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IC Implant your Cash: Upsilon"Irritated Plea: Would someone-" *BANG* "open-" *BANG* "this-" *BANG* "Karz-ed-" *BANG* "DOOR!"Upsilon called to the employees of Implant your Cash as he rammed himself into the front door. He would open the door himself, but he didn't have hands. He was just a floating round ball.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Drone (Scheming about a prison break, Information District) / Sylux (Rooftop, Science District)"Well then. That takes you out of the picture VRF-3. Wait, I have an idea as how to get in and I think it's our best shot. ADRs are common security, even in prisons (I hope) so they would have access to it. With my powers over Robotics, I could easily control one we find but through long distance is a no no. We could capture one, I could make it non hostile and lower its defenses while my partner Drone 2 could attempt to hack it, planting a series of commands but not mess around with it too much."Drone thought for a moment if this would actually work. ADRs were the most common thing so he didn't see why they wouldn't have any in the prison."We'll have to make sure everything on the robot looks clean before they scan it. Once it's in, we'll control it manually to a certain degree and have it look around for the energy core, if we have no information on it that is. When it finds the controls, it does a little damage, shuts down the power for a bit, kill a few jailers before it goes down, maybe and voila; good to go and no one's hurt." -Sylux nodded to the Vortixx before he left and observed as he shot an ADR coming his way. Once again, he had been threatened and Sylux did not take threats lightly. Sylux had never been captured in his life and he intended to keep it that way. If anyone was going to face consequences, it would be the consequences his employer would receive by attempting to make Sylux pay for letting word out about their agreement. That wasn't going to happen.Sylux stood on the rooftop building for a while and stared at the city silently before moving out, from rooftop to rooftop through quick use of his Kualsi.

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IC: Rinnder / Outside Implant Your Cash!"Please stop ramming yourself against the door." Rinnder said, returned to his standard black armor, as he came back to the store, opening the door to allow both himself and Upsilon into the shop.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC(Drone 2 schemeing with Drone outside of Library.)

"Sounds good," he replies over the private com. "Just give me the target and it'll be hacked in no time." This is what Drone 2 was looking forward to. A nice prison break that involved lots of hacking and lots of shooting (more or less). This would be fun for the Matoran.-Mef Man

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IC Implant your Cash: Upsilon"Expressed Gratitude: "Thank you sir." Upsilon said, floating into the shop."Loud Query: Do you sell robotic arms here?" he shouted, not sure who he was supposed to talk to."Additional Query: Or upgrades to robots in general?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Drone (Information District)"That's an even better idea although we'll have to do a pretty darn good job to keep your brain system hidden when they scan you. We could plant it into the body and have it not control the robot until it's inside but that would mean leaving the ADR's original AI intact so when you do come in control, you'll have to fight for dominant control over the body and make sure your personality doesn't get influenced by the ADR AI or get melded together (horrible outcome, by the way).""All we have to do is find an ADR (very easy), capture it (easy as well) and have Drone 2 transfer your personality into the ADR, hack it a little so all the chances of everything bad I just mentioned would be reduced and possibly, more good things. Hacking the prison mainframe would be too hard and pointless since there would be a power outage if this actually works.""I think it's settled, then. Now then, I'm going to go capture an ADR with Drone 2. You guys could come but it would be preferable if you'd stay here and research the prison. Once we've got the ADR, meet us at the location I'll send to you, later. Ready 2?"OOC: All this planning involves humongous posts...Mef, TDC, would you have any Techna character my character Volin or Wheatley could interact with?

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IC: RenenRenen scratched his chin, 'Yes, about that...Well, I was wondering if I could hire you for that. What with your iron power, you could be a real asset. What do you say?'IC: TenkoTenko smiled and responded, 'Tenko. Pleased to meet you.'He looked around absently for a second, then added, 'Well, I should probably get going. But remember, if you ever need help on a case, murder, robbery, just give me a call.'-Void



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IC (Information District): Vrf-3"My brain mixing with the AI of one of those mindless dronebots? Yeah... maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I like being able to think..."But it seemed he was going to have to go through it, and hope to outdo the ADR's AI in a battle of wills."I feel this will not end well."OOC: Well, you could go to the Spark of Genius restaurant/pawn shop. Other than that, my other characters are V-rf3... and Kyrahk, who is racing with friends.IC (Information District): Kyrahk"Tasteless you say? Don't blame me, my father wasn't exactly the best role model!"He chuckled as he sprinted along. He could see the shadow of Zaphos closing in on him.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!"Please don't yell, I can help you. We have the cheapest implants available, even for robots." Rinnder replied. "However, I don't believe we sell any arms. At least, not actual arms. Implantable weaponry yes. Would a weak telekinesis capable of lifting five pounds help?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Information District: BioBio was far ahead of the others. Mainly because Zaphos was with Kyrahk, and Kyrahk was running. Chutes were made to make you go faster than on foot.And the fact that Bio was using his air blaster to illegally speed himself along.Upsilon"Blunt Statement:I need to be able to open doors." Upsilon said, dryly."Query:Can you help me with that?"

Edited by Noble Knight BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC Information District: BioBio's voice crackled over Zaphos's and Kyrahk's brain implants. "So, what are we talking about?" he asked, blasting himself out of one chute, and into one heading closer to the restaurant.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: (Glitch Paradox)"No need for hiring anybody." Said Scorpio as he laid his greatsword on the small table. "I'll be downstairs in the morning. Just tell me what you need."IC: (Public Library)Nathius nodded. As soon as Tenok said murder, a picture of the dying Toa flashed into his brain. "I shall." He said softly, eye's down-cast.IC: (Housing District)Shade was patroling the housing district, lending a helping hand.


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IC: Kyrahk"My father Terry, He died... you know, it was kind of hard seeing everyone celebrating at his funeral... I wanted to be the only one celebrating, but no... everyone else had to celebrate too."He sent to both Bio and Zaphos through his mind."Also, this brain talking stuff... it feels so freaky, like I have a cellphone in my brain... In fact"Here, he decided to make a joke."Kyrahk is not at the brainphone right now, please leave a message after the beep. Beeeep."

This is my signature

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OOC: Assuming a conversion of -1 Widget = $1.37Which seems pretty fair.IC: Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!"Well..." Rinnder replied. "It's pretty costly.. You're looking at 649 Widgets for the TK-421 Super Telekinetic. It allows you to control a separate robotic right hand that, when not in use, magnetises to your side. Or, if you simply had a handless arm, it could be placed on there, but that's how it would work. You'd be able to open doors or lift objects of up to ten pounds with the hand. But as I said, it's extremely costly. The implanting itself would be a little more costly, about 53 Widgets.""That's the cheapest thing we have for your... issue. I suppose a three second intangibility usable once every twenty minutes or so, but that's our most expensive one."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: (Science District)"Alright, alright," Critek said as his blade slide back into his arm and his hand reappeared. He slide over to the other door and began to open it. He heard the robot's weight shift and he quickly said, "Oh calm down. You told me to get out of the taxi; you didn't tell me which door to use."The Matoran continued to talk as he opened the door, "I mean, aren't you supposed to read me a list of charges and such before you..."As soon as his feet hit the ground, Critek took off toward the alley, sprint as fast as his modified legs could carry him. What he hadn't noticed while in the taxi was that it led to a dead-end. However, his dead eye became gold again and as he was about to run into the far wall he leapt into the air. His mechanical legs were powerful enough to launch him high enough to reach the edge the buildings roof. The impact with the edge was enough to daze Critek for a moment, but he was able to pull himself up to the top of the roof.

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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IC: Krayzikk, Ripping off Transformers, Science DistrictKrayzikk imitated a sigh and his parts shifted around until he was in his veicular alt. mode. He took off down the alley, saw Critek jump and climb onto the roof. Making a split second decision, Krayzikk accelerated and with only a few yards left in the alley, transformed using the force from his acceleration to power a jump that propelled him onto the roof.Turning to face Critek, he said "One last chance to stand down before I use force. Your choice."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: This is what you guys get for starting the race without me. :PIC: NikaronNikaron smiled, and Sil purred. The others they were winning but in fact they were heading the wrong. Using his power over Data he corrupted the coding containing the location information. Now that, that was done Nikaron ran, and so did Sil. Together they climbed to the rooftops before running and leaping to the restaurant.


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IC: Rinnder / Implant Your Cash!"Well, if you really want it, it's 1500 Widgets. The VTM-39 Phase Dragon allows you to turn intangible like its namesake for three seconds, but can only be used every twenty minutes or so. It's prone to malfunctions when exposed to extremely high or low temperatures or electricity, and it doesn't allow you to pass through lead. I wouldn't advise it; the only reason we sell it for so much of the price to buy it. If you're willing to wait a few more centuries I'm sure they'll finally perfect the technology, and if you get an early sign up we can set you up for manufacturer price."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Hate to say it guys but our plan won't work. King of No Isle said it and I'm going to have to agree with him. We'll be hard pressed only to have two people (plus VRF-3) attempting to take on an entire prison squad. If we're going to do this, we'll need more people, some very clever hacking, explosives, whatever we can think of. I'd rather we leave it be for now until we've come up with a better plan and have the needs to back it up.IC: Drone (Information District)"Actually guys, another thought occurred to me. We're not enough people to go up against an entire prison guard. Three people busting in would be suicide so we'll need a bigger numbers. Scratch that, we'd need a well trained and equipped militia to guard the entrance since reinforcements are bound to show up. Hacking would be useful, maybe if we could gain control over the ADR mainframe for that area and the security but until then, we better plan a little better."OOC: Not exactly meta-gaming, just logical thought process. I don't feel like getting my character imprisoned or killed :P

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IC (Information District): KyrahkHe knew he didn't have a chance... unless he started cheating."I could cheat... Nah."He just kept on running.IC (Information District): Vrf-3"And oddly, I'm perfectly happy with that. I like my brain being my own brain."He commented in agreement with Drone."I just realized... I don't even know your names."

This is my signature

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IC: Zaphos - Information DistrictZaphos did not crash into the pipe, but his spinner did, exploding on impact and destroying it. This nearly caused him to fall, but he quickly fired another spinner and grabbed on, catching up to the other being again."Trollface.jpg," he said, a grin plastered on his bestial face.

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IC: Drone (Information District)"Oddly enough, you know them now. I'm Drone, this is Drone 2 and the ghost is Demoris as I'm sure you're aware of. Now then, we should head to our base of operations to discuss further matters of this breakout or we could try to move on with this suicidal plan right now. But I'm only clearing a path in the entrance to my best extent."OOC: Wel, TKNI said that if we want Rakata to escape, we'll have to cut the power only to her room and wait outside with a hover taxi. It'll be up to Aeon to make her way to the top while we clear a path for her as much as we can near the entrance and push forward. If we're lucky, we could upgrade the ADR and it'll go unnoticed. In short, let's move forward with the plan. Not saying there won't be any drawbacks or else there wouldn't be any fun in it.

Edited by TX Wade 27
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IC: (Science District)In reply, Critek sprinted toward Krayzikk and prepared to jump over him with his right eye still glowing gold. However at the last minute, he fell into a slide and slipped underneath the robot. Once he was past him, Critek jumped to his feet and continued to run before leaping to the next rooftop. He landed in a roll, popped back to his feet and kept sprinting, hoping that the robot was too heavy follow him for an extended period of time.OOC: Thats all the time I have for tonight. I'll have too continue this tomorrow.

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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OOC: If you want a prisoner trade, might want to negotiate. Specifically The Equinox.IC (Information District):"Since I have contacts to Techna, a Hacker contact would be nice too," The Equinox laughed, then typed on his computer, sending out notices to people about hiring for a job.

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IC (Information District): Kyrahk"Sure, re-planning seems like a really, really good idea. I mean, I'm fine with being the distraction, as long as I get my brain to stay uncorrupted by stupid AIs."He agreed, also really wanting to see the headquarters.IC (Information District): KyrahkHe stopped when he saw the building in front of him. The to were still racing, they had missed the location."Hey guys, over here!"He started waving to the racing two, trying to get their attention.

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