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OOC: Unlikely he'd be a Hacker, I guess, but if they try to get the ship back to Spherus Magna he'll do anything in his power to make sure that it happens. Some point he'll figure out his destiny, whatever it is.IC: Levacius / Central SquareKelwra flew off of his post, flying a bit to the west. Levacius grunted, trying to see what the bird was doing before following him. Usually if Kelwra went somewhere for a reason."Where did you go you blasted bird?" he called out, only to find Kelwra perching on a mailbox (not actually a functioning mailbox, of course, just a decoration to add personality to the city) next to a toa sitting down upon a chair.His arm band registered the mysterious being as an actual toa - by the looks of it an old one at that.Kelwra flew up to the light post up above again as Levacius came over and sat down. "What's your name?" he asked.EDIT: OOC: @Myr; Those are Cliff Racers. They are like the things in Borderlands, if there were a hundred times more of them, and each was five times as deadly and fast enough to catch a car with no problem.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Levacius." he replied, looking out at the pedestrians. "You're from the Old Universe I presume?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Same," Levacius replied. "Technically I first lived in Metru-Nui, but I couldn't stand the place. I guess after 90,000 years I forgot how much I hated big cities. 90,000 years of open fields and wide, open seas. Mata-Nui rebuilds a planet, and what happens? I give it all up."He chuckled. "Out of every point of light out there, you would think after one hundred millenia of travelling we would have reached somewhere like it. Karzahni, I don't think half the population even remember that is our goal."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Hrunja - Central SquareHrunja gave a pained expression at the mention of Metru Nui, bad memories returning to the forefront of him mind. It wasn't that he disliked the city, but it had traumatised him too much with the things he had experienced there."I doubt anybody knows what is out there anyway," he remarked. "I mean, where's the exit? If we were to land we would need an exit."

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"I'm pretty sure it's wherever we got on." he replied with a chuckle. "Of course, now they just beam everybody up into robot bodies with synthetic flesh. Been so long I don't even remember where it is. Doubt those 'Toa' Techna even have any idea where it is, and they're in charge."It was clear by the way he said the title 'Toa' that he didn't much appreciate to whom it was given.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC (Security and Defense Library):As Awk recalled his holograms, Torch stood up and opened a window on his HUD. "Prepare to receive files," he said, and sent a temporary file to all the other Toa Techna. "...Files sent. Everyone, what you see before you is a mock-up of a program to break Hacker encryptions."Now, this program won't break the encryptions immediately. My reasoning behind making this program, then? If the Hackers had made a billion encryptions, splintered as they are, they would have almost no chance of communicating to each other effectively. Thus far, their coordination disproves that theory. My program will take each encryption, examine it carefully for patterns that will hint to the proper decryption program, and thus translate it into meaningful messages. Once we've cracked an encryption, we have the upper hand."He glanced around, his gaze lingering a moment longer on Forcyte than on any of the other Toa Techna. "Any advice?"

IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna:"Could I get a copy of that file?" Awk spoke up. "Perhaps I can help with coding it? And my mask could probably be useful there too." (OOC: It's just plans right, not an actual program yet?) He tapped his mask as he opened a new partition on his computer in order to receive the file without the possibility, of what he was currently working on to be noticed by the sender.In the other partition he was getting his results back from the scpu:analyzing signalsigType : beam - downloadRate : 2,498,127 b/stargetID : e-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!# - targetLocation : Pro Coding Corporationmore information?> yIf he could look at this proposed program Torch was talking about, he might be able to use the info with his powers and skills to create a rough draft program to use to find out the identity of the attacker, and see if any action was necessary.He waited for his replies. From Torch and the SCPU.

BBCC #68 sig.png The Iron Tiger

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IC: Hrunja - Central Square"Actually," said the Plasma Toa. "They're more protectors than administrators. I don't think there really is a form of government."He sighed as leaned back to look at the artificial sky."It gets rather boring over time," he muttered. "There isn't really much to do. These days I make games for the populace, unlike back on the Continent, where I randomly saved people."

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IC (S&D):"It will work... eventually. If it works at all," Forcyte said, frowning in concentration."It's a very circumspect way to try and track these criminals, and I rather think it makes some unfounded assumptions of the Hackers.""'Unfounded assumptions'? Look who's talking," said Matra, quirking a half-smile.Forcyte's eyes locked on the cyborg's. "My assumptions are based on observations and data. But these... with all due respect, these are based on speculation.""You insist the Hackers are displaying coordination." Forcyte's grin became mocking. "Hardly the case. Look at their actions. Individual viruses that barely scrape the Firewall before being burned to crisps. A few isolated acts of physical violence that, amazingly, harm next to no one. As I recall, the actual assassination attempt on that CEO was carried out by a bounty hunter; I gathered as much from the grade of his weaponry, suited more to a professional killer than wannabe cyberwarrior.""True, occasionally those Hackers will do something particularly devastating; the death of Ion still haunts us all, I'm sure. But attacks of that magnitude are incredibly rare. As such, I feel there is no coordination. If you really wish to deal a blow, we should start going after high-ranking individuals, say... our erstwhile brother."-Shyyrn

Edited by Shyyrn

"Let me realize that my past failures at follow-through are no indication of my future performance...

...They're just healthy little fires that are going to light up my resolve."

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Heh." Levacius replied. "Games are the most excitement most see, save the occasional mugging.""So tell me, game maker, what do you think the hardest game of all is?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Of course." Levacius replied. "And in every game, you have a villain, or a monster, or some error players have to fight. Of course, we often forget the greatest monstrosity of all, the one that is most deadly to this ship. Sure, some fear the Hackers, but the only major issue they've caused was the upload Ion took into himself. Others say lone criminal syndicates. But here, on this ship, I think the greatest issue is monotomy."He was silent for a moment. "Did you ever go to the Tren Krom peninsula? Where beautiful crystals hid their razor points and the cliffs were unnaturally steep. Where swarms of Nui-Rama emerged out of nowhere to cast you in the acid falls. Always chaos, but still, somehow, the villagers were always happy, if uncertain. Here it's certainty that's killling everyone. It's like some kind of utopian society, only where the desire for a utopia is gone."He shook his head. "I never should have left that planet. I'll bet by now it's a paradise back on Spherus Magna. One where Rahi still pose threats, but the people are content under toa chosen by destinies hand."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Do we really call this perfection?" he asked. "The Great Beings built us as best as any being could. And yet somehow there's this belief that we're still flawed, and that replacing parts of ourselves with machines will help."He looked at his armband. "See this? I never got a brain implant. This thing takes care of all of that for me. Never took implants. Sure, there was a time I would have leaped at getting a stronger, superior robotic limb. But in the end, they end up worse off.""Flaws are what make us strongest, I think. The Great Beings knew that. That's why they gave us the freedom to decide for ourselves. When the Brotherhood turned, what would have happened if we were like those ADRs, simple robots that throw themselves to their death? Well, the Makuta would have control over everything right now. We'd be his slave drones in conquering other worlds."He sighed. "I guess that really is the question, isn't it? If we land. Hackers want to stop us from spreading our influence but what are they stopping us from? Anything? What else is out there besides the Great Beings? Are they still there?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Hrunja - Central Square"Well we're still aiming for perfection," he replied. "And flaws are part of someone. You shouldn't really remove them, meaning that we have the impossible task of reaching perfection with flaws."He leaned back against the chair, pondering on the older Toa's thoughts, which resonated somewhat within him as well."It's a big universe out there," said Hrunja. "Maybe there are more places where the Great Beings were involved in."

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IC: Levacius / Central Square"Tell me Hrunja." Levacius asked, adressing the toa of plasma by name for the first time. "Do you ever wonder what your destiny is? Toa build now lack Toa power within them, and have no way to complete their destiny. But when I sit at home the biggest question I ask myself is 'What is my destiny?', and I never can find an answer. Did I simply miss it? Or have I never had one, just like the multitudes of S-Matoran on this ship?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Ignotus (Science District)"Listen to me. I am older than you can possibly begin to comprehend. And you think you can lie to me?" Ignotus almost laughed. "Now, tell me the truth this time. Why were you following me?"IC: Incommodo (Science District)Incommodo eventually got bored of standing beside Technology Tower, and left, by teleporting on to the nearest road. He then noticed Arkrak. He waved his hand, and almost managed to say the first syllable of 'hello' before he got hit by a taxi.

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Why wouldn't S-Toran have destinies? They're just as alive as real Matoran.IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna:"If I may add something there," Awk intejected, "though it is true that the Hackers appear to be completely disorganized, it is my thinking that they are divided into three categories or groups: the Chaotic, the Random, and the Silent. It's called CRS Syndrome, a commonly used phrase when referring to faulty programs in MCL Plus. There are those that end up corrupting certain pieces of data, those that produce seemingly random output, and those that seem to do nothing at all."Linking this to the hackers, the Chaotic are those run through the city brandishing weapons and can barely be separated from common criminals, the Random are those who go about uploading viruses to random computers such as 'You Are Here' signs, and the Silent are those who sit behind desks perfecting more advanced viruses or hacking into larger more important systems."I believe that Torch may be partially right in his assumption. The silent ones are probably somewhat coordinated, maybe not completely, but there may be some small pattern there somewhere, if we use the right set of data."Meanwhile, Awk's inner processes picked up on something else Forcyte had said. There was an assassination attempt on Amnchey. Isn't she the CEO of Pro Coding Corp? He opened up a third partition on his computer and did a scan of his hacker info to see if there was anything related... Nothing. Hmm... Why would someone have tried to assassinate her?OOC: Off to bed now.

BBCC #68 sig.png The Iron Tiger

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IC: Hrunja - Central SquareHrunja smiled."I think my destiny is to spread joy to all," he said. "I'm a game-maker, so my destiny is probably to continue making games for people to enjoy."He leaned forward, before looking over at the older Toa."You just probably haven't found yours."IC: Arkrak - Science DistrictArkrak blinked at the sight of a blue Toa getting hit by a taxi, and was about to move over and help when he heard voices that brought dread to his mind."Red Racer! Blue Racer! Green Racer! Yellow Racer! Pink Racer!"He groaned at the sight of the five Toa who served as the traffic supervisors of the city as they struck a pose, causing many people nearby to quickly walk away, hoping to not get caught in their insanity."FIGHTING FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY! EXTREME RUSH SQUADRON - CAR RANGER!!!"Then they got to work, dragging Incommodo's body out from under the taxi, before rushing off to do other things."You okay?" the Toa of Sonics asked as he approached the other Toa as the Extreme Rush Squadron disappeared.

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OOC: Still Cliff Racer.cliffracer.jpgTook forever to find a small picture. It's hard to get singular images of Cliff Racers, see, because THERE'S ALWAYS SO MANY OF THEM AT ONCE >_<IC: Levacius / Central Square"Perhaps..." Levacius began, noting something odd out of the corner of his eye. "Wait, what in the blazes?"A Taxi, swerving around and barely avoiding hitting something, came flying by, carrying one of the traffic supervisors on its windshield.He shook his head, "Well, at least things like that break the monotomy of this place."He shrugged. "Right now all my destiny tells me is that it's not easy keeping books in good condition. Our so called 'library' has nothing but computers end e-readers, like this one thing that can hold a hundred different novels in it. Still, I've got a small library of my own at home. Go through, illuminate the writing and colors on images, and make sure they don't fall apart. It's a thankless job, mostly because nobody else uses them, but it's an important one. Probably the last ones on this ship. And of course, every once in a while, I write an interesting story somebody on the ship writes up down as an actual book and send it to them. They always get sent back..."OOC: Last post tonight-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Hrunja - Central Square"I see," remarked the Plasma Toa as he watched another hapless traffic supervisor fly past. "So you're a caretaker for a library."He sighed, looking up at the artificial sky again."Have you ever felt as if you shouldn't be just sitting around doing minor things?" he asked. "I mean, we're Toa and there's not really anbody for us to save."

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OOC: thanks to Kovolta for some inspirationIC: Enaltai smiled, for the first time in days. It was not easy, not easy at all to access practically governmental databases from afar; but after hours and hours of generating codes via keygens that he would afterwards use, uploading small-scale viruses to related computers that relayed him information about what programs, sites, etc. their users used lately, and contacting some fool young worker at the prison via email and tricking him into giving out his password - classic - resulting overall in him getting his hands on an encrypted ethernet version of a database he really needed. He could now at the very least try to hack into the system of the jail where Aeon was currently kept.For starters, he typed in the worker's name and password. He wasn't surprised at the fact that he had a very limited access to the database: barely a few paragraphs worth of information, and nothing Enaltai really never knew before. Hardly any information about the detainees, and the fact, relayed by the account, that Aeon was there, hardly helped him.He tried something else.Enaltai, with a few taps of his keyboard, launched up a command prompt program.D:usersbloodred>_system processesactive processes: 15615.exe, 429_10st.exe, 96tra.exe, atieclxx.exe, ccsvchst.exe, cmd.exe, conhost.exe, csrss.exe, dwm.exe, ttechnaui.exe, taskhost.exe, techlogon.exeIt was the first three that he needed the most right now.D:usersbloodred>_D:D:_429_10st.exeQuickly, a small window detailing the various actions during the last 72 hours of one of the computers that used the database that he hacked previously appeared. Enaltai grinned almost maliciously. He could use the passwords said computers used to access the database, but he doubted they would help. What he needed was a Toa Techna account.Enaltai proceeded to set up something of a livestream between the two computers. The differences were few, but very important: firstly, Enaltai could use the other computer via this "livestream". He'd use his mouse and keyboard, and a window on his screen, to control it. Therefore, if something happened that he did not expect, it would be the other computer that was blamed for an attempted hack, not his, and therefore he'd be free to continue his hacking. The user of the computer would only have any idea about his computer being used in such a manner if he turned it on and ran a very thorough scan - as things stood, if the computer was off - seemingly off, anyway - Enaltai's little program would still be working.Then, using said computer, he started off simple: entered "Fulok", remembering one of the youngest of the Toa Techna, where the name went, and used one of his simpler tools to generate thousands of potential passwords and slam them straight into the database. At the very least, Enaltai hoped whenever he did something like this, the database could break down because of being unable to harness so much sheer data.ooc: LL, handing it to you to maltreat

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IC Information District: Bio"So, what are you getting Kyrahk?" Bio asked, having gone back and gotten a seat.Science District: Upsilon"Decision:I'll pay with Debit." Upsilon said, watching as a debit card popped out of his chasis and flew towards the salesman.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Volin (Central Square)"Couldn't agree more with you on that one." said Volin. He left his workshop and left Wheatley in charge of it while he would be gone and decided to take a nice long stroll in Central Square to alleviate his boredom. During his stroll, he had spotted two Toa on a bench and he couldn't help but overhearing them talk about the old world they came from called Spherus Magna."If you ask me, there's not enough crime in this city for me to build anything of great value to fight it." said the S-Toa of Data as he took a seat on the bench. "I'm Volin, by the way."OOC: Huber, Levacius, that would be you guys.

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IC (Spark of Genius, Information District): Kyrahk and DreenanHe joined Zaphos and Bio at the table, muttering to himself about the strangeness of a Matoran, a Frostelus, and a Rahkshi sitting there."You know, this reminds me of a lame joke about a bar..."He grabbed a menu, before answering Bio."Well... I see one thing on the menu... well, two, but I despite vegetarian hamburgers..."She skated over to the table, sliding to a stop."So, have you decided what you want to eat yet?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC (Central Square):I might just breif you while we still are going up. I want a Hacker, and a Hacker you must get. You may ask me for resourses, but at your own pay expense. Just one will suffice; I don't want to make this place a haven for them," The Equinox explained. "First things first, how much do you want?"

IC: Sylux (Central Square)His employer wanted but one simple Hacker? That was too easy, making it strange how the being said there was a chance of Sylux not living. Now was a question of payment. He stayed silent, not responsive, waiting for his employer to decide how much he'd pay him.
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OOC: Kovolta, Torch's program is basically a skin-and-bones program / outline at the moment. He's in the middle of figuring out all the necessary sub-routines for accomplishing more general routines.IC (Security and Defense Library):"...Well, Awk," said Torch, "that actually makes sense. For Hackers to group themselves in accordance to three classifications of faulty programs sounds like exactly the thing they would do."He was on the verge of sending the program to Awk when he remembered he wasn't a Toa Techna. There were numerous risks associated with giving a program like this to the Hackers, even if, as Forcyte insisted, it was flawed. But then, Forcyte had allowed him into the Security and Defense Library, had he not?And allowing him inside had granted him full access to Techna's network.Torch glanced sharply at Awk, but his hands were at his sides and his eyes moving from left to right, though he looked toward Torch most of all. He was still waiting for an answer. He didn't look like he was doing any hacking.Torch turned to Forcyte. "I know you like him, but he's not a Toa Techna, and giving the program to him involves running the risk of making it public."

IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna:[...]In the other partition he was getting his results back from the scpu:analyzing signalsigType : beam - downloadRate : 2,498,127 b/stargetID : e-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!# - targetLocation : Pro Coding Corporationmore information?> y

GM IC:More diagnostic text rolled over Awk's screen:downloadStatus : 57% - beamPow : 70%file : tral.exe - fileLoc : c:/main/sresponses/trackProgtargetLocAdv : Pro Coding Corporation - typeID: BusageCPU : 0.1%no more information availableA B-type ID was second in security level only to the Toa Techna, which meant the owner of computer ID e-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!# was very high up on the chain of command.OOC: For the record, Kovolta, thus far you've only been accessing information. Trying to edit that information is going to be much more difficult, as Awk's security clearance isn't high enough nor his ID correct for him to open files, stop downloads, or even upload new information.

[...]Enaltai proceeded to set up something of a livestream between the two computers. The differences were few, but very important: firstly, Enaltai could use the other computer via this "livestream". He'd use his mouse and keyboard, and a window on his screen, to control it. Therefore, if something happened that he did not expect, it would be the other computer that was blamed for an attempted hack, not his, and therefore he'd be free to continue his hacking. The user of the computer would only have any idea about his computer being used in such a manner if he turned it on and ran a very thorough scan - as things stood, if the computer was off - seemingly off, anyway - Enaltai's little program would still be working.Then, using said computer, he started off simple: entered "Fulok", remembering one of the youngest of the Toa Techna, where the name went, and used one of his simpler tools to generate thousands of potential passwords and slam them straight into the database. At the very least, Enaltai hoped whenever he did something like this, the database could break down because of being unable to harness so much sheer data.ooc: LL, handing it to you to maltreat

GM IC:If Enaltai had attempted to break into the database directly, he would have run into firewalls, password-protected portals, and the danger of having a tracing program downloaded (though technically, he was using another computer, so did it matter?). Because Fulok's computer was a personal computer, however, there was no limit on the number of times a password could be guessed.Quantum laptops featured notoriously-hard systems to break. They could also handle several power hacking attacks at once, which meant once Enaltai's password-finding program had input the correct password, and once Enaltai was taking advantage of the connection to the database, he was practically unstoppable. Edited by Legolover-361
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OOC: Why wouldn't S-Toran have destinies? They're just as alive as real Matoran.

OOC: Is Data alive?IC: Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!Rinnder smiled and rung up the implant, before swiping the card through the machine and returning it to the eyebot.When he 'unlocked' the holder keeping the implant, he gave a frown to Upsilon. "How are you planning to get this to an implant installer?"IC: Levacius / Central Square"Levacius," the toa of lightning replied. "S-Toa, huh?""Meh. I keep my self busy once in a while. If the bird spots something I usually investigate it just to have a little fun. Usually it takes barely the slightest exertation of elemental power. Not as fun as it used to be. Or swordplay, but I'm in no condition for that. Was one of the best though. Knew dozens of tecniques and could beat almost anybody."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa: Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Krayzikk, Still Ripping Off Transformers, Science DistrictRapidly changing forms, Krayzikk hit the gas and used the lip on the edge of the roof to proved enough of an upward force to land on the next roof and continue in pursuit. If Critek were to look back, he would find a motorcycle approaching at high speeds.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Levacius / Central Square"As I previously explained to Hrunja here, I keep the largest collection of Old-universe books. A few from Bara Magna even. Illuimnation and rebinding are two essential parts in holding them together. But they will last as long as I keep up withe them. Probably outlast me if I do it well."IC: Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!"We don't have the equipment too." Rinnder responded. Taking the package and a piece of cable, he said, "Hold still, this will take a second." and strapped the package on to the eyebot.""The nearest shop is just next door. You can have one of the employees open the door out for you. Mind their plants - they walked up to insanity and tossed themselves over the edge, but they do good work."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Implant your Cash: Upsilon"Thanks: Thank you.Query: Could someone get the door for me?"An employee quickly opened the door, and Upsilon was on his way to get implanted with the Phase Dragon whatever.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Volin (Central Square)"Hmm, looks like I might have to drop by sometime; always been a little interested about the old world you people talk about. A book or two might alleviate my boredom in my spare time. I work at the Technology Tower as an engineer, programmer, designer and inventor and I run my own little shop which sells just about anything. Still, I kind of feel as if I'm missing something my life."OOC: Levacius, did you send Biobeast to an NPC store for a weapon/implant thingy? If so, you could make it as if the store you're sending him to could be mine since I'm currently out of customers.

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