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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. 4/5 I smell a monk fad coming.
  2. 4/5 Wow, I hope not What will lurkers think?!
  3. 3/5 The first one is a ninja, the second one is a monk. Do not get them confused!
  4. They are different. The first one has a darker border around the head and eyes, and shadow in the right interior. Also, there is a brighter yellow in the first one. --- 3/5
  5. 3/5 *Om nom nom nom* *Wipes mouth with napkin* Yup
  6. Less Talk More Rock - Freezepop --- Stereo Love - Edward Maya vs. Alicia
  7. 4/5 It is a...neutral thing!
  8. Firepower (Original Mix) - Datsik Into... Domino (Original Mix) - Datsik
  9. 3/5 Hello, Sev. We've been expecting you.
  10. Encoded (Original Mix) - DJ Hardwell Weak drop, but good track overall Into... Tetris - Doctor P
  11. 2/5 I know your banner from another topic.
  12. I loved the opening track very much, but didn't delve into the rest of the album so much. I didn't much care for the vocals in some of the songs.
  13. EDM (Electric Dance Music). For example: -Trance-House-Electro-Tech House-Electronic-Dubstep-Drumstep-Brostep-Psychedelic Dance-Techno (a little bit)-Dance-Electro House-Electropop (sometimes) Another genre I love is Drum & Bass, especially when it has Electronic elements (Pendulum, Netsky, Nero) I also like some select bands in the following genres: -Rock-Gothic Rock-Contemporary Hard Rock-Metal-Power Metal-General Rock But 95% of the time I listen to EDM. I'm a huuuuuge EDM nerd. And I could go on for hours explaining why. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif
  14. 5/5 I think Valenti has a life =(
  15. 3/5 Indeed But sometimes it is very fun
  16. 2.5/5 Never met, but I certainly remember you
  17. Same. Except I don't weight lift.
  18. 4/5 Who could forget that shiny gloomy banner
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