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Posts posted by PutYaGunsOn

  1. My local Korean supermarket has a store with K-pop, anime, and Hello Kitty merch.  Way back in 2007, they also carried Chinese knockoff building models like the infamous Invincibility Robots (Piraka) and Gundam kits.


    I slightly regret not getting an Invincibility Robot, because I love low-quality knockoff toys.  I think the ones that got really infamous were Bohrok, but they continued well into the Piraka arc.

  2. So I take it this is just a mod of the Mata Nui Titan set with a custom mask based on the movie?


    I can dig it.  Only nitpick is that the mask looks more like his Noble Turaga mask than his Toa one.  Don't get me wrong, the mask looks excellent, but it would probably fit better with, say, a Turaga Lhikan MOC.

  3. Oh my Great Spirit, this is beautiful.  How did you manage to make 15-ish min of Tahu talking about his feelings seem so epic and funny at the same time?


    Love the mask impersonation bit.  A little out-of-character for Tahu, but it was just so funny it worked anyway.


    Only nitpick I have is that IIRC, Gali was only really the team joker in G2.  In G1, she was more of the team big sister/mom figure trying to hold everyone together, and the team joker would more likely be either Pohatu or Lewa.  But then again, Pohatu is fine.  (Then again, maybe she told jokes in the comics or books or something, so feel free to correct me if that's the case.)


    If I'm right, then Tahu's complaint could probably be more like "Gali's always trying to shove teamwork down my throat" or something along those lines.  And then when he's pointing out their good traits while trapped in the cave with Jala, he could've been like "Gali was always there for me when no one else was" or "Gali cheered me up when no one else did" (so that Tahu's laughing face in that scene would still make sense).


    But then again, I'm just nitpicking.  This was absolutely beautiful, and in my Bionicle headcanon, this actually happened.  If you had shown this (or any of your other MNOG stuff) to little 8-year-old me, I would actually have believed that this was from Templar/LEGO themselves.

  4. Maybe physical combat technique? Grappling with your foe, you use the mask and physically drag your enemy underwater making them have to struggle for breath while you're perfectly fine?

    I've thought of this, but again, if you're in an area so urban as Metru-Nui, bodies of water might be a little hard to find.  But I do like this idea.


    Okay, picture this.


    You're a Toa of Ice, you're trapped in an airtight space with no way out, and you're running out of air.  Your only resources are your Kaukau and your elemental ice powers.


    Step 1 - Make some ice

    Step 2 - Absorb all the cold from the ice (because hey, how could this aspect of Toa powers be misused?)

    Step 3 - Dunk your head in all this water you've cheated into existence

    Step 4 - Now you have enough air to last you until a Toa with a mask power that's actually useful can rescue you


    Funny, I actually thought of something similar earlier today.  It's a similar situation with a Kaukau Nuva, useful when fighting multiple enemies.  Hope you like it:


    Step 1 - Make some ice

    Step 2 - Absorb all the cold from the ice

    Step 3 - Dunk your head in all this water you've cheated into existence

    Step 4 - Activate your mask and watch all the bad guys suffocate around you while you're sitting there comfortably breathing your water


    I dunno, I kinda like the gas mask idea. And, given the goggles, I could actually see it as a popular mask for workers in a Ta-Metru forge. Furthermore, would it be able to filter out water vapor? If so, while maybe not the most practical, it could potentially make the air clearer, and at least you would breathe less humid air. Not sure how well these would all work, but hey, I thought I might share them anyways.


    Ooooh, I never thought of that forge thing, that's a new headcanon for me now.  Since Matoran masks are powerless, it's probably just a stylish pair of goggles to them.  I mean, the Kaukau looks pretty friggin' cool.


    And now that I think about it, I'm sure the goggles would be a good idea if trekking through a snowstorm (going back to the whole ice thing).


    But as soon as one of those Ta-Matoran in the forge becomes a Toa, well poop.  Now he's a Toa of Fire whose mask can only be used in water.


    Anyway, thanks for all the responses, guys!

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  5. The Ko-Toa wearing sunglasses while protecting the City. I think we have a winner of most awesome Toa.

    I like this.  He don't need no Mask Power, just cool shades to not look at explosions with.


    Well, alright, I like what I'm seeing so far.  Remembering a fallen comrade, style, actually working in a place with a lot of bodies of water...these all make sense.

  6. Just decided to swing back into the Bionicle fandom again for whatever reason.  I was thinking about this.


    The Kaukau seems to be a very specialized mask.  It lets you breathe in water and liquid protodermis, but while it's activated, you can't breathe air.  Unless you are actually a Toa of Water, or at least spend most of your life by shores, I don't see any reason to wear one, at least as a primary mask.


    If neither of those apply to a Toa, why would (s)he wear one as a default mask?


    I'm asking because I just found out that one of the four Toa Mangai of Ice is said to wear one according to BS01, and I have no idea why he would have it.  (Well, ice is water, but would an Ice Toa ever really need it?  Especially in an urban setting like Metru-Nui?)

  7. Why were the Rahi made? To give the Matoran something purdy to look at? What about all the other nameless species?

    I saw somewhere (likely BS01 or even a BZP thread) that the more dangerous Rahi were made to keep curious Matoran from exploring certain parts of the Matoran Universe, so that they don't accidentally discover that they're all inside a giant robot.


    As for more domesticated ones like goats, they just use 'em for the same reason humans do.  Farming, hauling, that kinda stuff.


    They can eat fish, so that's why fish Rahi exist.

  8. You can pretty much roll with whatever colour combination you want here, it doesn't have to adhere to canon. It's totally cool if you have something like a blue Toa of fire or a pink Toa of water, so yeah, it would fit.


    The same goes for gender, by the way. Element doesn't determine your character's gender in the BZPRPG, though the Dasaka are predominantly female with a ratio of 40:1. You can read up on them in the Kentoku Archipelago topic.

    Oh cool, thanks!


    Actually, back in the day when I started out on BZP (2003-2004), I had my own Ta-Matoran/Toa of Fire, but for some reason, he was mainly black and white with only a red mask.  No idea what I was thinking.  But now that you've told me this, I might just bring him back just like that.


    And maybe the blue and orange Fa-Toa will be his buddy or something.

  9. Hey guys, I just came back to BZPower after like years of not even thinking about Bionicle.  BZPRPG sounds kinda fun.


    I was browsing around the wiki, and I found this little bit about Toa of Magnetism in this universe being blue, orange, and silver.


    Just out of curiosity, where did they get these colors?  I thought they were just black and gunmetal grey.  All the actual Magnetism Toa on the wiki have the official canon colors instead of these.


    I might make a Magnetism Toa character myself.  A sick part of me actually likes the blue/orange/silver, so would that still fit in the BZPRPG's canon?

  10. Neutral.  As of late, I've come to accept fiction for what it is, and since I know this won't be our beloved G1 Bionicle, I've come to accept that.  I doubt it'll be nearly as complex as G1, but hey, that's because it's not G1, so I won't act like it has to live up to it.


    Plus, I haven't bought anything LEGO related since, what, 2006?  I just don't care much for LEGO in general anymore, but since Bionicle was such a big part of my childhood, I'm genuinely curious to see what the reboot is like.  


    I have no real expectations, but I have a lot of curiosity.

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  11. With his genius level of intelligence, he thinks of 1000 ways to kill you...and 941 of them hurt.


    EDIT: Ninja'd again.  They can fly, but it makes them harder to catch.  Therefore, people can no longer eat bacon.  Way to go.


    I wish every element other than Light had both genders.

  12. His stance and overall build reminds me of Bumi from Legend of Korra, who I think would make a perfect Le-Matoran/Toa of Air, especially now that he's an airbender.  :P


    Good job.  It seems like you're emphasizing more individuality for the Toa Mata.  Good change of pace from them all having the same basic body type.  Keep it up!

  13. What's not to like here?  She looks like a strong jungle warrior, as Le-Matoran should.  I also like how it looks like she's got that clearly armored look.


    But I also like the headcanon.  I remember some thread in S&T claiming that Greg apparently implied the existence of Matoran who don't identify with their tribe's gender, and a lot of people liked that idea.  I mean, if it can happen with humans, why not Matoran?  Besides, I always felt that the Rau was one of the more feminine-looking masks anyway, so it only adds to the female image here for me.  :P

    • Upvote 1
  14. You get a low quality mall katana like the one you'd find at a Gamer's Paradise or something, which would break if you swung it at a 2 liter Mountain Dew bottle, let alone a real person/zombie/whatever it is you're trying to defend yourself against.  Hey, it exists, therefore, it's real, as opposed to imaginary or fictional.  


    Edit: Ninja'd.  It gets completed...by someone else who has no idea how to write music.


    I wish I had an authentic sword.

  15. The protodermis is energized, and engulfs the whole moon.  Turns out the moon is destined to transform into a giant wild Panrahk, so the Energized Protodermis transforms it into one.  It lands on Earth and goes on a destructive rampage, shattering everything in its path.  The few survivors of humanity hate you now because this is all your fault.


    I wish I could tame Rahkshi.

  16. I love KARA and SISTAR. :)




    Good choices, my friend.  At some points both Nicole and Bora have been my K-pop waifus.


    I still like BoA a lot, even though she's gone from my avatar and signature.


    Ah yes, I remember those days when you had her in those all the time.  You're still named after one of her songs, so it's not completely gone.


    Good to see more of us!


    Not gonna lie, the days when the Rayg kit ruled the comics forum were good times. :P

    Okay, I actually forgot one of my favorite memories: the Rayg Sprite Maker. Dude, back when I was actually active in the comics forum I would use that thing sooooo often.


    I tried to find that again.  The domain is now inactive.  Sad times, these are.


    Pretty much all of my time as a member in '03-'04.  That was when I was most into Bionicle, and when I was actually keeping up on getting sets, so I'd always do my best to recreate MOCs in the BBC forum.  Now I only have a tiny, TINY handful of sets past 2004.


    The comics forum back in those days was actually ruled by the Razor kit thanks to Tales of the Chibi Toa, and everyone was stealing that one joke from it where Tahu yell "BURN STUFF!"


    Also, "Cuppa Joe.  AAAAAAHHHH!!!!"


    Sometimes I wish I was nine again...

  18. I've got a few ideas.


    -The obligatory Toa/Dark Hunter War idea.  Something along the Transformers: War for Cybertron series, but in Metru Nui.  For story/campaign mode, you'd get to play as Lhikan, Nidhiki, Naho, etc. and for multiplayer, you'd get to make your own custom Toa or Dark Hunter.


    -A Soul Calibur-style fighter with Glatorian.  You'd get every character from 2009, and possibly even the ability to make a custom one.  If I remember correctly, didn't 2009 have some Glatorian fighter game?  Still, this would be more along the lines of a traditional 3D fighter, over-the-top special moves, combos, cheesy pre-battle/winning quotes and all.


    -An action-adventure game in the style of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, covering the 2001-2003 story arc.  Instead of Force powers, you collect masks and get mask powers.  You start off with one Toa (I'm thinking either Kopaka just like in the comics, or Poster Boy Tahu), and unlock the rest as you complete stages, and can freely switch between them.  The final boss battle would be Takanuva vs. Teridax.  Maybe there could be a DLC storyline where you play as the Toa Mata before they crashed on Aqua Magna.  Like, while they were still training and that one time when they went to Karda Nui.


    -A game about Helryx's early quests and adventures starting with her creation as a Toa.  I'm thinking something along the lines of Devil May Cry/Bayonetta.


    -A Smash Bros-esque party fighter where just about every canister set character is playable.  Or at least as many as they can fit.  Not sure how they'd handle characters who have been released multiple times, though.  You'd get items a la Smash Bros, like disk launchers (which work like the laser gun), a Zatth (summons a random Rahi, basically like the Pokeballs), among others.  Whichever characters got Stars sets would get their Stars versions as unlockable alternate costumes.

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