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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. 2.5/5Yeah, I remember you too
  2. Yeah, it was quite disappointing. Hopefully they'll release a new album that sounds more like their older stuff. EDIT: Listening through the album, Erase This and Oceans seem particularly good.
  3. Not sure about the legitimacy some of these, but this is what I've heard. -Einstein's birth parents were cousins.-Einstein wanted to marry his cousin't daughter, but couldn't, so he married his cousin instead.-Tongue is the strongest organ.-Skin is the largest organ.-TV show Lost = Lord of the Flies by Golding. As a Lost fan, that blew my mind. =/ Yeah, not too exciting.
  4. What do you people think of Pam and Jim nowadays? I miss the hilarious pranks on Dwight.
  5. Seriously? o.O Whoa, cool. --- 3/5. I mean you're Sumiki.
  6. 3/5 I keep losing the game. On the old Forums, AND the new ones. I'll beat it one of these days...
  7. Steve was the best character on the show by far, but we still have Dwight, Jim, Pam, Darryl, Andy, etc. That's the great thing about the Office's ensemble cast - we still have half a dozen other oddball characters.[spoiler alert, Zeppelin] Yes, but IMO Steve really tied all of the characters together...I dunno. It's still good though, and I like Andy as the boss. Frankly, I don't like Dwight like I used to. He used to be these inferior suckup nerd, but in season 7 and up he's kind of...evil. Especially in the Classy Christmas episodes. That was horrifying.
  8. 1/5 You're bound to find someone you know eventually
  9. I've seen every episode countless times. Not even joking. Wonderful show. But it'll never be the same without Steve. I'll still watch it every week though, because in the end it's still The Office. Did anyone else have a brain spasm when Michael said "Hey, let me know if this ever airs" when he was leaving at the airport? xP
  10. 3.5/5 Definitely remember you from before the downtime.
  11. I've got to say I agree with about everything here. @OmiShad @The Shouting God - That's the #1 reason that people dislike Macs. It's a FACT that they're not built for gaming. However, I'd like to point out that there's a massive project called Wineskin that makes it super-easy to port most Windows-only games to OS X. And some pretty intense games, too. There's also Cider, another program for porting games, and Crossover, yet another. I currently have Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout 3 NV, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, Deus Ex, Strongholds 2, Commandos Behind Enemy Lines, and Might and Magic: Dark Messiah all ported to my Mac. Plus you can run Windows natively. Not disagreeing with you, because if you're a gamer I immediately do not recommend a Mac - just informing. @+ravrahn - I also do not like how constricting iOS is. But doesn't jail breaking it give you Android-like freedom?
  12. 2/5 I remember your username from before the downtime.
  13. 2.5/5 I saw your name everywhere back in the day
  14. @The ChangeAmy Lee could probably succeed solo, but Evanescence would be nothing without her. Nor could it be anything without the rest of the band... @ The Assassin ArcherYes, very gloomy indeed, which I love. Their newest album seems less dark though. Eh. @Laughin'ManYes she does. And I disagree about them being generic. The drummer has some unique tactics, Amy plays piano in most of their music, and there are some distinguishable sounds in most of their music. @WolvenYes, they released it on the 13th. It's called Evanescence (creative right?), but it's much more like The Open Door than Fallen, so you may not like it.
  15. I don't have TV, so I can only really watch it as each season is finished. But a couple of weeks ago someone got me into Adventure Time and I finished the two first seasons in like one weekend. Love the show. It's got some awesome epicness that some of us can see. =P
  16. 1.3/5 Seen you around this topic, that's all.
  17. 2/5 I remember your username. Ninja'd.
  18. So will the homepage remain the same, but with updated links? Or will it be revamped for the new blue style?
  19. 3.5/5 You got ninja'd twice mwahahaha
  20. 2.5/5 Who hasn't heard your name before?
  21. 1.8/5 I've seen your avatar here and there over the last couple of days. EDIT: Ninja'd. 2/5 I recognize you.
  22. Yay, I'm glad you're back! You made fun posts =P

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