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Posts posted by PutYaGunsOn

  1. Admittedly, I only recently got into VIXX, and I first heard On and On from a mirrored dance practice video.  Never saw the MV.  But I like that one a lot!  Especially the little pause with the end of the chorus right before they start singing.

  2. I'd walk backwards everywhere to freak people out.


    WWYDI the Bionicle story was continued for real...but with Greg out of the picture and replaced with a 12-year-old fanfic writer whose every word (that includes unnecessary shipping) is undisputed canon?

  3. Oohh I like VIXX! :happydance: On and on is pure awesome. Btw, did you see Psy with Snoop Dog ("Hangover")? I was like, what just happened?



    My favorite songs are probably On and on, Galaxy Supernova by Girls Generation and also Standing Still by U-Kiss (probably the only song by them I'll ever like).


    Tomorrow I'm going to accompany my friend on the piano at our graduation. She wrote her own schooltime-related lyrics to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJKOFMUGq2E]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJKOFMUGq2E

    Yes, VIXX is good, and I love that song.  I'm not a fan of the beginning where it uses the Phantom of the Opera theme, it's a bit cheesy, but the rest, I love.  It just makes you wanna Rock Ur Body, I just can't Hyde it!




    Yes, I've heard Hangover.  Honestly, since Gentleman, I've lost so much faith in the guy, and this song doesn't help.  Gentleman wasn't even good IMO, but I guess I can appreciate the dance.  I'm a huge Brown Eyed Girls fan.


    It's good to see K-pop spreading, especially to your graduation.  Best of luck!  화이팅!!

  4. So, anyone else like K-pop?  Come on, this is a big place, I can't be the only one!


    It's Fantastic, Baby!


    ...sorry, sorry.


    For real.  Let's talk about K-pop!


    But first, let's be civil.  Let's keep fandom wars/rivalries out of here, and don't just come here to hate.  Just feel free to talk about your favorite groups, biases, MVs, dances, albums, comebacks, etc.  I won't judge you.  Unless you like Wa$$up.  (Kidding, I actually like their self-titled debut song.  Plus, what harm does it do you if someone else likes a group you don't like?)


    So let me start off.  I mostly listen to girl groups/female artists (Sistar, Secret, Rania, 2NE1, G.Na, Lee Jung Hyun, just to name a few), but I like a few boy bands too (VIXX, Epik High, SHINee, among others).  But female artists are more my thing altogether.

  5. I like going places, so most likely something that would benefit travel. I'mma say Kakama. Sure, a Kualsi or even an Olmak would be faster, but I like seeing everything in between where I am and where I want to go, so I can still do that, and yet still get there faster.


    Plus, I don't own a Kualsi or an Olmak, but I own a lot of Kakama, so I can also make a self-MOC of myself more easily!

  6. Mata: Tahu's sword or Lewa's axe

    Nuva: Tahu's magma swords or Lewa's katana (I have so many of the latter, so I've grown to love them)

    Metru: Onewa's Proto Pitons ("Now this is a Toa tool! Hah!!")

    Hordika: Vakama's Blazer Claws

    Inika: Jaller's Flame Sword (...What? I have a weakness/soft spot for flame swords when it comes to Bionicle)

    Mahri: Hahli's Protosteel Talons

    Adaptive Armor Nuva: Lewa's Air Saber (it's really the only one I like from that line.)

    Other: Lhikan's Greatswords

  7. As someone who also suffers from a severe lack of post-'04 parts (I only have barely a handful of sets past that era), I really, really appreciate this MOC. From what I can see, it seems to be made entirely of parts from '01-'04. Is that the case? I never thought I'd see something like this again. I'm almost inspired to dig out my old bin of Bionicle parts and make stuff again.


    I like how the colors are consistent for the most part, and the gears and heavy use of sockets does remind me of the old-school combiners, which I've recently gotten a bit nostalgic for.


    Good job.

  8. 13 Assassins, a movie about 200 samurai who come back to life while 13 more samurai (well...12 samurai and one crazy brawler guy) pull their swords out of them. The 13 walk backwards to their land and go their separate ways, a newly wedded couple gets brought back to life as well by getting swords pulled out of them, and it all ends with another samurai pulling a knife out of himself while his wounds heal on the spot.I guess the feudal Japanese way of bringing people back to life is to pull swords out of them. It even heals wounds right when you do it!

  9. Eh, I just picture everyone sounding like they did in the movies. But before the first one came out, back when we only had the MNOLG and Flash movies, I pictured them all as having Samurai Jack accents. Well...for the Toa Mata, Tahu had a bold, heroic voice, Gali sounded exactly like she did in Bionicle: The Game (even though that wasn't out yet, I coincidentally pictured her as sounding like that), and the other four all just sounded like Samurai Jack. Everyone else had Samurai Jack accents. Except the Komau-wearers. Something about the Komau looked silly to me, especially combined with the way their heads moved when they spoke, so I pictured them as sounding like the blue guy from Dragon Tales, if his voice constantly cracked. Don't ask. I have no idea how my 8-year-old self got that from a Komau. But I did.

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