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Bionifight 3:


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Nujanii was so concentrated on destroying ToD that he was open to the javelin charged with ice as it buried itself in his back and a thick layer of ice covered him, sending him to the ground while "Guardian" smiled and walked over to finish his enemy.

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Nujanii Nujanii quickly shattered the ice covering himself, at least, that which had not been melted by his trusty launcher/jetpacks. His launcher remained active when he fell to the ground and probably saved him from a hard fall. As it was, Nujanii landed softly, and turned to Guardian. Realizing that this was likely an illusion, he quickly rocketed into the air, keeping an eye on ToD, and kept a wary eye about him in case of ambush. He resumed his highly concentrated white hot stream of fire aimed at ToD's chest, but this time remained wary, looking about him for Guardian's next attack.

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Nujanii Nujanii watched the illusionary guardian. With his right hand he recieved the glass of iced tea, with his right hand, he directed the flow of flame at the unresponsive ToD. With his right foot, he kicked the shadow entity back five feet, and with his left foot he kicked the real Guardian (Or whatever MoC1's character name is). All this time, his disk launcher kept him 3 feet off the ground. Nujanii then threw away the illusionary cup of tea. Nujanii rocketed back into the storm, out of reach of the shadow, and kept watch on Guardian while, all this time maintaining a frightfull blast of fire directed directly at ToD.

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This looks like fun. Name: SquishyWeapon: Bowling ballPower 1: The greenPower 2: Levitation, if possible.Power 3: GravityAppearance: A rather short pudgy fellow. Squishy isn't the smartest guy around, but he loves abusing his powers and strutting his stuff all around the battlefield. gah i post so much in this forum why does it have to be so flippin fun sometimes ;_;

Approved. Feel free to jump in anytime.


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OOC: Cool. IC: Squishy levitated into the arena!>Squishy sprouted a man-eating plant from the ground!>Squishy threw his bowling ball into the storm and lightened it's gravity so that it's hurling around in the storm!>Squishy got distracted by the snow!>

Edited by Squishyfrog


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Kokahu deactivated his mahiki and turned to face the rather odd looking creature who had just teleported in and casually tossed a dagger at him too see what was the bottom of the deep blue sea, see? what he would do when a bowling ball hit him in the head and made him see red stars. "Did not see that coming" he muttered to himself as he clutched his head and hoped the pain wouldn't last long. Nice weapon man.

Edited by MoC1

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Nujanii Maintaining his stream of fire that had been shooting at ToD with absolutely no chance of missing for several minutes now, Nujanii incresed his elevation and caught the dagger left handed. He then inexpertly threw it at Kohaku or whatever MoC is calling his character. Nujanii finally stopped his stream. After blasting ToD with white hot flame for ten minutes or so, Nujanii hoped ToD had been damaged somewhat.

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Squishy wonders why people are going after the seemingly inactive for now ToD!>Squishy is confused!>Squishy hurt himself in his confusion!>Squishy is confused!>Squishy grew a dense jungle around ToD to help slow down the attacks!>Squishy levitated towards the snowstorm out of stupidity to reclaim his bowling ball!>Squishy got sucked up into the snowstorm!>


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Nujanii Nujanii was quite glad that his fire attack had hit ToD before the forest grew up to cover him. Nujanii wasn't glad for long, he was sent to the ground by a rather random bowling ball. Seeing it coming back, Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and knocked the bowling ball to the ground. Coincidentally, the sign said "stop." Nujanii planted the sign in the ground, put the bowling ball in his pack, and flew ten feet thanks to Taipu's snowball. OOC: I thought I'd bring back the conveniently placed sign. EDIT: OOC: ####, I forgot I can summon armies now!

Edited by kanohi_master
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Kokahu summoned an army of 10 Taipu's to throw snowballs at his enemies as well as a matoran band to create a pleasant atmosphere. Then grabbing another CPS (Conveniently Placed Sign), he grew ice spikes on it and attacked Nujanii.

Edited by MoC1

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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OOC: NOOOO!!! I was going to do that! :P Curse you MoC1!ONE!!!!234!!! Nujanii Nujanii staggered to his feet, faced the ten Hafus and summoned two of each of the members of the Cronicler's Company. He then sent the two Cronicler's Companies to attack the Haf- I mean Taipus. Nujanii then grabbed another conviniently placed sign, drew a dagger, and decapitated Kokahu. Picking up Kokahu's head, he tossed it to Kokahu, saying "Catch." Hey, wait a minute, am I at 400 posts!?

Edited by kanohi_master
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Cool, I'll join: Name: Captain FatbeardWeapon: A large repeating cannon with six barrels the size of a ship's cannon and a war-hammer attatched to the end.Power 1: The ability to jump very high in the airPower 2: Control over salt waterPower 3: Supernatural upper body strengthAppearance: A bearded ,500 lb former sailor with a peg leg who took off running cargo routes throughout the Matoran Universe so he could live out his dream of fighting to the death in gladitorial combat. Accent: pirate -Yarg, you don't be touchin' me pocket protector, Yarg!

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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Suddenly (as in over a few minutes), ToD found himself burned to ash, reconstituted by his melted ice (SCIENCE!), decapitated by a bowling ball, and then skewered by a tree. Somehow having survived all this, the toa charged, summoning twenty toa of ice which put forth their power to makes thousands of snowballs, which began to be pelted at everyone. ToD himself picked up a Conveniently Placed Sign and bashed Squishy's plant with it, making said plant spit its master out. It also made a rather humorous face, and the toa saw that it read "derp". he charged into the frenzy, discarding the sign and holding his spears ready to stab anyone in his way.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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@Toa of Nerds: approved. Also, the round is finished! All of you fighters put in valiant efforts, and somehow managed to coat the Po-Wahi landscape in 5 billion metric tons of snow, which toa Tahu melted and used to create the universe's largest swimming pool, complete with laser sharks and oversized lilypads. It was hard to choose a winner, but ultimately I would say that MoC1 ultimately was the champion, due to his constant posting, his quirky creativity and his humility. For his dexterous dominance, MoC1 will receive the Tesla Toaster. In addition to firing rock-hard baguettes at rapid speed, the toaster can also electrocute enemies upon contact. Use it well, MoC1! Now, for Round 2... Round 2: Bionifight (Regular)You are all whisked away to the Tahu Mata Memorial Swimming Pool. In addition to being 7,000,000 miles long, it is also rife with laser-sharks and lily-pads. May the best man win!

Edited by TheMightyFighty


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Captain Fatbeard jumps from 200 feet in the air and slams onto a lily-pad, splashing an estimated 3.4 metric tons of water in all directions. With a single "Yarg!" he spins himself randomly around in all directions, firing his cannon at anything that moves. -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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Just his luck, ToD was hit by a cannonball as soon as they teleported. However, when he came to a halt somewhere over the rainbow, he realized that it was actually a bowling ball. Smirking, he flew back to everyone else and chucked it as hard as he could at Squishy. The water around Fatbeard became supercooled, and as some of it was still falling, it would likely freeze the pirate.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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Captain Fatbead looked up from his rampage to see the 3.2 metric tons of water coming down on him. "Yarg! Water'll never hurt a soul! Yarg!" But this super-cooled water may have damaged Captain Fatbeard's soul, as it fell on him and froze his beard, biceps, shoulders, and 2/3 of his massive belly. Blinking icicles from his eyelashes, Captain Fatbeard concentrated and began turning the now-frozen water into saltwater. This lowered the water's freezing temperature and as such it began to melt. Of course, Captain Fatbeard didn't know the science behind this; he just wanted to be closer to the sea. Yarg! -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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Nujanii Nujanii appeared and was glad to have his head re-attached. He then noticed that his conveniently placed sign was gone. That was no problem. Nujanii walked along a lily pad, looking around him. Halfway across, he ran into an inconveniently placed sign. Nujanii figured that that was only fair, since there were conveniently placed signs. Nujanii then placed his launcher on his back and flew into the air. Above the swimming pool, he decided that a Toa of ice could freeze him with ease if he should fall into that water, and decided not to submerge. Then he was knocked out of the air by a cannon ball, hit by a blast of water from below, and submerged. Then the supercooled water froze around him. "Just my luck..."

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E, this looks interesting...Guess I'll try it out. Name: Killer OctopusWeapon: -Eight protosteel dirks-The unfinished Book of Thor and a pencil-Rinlöjm: This mythical weapon, in addition to its use as a MC Hammer combat hammer which also can be thrown, can summon lightning strikes from Asgard, and allows its holder to teleport via the bifrost. -Poke-Ball: This special weapon summons a Pikachu to aid its user in battle. This Pikachu can use electric attacks and is quite the dancer fast.Power 1: The power of the Great Calix is contained within the toa's body. In KO, this manifests itself in superhuman powers of rap break-dancing prowess.Power 2: Kakama-level speed allowing him to rap faster slice and dice quickly.Power 3: The elemental power of Lightning at a toa level (controlling, manipulating, absorbing etc.) so he can paralyze foes and rap over their bodies used by him in a variety of imaginative ways.Appearance: A jet-black and toned armored toa wearing a Calix with gold letters of many languages written all over the visible parts of his body, with room for some more. KO's eyes are a stark gold behind shades which look like the ones on this guy, and he wears a gold mesh t-shirt for his only non-metal armor, with eight scabbards for each of his dirks and Rinlöjm strapped to his back. He also wears black shorts which come down to his knees with pockets for his notebook and pencil and the Poke-Ball. Finally, a pair of black moccasins are upon Octopus' feet. -The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Nujanii Nujanii had not the luck of being unfrozen by Captain Fatbead. He had to get himself out. Reminding himself that if a Toa of Ice had been present he would likely have remained the duration of the match frozen underwater, Nujanii returned to the air. Nujanii hit Captain Fatbeard with an Onu-Metru disk of increase weight, level 3. Nujanii then threw a fireball at Squishy.

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