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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. So yeah, Advent Calendar. Yesterday's comics didn't go up because I was waiting on a certain someone to finish their comic... In a few minutes, I'll release the comics for yesterday, and then in a couple hours I'll release the comics for today. Sorry about that and all. Man, organizing this thing was a lot harder than I thought it'd be =PAnyhow, I loved both those comics, Gurk and Tav. The comedic timing, the use of characters and resources, and all that. That stinger at the end was hilarious @Gurk, and I loved how so many other comics from other days appeared in Tav's one.New comic, this time from Venom!
  2. Great comic, Bio. It had a lot of great parts, although I must admit that my favorite had to be the Obama quip =PNew comics, this time from Tavakai and Gerlicky!
  3. Ah, that's good. I was hoping I wasn't too far in: I paid 70 bucks for this game, and if this followed the traditional formula of three dungeons fight boss three more dungeons fight boss again, I'd already be about halfway through =P
  4. For some odd reason, I don't ever remember seeing this anywhere in Twilight Princess...Anyhow, I finally got Skyward Sword a few days ago and have been playing it like crazy and all that. I do have a couple questions for people who have actually completed the game, though. For one, O just made it to the Laynaru Mines.How far is that into the entire game as a whole? And secondly, is the game's story worth not spoiling myself on its ending?
  5. Yeah, thatsthejoke.jpg: the applicant was so hardcore that they learned Japanese and wrote their own game patch just to play it. Of course, that means that they're also using a DS Cart, but drastic times call for drastic measures.Also I've played Ogre Battle (though admittedly not the 64 game) and I find it a little interesting, but a big traditional for my tastes. That's what drew me to Earthbound in the first place: a lot of other 16-bit RPGs were mostly set in the medieval era and all that. Earthbound had both an original, sort of parodic nature to it, and it had its own style of quirky humor. I haven't finished all of Mother 3, though... <.< Can't really say which one is better.Christmas comic will be the next comic, as you could probably tell. It'll be up when its up.
  6. Decei, I liked that comic quite a bit. The shifting of the panel layout was a good meta joke. Zero, the polka music and the arrival of Windrider were pretty funny as well.New comic, this time from Biocryptid!
  7. ~kh


    Anti-Venom? You mean that isn't that Future Foundation Spider-Man? Great effects, as usual. The one where you retracted the symbiote was very clever.Although I have to admit, the part with Ann leading Anti-Venom back to your base reminded me of Meso leading everyone back to the Resistance's base in "One Nation Under the Great Spirit".
  8. Hilarious comic, Darc. I liked how you combined the real life pictures quite well into the comic, and as always your large sound effect bubbles were very impressive.Two new comics today, this time from Decei and Zero!
  9. Thanks for the compliment. LLL has a very vigorous employee hiring process which takes long hours of interviews and paperwork. Of course, its never actually been completed because Kahi usually overrides it with what he wants to do. The benefits of running your own company... =P Well, actually, it was only the runners up to the contest that got to GS. But I think you were one of those runners-up, so you should be okay. Taking into account the method of elimination, it shouldn't be too hard. =P Movie opinions are very important. And comparing those two especially is a good judge of character. Its like asking someone "What's the better game series, Earthbound or Sonic?". The answer will determine if they are fit for that job or not. Fun fact about that other candidate: that was originally my design for my Kahi avatar, Alpha Matoran body and all. I changed it at the last second, though. Yeah, I'll have to fix that at some point. There are two kinds of people that think How to Train Your Dragon is better than Toy Story 3: people who can't tell a great film if it smacked them upside the head, and people that I don't hire. =P As you can imagine, there's a lot of overlap between the two.In the meantime, here's a picture of the Photoshop layout I'm working with for the new comic: Link.A new comic will be up shortly. And when I say shortly, I mean in four days.
  10. Interesting song parody Oneker, although restating what Tav said, the noobs are supposed to be restricted from use now.New comic, this from Darcsyde.
  11. The graphics were well done as always, Emkay. The .gif was surprising high in quality, and I loved how you poked fun at "modern" art.New comic, this time from Oneker!
  12. Somehow, The Vaynum: Ace Attorney doesn't inspire my confidence... =PBut thanks, anyhow.I made a slight edit to the background kit; it had some panels with mismatched grass and all that. I also added several new panels to it as well. If you saw it before, please remember to refresh it since you may have the old version on cache.New comic will be up shortly.
  13. Loved the comic, Justax. The fourth wall jokes and references to Doctor Who were quite nice.New comic, this time from Emkay!
  14. Sorry about the wait again; Photoshop's giving me a hard time. After a set amount of time, it is no longer able to "parse the file", meaning that I can't open .pngs anymore. So I have to restart and all that and it takes a while.Anyhow, I loved that comic, WVU. Nice story and humor, and the ending was hilarious.New comic, this time from Justax-Kal!
  15. ~kh


    That would be awesome if the X-Men movies didn't totally ruin Deadpool =PBut yeah, the Super Light Bros. were pretty funny and such.
  16. ~kh

    Mark4Dude's Comics

    You know, Ven pointed me in this direction and I have to admit, I do see a bit of potential in this. Sure, you may need some work graphically, but the layout is there and I can appreciate the humor. Its nice seeing a newer comic maker on here with a spark to his series. I'll be checking back sometime soon. Like I said, just work a bit on the graphics and you'll do fine.
  17. ~kh


    You know, the more I look at your one panel style, the more I like it The only two complaints I would have are the black outlines on the furniture in the otherwise good bedroom background and the red outline/yellow outline on yours and Joland's spritesheets. Yeah, pretty much the outlines, but other than that, it was good.
  18. Your series does have a lot of LR's style in it, and I look forward to see how far you'll go. I'd sort of refrain from mixing kits in the future, though; Razor and Six Shade Chimoru don't really go all that well together.
  19. ~kh


    Man, they must be doing one another...a very big favor for everyone to be so shocked. Those two never get along and its nice to see them put aside their differences and finally get along. Anyhow, the use of the Acer Kit is very well done in these Outliner comics. I look forward to seeing more, as usual.
  20. Sorry about not having a post yesterday; it must have gotten cut while going through or something.Anyhow, the lack of words really worked to that comic's advantage, Absorba. I liked how everything flowed and how it was easy to tell what was happening; not easy in a silent comic. The timing was perfect too.I like how you finally got around to updating your graphics style, Eljay =P. The comic was well done, though I never heard the original song before. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed it and all that.New comic today, this time from WVUFan!
  21. The character or the series?Series.J-K out.Ah, well, the Dark Bovine will make ah appearance in my new series, Catalyst, due sometime next fall. But as for the character himself, he'll probably make an appearance in the Christmas comic.
  22. Thanks, Reznas. Sorry, I can't take any more PGSes at the moment, although you're welcome to fill out a guest star form. Huh, now that you mention him, I haven't used him at all in about a year and a half now. Good suggestion.Any other takers?
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