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On Matoran Biology

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In writing for a Bionicle RPG, I found it exceedingly difficult to visually convey what happens as a Toa replaces pieces of their armor. I know that most organisms in the Matoran Universe are biomechanical beings composed of organic protodermis, the only notable exceptions that come to mind being Makuta, but what I've never found clear is just where their 'bio' begins and their 'mechanical' ends. At what point does their 'flesh' become exposed, and is it dangerous when it does? Is it grafted to their armor, even without mutation? What would organic protodermis look like? If anyone has any insight or theories concerning this matter, sharing them would be greatly appreciated.

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Generally, when this subject comes up, everyone always points to the Bionicle movies. Look at this image of Vakama for instance. I believe the organic protodermis is that wiry tissue running through the armor, and that's generally how fans picture it. The organics are exposed, so they may be weaker, but the armor can apparently feel pain as well.


As far as replacing armor goes, I'm sure there's some pieces that can be pulled off, like shoulder pads and such, and then other pieces are actually parts of their limbs, and I'd imagine that in order to switch them out, the Toa would have to be rebuilt. As reference for that, I usually imagine that like Vrahno's video, where they piece themselves together and the flesh grows into it.

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Here's all my theory on the topic.

The fundamental body of a Matoran, Toa, etc, is a jointed, artificial endo-and-exoskeleton with wires, pistons, gears, and so on, combined with considerably less than half organic tissue which basically fills in the gaps. This tissue, rather than blood, is filled with a solution based on liquid protodermis, with organic compounds in it. Since impure liquid protodermis is silver, biological protodermis is probably dark gray and metallic. The organic tissue it resides in would probably vary slightly in color from dull tan to dark gray, and the inside of it would be slimy and veiny like real-life animal tissue. When looking at this fundamental body, you'd probably see first the mechanical components, and then notice small areas of organic tissue in between. These would in my mind be neutral-grayish and fungus-like in texture.

But past the fundamental body biomechs all wear a mechanical armor that integrates directly onto their exoskeleton. This armor is removable, but there are no real downsides to wearing it full-time, and removing and replacing it would waste tons of time. In fact, it's probably enhanced with pistons that negate its weight and hindrance to motion, which would explain the aesthetic of the actual Bionicle pieces. So with their armor on biomechs would look fairly robot-like, unless you glimpsed into the gaps in the armor.

Some evidence for this is when the Piraka find Teridax's body, and realize only after a moment that it's purely mechanical.

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( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

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Ah, thank you for the quick responses! Both were incredibly informative.

I'd largely agree with you, Akavakaku, with the exception of the texture - based on the image of Vakama, I wouldn't say the flesh would be terribly... Well, fleshy. I'd say it'd be fairly wiry, like muscle, though nowhere near as vulnerable as exposed muscle would be on a human and just as easily inserted in and out of pieces of armor and bearing the same neutral coloration.

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To my understanding, there's muscle grafted into their mechanics, and the armor goes over that, attaching to the mechanics/inner metal at some juncture.


It's also possible that they might have "standard" armor that's permanent, and there's excess armor over that can be removed. This might especially be true of the Toa Nuva.

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To my understanding, there's muscle grafted into their mechanics, and the armor goes over that, attaching to the mechanics/inner metal at some juncture.


It's also possible that they might have "standard" armor that's permanent, and there's excess armor over that can be removed. This might especially be true of the Toa Nuva.

Yep yep, kind of like an exoskeleton, and the "armor" armor, like chestplates and shoulder pads and stuff, is a separate thing. They may not always be present in the sets but I feel like it's implied that it's there. The first three movies visualized that better.

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