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Gavla's Comics: The End


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Doubt it, considering Judgement told us that the original Death became Death at some point. Like Life said, it's probably a never-ending cycle.


Actually, when I first saw the console-guy, I thought he was a "Life" counterpart to the old Death. But now I'm pretty sure that's wrong.


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So he had 85% percent off. Why not just say so?


Re-read the discussions.


Starter A.I answered Death Gavla that 80% was shut off for the sake of his personal creations.


Where as 5% was for the room change software. Two different reasons, two different percents.




Sunny Days


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That is a good point. Is it at all possible for Death to collect artificial intelligence? We know that he doesn't collect the bodies of the dead but instead takes their consciousness, so would a consciousness that was created artificially like that be able to be taken?


Food for thought.


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So basically if the crystals are blown up, they could explode. Which raises a Terton food for thought I guess, if the crystals explode, then that means he won't be able to recover his conscience when it dies, if it is possible to take an AI into the Void.


(Every time you say Food for thought, you make me hungry. In fact, I'm getting hungry right now.


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