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Zox Tomana

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Everything posted by Zox Tomana

  1. To a degree, yes. There has to be something about the song I like. For example, I don't really like all the lyrics of Fall Out Boy's "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs," but man if the line "I want these words to make things right, but it's the wrongs that make the words come to life" isn't just right on point. The instrumental work is fairly good as well. Take those two things together, and I can begrudgingly give it my approval. Contrast that with a song from a genre I'm usually a big fan of: God's Not Dead (Like a Lion) by the Newsboys. I like the message of the song, but find both the lyrics and the music a tiring way to present it. I don't find the song itself very good or compelling and so I can't find it in me to like it, despite my feelings regarding the message.
  2. Unfortunately, it fluoresced not because of the UV light, but because of some Cambridge Orcs nearby.....
  3. It is there to eat your soul. Run. Run fast. Run far. Do not visit the BZP homepage for the next month at least. Or it will consume you
  4. I read "Murach's Java Servlets" and thought about plates. This, folks, is how you spot code-illiterate people.
  5. Zox Tomana

    Work Related Injuries

    Good to know you got the important things taken care of!
  6. I've found the standard earbuds for your average apple device to have sufficient adequacity for my needs. I got these at the beginning of the year so I could have something that worked in my phone and would stay in my ear while walking around as a convention medic. They have been working beautifully for me, but they're also a bit pricey. We mainly got them because we knew their button would work with an Android phone, but you might not be concerned with that...
  7. I once went to an art museum as part of a high school project for a dual-credit art appreciation course, and I had a ton of fun because I got to enjoy the experience of using my literary/mythological/historical knowledge to explain and interpret the various paintings we saw. So in some ways it can depend on what you do with the trip and what you consider fun. That teaching moment was great fun to me, and getting to study and see works and objects of the past and of other cultures can be very interesting and that exploration is fun...for me...but I'm weird, so...
  8. Zox Tomana

    new member title

    That's the Plot Twist: HH can do anything HH wants to do. HH is the true power behind the throne. The BZP Staff Lineup is a lie. We've all been lied to! Lies! All Lies!
  9. but what if Absolutely not. BUT WHAT IF Then Penguins
  10. I prefer this statement from the BS01 General Disclaimer:
  11. Zox Tomana


    Salut mon ami.
  12. Hau could they be that protective of the mask? Oh well...
  13. Zox Tomana


    Because you're obviously Air Chief Marshall SPIRIT
  14. Korgot: 1 Narmoto: 5 (wearable Bionicle ftw!)
  15. I'd be hightailing it off to a more Southern local in order to be away from the Imperial center. Less stress that way.
  16. A thing to keep in mind regarding the Bohrok statement: the Bohrok are biomechanical differently from the MU Beings. They're fully robotic shells with an organic controller. So when the Toa look at them compared to themselves, they are less organic and more mechanical.
  17. I shall brave the idea of submitting myself as a character... I want to see how that goes
  18. It was funny while it lasted.Stop. As per our leak policy, vetted by lego themselves, we were free to post the information. That never precludes lego from asking it to be removed. You're gloating over something you have no understanding over.Question for the sake of clarity, while Amazon is a reliable source (mentioned in the policy as a quality needed for legitimate posting of material), where is the line between "released officially" (the other quality) and "released accidentally"? The news article uses the language "posted" without qualifiers (implying officialness) but also uses the language "overeager" (to my mind, implying an early release prior to intention, perhaps indicating an oversight in when products were scheduled to appear in the store). How does the BZP News Team & Staff draw the line between something released on an official basis and something released due to an oversight, accident, etc. while still being from a source considered reliable?
  19. But doesn't that mean LEGO would consider this a leak, then? I mean, isn't the most basic definition of a leak something that gets out before it is intended to be? If a list is released earlier than it should have been....that would fit that basic definition, even if it is from a "partner." It being from a partner just means the info is reliable, not necessarily that it is fair game and isn't a situation that can be defined as a leak.
  20. Yeah, but you would have been chomping at the bit because there would have been so little posted. There's a lot that gets posted and discussed early this year, at least.
  21. Don't forget that if they destroy the Earth, they lose all the plants and animals that thrive here and make that food possible. No guarantee that you'll be able to for-sure grow the full variety of things we put in our food on other worlds without a lot of effort put into getting such and operation set up, and that without destroying the Earth so that you can figure out all the chemistry needed. The plants...those are the special thing about Earth...forget the people! As far as Humans being "special" or unique, I like the way Star Trek has (at least implicitly) looked at humanity. Why are the Q so interested in us? Yeah, there's the capacity for us to change and become like them, but that's also more to do with us possibly being like they were to begin with. It isn't unique, we're simply a repetition of them. Why are the Vulcans intrigued by us in Enterpise? We are super emotional, but aren't a warrior race like the Klingons, which they would expect given our history. Now, does that speak to our super specialness, or to the narrowmindedness of Vulcans? There end up being plenty other species who are both very emotion and not war-like. The Vulcans' tendency to judge from afar and their disinterest in actually exploring actively meet new races instead simply offers them a narrower view than the human crews get. In that case, we're just the most interesting thing in the nearby area, not in the quadrant and certainly not in the galaxy. Although, when you think about it, us having a somewhat unique and special set of values, customs, and tendencies makes perfect sense. No reason another culture has to evolve like ours. Could be fight-driven like the Klingons, greed-centric like the Ferengi, utterly xenophobic like so many other species...each of these has the concept of kindness somewhere in them, we just apply it differently than they do, or we're more quick to change our ways because we simply value it more, or in different ways, than others. The Ferengi were perfectly willing to adapt...to changes in the market.
  22. One entry: Charlotte the eight-legged Skull Spider. 19 pcs. I with I were back home where all my good pieces are....
  23. Sparky Smokey Fawkes
  24. Zox Tomana

    Brickfair and Beyond

    Congrats on the Award All hail Empress Kayru?
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