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Pool Of Protodermis

Field Marshal Rakmon

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Out goes the 37 rahkshi of cleansing. 

  1. Accuracy
  2. Adaption
  3. Chain Lightning
  4. Chameleon
  5. Clarification (The opposite of confusion)
  6. Courage (The opposite of fear)
  7. Creation (The opposite of disintegration)
  8. Density control
  9. Dodge
  10. Elasticity
  11. Electricity
  12. Faith (The opposite of fragmentation)
  13. Fire Resistance
  14. Gravity 
  15. Heat Vision
  16. Ice Resistance
  17. Insect Control
  18. Invulnerability
  19. Laser Vision
  20. Light (The opposite of darkness)
  21. Magnetism
  22. Mind Reading
  23. Molecular Bonding (The opposite of molecular disruption)
  24. Peace (The opposite of anger)
  25. Plant Control
  26. Plasma
  27. Prosperity (The opposite of hunger)
  28. Purity (The opposite of poison)
  29. Power Whisper (The opposite of power scream)
  30. Quick Healing
  31. Reality (The opposite of illusion)
  32. Rahi Control
  33. Shapeshifting
  34. Sound (The opposite of silence)
  35. Stasis Field
  36. Teleportation
  37. Weather control

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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Out comes a peaceful Fire Agori that watches reality TV (or whatever non-gamers do).


In goes a Lego Chima set.

"Ten thousand futures have I looked at. A hundred thousand. And in only one does mankind finally unite, and flourish...and survive. Only one. Doomworld."


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Out goes lions, eagles, crocodiles, ravens and wolves. They escape into the wild and repopulate any endangered species. They also pass on the capacity for chi and give their offspring the ability to grow into an anthropomorphic version of themselves.


In goes the Time Cruisers...

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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Out comes a slideshow of a Matoran's mediocre vacation.


In goes Qui-Gon Jinn


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Out goes nothing, his body got destroyed and he could not exist in the spirit world.


In goes the kanohi the toa mata had to collect for their shiny gold masks, extremely polished versions of the silver kanohi and the following:

-An sand red Hau with orange accents and white highlights.

-A sand blue Kaukau with a gold air intake. (Only the visor is transparent, and that's just clear plastic without any coloring.)

-A sand green Miru with blue flowers painted on top.

-A sand yellow Kakama with metal plating and a red arrow pointing upwards in the middle.

-A black Pakari with purple accents and the same red arrow as seen on the Kakama.

-A white Akaku with yellow lenses, a grey scope and black accents.

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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