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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Can't say I've heard of Flyleaf, so nope. :P

    I'll add them to the list of artists I'll have to try. :D

  2. Oops, okay. :P

    How long til you get to change your name?

  3. O hai there, Toa, or should I say, Toast. PUN NAME IS PUNNY.

    Hey, did you get the rely I sent you like... a week ago?

  4. Ah, that's good; not too long a wait.

  5. Can I just say that your avv & banner are really, really cool?

  6. No wai! Srsly? How do you spell your name?

  7. Darnz...

    DYNOMITE TIME! 8D *Claps rabidly*

  8. So that's your real name then?

  9. Your sig= epic win. XD

  10. Ah, we're a dying breed, eh? =P

    And "Kayak" is a he... I think. o0 If one's superpowered evil side can have its own gender.

  11. TOooOoooOOOoooAAaaAaaAAAAa

    Are you planning on doing another Percy Jackson RPG, or did I hear wrong?

  12. A band from Glasgow, Scotland. Pretty good music, except most of the songs have more language than you'd hear on ten episodes of the Jerry Springer show. =P

  13. Yup. Got the idea from HAZMAT, as you can see in my sig. =P

  14. Is something wrong with my computer, or has your personal photo really been broken for that long without you changing it?

  15. Huzzah! I've finally managed to (temporarily :P) get out of my laziness and review AUS! :D

  16. Ah, that may be; I just assume it's Latin based on the order of the noun and adjective in addition to my own limited vocabulary in the language. ^^

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