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Love is bad

Bad is good

Good is Dorian

Dorian is not always good

Good is loved

Love comes to good people

People includes Dorian

Dorian is good sometimes

Good people are in love

Love is confusing

Confusing is Dor

Dor is in love.


Read on.



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IC: Utu Kotore - Le-Koro Hospital

The pretty Toa of fire stood next to me as I lay in my bed, restraints keeping me to the confines of the soft pillows and blankets. Minus the restraints, I was at ease. Things were nice. These shackles were nothing compared to the ones I had shoved off a couple hours ago when I finished off my mother. I sighed deeply. It was a sigh of satisfaction and warmth. The pretty Toa turned her eye from the door to look at me, and seemed to be taken aback by my soft smile. I couldn't blame her.

The only smiles these people had seen before were the twitchy ones; mutilated shadows of happiness built by my fears and angers. If I had remembered the woman, I might have made some sort of remark about it. But of course, my memory was gone.

“Hey,” I say, “What are you doing.”

“Shut up.”

I smirked, “Fiesty huh? You fire types, I tell ya-“

“Do you think so?” She turns to look at me, interrupting me rudely, “Do you really think I’m feisty?”

I give her a warped smile, “Sure do.”

“Have you ever had both arms shoved up your rear end so far you could clap your hands in your throat?” She turned back to the open door.

Never mind then.

"Why are you watching the door so intently?" I asked softly. She just looks at me, "Are you from the Ta-Koro guard? How did you people pick me up?" her face seemed to harden even more, "And why'd you bring me to the other side of island?"

Tuara Drigton turned away to see Dorian Shaddix (another man I had never seen before), standing in the doorway. She took a step forwards, checking him out. I had thought initially it was because he was good looking, but that changed when she spoke,
"You can't do what you did last time. Got it?"


Checking him out for weapons.

Not that it concerned me. I could die in these soft pillows and soft blankets just happily.

His eyes were rimmed with red, creating little violet circlets around his eyes; his smile was pretty and white, proud and secretive as it had ever been, but it lacked the feral edge it had before. It was an honest smile, this time, and not another weapon for his charm. He was nervous. It was clear in the way he fingered at his dark, beautiful sword, the one weapon he'd refused to hand over to Tuara. But he smiled, and it was a smile just for Utu. A happy smile.

"Sorry, buddy," he said quietly, sitting by the bedside.

I sat, mused in my bed, only now my smile began to fade. The elation was over. I had to figure out what had happened in between the death of my family and now. Couldn't have been Guard. If anybody, it seemed likely that the Sanctum from Ko-Koro would have had a hand here. But why they might employ a rather hot (hehe) Toa of fire and what appeared to be a Toa of Iron (maybe sonics?) seemed beyond me. Nothing really added up.

"I'm used to this," I said, looking at the Toa beside me, "Isn't the first time I've been in a position like this one," I leaned forward to the pretty-boy, speaking softly, "Although between you and me, I prefer not to be the one wearing the handcuffs," I finished with a chuckle, aiming at the Toa of fire with me eyes as I sat back to better illustrate my meaning. I heard her sigh out of some fashion of disgust.

"I always figured that's what you were into," Dor scoffed, rolling his eyes and grinning a little bit wider; his characteristic wit, dark and smooth and funny, spilled a bit more naturally as he talked. "I don't mind shouldering the burden. Tuara always said I look more girly than half the Marines if I got a good night's sleep in. One-time deal, for killing you again and everything."

Utu's eyes narrowed, an amused look on his face, "Killed me?" I scoffed a little, looking the Toa up and down, "A little thing like you? Please," he chuckled darkly, "You look like you couldn't /lift me up/ let alone take my life," I began to laugh, a rough tone to my voice.

"You know me better than that."

"OK, what's the deal here team?" I asked as I looked from Tuara to Dorian, "What game have you guys been playing, how long have you been following me?" My tone became rather serious, drawing attention to the gravity of my arrest, "What Koro are you two working from anyways? It's clear that you two aren't /exactly/ Le-Koronian. Does Matau have a little ragtag team of misfits now?”

The pretty red Toa looked to the pretty dark Toa with a sort of look on her face.

The look he gave back was clearly surprised; he was also clearly better at hiding it than anyone else.

"Who do you think we are?"

"Mercs. From the looks of things. You're a group of mixed ethnicities with different skill sets from who knows where, working for the Turaga here in tree-village," I seemed pleased with the things I had realized about the situation at hand, "My only concern is figuring out why Le-Koro cares about /me/ specifically enough to have hunted me down, all the way from Tu-Koro in the first place."

I raised an eyebrow, "What interest is it of your employers that you had to bring me here?" My tone became darker and stronger, "I'll have you know that I am capable of greater things than you could even imagine," my voice quickened, a sort of static tone grew louder, "I have the strength within me to shatter any chains you put on me. I just happen to be here still because I'm curious about you people. Well I've already done it. You can tell old man tree-hump that he doesn't have to worry anymore," I leaned forwards, venom in my voice, a flickering smile inching across my scarred face, "Harrow's dead."

Utu's voice was picking up, becoming more fervent, bordering on his own dark idea of charisma. Tuara took a step forward towards the doorway again, but my hands had moved away from the flamberge and away from his bedside. He had such blue eyes. It was hard for me to remember how blue his eyes were, when all I'd gotten used to seeing inside them was fear.

I don't care what you can do, thought Dorian Shaddix, I just want my friend back.

"Utu. It's Shaddix. Think. Remember."


My eyes flicked around the room with bemused intrigue, "Never met a Shaddix, although the name sounds familiar. Where's the family from?"

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't think my father had any connections with a Shaddix."

I don't know, was the truth. Everyone else is dead, and there's a burned out piano where home used to be, with little glass shards that used to be a heart.


I chewed down my lip, "Harrow kept out of Ko-Koro. He was pretty paranoid about the Sanctum Guard knocking on our door late at night. If you're looking for a Shaddix, you're barking up the wrong tree kid. He wouldn't touch a single man, woman, or even child (I know, he and Hakoa were /all over/ those) in that village." I looked up into Tuara's eyes. One hand was over her mouth, a look of sad confusion was on her pretty face, like somebody had gone and painted the unknown across her facial features with a rough brush. "I'd tell you to ask him yourself, but last I checked, his lungs weren't inside his ribcage anymore." I chuckled.

"But if you promise me immunity, I'll help tie up any loose ends with my family or the Shaddix's to your specifications. Hey, I'll even throw in the location of some stray bodies I left at the edge of the village, how's that sound partner?"

"Utu, you've been in an accident."

"Yeah yeah hot stuff, I know, the doc told me what happened to my heart while I was still, er... under." I watched the Toa of fire run her hand over her head as she stepped away, breathing out hard, one hand on her hip, "My memory's pretty spotty, but I remember enough to tell you where the bodies are. I've got the image clearly in my mind still."

"I abandoned you. You're telling me you don't remember me, walking out and away from the temple? Heuani? The forest?"

Remember me. Kiss me. Save me. Stab me. Do something.

"Never seen you before in my life."

Silence shrieked.

"We were friends."

What have I done?

Dor, Dor, it rhymes with ######.

“We...were friends."

I looked at him, first with a bemused expression. It was almost funny at first. There was a look on this chumps face, like he was searching for something he couldn’t find. There was a longing in his eyes. But no matter how hard I tried, I simply didn’t believe him. The sad truth was I- "Never had a single friend in my life."

Silence stabbed itself and began to bleed out into my new carpet.

It lasted for what seemed like an eternity. Writhing around in death, spreading the hot blood across the floor leaving stains; evidence of the atrocity I had committed.

I became uncomfortable.

"Just what is this about?"

Silence wept onto the carpet; tears coagulated with the blood and ran around in shapes. In tattoos. In faces. In a cheap hospital pillow.

"Nothing that can't wait," I said, standing up and pushing the chair back. "You look like someone I know, that's all."

I don't know how long my feet carried me, or where they brought me to. All I know is that it must have been raining, or something high up was bleeding. Because my face was soaked when I got there.

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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Ain't that the truth," Colx conceded with a nod, "I just have a feeling mine was extra stupid"


"But you can't argue that I was more popular with the girls back then" he said to himself.


"So, you said you were gonna stop travelling, thinking of early retirement are you?"

IC: Vrina


Vrina shrugged as she heard this

"Likely early retirement.. Though i may end up hunting.. Something to make a little income."


Despite what vrina said she had her doubts. However she was not about to say that to Colx openly


OOC: Sorry been busy else i would have replied sooner.


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Hunting... exactly what sort of hunting are we talking about here?" Colx asked.


"And just what part would I potentially play in this?"

IC: Vrina


Vrina shrugged lightly as she laid one leg over her left knee

"Hunting as in Rahi. Providing fresh meat for the local restaurants and what not. And I am not sure. What part do you wish to play? I mean i don't feel right throwing your life off balance just because there may be something between us."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Look, I can't think of a delicate way to put this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it" Colx began, before taking a deep breath and a big sip emptying his drink.


"Why don't you move in here? I wouldn't mind having someone else around, this place gets a little lonely sometimes"


"And you've offically gone soft, Colx," he mumbled to himself "and I'm not even sure she's worth it"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina arches her brow as she hears this offering a confused glance

"Are you sure Colx.. I would hate to get in the way. Though if you allow me to stay i could offer to pay you rent or something."


Well.. I truly never thought this would happen. Truly not sure how i feel about this.


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"I don't think you'd be in the way at all, like I said, this place can be empty enough as it is. If you wanna pay rent that's fine with me, whatever floats your boat"


"Look, we like being around each other, and neither of us have anyone else at the moment that need our attention, not to mention the fact that you're not really welcome a whole lot of other places, if stuff like what happened with that Ga-Toa is any indication."


"Besides, what kind of man would I be if I just threw a woman out on the streets?" he finished jokily, grinning.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smirked as she smacked Colx's leg

"You would be like any other man.. However if i am staying here where would you like me to stay? As in room wise?"


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx smirked.


"Well, that's up to you, you're free to use that guest bedroom, of course, but I figure there's probably something else I can think of, too."


He reached out and took Vrina's hand in his, still with that mischievous smirk.


"If you catch my drift"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina lightly weaved her fingers through his as she heard this

"Well even if we did that i would still like a room i could all my own.. However i would not argue against some extra warmth at night."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"I believe that can be arranged" Colx replied surprisingly calmly as their hands interlocked.


Then, in a quick motion, he stood up, tugging at Vrina's arm simultaneously, pulling her closer to him. His other arm flew up to catch her by the shoulder as he brought them into a little twirl, looking into her eyes the whole time.


"I think this just might turn out to not be half bad after all, don't you?" he asked.


IC: 'Gray' (Fau Swamp)


She shrugged.


"Either the desert or the frozen plains, I do not yet know"


She turned to leave, keeping a calm, but quick pace through the underbrush


"Until we meet again" she said to him with a wave before she disappeared in the vegetation.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina was caught rather off guard as she found herself looking diretly into Colx's eyes and being held above the floor

"You know I think I can second that statement."


She placed a hand on Colx's back as she smirked

"You know your really rather dashing for a big spiny fool."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"I guess I kept some of my prime intact" Colx replied in hubris, following up with a dashing smile.


The sun was peering through the window, etching out the Toa of Crystal in a sharp silhouette, highlighting the soft curves and slender figure, and adding another dimension to her sweet, pleasing voice and bright, roguish eyes, her crystalline armor plates sparkling brilliantly.


The Skakdi of Gravity's hand descended to Vrina's waist, as he moved slowly, but surely, his strong, sure breath stilling as if his entire form was overcome by peaceful contentedness as he pulled Vrina in for a kiss.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina's eyes went a bit wide as she felt the kiss. Though she reciprocated it in full before breaking away with a slight smirk and lack of breath

"Well well.. You have literately taken my breath away colx."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Happy to help" Colx replied as he let her go.


"The day's still fairly young, I think I'll just go ahead and open up shop, you do what you feel is best"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina considered Colx as she sat back down

"How about I head over to the bright-star and see about getting us some breakfast? How does that sound?"


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IC: Vrina


Vrina cringed lightly as she heard this looking towards the pantry

"Yeah... I don't cook."


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IC: Vrina


Vrina nods rather slowly as she heard this continuing towards the armchair while watching Colx move around.


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


After Colx's employees had gotten a stern talking (which involved both the words "moist" and "brutal") he gave them a clear message that he was "not to be disturbed"


He found himself at the back again with Vrina, where he quickly proceeded to disappear into the pantry, humming an innocuous tune.


"Any requests, Miss Tivosi?" Colx's muffled voice asked from behind a wall.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smirked as she heard the name and merely tapped her index finger against her mask

"Well well.. Haven't been called Miss Tivosi for some time.. But frankly I would rather you surprise me.."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Whatever you say, my Crystal Rose" Colx replied, half-jokingly, half-sincerely. He was more than happy to call Vrina whatever she preferred, but he couldn't resist the temptation to have a little fun with it, too.


The sound of Colx rummaging around continued, clashing with the deep rumbling of his intonal humming.

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IC: Aidrak & Saedrak


The skakdi of air laid in the bed, smirking. Meanwhile, Saedrak had gotten out of bed, and was preparing to visit the gym once more.


"I'll be heading to the gym again. To see if it's open." Saedrak said as he turned to Aidrak


Aidrak raised his eyebrows "They have a gym in town?" Aidrak nodded with a 'the-more-you-know' expression, then replied "Well, have fun, and do try not to come back too late."


Saedrak grinned, then left, skipping down the stairs and out the inn, remembering then and there how high up they were. "Oh bollocks."


After quite a bit of careful treading from one platform to the other, Saedrak finally made it to the gym, giving a sigh of relief as he knocked on the door.


Meanwhile, Aidrak decided to go and visit a good drinking establishment, for the only reason one would visit such a place.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina got up from the armchair and moved towards the pantry slightly curious as to what Colx was gathering


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IC: NPC and Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


The door was opened before Saedrak by a burly Matoran wearing a Pakari.


"Welcome to the Le-Koro Fitness Center, can I help you, sir?"


Colx emerged just then holding a moderate collection of spices and ingredients. Of particular note was a packet of what at least looked like meat and a flask of some sort, the colored liquid stirring.


"I figured we both need a bigger breakfast than usual, I didn't eat anything last night at least for what I know." he said as he passed her with a wink.


With a weak blast of Impact Vision, Colx closed the door.

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IC: NPC (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Certainly" the Matoran replied, waving him inside.


"We'll just need to know how long you intend to stay, if you don't mind, sir" she said as she took her place behind the counter in the lobby.


"We charge 50 widgets an hour, which gives you access to all of the standard training equipment, as well as the resting area and the lobby in addition to the wardrobes and lockers. Some of the more specialized training equipment, like the shooting range over there require an extra payment"


"So, how much will it be?"


OOC: Yeah, this is just made up off the top of my head, so just go with it :P

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IC: Saedrak


After paying for four hours, Saedrak put his armor in a locker, and went into the gym. He immediately started warming up by doing pushups, situps, jogging in place, etc.


After getting his blood flow going, he began lifting weights, utilizing the many different machines in the gym area to exercise as many muscles in his body as possible.

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The creature Chivinix seemed to have picked up traces of something. Whether or not it was the Ba-Toa, now that was a valid question.


I suppose something to work off of is better than nothing at all.


The bartender the trio had encountered only a few minutes earlier suddenly snuck off and left the building altogether. He was definitely hiding something. Zeth had had enough experience dealing with liars to know when someone was using a silver tongue.


The Toa of Gravity turned on his heel without a moment's hesitation and followed the Matoran outside. Who knew, maybe he would be lead straight to Varan.

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IC: Kaama


Kaama grabbed a vine and skittered up it, and then began the swing to his village. He swung like the wind, the wind whistling past his mask. His nerves were stirred, and he needed to meditate.

He arrived at his hut, a small dwelling on the middle of a large branch. The only way in was to swing over and through the doorway.

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OOC: Short post folks


IC: Chivinix


Upon picking up the scent chivinix took another sniff of the air to see if he could catch a trail.


OOC: Now which toa is the toa we are searching for?


IC: Vrina


Vrina smiled softly as she watched Colx close the door with his eyebeams. She then turned back to him

"Must say it is not often i see a skakdi who can control the level of their eyebeams. And yes I agree a larger than normal meal would be nice."


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OOC: Short post folks


IC: Chivinix


Upon picking up the scent chivinix took another sniff of the air to see if he could catch a trail.


OOC: Now which toa is the toa we are searching for?


IC: Vrina


Vrina smiled softly as she watched Colx close the door with his eyebeams. She then turned back to him

"Must say it is not often i see a skakdi who can control the level of their eyebeams. And yes I agree a larger than normal meal would be nice."

OOC: I believe it is Varan

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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Practice makes perfect and all that jazz" Colx replied with an indifferent shrug.


"I've had to use it a lot of course," he continued, "it sorta comes with the territory"


"And yes, a big breakfast is exactly what we need" he said to answer her.


"eggs, bacon, pancakes and then some" he said as he disappeared into the kitchen.


"You just sit down, don't worry about me. An old ringmaster like myself ain't about to be intimidated by the prospects of cooking."

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smiled softly even as she moved back to her chair

"You got any bula berries Colx?"


OOC: And Varan is in the same establishment that Viima and Co are in, yet he is invisible? Is this correct?


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx's burly face poked out from behind the kitchen door sporting an expression halfway between amusement and irritation.


"Should've figured there was something I'm missing"


"You're really high maintenance, you know that? I don't know why I put up with you" he joked.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina shrugged slightly as she hears this

"Naw.. Not high maintenance.. Just high standards. And frankly the bula berries were just an idea.. Perhaps one day i will have to cook them for you?"


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