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LNU n' Pinkie Pie

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Blog Comments posted by LNU n' Pinkie Pie

  1. I see, I see...


    Now I feel like an underachiever for drawing Pinkie with my tablet in about 15 to 20 minutes. :P I guess that's why you're the one ponifying things.


    And flattering copiers/printers/scanners is something I know all to well. Having to have 8 pages printed for a lab notebook on the day they're due and the printer not working? Yeah. That'll do it. :P

  2. Also, as for the songs, weren't the duets in the original version as well? I thought they were... =/Something I liked, however, was that they kept all the awesome glitches. =D

    What I meant was, when you first learn the song, you play the duet with Sheik, and then every time after Link just blandly plays it on the ocarina. Where as in 3D, he plays the duet every time.


    As for the glitches, those were good too. My favorite would be using the bottle to deflect the ball when you play Deadman's Volley with Phantom Ganon and Ganondorf. :)


    You may not know this, but that glitch works against puppet Zelda in Twilight Princess, as well as well as the guy you play deadman's volley with in windwaker. (Can't remember which boss it is at the moment.)

  3. Not sure if you want a game? Wait till it comes out and watch a Let's play. That's what I do. I dunno about mario 3D. To me, it seems like more of a "Let's make heavy use of the 3D since it first came out!" kind of venture than an actual game. I could be wrong of course. It's like when the wii first came out and Nintendo was all, "Oh! EVERY game will be motion controlled SSBB will have you actually THROWING punches!" And then nope. No one want that.

  4. In Illinois, spring = rain and wind and hail.


    Yeah. I said hail. :P

    Massachusetts gets hailstorms too. Don't get too high and mighty. :P


    Pretty much, we don't get the WORST of any weather, but we get ALL the different kinds of bad weather. Just in moderation. :P


    Oh, yeah?! Well, Alabama gets...


    The sun. And rain. Sometimes simultaneously.


    But if it's spring that means I should be sneezing my stupid head off right now. (I have terrible pollen allergies.)

  5. Aw... You lucky son of a son...


    I got a DSi in December around my birthday, and then found out the 3DS was about to come out. :(


    But then I got Okamiden and was :).


    I majorly wanted it for OoT 3D. (I hear their making the water temple easier, which is a plus.)


    You most likely won't regret your purchase when games like that come out.


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