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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. IC: [Kahi]|[Camp A]:"Right now, actually," Kahi said. "The others are fully engaged in their brawl, and if there's nothing else we can grab, I'd suggest we take our leave. Mesonak, if you could, your shadow powers would greatly help in letting us go unnoticed."The Toa nodded and shrouded the group with his power, enabling them to sneak off further up the pathway and towards what lied ahead.
  2. IC: [Kahi]|[Camp A]:"Agreed. Help me gather what we can and then we can all make our way farther up ahead."Kahi finished with the satchel and slung it around his shoulder. "We should make sure that we have enough food and medical supplies, alongside some useful tools. Knifes, rope, cloth, leather, lightstones, that sort of thing." He crouched behind another crate and flipped it over, revealing a stash of Cordak blasters. "Take a smaller one and most of the ammo you can find," he said. "They should be good as a last line of defense."
  3. IC: [Kahi][Camp A]:Kahi recognized the being as the Toa who had greeted him before. Speak of the devil, he supposed."Quite honestly, I'm not too sure about the 'other beings' in this camp. I've barely known them or even seen them. The way I see it, it would be better to take advantage of this battle for myself, instead of picking a side before knowing what I was getting into."This being, while maybe not as gullible as Eljay, does seem to have promise. Regardless of his spontaneity, I cannot deny that he was able to frighten that Rahk away with his abilities. Alongside his dual elements, he also seems to be able to use his Volitak to its fullest. Another potential companion? Hard to tell, but at the moment, he would serve well in protecting me from any future Rahk attacks."If I were you," he continued. "I would also take advantage of this situation and join me. This...battle, I suppose you could call it, doesn't seem like it will benefit me or you in any way by participating in it."He grabbed a satchel that was apparently part of the supply wagon and started packing it with the supplies he had collected. "Consider joining me and my, er, companion. With all this backstabbing and chaos going about, you're much better off just surviving with us than with these maniacs."
  4. IC: [Kahi]|[Camp A]:Kahi was startled as any of the rest of the group when the Toa of Ice started to attack the Toa of Lightning. Looking at the two groups, he ran through the possibilities of each side.He hardly knew anyone save for the one called "Eljay" and the Toa that had greeted him when he entered. However, he knew that the Toa of Lightning had tried to lead the group after the Rahk. From the way he commanded and expected others to follow, he had experience in the army. And people like him were...difficult, to say the least. But he at least had good intentions, which could be misused at any point. Still, he could pose a problem later on, and would probably want to be in charge if he joined his "team", which would definitely pose a clash of interest.The other side, the Toa of Ice's, was dangerous to side with. An ally like that would screw him over just as well as she did the Toa of Lightning. But if he could at least manipulate her or just keep out of her way, she could prove useful as well. And he could at least admire her initiative. Her voice, the way she acted, her sudden turn...she was unstable at best, and the best thing about unstable people is that you could go about your own business mostly un-noticed if you made it subtly enough.The Toa of Lightning gave off the worst vibe. If he survived this, he may prove to be a obstacle later on. Eljay already seemed to be taking on him, launching a plant attack at him. A bit futile, but it would serve well.As for him, he wouldn't join this battle. Not yet, at least. Too many variables and unforeseen consequences. Instead, the chaos seemed like a good cover to grab the supplies out of the capsized trailers and then perhaps get away. If things went too badly, he would probably provide some assistance to Eljay; he still needed him, after all. Still, the bright side of him not knowing much about these people was that none of these people didn't know much about him. He could use this to his advantage.He ran over to the trailer and started grabbing all the portable items and food he could find. Time to make the best of it.
  5. Oh cool, discussion of favorite games.Yeah, I'm going to say here that I completed Skyward Sword and it honestly does stand as my favorite. I didn't have a lot of problems with the motion controls as I guess a lot of people here had (and I didn't really find the swimming or flying intrusive; once I got the hang of it, to me it felt perfectly natural), the dungeon designs I felt were very well done (especially the amount of work taken to eliminate backtracking) and the added functionality, such as the dash/stamina meter and weapon upgrades, really added an incentive to backtrack.But what really cinched it for me was the characters. I was originally going to say the story, but looking back, the story isn't too far different from the previous Legend of Zelda games. Its really the characters that made the story that much interesting.(Note: I'm going to put the rest of this in spoiler tags; I don't think a lot of it will be spoilers, save for maybe the end, but I'd hate it if something was spoiled for me by this topic, so its only common courtesy to make sure the same doesn't happen to someone else).
  6. IC: [Kahi]|[Camp A: Opening]:Interesting. He rushed into battle at the mere mention of an alliance, not bothering to think and/or decide for himself. I can see this form of blind trust becoming useful in the future..."Names? With a vicious monster right behind you? I would suggest that you reorganize your priorities, but I guess that's of no matter right now. Kahi Govaki, at your service."With that, he brushed the Toa aside, brandishing the blade in his hand while he started to analyze the beast before him.
  7. IC: [Kahi]|[Camp A: Opening]:"Depends what you mean by 'friend'," Kahi replied. "But under the current circumstances, the threat of Rahi does serve well to unite us together. Survival is something that I'm sure everybody here wants to achieve."He drew his gun and extended the blade, making a quick slash in midair for emphasis. "Consider us allies, for the moment, at least."
  8. Is it possible for me to have two Kanohi? Not to use them at the same time, but can I wear both of them and switch between them? I remember the Toa Mata having this ability before their Suvas were made, but I may be wrong, so I just want to check and make sure.EDIT: On that note, if I wanted to make any addition to my profile, would you want me to repost it here so it could be reapproved?
  9. IC: [Kahi]|[Pathway: Camp A]:The energetic Green-leafer is quite correct. The storm is picking up. The wind speed has begun to increase strongly over the past ten minutes, blowing in a southwestern direction around our position. With 'Camp A' just ahead, it may prove wise to head there immediately and then go on from there instead of loitering and trying to find potential partners on the pathway.He looked up and realized that the Toa was still looking on expectantly. He had almost forgotten that he was waiting for an answer."Kahi. Kahi Govaki. Perhaps we should continue this inside?"
  10. Here's what I got from this.About a decade or two back, the Batman film series was released and many fans enjoyed the movie, which paired Michael Keaton's Batman against Jack Nicholson's Joker in, for that time, the first mature look at a superhero movie in a long time.Fast forward a couple years and you then have the release of Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin, quite honestly recognized as one of the worst films of all time.It was at this point that countless fans turned against the series, and quite honestly, who could blame them? The quality of the movies had gone down drastically in the past few years, and if allowed to continue would only grow worse. That didn't mean that they were not fans of Batman anymore, or that they hated the early movies which drew them in. It did, however, mean that they didn't want to see any more sequels to this current film franchise because the movies were getting worse and worse.The same thing applies here. Honestly? I still like BIONICLE. I like the early years and the atmosphere that they brought to fans, the feel of the island, the sense that you were in fact exploring a world. But the later years? 2009 and 2010 introduced me to a new location with characters that I just didn't connect with or find interesting. Couple that with a lackluster ending and I honestly didn't want to see BIONICLE continue on its current path.I still am a fan of the works I enjoy, but I don't want BIONICLE to continue because I feel like it would only get worse. I'm a fan of the years that drew me in, of the story that I remember actually being original and enjoyable. But being a fan does not mean that I am indebted to love every single thing that the work does.I'm on this site because I have several projects that I want to continue and this is a good place to have discussion about what I liked about BIONICLE.As for the site itself, I feel like it needs to really find its identity and stick to it. I feel like this site is sort of unsure of where it wants to go, trying to balance itself as a LEGO site alongside a BIONICLE one. I'm in favor of focusing on constraction sets, honestly, since its probably the best bet so far. There are other much larger LEGO forums out there, and becoming a general LEGO site would not offer any honest alternative to those sites.However, I will say that it is still possible to have news posted daily about a "dead" franchise. The Earthbound fanbase is a good example of this: the game itself has not been released in North America in about fifteen years and appearance in other games is limited to Super Smash Bros., yet I have seen several fansites that do continue to produce news worthy new every day for the past several years.This does mostly come from a more in-depth focus on the community as a whole, something I feel BZPower has been lacking in. Community spotlights should be much more frequent and reoccurring than they already are.
  11. IC: [Kahi]|[Pathway: Camp A]:Well. This was not something I was expecting.An odd being had just drifted down before him, offering a salutation. Several people had already passed him before, but none of them had stopped to make any sort of greeting. The spontaneity caught him off guard.Green armored Toa, differences shades of green within. Average height, wearing a Miru, twin blades strapped to his back. Due to his colorization, target is most likely either a Toa of Air or a Toa of the Green. Sudden appearance denotes outwardly enthusiasm or possibly boredom. Most likely an extrovert, due to his prominence in introducing himself. Calls himself "LJ", perhaps initials standing for something? Or is it just "Eljay"? Mental note: must denote actual spelling."As good as I'll ever be, my good sir," he replied. "I suppose, since you are not asleep, that you are part of the exposition that brought us all here and are headed towards the same place I am? That is to say, what people around here refer to as 'Camp A'?"
  12. Ah, I see. I didn't follow that contest and thought it was something made up. My bad.Although I do sort of fail to see how exactly it could be countered. For example, if I got into a swordfight with your character, you could technically just phase through my sword and shock me without having any sort of counter attack available. Coupled with your apparent mastery of the sword in combat and, as your bio puts it, "no physical weakness", it does approach me as a tad overpowered.
  13. I honestly fail to see where the part where he can manipulate his weapon's density comes in. Seems a little god-moddish to me =/
  14. OOC: I thought I should probably speed this up a little bit...IC: [Kahi]|[Pathway: Camp A]:The voices grew farther away as Kahi continued his trek up towards the supposed location of the Camp. He soon saw it looming ahead and quickened his pace, hoping to reach it in good time.
  15. IC: [Kahi]|[Pathway: Camp A]:The Toa clambered up the path, noticing the sudden change of both tracks and environment. The area became more spread out, with the tracks becoming almost disfigured.Water on the ground collected in small pools, but the ground is not as damp as it would be after an elemental attack of water. Perhaps ice is the culprit here?Straining his ears, he heard the faint sound of voices coming up from farther up the path. It seemed like he had caught up to whoever he had been following all this time.OOC: So, how's about that there going to bed, eh, Meso? =P
  16. Once upon a time, on this day a potato was born. A young potato, but one with potential. And this potato grew from childhood to adulthood, all the while knowing it was destined for great things. And it was so, because yesterday morning it achieved its destiny as I was served a delicious breakfast of hashbrowns and cheese.Another potato was born this day, but she didn't end up on my dinner plate and instead ended up on a internet podcast. Don't ask me how that happened.Happy birthday, Potu!
  17. Name: Kahi GovakiSpecies: ToaGender: MaleFaction: NeutralAppearance: Alternating maroon and white colors, with a maroon mask and body coupled with white limbs. Long wear and tear on the armor have made it very saturated in color, but his form is still recognizable. Has a Metru-like build and armor, with Inika feet (specifically Toa Iniker Jaller/Nuparu/Matoro's). Also has a turban-like strip of cloth wrapped around his neck and body.Weapons: Gunsaber. Contains hilt similar to a pistol in appearance with a long blade emitting from the barrel. The gun itself channels elemental plasma energy into a high-impact compact burst, while the sword functions as a normal Toa Tool would. The itself gun is quite large, larger than just a normal pistol. The barrel extends for about half the length of a rifle's barrel. The sword can retract its blade back into the gun for easier carrying purposes. Both are completely reliant on elemental energy and the blade itself can also be energized with plasma. Carries a concealed dagger for emergency purposes.Mask: Calix and Kualsi, the latter in the shape of a CalixPower(s): Plasma Elemental Powers, including, but not limited to: [*]Creating/generating plasma[*]Manipulating plasma[*]Vaporizing objects[*]Absorbing plasma[*]Melting objects[*]Creating bursts of plasma[*]Concentrating plasma into a concussive blastSecondary Abilities: Average blade training, relatively accurate shot. Tends to combine the two in a sort of unique fighting style, mixing up swordplay and gunplay in order to confuse his opponent. Extremely skilled with hand-to-hand combat, which is extremely amplified due to his Calix. Very analytical and thinks fast, able to sometimes project entire fights within his mind. Has very high deductive reasoning abilities as well. Also has some training in mechanical and engineering work due to his "education" as a child given by several high-profile Fe-Matoran.Weakness: Weaker against water and ice, dislikes the jungle/plantlife. He also is mainly selfish and gives off the impression that he would screw anyone over to get what he wants, leading to obvious shortcomings and mistrust against most teammates. Very accustomed to fighting/performing with his abilities through his Calix, leading him to become extremely dependent on it. Tends not to shut up once he gets started talking.Personality: Eccentric. Logical and intelligent, but also very arrogant and prideful. Very competitive and vengeful and takes great joy in people experiencing loss against him, the more humiliating the better. Works mostly for selfish reasons, and holds a higher priority to his wellbeing than the wellbeing of others. He has a good sense of humor, but tends to respond in a cynical, sarcastic sort of way to others. Tends to view others, specifically people that oppose him, as "lesser beings". Seems to have a plan for every situation, but no one really knows if he actually has it all planned out beforehand or just makes it up as he goes along. In short, the Matoran version of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark if he was a. not rich, but greedy b. not human, but biomechanical and c. had Johnny Depp as a mentor.Biography: The son of a rich buisnessman, Khorin Govaki, Kahi was born and raised in the island of Xia, where he lived a rich and plentiful life. While he at first humored his father's wishes to follow in his footsteps and become a warfare engineer, he was never satisfied with his life and soon left to pursue his own life of luxury. He was soon introduced to poverty when his father died and his inheritance was dealt to members of his company instead of him due to poor management with the will. While on the run from several Skakdi loan sharks to whom he now owned money, Kahi was introduced to the prospect of the sleeping island and decided to take his luck there and try and regain the fortune he lost.
  18. IC: [Kahi]|[Pathway: Camp A]:A forest. How unfortunate.The Toa of Plasma trotted down the well-worn path, making his way down to what he presumed was the Camp he had been directed to. It was quite annoying, really. After being raised in the cities of Metru Nui, in the skyscraping towers made by Fe-Matoran engineers, the forest was just bland in comparison. In as much as the beings of the Green denied it, technology took residence over what could be easily duplicated with holographic simulation.Curious footprints pointed in the direction of the pathway. Quite unlike anything I've encountered previously. Naturally flat, most probably biomechanical in nature. Strange shape, but based on the curvature and biological formation, likely a Matoran or its Toa or Turaga subspecies.The island was intriguing enough. A eternal mystery stacked alongside the promise of valuable fortune. An island that even the Brotherhood were rumored to try and cover up. The premise was too good to give up, especially given the...extraordinary circumstances.Depth of print implies the subject rather light in weight, but distance between the prints alludes to a taller being. Taller than most Matoran, perhaps varying between Av-Matoran to Toa height. Prints are generally even in depth variety, implying subject was not currently in a hurry and or running. Depth of print increases at every turn, perhaps indicating that the subject is unsure of which way it should follow and surveys the path ahead of him when he is given the chance.With nowhere else to go, Camp A seemed like the best place to start off of. After that, he figured that his best bet would be to negotiate with whoever he met there for travelling companions, what with the rumored beasts still hanging about. Hopefully they would be one of those focused on research or other such thing that could be met on the island; the differing interest would mean that he didn't need to split the fortune between a group and instead could have more to take back for himself.In conclusion, target is a lightweight bio-mechanical being most likely resembling a Toa who is also presumably looking for Camp A and following the pathway at a leisurely pace. Mental note: keep an eye out for said target for clarification of actual appearance. Information may prove useful in the future. Keep an eye out for more curious/suspicious looking tracks for information on other fellow marooned beings on this island.It wasn't much of a plan to go on, but it was a start. And a start is really all that he needed.For now, at least.
  19. Name: Kahi GovakiSpecies: ToaGender: MaleFaction: NeutralAppearance: Alternating maroon and white colors, with a maroon mask and body coupled with white limbs. Long wear and tear on the armor have made it very saturated in color, but his form is still recognizable. Has a turban-like strip of cloth wrapped around his neck and body. Weapons: Gunsaber. Contains hilt similar to a pistol in appearance with a long blade emitting from the barrel. The gun itself channels elemental plasma energy into a compact burst, while the sword functions as a normal Toa Tool would. Both are completely reliant on elemental energy. Carries a concealed dagger for emergency purposes.Mask: CalixPower: Plasma Elemental PowersSecondary Abilities: Average blade training, relatively accurate shot. Tends to combine the two in a sort of unique fighting style, mixing up swordplay and gunplay in order to confuse his opponent. Quite skilled with hand-to-hand combat, which is extremely amplified due to his Calix. Very analytical, able to sometimes project entire fights within his mind. Has very high deductive reasoning abilities as well.Weakness: Weaker against water and ice, dislikes the jungle/plantlife. He also is mainly selfish and gives off the impression that he would screw anyone over to get what he wants, leading to obvious shortcomings and mistrust against most teammates. Very accustomed to fighting/performing with his abilities through his Calix, leading him to become extremely dependent on it. Tends not to shut up once he gets started talking.Personality: Eccentric. Logical and intelligent, but also very arrogant and prideful. Very competitive and vengeful and takes great joy in people experiencing loss against him, the more humiliating the better. Works mostly for selfish reasons, and holds a higher priority to his wellbeing than the wellbeing of others. He has a good sense of humor, but tends to respond in a cynical, sarcastic sort of way to others. Tends to view others, specifically people that oppose him, as "lesser beings". Seems to have a plan for every situation, but no one really knows if he actually has it all planned out beforehand or just makes it up as he goes along. In short, the Matoran version of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark if he was a) not rich, but greedy http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png not human, but biomechanical and c) had Johnny Depp as a mentor.Biography: The son of a formerly rich buisnessman, Kahi Govaki was introduced to poverty when his father's inheritance was instead dealt to members of his company instead of him due to poor management with the will. While on the run from several Skakdi loan sharks to whom he now owned money, Kahi was introduced to the prospect of the sleeping island and decided to take his luck there and try and regain the fortune he lost.
  20. Yeah, so, to usher in the new year, I'm taking my previously unreleased Christmas comic and turning it into a Christmas/New Year's Special. Part One is going to be released now, on New Year's Eve (or the New Year, for some) and then the other whenever I complete it.As with my last Christmas special, which introduced my new layout and panels, this one is going to introduce some improvements to the general LLL formula.Comic 49: 'Tis the Season for Investment
  21. Ah, Utah and his Skyrim. I would say that was pathetic if I wasn't so jealous that he got it Nice comic, Darc. Only thing I would say is that the word bubble placement in the last panel almost made me miss the punchline. My eye automatically went to "five *@(%#!ing hours" before "I take it he's been playing Skyrim?".
  22. Venom, the graphics are amazing, and I could not stop laughing at "my" cameo in that =P. Invi, I love your style and the many actions scenes were both exciting and well handled.New comics, this time from Alena, Ennar, Miraka, and Lavaside Rahi!
  23. So...turns out, I'm not feeling well. Like, at all. Headaches, migraines, that sort of thing. I stayed up pretty late to try and finish my comic yesterday, and that apparently screwed with my brain and everything. So without further ado, I'm just going to forgo my comic. I feel pathetic about this, seeing as how I've been pretty much a terrible host this year overall and didn't even get to finish my comic, but I really, really need to grab some sleep and ibuprofen or whatever.I'm waiting for something from one of the authors to finish up the banner, and then all four comics for this year will be released. If nothing else, I'll probably release my unfinished comic a little after as well; its right now about 80-some panels in length and still not close to being finished.Again, I personally apologize for this and hope that next year's host will learn from my mistakes and actually get stuff done on time. Procrastination won't get you anywhere with this...Anyhow, yeah. I'm going to go to bed and try and sleep this thing off. Have a Merry Christmas, everybody. Or day after Christmas, I guess. Hope you all have a good one.
  24. DS is region-free. @Kahi: I haven't played any of the others actually xD I definitely wouldn't call 64 traditional though. Then why would she need a DS cart?-- Because you can't help the fandom create a English patch if you don't have a DS cart to play it on.
  25. Aaaaand he's done. Enjoy, everybody.Also, I was looking over the lack of posts when I realized that everyone is basically actually having a life and enjoying Christmas with actual people instead of wasting it looking at sprite comics. Thus, I decided to put other comics up tomorrow, where you guys will be able to actually see and enjoy it.
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