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Posts posted by PutYaGunsOn

  1. "The paradox of karate is that you're using it when you're not. And that is also the goal." -Jesse Enkamp, self-entitled Karate Nerd"A black belt is not a belt. It's a state of mind." -Jesse Enkamp, again"A conversation with the right sensei is worth more than ten years training with the wrong." -Once again, Jesse-sensei"Karate makes us see sides of ourselves that we hide." -Jesse...again."Are you ready, guys!? Put ya guns on!" -Masamune Date (not the real one. The six-sword-wielding, horse-with-motorbike-handlebars-riding, Engrish speaking anime one.)"Werewolf. If I were a vampire, I wouldn't be able to eat garlic." -Me, in response to being asked whether I'd want to be a vampire or werewolf."Don't drink and drive. You'll spill your drink." -My friend. I think he got it from somewhere."Toonami's back, *****s." -TOM 3.5

  2. They're smarter. So much smarter, in fact, that they overthrow you with absolute minimal effort thanks to their newfound intelligence.I wish I was a Toa with an element of the corrupter's choice...though it can only be an element that a canon Toa can actually have.

  3. This animated movie from somewhere in Southeast Asia (I believe Indonesia). It's called Beauty and Warrior. The story makes no sense, the protagonist is stupid

    His evil twin brother fights him for his magic sword, and even though the protagonist wins, HE HANDS THE SWORD OVER ANYWAY, lets his brother go off to do evil things, and then vows to stop him...wut.

    , there were only like, two voice actors (one male and one female. That's it.), stock footage was overused, and the animation was terrible.Though if you like to schedule bad movie nights/run a bad movie club at your school/whatever, I'd definitely recommend this movie.

  4. I was under the impression that a Matatu wearer could not use telekinesis on himself. However, upon looking in the Official Kanohi guide and Biosector01's page, I could find no confirmation of this. I researched it on some other wikias, but also found no mention of it. Is this an erroneous lack of in formation, or was my notion about the Matatu mistaken?
    I asked Greg this back when the old forums were still up, and he said they can't use it on themselves. I guess the closest thing they can do is pull a Static Shock, though. By that, I mean they move an object while they stand on it. Like how Static used his magnetism/metal controlling powers to control that metal disc board thing to fly while he stood on it.
  5. I voted yes.In my first couple years as a Bionicle fan, I'd only take apart sets of characters that no longer "existed". (Like when the Nuva came out, I knew they'd stay Nuva, so I only took apart my Mata sets.)Then in about '03, I was willing to take apart any set as long as it was canister-sized (By that point I could put together pretty much any canister set with my eyes closed, but not so much with the larger sets).Then around '05, I'd just but a set, put it together, play around with it for a bit, then take it apart, not really caring. Regardless of size.

  6. Love it. 'Nuff said. Honestly, I was never one to condone cutting pieces, but I'll let that slide here. 'Tis all good.Also, I agree about the mask. In my mind, Taipu will always have a Ruru and Hafu will always have a Pakari.

  7. Set-wise, I loved the Bohrok, Bohrok Va, and Rahkshi. The Bohrok could roll into balls, and I thought that was cool. That little chicken head gear function was cool too. The Vas were nice, portable little guys, and I love that. And the Rahkshi...man, I loved those things. They were bad...donkeys.

  8. I miss how much more alive BZPower was when BIONICLE was still around.[QQQQ]
    To be perfectly honest, I do too. Don't get me wrong, I still love BZP, but I feel like it's now a shadow of what it used to be. I consider my first couple years here something of a Golden Age...Anyway, that, and the storyline. I remember missing the MNOLG Flash animations after they stopped doing them. I just miss how great and in-depth the story was. It had me hooked and was a major part of my childhood.
  9. I'd like either a Mahiki, a Calix, a Miru, or a Kaukau.A Mahiki because shapeshifting and creating doubles of yourself sounds fun. Basically I'd be just like Naruto...even though I'm no longer a fan of that show and haven't seen a full episode in about 5 years. But those sound fun.A Calix because then I could do parkour without learning how. I could just...do it.A Miru because levitating would be fun. Plus it could help me get over my fear of heights.And a Kaukau because I love being in the water.

  10. To be perfectly honest, I kinda stopped following the story around '06-ish, so I'm not entirely familiar with the other Makuta, but for darkslizer's reasons, Krika seems pretty cool. He definitely has depth to him, not just being the same as the rest of 'em.But having been a fan since the beginning, I'mma go with the Makuta, Teridax. Nuff said.

  11. Oh man...good memories. I always liked Takeshi ('cause green's my favorite color, and he was shown with a katana in the comics. I've always been a fan of swordsmen.), but I only ever got the Stealth Hunter, the Grand Titan, the Uplink, the Sentry, and the big red and black one with the silver robot pilot (forgot what it was called). So I was just missing Hayato. My friend had him though, so we should've brought them together and played XD...but alas, I started to feel too old for toys in late '06...Exo-Force was a fun line while I liked it, though.I even used to RP with my friends over IM, creating my own character, Shintaro. (Ryo's body+Hikaru's face+Takeshi's hair=Shintaro. That's it. I think I saw a frame in a comic with multiple Uplinks attacking one bigger robot BM, plus the fact that Genki wears the same orange outfit as Ryo, I assumed it was the "Generic Soldier" uniform. Like the redshirts, only...orange. I meant for him to be a generic orange-shirt.) And he had a very unoriginal Battle Machine that was a mix of the Stealth Hunter and Grand Titan, and probably a Toa Tool or two. I believe I called it the Headhunter.Good times...shame to find out it never got a proper ending.

  12. Bionicle related? MNOLG1. A close second is that one game where you get a Toa, Turaga, and like three Matoran and you fight Bohrok. I forget what that one's called.As for others, I'm probably gonna end up coming off as shallow and obsessed with blood and gore for saying this...but I'm gonna say it. Happy Wheels is one of the most fun online games I've ever played. Hey, I just love games with good physics engines, and Happy Wheels does that for me. Even though most of the levels are reduced to ball throwing, sword throwing, rope swings, and jumping over walls with Pogostick Man. Still, good levels do come up, and they're definitely worth playing.Oh, and Dynasty Warriors Online is pretty good. Love the actual games (say what you want about button mashing, to each his or her own), like this one quite a bit.

  13. Started taking up Shorei-Goju Karate a little less than a year ago. We have 8 kyu ranks, I'm a 6th kyu (green belt), and can pick up kata pretty fast (I know 6 fully, including one with a bo). We also do weapon systems (Kali/Eskrima/Arnis, Kobudo, and Kenjutsu, though that last one's only for 3rd kyu or higher), and I know a bo kata (never learned the name) and some eskrima drills and techniques.As for weapons, I own a pair of rattan kali sticks (though one of them's very, VERY worn out, so I plan to make a new pair myself), and a long wooden pole that serves as a makeshift bo, which I'm planning to carve into a proper one. (It's square with rounded corners, and a little over 6 feet). I plan to shorten it to 6 feet and make the middle section round while the ends are hexagonal. Apparently, Sokon Matsumura used one like that.I'm also interested in Kendo and Wing Chun, and hope to take them up someday. (I know, Kendo's a sport, not an actual combat art, but it looks fun. And Wing Chun just looks cool. Would be perfect for a Chi Blocker cosplay XD)

  14. It's very mundane, boring, and easily corruptible.Edit: GAH! Beaten. Anyway, your nightmares are so scarring that even though you'll never get nightmares again, you become afraid to fall asleep at all.I wish every single Turaga that has ever been a Toa could revert back to being Toa.

  15. I honestly forgot what it's like to step on a LEGO piece, though I'm sure I have. I'd imagine the Onua claw. Y'know how ninja allegedly had those spiked things they'd throw on the ground so when pursuers stepped on them, they'd injure their feet? I don't remember what they're called, but for all you ninja/wannabe ninja/ninjutsu students out there, if you don't have those things, just stock up on Onua claws and you're set! :P Well...if every single one of your pursuers is barefoot.

  16. When I first played, I actually thought that we were playing as a human (Probably yourself) exploring the island. It wasn't 'til the end until I realized we were playing as Takua. Or that Takua even existed. I still remember that I actually felt like I was exploring a new world when I played so long ago. Like I was actually seeing what the people of this mysterious, new island did, and that I was exploring and becoming a part of their culture. It was one of the most immersive games I've ever played, maybe even the most immersive. Looking back, I realize it's a huge reason why I loved Bionicle so much as a kid.

  17. The Matoran Universe map only clearly shows already-named islands/continents (well...except the legs, and I think one island in his arm), and when it was revealed, I remember people complaining about how that completely destroyed the possibility of fan-made islands. In my mind, the MU consists of everything there, AND many more islands that weren't shown for some reason.That, and even though I own the Chronicles books, and read them way back when they came out, I consider the MNOLG and Flash animations to be canon, simply because I've played the MNOLG and watched the animations so many times as a kid that they're pretty much ingrained in my head, and much more memorable to me. Plus, I played MNOLG first.

    I like to pretend that the silly bit at the end of MoL where a Three Virtues symbol in the floor magically revives Takanuva never happened. I imagined him sort of 'jumping' out of Takutanuva, thus un-merging with him, causing the gate to collapse on Makuta.

    Oh yeah, that too. I didn't like that either for some reason.

    I try to ignore the Tohunga -> Matoran names from the beginning and how they were all changed.

    Yeah, and that. Despite what I just said about playing the MNOLG first, I pretty much pretend the word "Tohunga" never existed in canon. Didn't they change it in MNOLG so they say Matoran instead of Tohunga?
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