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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. Ah, its nice to see you back, Maniac. Comics are looking nice as ever. Only small complaint I have is that the text color may need a bit lighter shade, but other than that, perfect.
  2. Again, while this whole discussion about legality is being brought up, I'll restate my initial suspicion that this company is probably violating LEGO's contract with Scholastic. However, they technically can use wiki articles from Wikia and distribute them through other means legally (from that viewpoint, at least). It is a shame, but it is legal. On principle, however, it is not possible. What is possible, however, is that the "company" doesn't realize what its selling; I'm betting its a completely automated process, and they just select articles from popular wikis and copy-paste them into books/pdfs.As for me, I'm not so much infuriated by loss of sales or lack or profit, but on the principle that someone would take my and many other people's work without their permission and try to make money off of it.
  3. .........You have got to be freaking kidding me.So, apparently I'm getting ripped off by this too.Guess I'll have to look into this...
  4. However, Books LLC is infringing on LEGO's partnership with other publishing houses, such as DK, Papercuts and Scholastic. Scholastic especially; while I haven't explicitly looked at the contract made between them, I'm pretty sure they have exclusive rights to all text-based printed media (I say text-based because Papercuts publishes the graphic novels in their stead; unless Papercuts is a subsidiary of Scholastic and I just didn't know/realize that) regarding BIONICLE. And while the information is released under a Creative Commons license, there are some technicalities to that that could be brought up in a formal lawsuit; I'm sure there is at least some case to be fought for here.This is more appalling on principle rather than just legal technicalities, however; although the Creative Commons license still stands, I know I would be quite disgusted and angry if my work was being used not only without my permission, but being sold for a profit of which I saw nothing of.
  5. Yep, I'll be doing that through this. Well, there are two types of comics: comics that are actually released, and comics that detail the behind the scenes look at the studio. While at times the two mix (such as the Christmas comic), they're mostly just captured scenes of what goes on in the studio. While only a few are fully made up, there are some times where the in-universe Kahi makes mistakes with the comic making and has a error here and there; this accounts for any continuity errors you may see there.(also in the ICCverse currently only the parts you've seen of the Alternative Saga have been released; they're talking about finishing the saga rather than starting it) Not exactly; this is actually an in-universe conference, so they're referring to the actual studio releasing comics. I don't know...I know I don't picture myself with a British accent, but I tend to differentiate between my character with myself. Perhaps one does fit ICCKahi...then again, I've never really given that a ton of thought before. Well, board meetings WITH SANDVICH as well, but yes. True, that.
  6. I'm actually quite the fan of the show, due to the fact that each of the episodes do have quite the fleshed out storyline and story arc going along. Teen Titans was a fun show, but I seem to enjoy Young Justice more, mostly just because I'm a comic geek and the numerous mythology gags and the focus on lesser known characters are pure gold to me. The main complaint for me is that the female characters seem to have their purpose of love interest first and then actual hero in training second. The animation is well done, and it does a really good job of making a more involved story. I also like how they do have a story arc, and they don't just face the villain of the week every episode or so. They also have many callbacks to previous episodes, something which I enjoy as well.Plus, this is the only recent TV show in my memory that can actually say that they have Captain Marvel as a reacurring character. Captain Marvel. I remember just seeing him in the lineup and thought that was kind of cool, but then they actually introduced him as a character and that was more than amazing.Also @Fighty: I'm not sure I'd like this to be the Teen Titans all over again, but I do agree that some of the characters could be worked on quite a lot, and I wouldn't mind exchanging some of them for the Teen Titans cast.I've heard someone is to die this season...is that true, or is it just a rumor?
  7. Well, its at least a good choice; late night variety shows need more variety.
  8. ~kh

    Tavkorp: Since 2008

    Man, it fits so perfectly into continuity, its not even funny...Also, for those who may not have gotten the joke, I did actually name my started Pokemon "Hoto Bug" when I started Black.Nice job on the poster cover-up, by the way.
  9. Hmm...I've never actually thought as to how the characters sounded before. That's an interesting idea you have there.also silence is deafening. ._.
  10. So, I wanted to try something out here and start reviewing video games. Its something I've thought of doing for a while, and this seemed like a good place to start. There's two parts of this review: one for people who haven't played the game, and the other for people who have or who aren't too concerned about spoilers. Anyhow, I recently got a copy of Professor Layton and the Last Specter for the Nintendo DS, the most recent release in the best selling puzzle adventure franchise. As with the other games in the franchise, you play as the good professor of archeology, Hershel Layton and his apprentice Luke Triton. There's also a "new" character appearing this round: Emmy Altava, his assistant. I mark her as "new" because whether you find her new or not depends on if you haven't already seen a subbed version of Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, the animated movie that was released some time ago. This game is supposed to be a new trilogy in the franchise after it finished off in the high note that was Professor Layton and the Unwound Future and is actually a prequel to the franchise as a whole. Professor Layton is called to the town of Misthallery at the request of his friend and current mayor of the town, Clark Triton, who also happens to be the father of Luke. With the unexpected arrival of Emmy as his new assistant, the professor travels to the town to investigate the sudden appearance of the specter, which has been ravaging the town and leaving it in rubble. The story that ensues is another good Layton mystery, but the reveal is not as good as Unwound Future. There's a key point in the revelation that seems a little out of place, and you can also see that they were trying to emulate for the dramatic, tear-jerking scenes that the last installment had, only to fall short because of lack of sympathy. Its not terrible in the least, but it does seem forced. I did like the other parts of the game, however, such as the ensuing mystery of the Black Market (yes, there actually is a black market in this game) and the characters within. Emmy seemed to be an interesting character to develop; she's very different from the shy, quiet Flora and specializes in hand to hand combat, so she does add something to the cast. The character designs are also quite well done; their varied appearance and oddly shaped noses guarantee you'll never quite forget which NPC is which. There are, of course, much more puzzles which are still as challenging as ever. They vary in difficulty, but the harder ones make you earn your picarats. The Memo feature has been expanded into having multiple sizes for the pencil and different colors as well, though admittedly I hardly used the Memo feature as opposed to my previous experiences with the other games. I will admit that I used the Super Hint feature a lot more than usual; some puzzles really got me stumped. However, hint coins were easier to find and I was left with about 87 after my run-through, having gained over 100 during the first half in the game. Of course, the soundwork is still performing at the high quality bar that was set even by the first game. The tracks are lovely and still have that sort of European feel, and the voice acting is superb. I almost wish they had them record lines all through the game just so I could hear them all. In an age of so many games featuring subpar work, this is certainly a breath of fresh air. The scope of the game is moderate; bigger than St. Mystere in Curious Village, certainly, and perhaps about as big as the locations in Diabolical Box. However, it is small compared to Unwound Future. In fact, you'll probably hear me say that a lot in this review. The truth is, that basically can sum up all my thoughts about the game: its not as good as Unwound Future. The scope is smaller, the mystery is less memorable, the locations not as diverse, the characters not as compelling...its a good follow up to the previous games and a good addition to the franchise overall; I just didn't find it as fun as Unwound Future. I would still recommend it, however. I do admit that Unwound Future may have been really good because it was the end to a trilogy, and as this is the start of a new one it may take a little while to build up steam. While that sums up my review for the actual game, this game also features something that no other Layton game has had before: the alleged 100-hour RPG, London Life. While I can't say that I've completed that yet, from what I've played it seems to be a good add-on. It has a surprising amount of features for what I initially thought to be just a tacked on bonus feature, and although most people say that it doesn't take the amount of hours advertised to complete, so far its been good sized in its regard. Its sort of a cross between Mother 3 and Animal Crossing in that the graphics look like it was made to be a sequel to Mother 3 (and in fact, a few Earthbound fans theorized that it was when they saw initial screens), but the gameplay is very similar to Animal Crossing, what with having neighbors and performing tasks. While not entirely fleshed out as it could be if it was an actual game, it does go beyond what I thought it would and for that I commend it. I'll just have to wait and see if Fantasy Life delivers a more meaty package. All in all, I'd recommend the games to anyone who enjoyed the first ones. It has a large amount of challenging puzzles, fantastic voice work, and a good story to back it up, though it may not be as compelling as the bar that its predecessor set before it. If you don't have the money to buy a 3DS yet, but want to try one last hurrah for your DS or DSi, definitely try it out. As for the franchise itself, I hope Mask of Miracle will be hopefully able to build on the new foundation the series has with its prequel trilogy. The new 3D features will definitely offer up some new puzzle-solving possibilities. There's rumors of another animated movie coming out, and of course, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney is coming out in the near future. Its games like that that just compel me to grab a 3DS whenever I can... Story: 7.9 Graphics: 9.1 Audio: 10.0 Gameplay: 8.8 Afterthoughts:
  11. Yes, yes he did. =PAnyhow, I've got a new comic done. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of humor in it: its more of an expository piece to try and lead in the next "subsaga". It is pretty wordy, but its my first true attempt at my original premise for comic making: a thorough reconstruction of general comic cliches. And it also leads into the introduction of several characters.To rectify this, I do have another comic halfway done that should be up tomorrow. Like I said, the beauty of having a "subsaga" is that I can interrupt it at any time.Anyhow, here you go: Comic 45: Serious Buisness
  12. Looks like you put the dead in DeadMgoshdarnit Tav >=[
  13. There'll be another contest soon enough, don't worry. Its a long story. Continuity always screws stuff up. Yes. Yes he did. =P Reminds me of that whole "Official Comic Land Lawfirm" thing. That comic was made before I even joined and it still fits into continuity like a glove. =P Also yes, I actually spend more time away from home than in it.
  14. Aaaaand this saga is now complete. Link I'll work on more comics later, but I can't get on the internet much now due to an unforeseen circumstance. Anyhow, enjoy this. Now to work on a non-GS comic...
  15. Well, I remember Alena "quoting" what Eljay said on HeroFeed, which related to something I said about loving Nancy Pelosi and hating guns. Maybe, maybe not. "Godai in a hole" tipped me off. Its a pretty long story... Also the new comic was supposed to be released yesterday, wasn't it? Yeah, that schedule isn't working out as well as I hoped. I do have it two-thirds of the way done, though. It would have been completely done had I not decided to go on an archive binge. It brought down progress, but on the bright side I have now watched every episode of Red vs. Blue. Anyhow, look for it tomorrow, as usual.
  16. This kid I know on BZPower. =P Well, it was sort of a subtle change. One of the colors was darkened and the other was lightened and so on. I'm not sure what you're talking about; I don't have a series that uses Rayg. I'm not too set on using it for comics (unless it is a Halo comic, with which I would definitely use them in that case).
  17. But HeroFeed was technically stolen from HERO Factory, thus you would be stealing something that was already stolen. By the way, I think HeroBook would've worked better for that. Also, I love the comment on the profile. Yeah, HeroFeed was indeed taken from Hero Factory: Trial by Fire. And I did think about using HeroBook, but HeroFeed ultimately won just because I liked how it sounded as opposed to "HeroBook". Anyhow, here's the actual page. There aren't any pictures on it because for some reason the website wouldn't let me upload any of them, but anyhow.
  18. Oh man do I love three day weekends...

  19. ~kh

    Nap Time

    Can someone please tell me why they have exceedingly hyper pre-school aged kids to have manditory naptime, but offer no such relief to sleep-deprived college students? Really, I hated naptime when I was a kid and never really spent much of it napping anyways. But man, would I pay money to have a hour block of time in which I can just doze off... Oh, and C3 has been put on hold because of the Advent Calendar. Just saying. By the way: anyone know how much time we regular members get Premium benefits?
  20. Just a simple matter of Photoshop manipulation. I used an old browser design layout of mine called "Whiterabbit" for the browser itself.
  21. Technically, its all in-verse. Everyone on there is the ICC version of their alternate universe counterparts. What exactly do you think your comment says? Glad you're enjoying them. Yeah, I knew it'd really get a laugh out of people in the know =P
  22. Ah, Meso, you should know better to bring Hero Factory up to the LEGO Kid...
  23. aaaaaaagh so many comics to catch up on. Also curse you for widening the gap between our topics http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/angry.png But yeah, awesome stuff. I love how you played up Chilly's naivety in that comic. EDIT: Good LORD, that angry emote is hideous! Seriously, it looks like it wants to murder you and your family right there.
  24. Its more of a The Three Virtues thing as opposed to an old LLL joke. Yeah, this one's an in-comic, for now at least. I'll be sure to include Alena in another comic one of these days and you'll see what Garda meant, though. Also the template was made about a year ago and that's how the url came to be. It actually stands for Interconnected Servers Formal Transfer if I remember right. I think I brought it up to Dlakii or Ennar once while IMing and that's how it came to be. Man, I remember that first convo when we discussed that...Good times, good times. You're a recurring character, sort of like Gav, who I've featured in I think four-five comics to date... Also yes, it took a little bit of manipulation to get the page up and running. Glad you enjoyed it, though. Probably just a result of the resizing. Will do, once I get back home.
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