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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Silo - Ga-Koro

I smirk at the newcomer, and then transform my smirk into a wolfish grin. Turned away from Skorm, all I do in answer to his question is change my expression yet again into something more knowing. I utter a simple phrase with melodramatic innocence, and in a quiet enough voice that Skorm can't make out the words (unless he's secretly a De-Toa): "Oh, no, it's none of my business..."

Just as I'm perfecting the art of juggling multiple characters at once, Serith threatens to blow my cover. He really is proving a bit dim, but then again brilliance like mine is rare in the profession of hired killers. I look at him in an equally innocent, but also confused, way - now with my face mostly in view of Skorm. I move slightly so that my good eye is obscured, at this angle, from Skorm's view by Serith's bulbous head. And as I naively say "I-I don't know what you mean...?", I give Serith the most gigantic comedy wink. With people like him it proves best to drive the message home...



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IC: Serith


Serith was confused by this Toa's reaction. It was obvious that the purple being had a few screws loose... but then again, almost everyone did on this island. He now wasn't so sure that allying himself with this being was the best thing for him, considering how unstable he seemed. However, Serith couldn't say that of course. He wanted to leave this conversation alive.


Feeling the effects of the gravity attack from earlier wearing off, he grunted as he peeled himself away from the wall, still holding his sword in his left hand. He smiled, and waved off the Gravity Toa's reply.


"I see what you mean," Serith said, "It seems like your plans don't need my services. Well, I'm sure I'll see you around, sooner rather than later. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting at some point. How does that sound?"

Edited by Shadow Destroyer

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There are many things universally accepted as 'Not seen every day'. One of them Wasuka was pretty sure was in there was 'A flaming Tarakava in a blizzard'. Especially the kind of Tarakava on her homeland. Although, to be honest, her people didn't go to the mountains on her homeland--The supersonic ice monsters would slaughter them--so she didn't know if that actually occurred frequently there or not. She assumed it didn't, though.


Oh, and another thing on that list.

A small airship spiraling out of the sky and smashing on contact with the water. And yes, it was on fire.

And yet, this was what brought the Arakan hunter to Mata Nui. Or, just off-shore. Yeah, close enough. The reason her main propeller engine decided to catch fire just as the island came into view had eluded Wasuka for the past...hour. And it was a mystery that would likely never be solved. She was lucky a floating piece of hull splashed past her as the pilot cabin flooded, she had precisely no clue how to swim. She'd mostly just stood there and screamed until that debris had come to her rescue. Not only could it float, but it could float despite carrying her weight.


Wasuka watched as her airship vanishes beneath the mostly calm waves in...barely over a minute. Yeah, Arakan technology wasn't built for water in the slightest. Construction of buoyant vehicles wasnt a skill back home, considering going into the water, boat or no boat, was suicide. She'd heard tales of the ravenous Takea circling the shores punching holes clean through boat hulls and dragging the crew down through them.


Water. She was in it.

With a shriek, Wasuka scrambled to get onto the debris, her wide-open, unblinking eyes scouring the water for anything about to try and eat her. Fortune was on her side today; the Takea weren't here right now. Mostly just small fish that looked more scared of her than she was of them. Which must've been karzing terrified, all things considered. It was Wasuka's unfailing business watching the water beneath her that let her drift near Ga-Koro without noticing it, only looking up at the sounds of people doing...yknow...stuff.


More confusing stuff. Of all places, why had these people decided to construct their entire village on the water?! Were they suicidal? Was this a village for suicidal depression victims? Wasuka cautiously eyed the village, pausing at one moment to adjust her helmet and lift her visor up proper. Well, suicide center or not, it was rigid and probably safer than her plank of wood. As cautious as ever, Wasuka clambered up, out of the water.

OOC:Wasuka, the first Araka on Mata Nui, is OFI! In case you want to talk to a foreigner that looks alien too.


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IC: Kanonu

A small wave hit her boat and distracted her from her fish. It slid down the boat and started flailing. Kanonu looked around, scanning the now not-so-peaceful Ga-Koran waters. She noticed some sinking movement a kio or so away from her, but it disappeared as soon as she spotted it.

Curious, she aimed her boat at the scene and started approaching. She noticed more details - pieces of some broken vehicle and equipment, a figure in the water floating on... something. Kanonu stopped. The being close to her definately wasn't a Matoran nor a Toa. Now she was only a few bio from the being and pretty sure it could see her. She decided to swim a bit closer, just to get a better glimpse. If it attacks, or looks too dangerous to approach, she'll leave.

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As soon as she had put one foot onto the...semi-solid land, she froze, rocking gently as she tried to keep her balance. Someone was watching her. Turning slowly, through the slit visor in her sallet she saw a...small person. Like, not very tall. Very blue. Blue? She knew some blue people. One of them could pat a rock and then shatter it with a swift kick. Weaken was a terrifying power at times. But, like, this person was not an Araka, whoever they were. Their arms were short. Their legs were...plantigrade, that's the one, as opposed to digitigrade like her. And they had some weird...mask thing. What if someone attacked them from behind? One sharp arrow to the back of the head and they were gone.


Best of all, they were in a boat. Yup, definitely a village full of suicidal folk. That or adrenaline junkies. Just you wait till the sharks come was her only thought. Or, yknow, the massive squids that could pull down small boats at once. She'd actually seen that once. Granted, she hated the guy who got pulled down with it, but it was his own fault for going out onto the water in the first place.


Whoever this person was, they were keeping their distance...for now. Were they...waiting for something? Did these weird people have some kind of greeting gesture? What was it? Why did she decide to come to this island? Why had her engine caught fire? Wasuka's mind was flooded with questions. She decided to take what she thought was the safest approach, besides legging it through this village and off into the sunset.



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IC: Kanonu


Kanonu froze at the sound of being's voice. Now that she got a closer look, she started regretting her decisions.

They were covered almost completely in armour, especially the lower part of their body. Their legs were a strange pair of digitirade kicking machines. Orange eyes were glowing softly from under some kind of a helmet. Kanonu also noticed that they were glancing at her boat and back to her with the "what a complete kohlii-head" look. She's met a lot of weird beings in her Wahi, but this - this takes the cake.

Kanonu swallowed hard and approached, still keeping a save distance from them. They seemed afraid of water, to say at least.

She looked out of her boat.

"What-" She bit her tongue. A great way to go, genius, she scolded herself. "Who are you?"

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Well, they spoke the same language she did. That was a plus. No language barriers here. Yay, progress. Looking at this other person's body language, and keeping her own in mind, she guessed that everyone felt a little uncomfortable here.

The magic of first contact, children.

The other person started to speak. They caught themselves after saying one word, before asking 'Who are you?'. Wasuka wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what they were going to say originally. 'What are you?'. It was a fair question, if asking such a thing wasn't considered rude, Wasuka would probably have asked them the same thing.

"Uh...I'm...Wasuka..." She swallowed, blinking.



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IC: Kanonu


She felt relief come over her. Good news she was sentient. Well, at least Kanonu guessed they were female from the sound of their voice.

Wasuka. Definately not a common name on Mata-Nui, at least Kanonu has never heard it before. Wasuka looked confused to her, like seeing a Matoran for the first time. Anyway, Kanonu sat on the edge of the boat and put her rod down so it didn't retstrict her movement anymore.

"Name's Kanonu."

There was a bit of silence. Very awkward silence.

"Tell me..." She paused a bit. Maybe it wasn't the wisest thing to do, but she got herself intrigued by the being in front of her. The question she was going to ask was an obvious one, but she just wanted to make sure.

"...you're not from here, are you? I-in fact, where are you from?"

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Kanonu. Hm. Not a name she'd heard before. She knew a Kanara, which was about the closest name she knew of. Kanara was trash, but she wouldn't let that cloud her judgement.

This Kanonu asked her something. Where she was from.

"Nno...I'm not from here...that'd probably be a bit clearer if my airship got her intact..." She turned around. Aside from a couple floating pieces of hull, there was nothing left in view of her ship. All at the bottom of this...uh...bay? Yeah, bay.


Her food was in there.

Aw heck. Hopefully these people ate things that weren't poisonous to her, because that food was the ocean's food now. Wasuka sighed at the realization. All those Ahna Cakes...

Right, this Kanonu asked another question.

"Uh...an island, uh...north-east of here, I think. Called Vostak. You could call it nice, with some real bright beaches and lush jungles, if the nasty critters there didn't rip you apart at the slightest opportunity." She chuckled awkwardly.

"Speaking of islands, where is this? We heard from our scouts of some island where walking outside isn't suicide. Is, uh...is this the one?"


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IC: Kanonu


She tried to get a hold of her chuckles. Whoever this Wasuka person was, she definately had some sense of humor.

Still, Vostak? The name sounded similar to something she heard once in Onu-Koro, but she couldn't relate it to any island she knew. A dangerous island with a lot of beaches and jungles where everything tries to kill you? There were many islands like that, it really could be anything.

"Maybe not every single spot is safe here, but yeah, it's not... how did you call that? Suicidal?... to walk around here. You're on an island we call Mata-Nui. Can you swim? We could talk standing on the ground instead of floating here like some weirdos."

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Could she swim?Ha. Nobody on Vostak could swim. Anybody who tried died before they could learn.

"No. Not in the least. So, uh..." She scratched the side of her head.

"Yeah, dry land sounds nice. Or, uh...whatever this village is."


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And now came the true test of Wasuka's courage. She had to trust a boat. She remembered reading once how Araka in the past used boats as a means of execution; the criminal was shoved onto a generally pretty ramshackle boat and the boat was kicked off into the water. If they got away from the island, far enough that the Rahi stopped trying to kill them, they were free to go.


Nobody got away from the island. Then they stopped doing that because that's horrible. Also it encouraged sea creatures to hang near the shores.

And yet here Wasuka was, having done nothing wrong, having to trust a boat. Cautiously, as if walking through a freshly made minefield, she placed one foot on the boat. It swayed a little. She froze, only resuming motion once she was...relatively comfortable that the boat had resumed a normal state. Wobbling a little, she placed her hands on the railing, her claws virtually digging into the hull. With one final mustering of her courage she pushed off the debris, virtually tumbling into the boat and dropping as low as she could as it swayed again. When it stopped, she sat up, slowly. Okay, phase one of 'Suicide Vessel Trip' complete.

"Uh...t-thanks...I, guess?"


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IC: Kanonu


At this point she didn't know whether she should laugh, cry, or maybe both. That stranger just tumbled into the boat as if her life depended on it, and by Ga-Matoran standards it was plain hilarious. On the other hand, Kanonu could clearly see that Wasuka wasn't used to riding boats, Karzahni, had she ever been on a boat before? Kanonu had some doubts about that.

Along with Wasuka, Kanonu waited for the boat to stop swaying. Once it regained its balance she turned and looked at the motor behind her. Currently turned off, she started it. The sound of gears clanking and clicking could be heard for a second or two before it turned to quiet buzzing of the machine. The water underneath it started sending bubbles to the surface. Kanonu turned her head as she heard Wasuka say a hesistant 'thank you'. Kanonu smiled a small smile.

"It's nothing" She said before she began move the boat onward.

The vehicle swayed slightly when a small, weak wave hit it. She enjoyed the feeling for a moment, letting it sway, until she turned the boat to the right towards the coast.

Waves were a great deal, really. Letting them do whatever they wanted to the boat was a great feeling in Kanonu's opinion - as long as these waves weren't trying to kill you in a storm. Not so great.

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For one who had never touched the ocean before in their life, however, even the gentler sways of the boat terrified Wasuka; she stayed as close to upright, in the middle, as she could as the boat headed for shore. Other than the rumbling of the motor and splashing of the water against the hull, there was nothing. She swallowed.

"So...uh...where are we going?"


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IC: Silo - Ga-Koro

Is he thick or is he just fooling around? It surely can't be the former...I sincerely hope it isn't the former...

Anyway, while Skorm watches, I've got to play it safe. I keep the confused look for a second or two, saying "Um...I'm still not sure what you're talking about..." Then my face lights up as I happen to have a spur-of-the-moment revelation. "Actually, me and Skorm are looking for a friend of ours, and you could help out!" Here my character looks to Skorm for approval and, speaking to him in a persuasive tone says "It'll help us cover more ground!" I know, I know - exclamation marks are stupid and ridiculous-sounding unless you're using them for shouting a bloodthirsty battle-cry (which is still stupid, but at least it's intimidating). Remember though, this isn't really me. So don't worry about me turning into a cheerful person or anything horrific like that...

Edited by The Silent King



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IC: Kanonu


"Ga-Koro?" She thought a little bit.

It wasn't 100% safe, nowhere was, but it surely was one of the calmest spots on Mata-Nui.

"Well... there are a lot of fishermen and merchants, a tavern or two, maybe a Toa team somewhere. There is quite a number of foreigners, not always of my kind. It's..."

Kanonu hung up a bit. She honestly had never thought much of her village. She searched for a suitable word, without much success.

"...nice, I guess?"

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What was this island?!

And what were these...Toa?

"Uh...just to be clear...what are Toa?"



Mirrors? Mirrors...he knew what those were. The water this village was sat on had always been a little too rough to properly see himself in. Nodding, he slowly sat up, circling to where Viloz said it was. Peering in at the metallic pane, he froze.


It was as if multiple voices asked that at once, in the exact same tone.

Deep cracks ran across his mask, as if through to the other side. It looked as though his mask had been broken at some point, and somebody had put it back together. It looked like they could've done a better job.

As for the rest of him...

What was he?

His arms were two separate colors. The armor on his body was a mis-matched hodgepodge of red, brown and grey. One arm was rather offly covered in brown armor, the other red. One of his legs was brown with some red, the other black. His chest armor had a massive black 'y' where three pieces of different colors had been welded together.

What was he?!

Swallowing hard, he threw his cloak back around him, his head almost seeming to retract into the thick collar the hood formed when down as he left the room, returning to his seat.


And saying nothing.

Edited by SnowyAegis


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IC: Kanonu


Kanonu stopped for a moment. She turned back to Wasuka and stared at her for a moment. She blinked in surprise, eyes wide. She didn't know what Toa were?

Had she never seen any Toa in her life? Nowadays it was even hard to not notice them. They are in taverns, bars, air, water, on land...

She shook her head a little, ttying to find a good definition of today's Toa.

"They are like, hmm... protectors of my kind. They are meant to fight evil and defend villages." Aside from times when they are fighting hangovers on floors in bars. "I'll show you once we're in Ga-Koro. By the way" she added." are you hungry?"

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Defenders of villages...Hm. Back home, there were Araka and there were Araka. The villages had defenders, sure, but no purely devoted guardians like these...Toa. When they weren't fighting off attacking animals they were doing other stuff around their village.

Hungry? Hm. Yeah, a bit. She was going to go fetch something to eat when she discovered her engine was ablaze. All that food...

"Yeah. What kinda stuff do you eat here?"


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Seafood. A word Wasuka hadn't heard before. She could guess what it was, from the name. Fish. Cooked fish, maybe.

It was a concept the Araka were aware of. It was one they had never acted on. Sure, there were plenty of harmless fish in the waters surrounding Vostak, but there were plenty of lethal ones, too. What kind of people lived on this island? The boat was pulling in close now. She didn't know much about boating(barely anything, in fact), but she could guess that this was where you would start slowing it down and start moving towards a dock.


Not that she knew what a dock was. Or, less what it was, more what one looked like.

This...Ga-Koro, was fairly active, from the looks of it. And made of lily pads. Giant lily pads. Yeah, alright. A couple of those used to exist just off Vostak's shores too, just not enough and too far out to do anything with. Not that the Araka would want to do anything with them, they were quite comfortable where their villages were.


That was another thing.

She didn't know wether or not seafood was toxic to her.

Well. Time to find out.

"Hm. First time for everything, I guess."


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IC: Kanonu


"You don't have seafood on your island?"

Kanonu kept the speed up for a bit more than usual - there was no need slow down yet. In spite of docks being close, there was still some safe space inbetween them and docks.

Kanonu let her imagination take free rein. What was that pwhole Vastok island like? With all the jungles and rainforests she could only think of Le-Wahi, but there were also beaches, in her mind similar to these here, at Kanonu's home. But Wasuka said there was also a lot of dangerous beings haunting the island. And were others of Wasuka's kind the same as her? Not able to swim, with no fishermen around, probably never had a fish in their mouths...

She got kinda sad when she realised that Wasuka might had spent her entire life on trying to simply survive in that harsh place, wherever it was.

Kanonu glanced at her companion. She wondered how many of her predictions were true.

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If Kanonu was a mind-reader(and I mean a literal one), she would have found out that just about all of them were correct. Wasuka watched as the boat drew near.

"Nope. No such thing. We mostly eat fruit and the meat from animals we kill. We generally avoid the shores as much as possible; Bog Drakes will get you, if the sea life or the jungle life don't. And don't get me started on what's in the mountains."


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IC: Silo - Ga-Koro

Is he thick or is he just fooling around? It surely can't be the former...I sincerely hope it isn't the former...

Anyway, while Skorm watches, I've got to play it safe. I keep the confused look for a second or two, saying "Um...I'm still not sure what you're talking about..." Then my face lights up as I happen to have a spur-of-the-moment revelation. "Actually, me and Skorm are looking for a friend of ours, and you could help out!" Here my character looks to Skorm for approval and, speaking to him in a persuasive tone says "It'll help us cover more ground!" I know, I know - exclamation marks are stupid and ridiculous-sounding unless you're using them for shouting a bloodthirsty battle-cry (which is still stupid, but at least it's intimidating). Remember though, this isn't really me. So don't worry about me turning into a cheerful person or anything horrific like that...


IC: Serith


Serith shrugged, and thought for a moment. Ga-Koro wouldn't take too long to search with a four person party, and if this new being was willing to pay...


The Toa of Crystal nodded to the Toa of Gravity. "I'm in. As long as you're willing to make it worth my while."

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IC: Kanonu


They arrived at the docks and left the boat, heading to Kanonu's hut. "Wait here for a moment" She said.

She entered and started putting everything on its rightful place. Only the rod was left on the table. Kanonu was planning to go fishing once more in the evening, there was no need to leave it in the store room. She took some widgets and went outside, back to Wasuka.

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IC: Azureus


Some time later.....


Azureus let out a sigh of relief as he walked out of the healers hut. The wound on his back had healed, and felt even greater than before. He turned left and continued walking down the street until he suddenly bumped into a group of two people, one was a Ga-Matoran wearing what looked like an Iden, the other was a strange being he had never seen before. "Oh! Sorry about that..." he said, apologizing to the group.

Link to how Azi looks(UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Hh1oWv0PcbLWVKdnpaT1hZeFk/view?usp=drivesdk


Also, because THEMESONG:

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OOC: I meant to post earlier, so I'm gonna say this happens before the whole conversation between Silo and anyone else happen.


IC: Skorm was too incensed to continue with Silo. "You do what you want. I'm going to continue doing what I came here to do."


The massive Ba-Toa turned and started walking towards the wall, not slowing as he stepped up perpendicular to the ground. He made it to the roof, and from there started jumping. Things were already becoming complicated. There were hundreds of things he didn't want to happen here, and complicated was not one of them. He stopped, surveying the Koro. Green huts, shimmering seas, boats... submarine? Well that hadn't been there before. Looked big. Skorm started making his way over, jumping from roof to roof. Hopefully, anybody that noticed the quick-moving shadow he still cast under his Huna would thing there was a bird flying overhead.

The times, they are a-changing...



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She turned to Azureus. He looked like an overstretched version of whatever Kanonu was. He stood slightly taller than her, his armor was a combination she had never seen before, and once again, he was wearing a weird mask. Always with the masks, what's with that? Briefly glancing past him, she saw that even more people had a weird mask. Was this some kind of cultural thing, what? Did these people not understand the obvious superiority of wearing a helmet? The only gap in hers was a thin slit for her to look out of, and she doubted anyone would be quick or lucky enough to get anything in there, in the heat of a battle. These people, meanwhile, apparently liked to show off the backs of their heads.

Hmm. Well.


Edited by SnowyAegis


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IC: Silo - Ga-Koro


Ah, thank Me - Skorm has finally left. Unfortunately not on good terms...And now I'm thinking (dangerous, I know): if he finds Casanuva first, he might describe me to that leech, and then...well, when ol' Cassy finds out his ol' buddy is nearby, he might do something stupid, which will no doubt make little ol' me lose the element of surprise. Luckily, even if that happens, the element of Gravity will manage just fine.


As soon as Skorm is out of range, I turn back to the assembled mercs, including the silver newcomer. The innocent expression washes of my face like dirt in a stream, and my posture goes back to its natural state - something like a standing slouch, but with muscles on the edge of moving. Their expressions are mixed, but after that performance they must think I have some sort of personality disorder.


"Right, glad we could get that bit of theater out of the way." And yes, I heard what Serith said but it's Speach Time now, so I'll incorporate my reply into this briefing.

My voice isn't too loud, but it's admittedly intense. "I'll get to the point, and spare you any more melodramatics. Putting it simply, I'm in Ga-Koro to kill someone. And that toa you saw just there, that was that someone's friend."


"Well, I was hoping he might lead me to my target, but..." - and here I glance in an accusatory way at Serith - "..that obviously hasn't worked."

Here I pause for a second, and then continue: "So I'm left to my own devices, right. But then I find out that my target will be with a few other friends, likely warrior-types - you know the kinda thing: goodie-goodie toa."


A roll of my eye. "So I need some muscle to take out his friends. that's where you come in." I'm going to let that sink in, but I need to say something else quickly: "And to be crystal clear: I will kill my target, and none of you will do that for me."

I look up at the assembled group. "That's all. If you accept, follow me: I've got some cash to give you. if not, #### off."

Edited by The Silent King



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IC: Kanonu


She's never met that one Toa before, but she didn't really feel like making friends with any Toa at all. These friendships never last long - if they don't die, they disappear, transform, or simpy move somewhere else. She sighed, knowing that Wasuka would probably continue the conversation.

"Kanonu" She stopped and offered a fistbump to Azureus.

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