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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. Hukster...Hukster...Nope, doesn't ring a bell. 2/5
  2. Wouldn't that be a 1/5 then? 2.5/5 --- Fine thanks for asking
  3. 3/5 Have safe passage on your voyage, and may the force be with you, Impulse.
  4. 4/5 Don't let the bedbugs bite. Wait how do we know that Impulse is going to bed?
  5. Seventy percent. Out of 5 I guess. What a spamfest.
  6. Heck, I'm listening through the whole Cross The Line (Special Edition) album by Camo & Krooked.
  7. 180,000/186282(mps) Vroooom Yay, ninjas! 3.5/5
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