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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. That, my good sir, is Alena Paprika Hyper. If you don't know her, you won't get the joke, I admit. Still, I had to do it. Oh, don't worry, he's already getting his share of trouble...=P Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't realize how unfunny it would be to people who didn't know Alena to begin with. Still, its a joke that I really wanted to do. More like Skype gave me the idea and I couldn't pass it up, but yeah. Skype has to be one of the greatest source of comic ideas in the history of comic making...
  2. Its a modification of Chimoru made for ICC use only. Except we changed the body and the colors and the limbs and the feet and the head and the masks and so on. Think of it like a very heavy modification, Chimoru and yet not Chimoru.
  3. Okay, so I lied about the comic being out yesterday. But at least its out today, right? Here you go and such. And as for PGS, I've decided on the two picks, based one both the amount of information given and what they would bring to the new series. The winners are Haspia Rintyse (from Shadonix) and Joland (from Utah), along with Janaro as an extra. However, since I did receive a lot of entries, I will be adding several of the more notable entries (Almighty Nope, Garda, Reznas, Zero and King Joe) to the GS list. I will ask everyone to resend their spritesheet links; for some reason, several of them have been cut off (as in, brickshelf.com/.../sprites/spritesheet.png) and don't work for me. Please do not make a new conversation and just reply to the original one. Saves Inbox space and so on. Also, try and link to it on a word (like I did with the comic link above) so the link will not be cut off as before.
  4. Alright, spoilers are removed until further notice. Anyhow, I'm going through the entries as I speak and I'll release the results soon after. Also, no comic today, sorry. I'm about five hours away from my house, so I couldn't get anything done. I hope to have one up by Sunday, however, but that also may not work out due to my math exam. Man, I really hate school...
  5. While I understand that the policy still stands, can I make an appeal for the topics in the forum here, at least regarding the first posts? I know that the purpose of the rule is to stop people from abusing the spoiler tags and hide something that either shouldn't be hidden or has no real value in the first place, and I can understand why you would want to prevent that from happening around the entire board. But comic topics do usually have a lot of material because many of them are long runners and have different things such as awards or PGS/GS rules or fan comics or any other multitude of things that make the first post seem messy and unorganized. By putting them in spoiler tags, it both helps the reader find what they want to find, but keeps it out of the way for people who just want to check if a new comic is up. For instance, my first post has a list of the comics in the current season, but if anyone wants to see the older comics they can go click the spoiler tag and view the other thirty or so comics there. That way, instead of having almost forty-five/fifty links right off the bat, there's only about fifteen or so and the other thirty are safely nested someplace where they don't clutter up the page, but can also be accessed when needed. With many comic series on here having a multitude of comics ranging in number, this would prove not only extremely useful, but extremely accessible and it would keep everything organized for both the topic starter and the readers in general.
  6. Last day to send in your submissions for the PGS contest!

  7. The squid's expression as it was being loaded into the launcher was hilarious. Its good to see some hand-drawn things back in this forum.
  8. Now offering advertisement options in LLL! PM me for details

  9. Yeah, I'd better get that awards spoiler working, what with all of these new ones =P Thanks for the awards, all three of you.
  10. There should be about four or five in there...I'm not sure as to why its not working. Maybe its just a glitch with the new board? GLORIOUS
  11. I love the backgrounds: they have their own certain charm to them. Your style really does speak out here, and everything about it is great. I also love how you made a high-quality series, but still kept Razor in it and not have too much of a clash between the two styles. I'll be sure to keep watching this.
  12. The part with Shadow wanting to be a singer was a very nice touch. And I'm glad you used the whole "Dark and Sir Pickles have coffee every Wednesday" idea. So yes, out of all the Chimoru Omega series ever released, this one stands by far as my favorite.
  13. Yeah, I really need to fix those. As for co-authors, I'm open to it, actually. Hence why I'm open to having an internship program. Thanks for the award; I'll be sure to put it up.
  14. I think we all know that this is a pretty blatant bypass of the word filter, good sir. Trying to use the spaces to your advantage only enlarges that fact. As far as your comics go, however, your first series (which we all know why I can't name) has too small panels for us to ever see anything. That, and there's a pretty big graphics clash between the rest of the panels and the "Navin's new house", which looks very Paint-made in its appearance. That said, the rest of the panels after the "new house" one are okay as backgrounds go; they don't distract the eyes too much and give attention to the characters. And as for the next one, the font is too small and looks quite ugly. Never use Times New Roman for your series; it just looks out of place. The ships also looks a little questionable in their detail; the white one is passable, but still looks out of place whenever you try to put that lens flare of yours in there, and the green one in particular is completely one shade and ruins any type of drama or realism you wanted to convey. This also carries to the backgrounds and their bare-grey appearance. There's not much else to say, really. Your spelling is good, but you don't use punctuation and/or forget to capitalize many words at a time. You just need to keep working on these; change the font, change the backgrounds, change the layout, and so on.
  15. Well, I didn't get anything done today as I'd hoped...I've got a lot of trig homework to catch up on. I can try and get something up either at the college (they have very nice computers with Adobe Master Suite CS5 hooked up on all of them) during my lunch break, or just tomorrow night. I do have a paper and paper revision due as well, however, so I guess it'll have to depend. Man, I dunno how I'm gonna keep this thing alive now...
  16. And whoa, its Mr. Maniac. Yeah, I remember when you posted way back then too. Nice to see you're back. Here's hoping that I can deliver.
  17. Yeah, all those quotes were a direct copy-pasta from the old topic. I really need to go and redo my entire page on of these days...
  18. That wasn't exactly the effect I was going for, but I sort of see where you're getting this from. The one on the far right is Katoka, though. Also, I probably should reiterate that I judge the entrants through how much information you give me. Some of you are sending me forms with empty fields; this really hinders how well you'll do. There's a maximum of five points that I can give per form, and the ones with the highest score will be given the spot(s). Also, I thought I should clarify that "Job" meant that the job you want at LLL Towers. All PGSes are employees at the place, so that will relate to what job you get. On that note, try and be realistic: I'm not going to make you CEO if you've never appeared before. Again, you're free to resend/submit additional forms as many times as you'd like, however, please try and use the original PM conversation to save inbox space. Thank you.
  19. Bit big for a sticky grenade, isn't it? =P Speaking about that, here's that picture again just in case no one got to see it:
  20. Its my weapon, the Quantum Shield (yes, quantum doesn't really make sense in that context; its only there because it sounds better than "Laser Shield").
  21. ~kh

    Tavkorp: Since 2008

    How is it that your view count is so high and yet your post count so low? =P
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