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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. Thanks! But, no; it's a segment of the album artwork to Pendulum's album, "Hold Your Color."

  2. I like the quote in your sig. =p

  3. I'm afraid I don't know where they got it, probably a yard sale, or something. However I searrched Amazon and found some decently-priced ones. =)

  4. Haha, thanks! =)

  5. My parents happen to have a humongous poster in their room which has the same image of your sig. Just kind of coincidential. =)

  6. Wow, I was startled to see my personal profile pop up as your website. =p

  7. We're so alike!

  8. Your sig is superfluously awesome! B)

  9. Haha, I don't know! It's so captivating!

  10. It's awful. It's entirely white and...Well if you go to Gmail and view in basic HTML, it's like that. And sloooow. And confusing. I keep trying to get my mom to switch, haha

  11. i JuSt KeEp StArInG iNtO yOuR aVaTaR!1!

  12. *Looks at contact information.*

    Yes, Google pzwns Yahoo! =D

  13. Thanks for the two Proto boosts. =D

  14. Nescent


    What? That's not true. I post a lot in CoT, and I roam around all of the other Forums, really. EDIT: Oooof, you mean in my blog...Yes, that is so...
  15. Nescent


    I was quite surprised when I logged on that I had the Premier Outstanding BZP Citizenship status today, and it was nice! =D Anyways, it's nice to be Premier agian. =) Another six months of joyous perks...
  16. Oh gosh, that's surprisingly hilarious.
  17. I like your interests. "Use your imagination." XD

  18. Heh; thanks. =)

  19. Thank you, and I agree. =]

  20. Indeed; I very much like her music. ;)

  21. Nescent


    Now I'm just terrified. =|
  22. Hey, first-off, I want to say that these are AWESOME. I'd love to buy one, but I'm a size medium; so please PM me if someone who has it on hold ends up unable to buy it. Thanks. =)
  23. Nescent


    Unfortunately, I'm not able to be too intimate with BZP right now, yet with the initation of the tiresome intake of high school; however, I will be online throughout the lopping hours of the procastination-invokative climate of the weekends, so fear not. =) Seeing as boasting on a nerdy level of academics, here's my Freshman schedule - 1st) Pre-AP Earth/Space Science Honorary 2nd) Drawing/Painting I/II 3rd) PE... =( 4th) Algebra I (I stink at math!) 5th) Pre-AP English Honorary I 6th) Spanish I (this is great, because I'm fluent - shhh!) 7th) AP-Human Geography It's a truckload of stress, but hopefully I'll manage. Thank God the Floridian laws permit LTM, during which school's commencation is posponed by three well-spent hours. I'll be getting college credit for my AP-Human Geography class, and I'm in the ninth grade; so that's awesome. =D Unfortunately, however, all of this work prevents me from doddling gogle-eyed with my awesome Bionicle/Hero Factory sets, but fear not, for the obsession of this awesome understated obsession will remain implanted into my life for as long as it lasts. =) Long live LEGO!
  24. Nescent


    Really? I haven't really even done anything to it. But thanks. I'm not even really sure how to use it. =/
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