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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. Current PGSes don't need to (save for the ones that are in danger of being removed), but it would help me out a lot in using your character more. Good lord, Blade. Where have you been all this time? =P Yes, it certainly has been a while. Nothing's preventing you from enterring. You may have a cameo here or there since you're an ICC member, though.
  2. Is it possible for me to get multiple posts when I start a topic? Just for organization's sake, really, but it would be immensely helpful.
  3. If we were on the old board, then yes, I'd have to. However, the new board automatically saves the PMs you send (at least, it does for me), so you should be able to find the conversation there. Of course, it will only be your message there, but you should be able to reply to it all the same.
  4. Thanks. I'm sort of disappointed that Ennar isn't still around to give me a run for my money, but hey, life comes first. You can submit as many characters as you like. Do note, however, that they cannot 1. Share the name of a canon character (I generally don't like to have canon characters in my cast, makes it more original IMO) 2. Have numbers in their name (very hard to work with as far as names go, so yes). Also, if the character has a last/middle name or if you want to make one up for him/her, it would be great if you entered it as well. Any nicknames or anything of the sort can also be used as well. Don't worry if you've already sent me an entry that violates several of these other rules; just resend an edited version to me. (Please, reply to the original PM you sent me instead of sending a new one, this just helps keep clutter out of my inbox. Thanks.) Due note, though, that if you don't resend an edited version, I can't count it in when I judge them all. Also, as per the Comic Maker's Bill of Rights, I reserve the right to change your character's spritesheet/details to fit continuity/comic ideas better or whatever I see fit. Basic stuff, but thought I'd point it out. I won't change too much, I promise. EDIT: Also, I'm adding "History" to the list; this will probably be one of the things that will be heavily edited to fit continuity, but usually history gives a lot of insight as to where the character is coming from. If you already sent yours in, you don't need to bother with this, but if you'd like to anyways it'd 1. increase your chances and 2. help me out with using your character. Remember: the more info I know, the more I can use you in subsequent comics. So thanks.
  5. Just a head's up: as far as spritesheets go, I'm more likely to accept unique ones than regular ones. The more unique you look, the more I'll be inclined to accept your entry. Also, I sort of favor original characters over author avatars, but that's negotiable. I'm basically looking for something more than just a run of the mill character. This goes for both the spritesheet and the information. Also, the deadline will probably be Friday night. Sorry if I forgot to mention that.
  6. Yeah, its possible. Forgot to mention that before: there's a request form you can fill out so I can do your sheet for you. Keep in mind that I do tend to look at the spritesheet first before anything, though, so it would be better to actually make it than to just email me what you want done. Just send me the details; i.e. colors and masks and so on. I'll do what I can. My only requirement is that you provide the link to any sheet with the mask and any accessories you want included.
  7. Ah, right, I remember now. Yeah, I am. Really hinders my free time, though... Speaking of which, since I'm removing several people from the list, I guess I have room for one or two more PGSes. I've had several people ask for the spot, though, so I'm not sure what to do about that... I guess a contest is in order, then. Okay, here's the deal. I want to try and flesh out the PGSes more this upcoming year. Anyone who wants to PGS, send me the form given below and also send in a spritesheet. The one with the most detailed forms filled out (i.e., the one with the most useful information on them) gets to PGS. There may be one winner, maybe two winners, depends on how many entries I get. The new sheet is listed out below:[*]Name:[*]Job Position:[*]General Personality Traits:[*]Strengths:[*]Weaknesses/Faults:[*]Speech/General Quirks:[*]Favorite Activities/Products/Places/etc.:[*]Least Favorite Activities/Products/Places/etc.:[*]Abilities (if any):[*]Running Gag:[*]Plot Ideas (optional):[*]Spritesheet:[*]Main Comic Series:[*]History/Past:That should about cover it. Sorry about the wait for the next comic. Speaking of which, would you guys prefer for short comics more frequently made, or longer comics released over a longer period of time? EDIT: Added History to the list.
  8. Good to see you back, Ebba. Glad you enjoyed everything. You seem familiar, but your username doesn't...Regardless, glad to see you enjoyed them. I'm at the college right now, so all of you will have to wait some time before the new comic is released. Still, at least the Nocomicitis is gone, right?
  9. I'm liking how it looks like now; reminds me of the GameBoy games way back when. There needs to be more poses, of course, but I can see this kit being used for things like FCG. Nice work; I'll be looking forward to see where it goes.
  10. You should totally change your status to "I hate you guys".

  11. Don't quite know about all that, but thanks anyways. The smaller they get, the more respect they give, I suppose. Also, I'm going to do some small, one panel comics just for sig purposes. First one will be in here either tonight or tomorrow, depending on what happens at the college.
  12. ~kh

    Tavkorp: Since 2008

    The Paint-like rotation on the Noob was a very nice touch. =P
  13. Oh, hey, iPenguin. Been a while, hasn't it? Thanks for the review; its good to see you around here again. During the announcement comic, I said that I wasn't going to make any more saga comics for a year. That's why I haven't exactly finished that saga yet. Sorry about that, but I wanted to see how it would work out. Of course, seeing as how I haven't made comics for most of the year, I still have to see how long I can go. Sorry, but I don't have any of them uploaded. I probably won't until I get a comic kit up. Yeah, sorry to leave you hanging like that =P. However, don't worry, it will all be explained in the future. To give you a hint, there's a good reason why no one has mentioned the aftermath of that saga since then. Care to guess why? Pretty much. You and Ennar were both on the same level of popularity, but you have WAY more commentary. So we understand you more than Ennar. Make sense? Technically, Ennar was at double the popularity I was back then =P. As far as commentary goes, that's usually just how I am. Ask anyone on TTV: I can go on for hours about comics without taking a breath. Literally. I just don't shut up. Anyhow, got some new ideas for characters/comics today and I'll finish that once I'm done with this little multi-part comic. Also, I'm starting up an advertisement program soon: basically, you can send me a snippet/panel/advertisement/whatever for your comic series and in return for something I'll put it in one of my comics. PM me or contact me on Skype for the full details.
  14. ~kh

    Why Not?

    I like how you're trying to lean on the fourth wall, but it seems like you're trying to emulate the PRCT (Photo-Realistic Comic Technique) without actually doing it. Remember, just using photos for backgrounds doesn't make it look realistic. Try adding shading on the sprite (I use a combination of hue/saturation and the light source filter) and shadows (copy the sprite, flip it, fill it with place, angle it and then blur and lower the opacity) to make the sprites actually look like he fits into the photo instead of just being pasted onto it. I initially thought the punchline was a little lackluster, but then I realized that this was the premise for the whole series, so that's a bit better.
  15. I just love that monocle. It really puts on another level of sophistication, doesn't it? =P Anyhow, thanks for putting me in today's comic Gav. I'll see if I can return the favor one of these days...
  16. No problem, Tap. Well, when you run one, you sort of have to. =P Hmm...I dunno. It should probably be someone more universally...respected, I guess would be the correct term.
  17. Creator's Commentary: Deck the Halls With A Dead Body! Read it at the topic now.

  18. Yeah, it does. Well, I have:[*]Studio Background (five times the normal panel width; I just copy part of the background for the comic[*]Laptop Room (With Mangosteen Mactop)[*]Field[*]Hotel Room[*]Various Studios (Terton, Darcsyde, etc.)[*]Airship Port[*]Fireplace[*]Desert (that's actually a pretty bad one IMO)[*]Generator RoomI'm planning on making more, but yeah. ON WHAT GROUNDS, VENOM jk, cool to see you around. Nice to see you around here too, Tora. Man, its been a while, hasn't it? =P Anyhow, busy things took up most of my time today, so no comic. But I do have my new subproject up: Creator's Commentary. Basically, I take several of my comics and give them the Ennar treatment, revealing stuff as I go along. Here you go; one from my Christmas Comic. Enjoy.
  19. Could you give me a list of backgounds you use? And just everything in general. Cause all your backgrounds are much better than mine. Anyways, I really liked the new comic. It was pretty funny. Especially the part with the scanning and stuff. I can't wait for more comics! -Rez I do have a list, but I'm not sure how that would help you... Yeah, all of the stuff gets pretty confusing. I wanted to try and balance between making it interesting to read and eliminating any fridge logic, but I guess I still have to work on it. And yes, that place is indeed the predecessor to the RWAM lab. Continuity is fun to work with, no? I could not resist. =P When I started to work on this mini-series, that comic arc came to mind and I just had to work it in. Thank you. Graphics and words are sort of like two sides of a coin to me, personally; its not like one's better than the other, but you have to have them both work to make a comic. Of course, that's entirely debatable, as AIII has more than often seen. I'll rant about in someday on my blog. So, new comic either tomorrow or Sunday, possibly two. I'll then work on creating a buffer to work on, along with working on them at the college. Speaking of which, how does one comic a week sound to you guys? Is it too little to keep your interest?
  20. Update: An ACTUAL new comic, along with those two (semi) new ones

  21. Remember when I said that the links for the comics and their actual number in the topic don't match up? That's because I forgot to put two comics I made recently (and by recently, I mean before the forums went down) on the front page. Here's those two, in case you missed them. Oh, and the comic is practically done (literally, one panel for being done) and will be uploaded in a little while.Okay, a new comics FOR REALZ GUYS Link
  22. Two (semi) new comics up!

  23. ~kh

    Months Of Refreshing

    Whoa, Tahuri. I remember you way back when... Awesome comic and such. Its good to see you're still alive out there =P
  24. Guess I'm getting shot then. *Straps on bulletproof vest* Anyway, I've read most of these comics and... I still really don't see what makes them so great. I just don't. Maybe it's just the excessive Photoshopping combined with sixshaded Chimoru causing an illusion that makes the reader think that better graphics make a better comic series. Well, I ain't fallin' for that one. You may go on about the magic tricks, but I see the guy in the bunny suit in the background.Oh, Gerlicky, you'll always be my number one hater. =P Well, okay, number two. That first one was rather treacherous, very treacherous indeed. Anyhow, I'm awake and working on the new comic as usual. My college schedule usually prevents me from doing so, but I do get Fridays completely off, so I'll be able to work then. After that, then I suppose I'll work a bit on TNOG and get that topic up and running in a little while. If anyone's noticed, though, there is quite a large difference in between the actual comic number and the number of my actual comics hosted on Brickshelf. No real reason except that I had about two unfinished comics that I never released, and those bumped up my original number count. I'll have to either delete those and rename them or just make two comics without a number to their name.
  25. Possibly burned with a 4th degree burn. I hope someday my Graphics will be as good as yours. Could you tell me how to do some of the stuff you did in your backgrounds? -Rez You mean, like the floor, or the walls, or the door or what? Nice to see you up and active, Potu. That took a little hard to get right; I need help from Dlakks before it finally turned out how I wanted it to. Thanks anyways, though. Comic will be up tomorrow, or maybe just a subproject of mine if it doesn't work out. At least expect a preview or something.
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