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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. Shame on you, Shad. Anyhow, interesting comic, King Joe. The text was kind of hard to read, but it was good, if short.We're having a lot of song parodies this year, aren't we?Anyhow, new comic, this time from Shadonix (if you didn't already guess).
  2. If you ever heard us on mic, you wouldn't wonder why Also yes, that will also come into play at some point. Right now, however, I'm finishing the introduction of a few more new (and old) characters.Ah. I unfortunately don't have a mic, even though I have Skype. Even so, a child like me would have an annoying voice, or depending if you find it annoying...Alrighty. All I need to know, because one got GS'd early, so, I wasn't sure.Wait, who got GS'd early, again?Garda.Who was murdered.Actually, Garda was introduced because he was part of the NGC, since that was before he sent in his submission. Also, he was on Skype. True fact: people who I talk to in Skype have a much greater chance of appearing in my comics.(also he was murdered waaaat?)
  3. >alien bio mechanical beings designed by alien creators based on another alien race>realisticIsn't that sort of the whole point? They're an alien race, right? Just because they'd be out of proportion to us humans doesn't mean that that's altogether unrealistic. I've always thought that they were based off the Agori/Glatorian template myself, sort of like how most androids are based around a human height and proportion.I agree with the men/hobbits/dwarves sentiment, that seems about right to me.
  4. If you ever heard us on mic, you wouldn't wonder why Also yes, that will also come into play at some point. Right now, however, I'm finishing the introduction of a few more new (and old) characters.Ah. I unfortunately don't have a mic, even though I have Skype. Even so, a child like me would have an annoying voice, or depending if you find it annoying...Alrighty. All I need to know, because one got GS'd early, so, I wasn't sure.Wait, who got GS'd early, again?
  5. Sorry about there being no comic yesterday; its the last week of school and I have a test and an English paper today, so I was studying and all that yesterday night.Let me upload it.Good comic, Chath; I liked how you made them all sort of one panel comics instead of having a usual story in them. I don't remember seeing that too often nowadays.New comic, this time from King Joe!
  6. If you ever heard us on mic, you wouldn't wonder why Also yes, that will also come into play at some point. Right now, however, I'm finishing the introduction of a few more new (and old) characters.
  7. Yeah, that part was pretty fun to write.Anyhow, I'm redoing all the old spritesheets I used to have with new colors and all that and putting them all together for easier accessibility. I may post it up at some point here, but it is pretty huge. I'll probably include some backgrounds and bring back the comic kit.Also, Character Sheet would be useful as well. I'll get on that.
  8. New LLL Comic Up: #46: The Invasion of the Three Virgins

  9. Yeah, there's several in jokes that no one outside of TTV would probably get (for instance, Pamela Cam Recorder), mostly because its behind the scenes (such as all the times that we completed an episode only to find that it hasn't been recorded), Its sort of like every Group comic ever made.
  10. Well, it does take a lot of inspiration from Heroes, but you're right in that it also does have government-run heroes via the Ultimates. However, the costumes are only for public relations for Project: NOVUS (and they don't have secret identities, since they were the children of Area 51). The whole subplot of metahumans appearing all over the globe was to actually give it a sort of Heroes-esque feel of normal people suddenly developing powers (hence why costumes are meshed with appearance, they're entirely optional), in which the metahumans are coming into direct conflict with the government rather than just an outspread of superheroes.I do see your point in it being very similar; one thing I'd like to comment on is that "To Save The World!" seemed like a great homage to the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, or perhaps a Saturday morning cartoon, in which you had heroes and you had villains and they'd fight it out to rule the world and all that. Its a very classic setup, and it does give way for a good RPG. However, my goal with this was to create a world in which the lines were more blurred (I apologized if that wasn't clearly conveyed) and where the government forced superheroism to be under their own control, regardless if their actions were good or bad. I also wanted to give it a little more freedom in terms of alignment and motive, because I noticed that there were only four options in TSTW!: hero, villain, solo hero or solo villain, and I wanted something less limiting in that aspect.
  11. Yes, so, I've thought of doing an RPG like this for a long while now. When I first found out about COTRPGs, I looked for a solid, modern-based serious Superhero RPG that I could join. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one, so I decided to create my own. I thought I should at least post this here and see what people think about it. Since this is my first one, I'm more than certain that this will need some work, so any critique possible would be greatly appreciated. I've thought of including some sort of skill point system to help balance this out; is there anything I should base it on, or is it even advisable?
  12. Ah, poor Chokii. I knew him well...That is to say, I knew Blade and then Blade went poof into the far nether regions of Celestria, never to return. Yep, that's the beauty of one-time gags =PAlso yeah, I wanted to use COIII in some way, but COv3 bodies look a little odd when put beside normal CO bodies. So I just decided to use the mask. I may end up switching one day, however. Also yes, Meso does have a COv3 Piraka head. I nearly included Potu and Invi as well, but there was no time and in the end they had to be scrapped. They'll probably appear in a later comic, however.I did color them with the Chimoru X colors, though.
  13. Song remixes are always fun to do. I liked how you were able to keep a lot of the original lyrics.New comic, this time from Chath!EDIT: $#@& you, Invi http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gifEDITEDIT: ocool, the angry emotes are back to their original glory
  14. Yeah, I've wanted to do a comic like that for a long time. I'm glad you enjoyed it I added a little homage with that eCorp bit.Anyhow, laptop acquired. And with that, a new comic.Also, check out that nifty 2011 Advent Calendar for a new comic to be up today.
  15. That was extremely awesome as always, Atomic009. The graphics and humor were top notch. I liked how you edited your background to fit the winter theme.New comic, this time from Piraka~Mistika!
  16. Ah, classic Batman. There one moment, and the next moment...
  17. Hilarious comic, Utah. I loved the Batman swirl thing you had there =PAnyhow, a new comic is up today: Atomic 009!
  18. The 2011 Christmas Advent Calendar is up! Go check it out now in the (formerly AIII) Comics forum!

  19. Why is that?-- Well, technically, all topics will remain open forever. =P I'm just happy that I don't have to constantly try and keep this alive during the school year. Man, what I would give for the option to homeschool through college...Homeschooling isn't that different. Some of the assignments they give you are sometimes worse than at school.I was referring more to the option of time; I used to be able to have enough time to both be able to make comics/come up with comic ideas as well as get all my schoolwork done and have a lot of free-time to boot. Now, I'm just mostly gone for half the day and the other half is spent of either homework or other projects like TTV or things like that.Also, if you haven't already, go check out the new 2011 Christmas Advent Calendar.
  20. ~kh

    Tavkorp: Since 2008

    Its funny because Gerlicky doesn't know that the Portal Gun IS technically a Zamor Launcher.
  21. Greetings, and Merry Christmas! Welcome to the 2011 Christmas Advent Calendar, a continuation of the tradition set forth by Lavaside Rahi come last year. This year, in the absence of LR, it is instead hosted by me, Kahinuva.Today, December 1st marks the start of the event in which some of the best comic talent on the forum will combine their collective skills to celebrate the holidays! Each day, from December 1st until Christmas Eve, a new comic will be posted right here, counting down to the holidays and spreading cheer and humor along the way. Just click on the days in the calendar below and enjoy!(I'm dreadfully sorry about the wait; creating a calendar took more time than I originally thought it would...) List of Comic Makers and their Series:Day 1 - Utah: Doomsday Day 2 - Atomic 009: 009 Makes Comics Day 3 - Piraka~Mistika: ~M's Comics V3.5! Day 4 - Chath: Looking At The Sky Day 5 - King Joe: The Center of Everywhere Day 6 - Shadonix: Bluh Bluh Huge Emporium Day 7 - Tapika: IIMT - Tapika's Comic Emporium Day 8 - Dr. Giggles: Noobicorn Inc. Day 9 - Pirok The Va-Matoran: Pirok The Va-Matoran's Comix Day 10 - LNU: Ask LNU and Pinkie Pie Day 11 - Makuta of Comedy: The Awesomepacalypse: Reign of Darkness Day 12 - Reznas: Reznas Comics Day 13 - Vataki: Timely Insanity Day 14 - Absorba: Sǝıɹǝs ǝɹnʇuǝʌpɐ (That Adventure Series) Day 15 - Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen: The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker Day 16 - WVUFan: Mall Patrol Day 17 - Justax-Kal: Why Not? Day 18 - Emkay: N/A Day 19 - Oneker: The Adventures of Oneker Day 20 - Darcsyde: Darcsyde's Comics: Revamped and Reloaded Day 21 - Deceimeter the Hitchhiker: Aggravations and Complications and Zero the Master: The Drawing Room Day 22 - Biocryptid: Biocryptid's BS01 ComicsDay 23 - Tavakai: TavKorp and Gerlicky: SpoofQuest!Day 24 - Venom:~V.3~ and Tenebrae Invictus: One Nation Under the Great SpiritDay 25 - Alena: N/A andMiraka: N/A andNuparurocks: N/A and Lavaside Rahi: N/A
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