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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. 4/5 Was I fast enough? Did I get ninja'd? EDIT:
  2. 4/5 Oooh thanks for explaining Yes that works better EDIT: Fixed xD
  3. 3/5 I don't understand http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif
  4. I'll list the few albums I've bought recently: (all within a day or two of release) -X Rated by Excision-Cross The Line (Special Edition) by Camo & Krooked-Evanescence (Deluxe Edition) by Evanescence None have disappointed, although Evanescence was a bit slow to deliver
  5. 2.7/5 WAZZAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!!
  6. I wish I can't DJ well at all --- 3/5
  7. Um...Sonulamity? 3.8/5 I keep getting ninja'd x.x 4/5
  8. Your signature is vert tall.

  9. Pink Lady - Feed Me This song grew on me Chain Smoker has yet to grow on me We'll see though
  10. If These Are Hieroglyphs There Is No Future - Durtysneakz Awesome name. I do not understand it though.
  11. This site, I guess. It's kind of awkward when I'm like "I'm so excited, BZP is back!" and they're like "What's that?" and I'm like "It's a Bion...nothing." Although I don't really care about that anymore. I don't really have any. I'm almost nonconformist, so I don't really care what people think about anything that I do, so I'm never never guilty about my pleasures. I probably would consider My Little Pony a guilty pleasure if I got into it, though.
  12. Haha 5/5 It's only 10:10 here. But I have to wake up at 4:50 -_* Blast, ninjas! 3.5/5 Hi Sumiki
  13. BZP >>>>> homeworkGood point! I'll conform to this logic from now on. 4/5
  14. 5/5 Uh oh I have lots of homework >,<
  15. Heck, 5/5 Welcome to the club
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