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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Congrats on finishing school! =D

  2. Wow... okay, that parody sucked. =P

  3. Heh. I like your personal photo.

  4. You mean the dinosaur-thingie? Good luck!

  5. All right then... vote cast!

  6. Ah... where do I go to vote exactly?

  7. O-K!

    If I can figure out how, that is...

  8. Ohhh, Outbreak needs a stand-in GM

    We’re holding out for a GM 'til the end of the night

    He's gotta be strong

    And he's gotta be fat

    And he's gotta be enlightened on the plot

    Outbreak needs a stand-in GM

  9. Awesome personal photo. XD

  10. Nooooo, I'm not really 86. XD

  11. ...I don't think I'm allowed to say. XD

  12. Happy birthday! 8D 8D

  13. Mwa ha ha! Good luck! You'll need it!


    Nah, I wouldn't know. :P I'm homeschooled.

  14. *Shrugs* I dunno, really. I do have to take one online class over the summer though...

  15. Yeah, that's what happens when you have a really late start date. =P

  16. Don't mock me. ;(


  17. Not allowed to say. XD

  18. Hey, I'm finally out of school, so expect me to review your story soon! =P

  19. Heh. I've been wanting to do that for ages, but nodoby I know had gone for a month without a new comment, and it would just be awkward to do that to some stranger... then again, I guess WE'RE sort of strangers, in a way.


    Me too! (On the vacation part) I just got off, and I'm extremely giddy!

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