Life Tahu Nuva (w/ silver mask)!  Perfect!


    No rush at all. If you ever get around to it, I would be curious to seeing your results.


    That's a really cool idea. I can honestly see that working. Also, I'd be more afraid of a kick from Fehatu than a kick from Pohatu. :P


    Sucks that you only got silver for those guys, but at least it would match up with the armor and weapons. Can't complain about that, I guess.


    If you can give him the cream-colored legs that I couldn't provide, I would be very pleased. However, it would be a bittersweet ending to that episode due to the lack of a brown mask. My mind will fill in the missing color, though.


    That's oddly similar to my BZPersona, a Toa of Plantlife with a Hau. I can still see it being a cool-looking palette swap, though!


    That's an interesting lineup! I can imagine a story to go along with them, too. They all have the same names and stuff, but their personalities correspond gto their element changes. For example, a colder, more antisocial version of Gali and a calmer, more collected Tahu. Obviously, there would have to be some personality traits reminiscent of the water Gali  and fire Tahu to keep them from being lazy rewrites, but I see potential here.


    I was thinking of making them more like completely new characters who just happen to look exactly like existing Toa in different colors.  (If you're ever been into Transformers toys, you should know exactly what I'm talking about.)


    Though I do like "Fehatu" for the Iron Pohatu.  Original?  No.  Fun to say?  Yeh.


    Speaking of BZPersonas, I was actually thinking of making one of these recolor Toa my new BZPersona (most likely Plasma Onua, but Fehatu sounds like an okay fit too).  My old one from '03 is a product of my 8-year-old mind and I would much rather retire him.  (I don't wanna clutter up this topic with talk of BZPersonas, so if you're curious about my old BZPersona, go ahead and PM me. :P)



    I once built an ice version of Gali Mata. Problem was that the mask was grey instead of white and the hooks were silver. Either way, it was a really cool palette swap.

    I can do the exact same thing.  I have silver hooks (probably from Dume and Nivawk) and a silver Kaukau from the Bohrok-era mask/krana packs, and I'm really tempted to try this now, since I still have all my Bionicle parts and that color scheme sounds really cool.


    With what I have, I can make a perfect Water Onua Nuva.  I can also make a Fire Onua with an orange mask and claws.  And if I do that, but replace all the red parts with white, it could be Plasma Onua too!  (Okay, I'm really tempted to build that last one now.)


    There's actually a Bionicle webcomic out there that uses photos, and the main characters are just the 2002 Toa Nuva rebuilt into different colors and given different names.  Though half of them have silver masks from the Kal era because I presume the author doesn't own them in their normal colors.  (Like, the Fire Toa is red Lewa with a silver mask, the Stone Toa is just brown Gali, etc.)


    It was a pretty cool color swap. You have the pieces, so I recommend building it, even if it's just for ten minutes. It's a pretty cool thing to look at, especially if you have the original Gali Mata built.


    If you do any of those, I'd love to see some pictures, especially of the Plasma Onua! Also, you could do the same for Tahu if you have the white Hau and you could make a plasma Gali if you have orange hooks.


    That's an interesting concept. The adventures of a bunch of palette swaps under different names is definitely a rare premise. Reminds me of Red vs. Blue, too; what with most of the characters basically being palette swaps of Halo's Master Chief. Anyway, as for the comic, being a photo comic just makes it better. I mean, anyone could use sprites for it, but this guy got the pieces and filmed it in real life!

    If I find time, I will.  I still have my bonkles, but they're buried in my basement somewhere.


    I also just had another idea: Iron Pohatu.  I can make him black as a base (using the dark grey Rahkshi arms for his arms), but with burnt orange joints and mask from Matoran Hewkii.  Maybe he'll have Pohatu Nuva's shoes since they're silver.


    I could also try to make different colored versions of Tahu and Lewa Nuva, but they'd have to have silver masks.  I would say Kopaka too, since I have a silver Akaku Nuva, but I don't have his shield in any other colors, so I can't really see that working.


    In that case, Root, I could also make your Stone Lewa, but he'd have to have a silver mask 'cause that's all I've got besides the default green one.


    Now, last but not least, Tahu.  I'm thinking I could make him something really out there and not at all Tahu-like.  Jungle, maybe?  He'd be green with blue limbs!  Perfect!


    Looks like we've got ourselves a solid recolor Toa Team here (though half of them are Nuva and half of them aren't, but whatever)!  Plasma Onua, Ice Gali, Iron Pohatu, Water Onua Nuva, Stone Lewa Nuva (w/ silver mask), and Plant Life Tahu Nuva (w/ silver mask)!  Perfect!

  12. I once built an ice version of Gali Mata. Problem was that the mask was grey instead of white and the hooks were silver. Either way, it was a really cool palette swap.

    I can do the exact same thing.  I have silver hooks (probably from Dume and Nivawk) and a silver Kaukau from the Bohrok-era mask/krana packs, and I'm really tempted to try this now, since I still have all my Bionicle parts and that color scheme sounds really cool.


    With what I have, I can make a perfect Water Onua Nuva.  I can also make a Fire Onua with an orange mask and claws.  And if I do that, but replace all the red parts with white, it could be Plasma Onua too!  (Okay, I'm really tempted to build that last one now.)


    There's actually a Bionicle webcomic out there that uses photos, and the main characters are just the 2002 Toa Nuva rebuilt into different colors and given different names.  Though half of them have silver masks from the Kal era because I presume the author doesn't own them in their normal colors.  (Like, the Fire Toa is red Lewa with a silver mask, the Stone Toa is just brown Gali, etc.)

  13. I also headcanon that a Matoran's armour colour might gradually change in response to environmental factors or health, so colours might appear duller when sick, and a Ta-Matoran might start to fade a little in extremely cold weather. Ga-Matoran who live in marshy areas might have more teal on them, possibly even green, while those who live near the sea will have deep royal and sky blues. Matoran living in urban or industrial environments will have more dark greys and silver, which can be seen in the Metru Nui Matoran compared to how they looked on Mata Nui.


    Colour changes might also occur after surgery or rebuilding, which is why nobody questioned Takua's feet turning blue, though this was actually a subconscious manifestation of his Av-Matoran power, possibly also influenced by his admiration of Gali.

    I've never thought of it that way.  That environment thing actually makes a lot of sense.


    As for Takua being partially blue after rebuilding, I just figured everyone in Ta-Koro recognized him as being "the weird blue guy" so he just rolled with it, but that makes sense too.

  14. LOL. I've questioned this mask for sometime about its other uses... There aren't many or any. Poor Kaukau users.

    Exactly why I made this topic in the first place.


    Anyway, I actually had a fun idea for a story.  A Toa is given a Kaukau despite having few chances to fight underwater as a handicap, perhaps for training/discipline purposes.  He/she has to wear it to train him/herself to be less dependent on mask powers for whatever reason.

  15. I see De-Matoran being anywhere between black and white, but also sporting sand blue. I see Fa-Matoran sporting dark tones mostly, but also somestimes blue and or red.


    As for Ce-Matoran I see them sporting by default blue and gold, but also some very strange colors to, like pink, red, purple, green even. And bizzare metallic tones, like that of say uranium almost. I also see them being able to change their colors.


    Same as Ce-Matoran, I see Bo-Matoran being able to change their colors like camoflauge, as for main colors anything green and or blue, but also Purples, black to whites, browns, and reds. Perhaps even tan.

    Oh, I like the sand blue for De-Matoran.  Nice idea.


    I like the purple for Ce-Matoran too, but the rest, I feel like they're a bit of a stretch unless they're accent colors at best.


    I think tan would make sense for Bo-Matoran, since wood is that color.  I feel like it could make a nice contrast with blue or green without clashing too much.  Good call.  I also think purple could be a good extra color for Bo-Matoran.  Though the others, I feel like they're a bit of a stretch.  I can probably see where you're getting those (flowers can be those colors), but I can't see them myself.


    Also, speaking of Fa-Matoran, Jovan had white parts on him despite being mostly black and gunmetal, so I personally fully accept white as a De-Matoran color, albeit a minor one (just an accent, not a primary).

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