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Pokémon: Rise Of The Rockets


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-==IC: Lucia==-Lucia thought for a while, as the mission ended."Say..." Lucia turned to Jamie, since they had apparently been the only ones left."Since we're already near, seemingly, why don't we head to Azalea? I've heard it's taken some damage, so I figure I wanted to see if they needed any help. And, well, I'll admit again, I'm not a good fighter." Lucia said with a sigh, as she chuckled."So, would you help me stay safe, if anything attacks?" Lucia asked, not sure what would attack, but it was better to be safe than sorry.OOC: I had absolutely no clue what to write there, so I just randomly thought it up. xD

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IC: Dack

"Luxray, Discharge!" Dack cried. His Luxray leaped onto the edge of the bow and unleashed an electrical discharge, striking several of the Sharpedo that were attacking the front of the ship. "How did so many of them manage to stay awake?" the Rocket agent wondered. "I would have expected one or two, but not dozens!"


"Sharpedo are more native to Hoenn," Karen said. "It's possible they fled here when the Darkrai started to invade their own region."


"But why would they flee to an area already covered by their darkness?" Dack frowned.


"They are Dark-Types themselves," Karen shrugged. "Perhaps they realized the Ancients would attack Kanto and Johto next and decided it would be safer to hide in a region they had already passed over. As Dark-Types, the darkness probably doesn't bother them as much as the other Pokemon."


"It doesn't matter why they're here," Dack growled. "What matters is that they are here, and they're in our way. Now are you going to help us get rid of them, Ms. Elite Four Member, or not?"


"I was merely suggesting that these Sharpedo could easily be fleeing from the Darkrai and simply attacking out of self-defense," the Dark-Type expert said pointedly. "Something you might want to consider." Tossing a Pokeball in the air, she sent out her Absol. "Thunderbolt."


The Absol materialized on the deck, its white fur seeming to glimmer in the darkness. It calmly walked up to the edge of the bow, ignoring Dack's Luxray, and observed the attacking Sharpedo. Electricity started to crackle along the edges of the scythe on its head. Spotting one of the larger Sharpedoes, which had just been launched out of the water by Bo's Megahorn, the Absol unleashed its Thunderbolt, striking the Sharpedo head-on.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: Zac "Aren't you guys the slighted bit concerned if your electric attacks hit the water and not the Sharpedo?" Zac asked them, Totodile was holding on to the dorsal fin of one of the Sharpedoes with his teeth, while Braviary was lifting one into the sky.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Jamie nodded, "That sounds like a good idea..."


She turned slightly for a moment to look at her pokemon who had seemed to be quite energetic at the moment, a large change from when in the alternate dimension.


"And as for battling, I think Pelleas," who began to showboat on being referenced to, "and Tristan," who also began showboating, "will be able to protect us should anything go wrong."


OOC: High five for us not knowing what we are doing but having an excuse to go to Azalea.


IC: Hades was sent reeling by the Shadow Claw,


"Well that didn't work too well... Back to the grind then, Confuse Ray!"


Hades began dashing around again firing bolts of Confuse Ray as he has done pretty battle he has been in so far.

Edited by Metal Gear Minun


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OOC: Don't forget the residents of Azalea are basically all gone due to the Unown outbreak earlier. ;)


IC - Kyle Eston - Iccirus City: "I take it 'slept in' is now code for 'was up all night,'" Kyle said. "What's up?"


IC - Sonja Baron - Leaving Opelucid: "Wait, why are we even bothering to walk?" Sonja asked. She reached into her bag, producing two Pokéballs--one containing Sheik, the other containing Ares. "If we need to get there quickly, then we have the Pokémon we need to do so."



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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC - Eric and Pierce, Olivine City, JohtoEric moved to Jared side as Dusknoir pushed him north, out of the city."You might want to stop suggesting things to me," Eric said, walking. "We could go all the way to Mahogany, but that's a world away. We'll go to the base nearby and request a teleport."IC - Zac Flash, PNT, UnovaMelon was swift, avoiding the spheres of dark energy with grace. Until, he got hit with one.Zac froze. "Don't try anything!" he called. "A Pokemon won't hurt itself if it can't do anything to try." He's too weak to Sub, though.. This battle's almost over.
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-==IC: Zach==-"Was just doing a little last minute preparation before we headed to Dragonspiral." Zach explained with a shrug."And I wasn't up all night... Just the better part of it." Zach said with a sheepish smile.-==IC: Ray==-Ray nodded, and sent out the alternate dimension Entei as well, getting onto the Pokemon."Right then; let's get there quickly."

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IC: Evan Tierra


Evan noted that the Entei had many "spacial ripples" echoing off of it, but thought nothing off it as he sent out Gnip and got on her back.


"What are we waiting for?!", Evan said, "Lead the way!"


IC: Lafoyae Belrose, En Route to Saffron City


Lafoyae smiled towards the Shadow Admin and telepathically said, "I did, sir. Thank you. I'm sure the pokemon will be of much help in the fight to come."

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IC: Ryan

Returning Quil, Ryan sent out the other Entei and hopped on its back. "Why didn't we just do this in the first place?" he wondered aloud.


IC: Dack

Dack ignored Zac's question as he watched the Heracross toss the Sharpedo leader into the air. "Thunder Fang," he told Luxray.


Karen's Absol sent another Thunderbolt at the flying shark as Luxray leaped from the boat and sunk his teeth into the Sharpedo's rough hide. Electricity coursed through the Sharpedo's body, knocking it unconscious. However, now Luxray found himself in freefall, tumbling toward the ocean, with dozens of angry Sharpedo waiting below.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: Zac"Seriously guys! Try using fighting type moves or grass!" Zac said as he pulled out Bladesman's pokeball and sent him out, "Leaf Blade!"The Gallade nodded and jumped onto the a Sharpedo and used Leaf Blade. At that moment, Totodile was flung into Zac, causing the trainer to fall over, "You okay buddy?" Zac asked as he got up. The Totodile nodded as he two got to his feet, but he felt tingly.OOC:Species: CrocanawNickname: BiteGender: MaleType: WaterAbiltity: TorrentPersonality: Bite has now changed from being playful, to being rather aggressive. He is however, more focused in and out of battles though, and has become more mature and obedient.Speciality: Physical MovesMoves: Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Screech, Crunch, Water Gun

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC Kaito"Catch Luxray!" Bo flew over and caught the falling Pokemon in midair. "By the way," Kaito pointed out, "Bug-type moves also work, and Rough Skin takes a few hits in order for the damage to stack up into something major." Meanwhile, once their leader was defeated, the Sharpedo began to back off. Like most Pokemon living in groups, seeing their leader fall made them leave in search of easier prey.


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IC: Dack

"Thanks for the save," Dack said as Bo deposited Luxray on the deck.


"You know, Zac and Vincent are right," Karen said as her Absol walked over to her side. "That Discharge attack was too reckless."


"Don't lecture me," Dack glared. "You were using electric attacks too, you know."


"Thunderbolt is much easier to control," the Elite Four member pointed out. "Plus, Absol only attacked the Sharpedo's leader when it was out of the water. You need to keep the others' safety in mind."


"I said, don't lecture me." Dack hissed through gritted teeth. He walked over to Luke, who was peering over the edge of the ship, inspecting the damage the Sharpedo had done. "Can we make it to shore?" the Rocket agent demanded.


"The ship has a few dents in it, but it's nothing too major," Luke observed. "We should be able to make it with no problem. We're almost there, too."


"Good," Dack said as Luke returned to the cabin.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC - Kyle Eston - Iccirus City: "Call it what you'll call it," Kyle said, shrugging. "So, are we headed there now, then? There's nothing else to do, and, frankly, I think we've postponed our mission long enough."


IC - Sonja Baron - Leaving Opelucid: "Things have been so crazy lately, it's no surprise," Sonja muttered, watching as Richie sent out his Charizard and took off with a nod toward the younger agent. With a quick request from Gold, Sonja handed Ares over to the trainer, allowing him to borrow the Dragon-Type. That left her with Sheik as the others took off.


The Liberty Agent sighed. "Sorry for the sudden call for transport," Sonja apologized. "I feel like I haven't let you or any of the others out in... forever."


Think nothing of it, Sheik said. The circumstances have not been... kind... as of late. I doubt revealing us would have done you any good.


"I guess so..." Sonja stared off in the direction of Iccirus. "Do you think we're going to be able to stop this before... before more people die... people or Pokémon?"


Sheik thought about this for a moment. I don't know, the Raikou admitted. Whatever happens... we'll stop it one way or another, though I can't guarantee anything. She lowered herself to the ground. Come--we need to catch up with the others.


Sonja nodded, climbing onto the Legendary Beast's back. With one last look at Opelucid City--a look that was primarily aimed in Village Bridge's direction--Sonja and Sheik departed, hurrying after the rest of the group.


OOC: Not in the proper state of mind right now to continue with anything else, so expect the beginning of the SCI attack tomorrow.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC - Eric and Pierce, Route 38, Johto"Tsk," Pierce said, not amused. "The base is just ahead. I'm sure someone knows where to throw you."Hidden by a mass of trees, there was a towering Rocket Base, gloomy as the sky.IC - Zac Flash, PNT, UnovaThe series of attacks was relentless, clawing away at Melon until finally, he fainted. "Melon," he called back his Pokemon. "It was a good match."He walked towards the center of the arena, arm extended.
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-==IC: Zach==-Zach nodded, and was about to turn to walk there, when he noticed Brycen and Hugh walking toward them with grim frowns on their faces."What's up?" Zach asked them, as the two approached."We just got word about a loiterer around here somewhere. He was said to be stalking the gym last night, but we haven't been able to find any sign of him." Hugh explained, and Zach frowned in response, having a bad feeling about who the loiterer could be.OOC: The others arrive in time for the next post to occur, or should I wait a post or two?

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OOC: Doesn't make much of a difference to me--I've got an organization to break down.


IC - Kyle Eston - Iccirus City: "That sounds bad... I think...?" Kyle said. 'Loiterer' wasn't a term that he felt was necessary to be this downtrodden over, especially if said 'loiterer' wasn't around anymore and had done nothing notable enough to elicit a major panic. The only reason for concern that he could come up with would be if said 'loiterer' was someone that the Gym Leaders knew was a cause of trouble, someone that they knew they had come to the two Liberty Agents and Summer to deal with as opposed to handling the situation themselves or leaving it to the police.


Which could only mean Black.


And if that was the case, then Kyle had to privately wonder why they hadn't simply said so. "I take it this 'loiterer' is of some importance to us?" he asked. "Maybe a certain criminal that a certain group of people has been chasing after across Unova for an, at this point, unknown amount of time?"


IC - Sleight/Team Rocket - Helicopters: "Very good," Sleight said. He leaned back in his seat, glancing out the window. "Well... I suppose now we must simply wait."


"It's a shame we're having to do this on Christmas," Riley sighed from beside the Shadow Admin. Sabrina glanced up at him, though did not say anything. The Executive looked at Sleight. "Just goes to show how much these people need to be beaten, right, sir? Completely unfair to everyone involved--and their families." Sleight barely nodded. "Got any plans for Levi and Eileen later?"


"Aside from the usual, no," Sleight said, slightly exasperatedly. "It's early enough that we'll be back before four. It's all just a matter of getting things done here." He closed his eyes, crossing his arms. "And if I'm a little bit late, then they'll understand--it wouldn't be unusual for them."



The helicopters were closing in on the location of Soil Colossus's base. As they approached, the camouflaged vehicles diverged from each other, each of them moving toward separate entrances to the facility, dropping off small groups of fighters before moving to another. When all was said and done, the choppers departed, leaving Sleight, McKlellen, and Lafoyae in a forest clearing directly north of the base's main entrance. For a moment, it was difficult to tell where they actually were. Deep clouds of black shadow drifted everywhere around them, obscuring the surrounding area; however, they gradually parted, as clouds tended to do, and in the bleak distance, Rustboro City could be see to the west.


"Rustboro?" McKlellen said quietly, curious. "This is where Soil Colossus is situated?"


Sleight nodded. "Their master facility is an elaborate underground complex, hidden beneath that building," he said, pointing toward a large facility to the south. It was out of the way of the city, though was close enough to still be considered part of it. "As you've seen, we've split up. Each group will enter from a different position, blocking off any escape routes that they may have. Sabrina and her Pokémon are dealing with the possibility of teleportation by creating a block in the area, supplemented by the properties of the Darkrai shadows around us. Once we gain entrance, our job is simple: annihilate any and all resistance. When all is said and done, this facility will be destroyed, a monument to the sheer, unbreakable power of the Darkrai--an example to the world of what they accomplished here."


"Leaving them to take the blame for Soil Colossus's destruction," McKlellen concluded. "Fascinating. I suppose we ought to get started, then?"


Sleight nodded. As they approached the main entrance, the three Rocket agents stopped, observing the obstacle in their path. The heavy, metal doors were sealed shut, a defensive decision made during the original Darkrai attack. Lights on different parts of the facility, as well as the motion of the undamaged cameras, indicated that there was still activity within. No doubt Sandrock, in his arrogance, had opted to maintain the fortress-like state of the facility, using it as a place from which he could safely command his forces, even as the Darkrai had laid waste to the nearby town.


"All units in position, sir," Riley reported via comm. Sleight affirmed this, grabbing an old, though polished Poké Ball from his belt.


"Commencing attack in three..." He held the Poké Ball forward. "Two..." It opened, a white light emerging from within. From the capsule, a large, battle-scarred Charizard emerged. The flames on its tail burned white, intense flames that appeared bright enough to dispel even the shadows around it. Standing tall and proud, the Flame Pokémon huffed, small trails of fire spewing from its nose and mouth. Sleight's Magmortar emerged from another Poké Ball, equally as large as the Charizard, equally as battle-ready.


"One... Go."



Activity within Soil Colossus's headquarters was, needless to say, high. Throughout the Darkrai invasion, they had maintained possibly the tightest hold on their facility, their resources, managing to defend against--even capture some of--the Darkrais' forces. In all that, Sandrock's corporation's ability to function, to continue their attacks on Team Rocket, to study the Darkrai for a weakness, had not faltered once.


Until now.


The first sign that something was wrong was an electrical surge that swept through the building, shutting off the vast majority of systems within the complex for several moments before the back-up generators kicked in, renewing power in the most important systems. Sandrock frowned.


"Status report," he ordered. "What the cuss was that?" In the back of his mind, he had several ideas, though all of them seemed foolish...


"Unknown cause, sir," a technician said. "Some sort of electrical disturbance in the eastern power sector--the entire upper facility is down."


"Power lost in southern sector," another technician called.


"Are the Darkrai back?" a guard asked. "I thought we drove their minions off?"


"No, no... This is probably just the result of some hacking a--"


"RED ALERT! RED ALERT!" The radios by the comm. area suddenly erupted with screams and the sounds of battle. "Break in at--upper-level security compromised--Team Rock--UGH!"


The line went dead.


"Get a feed online!" Sandrock called. "We need to see what's happening!" He stared intently at the monitor before him as a technician redirected some of the extra power upstairs, beginning to cycle through cameras. Through the dark, he watched the battle upstairs as it unfolded--watched as Rocket agents gunned down Soil Colossus security in one section before moving on; as Surge and Koga tore through others in another section, the former's Electric-Types going directly for the generators.


It was a similar scene in multiple other areas. However, they landed on the cameras watching the main entrance, the blood drained from Sandrock's face. He pulled off his sunglasses, in complete disbelief at the sight before him.


"My God..."



"Magmortar, would you kindly open this door for us?"


"Magmor..." The Blast Pokémon growled quietly, stepping back and raising its cannon-like arms. With the force of a missile, large orbs of magma shot forward, slamming into the doors. The building seemed to shake from the impact as the doors were blasted off of their hinges, slamming into several unwitting Soil Colossus agents behind them. Their survival was doubtful. As the smoke cleared, the three Rocket agents moved forward, Charizard and Magmortar serving as their vanguards, while McKlellen and Lafoyae released their own Pokémon--in the former's case, a cloaked Lucario.


Their entrance was like a dream to the Soil Colossus guards, who stared in bafflement for a moment as they laid eyes on Shadow Admin Sleight, the Chessmaster of Team Rocket. His expression was completely stoic as he moved, stopping in the middle of the door frame, taking a brief moment to observe the area. As the SCI agents regained their bearings, they raised their guns, leveling them and taking aim at Sleight and the others, preparing to fire. Before they could do so, however, McKlellen's Lucario rushed forward, using Extremespeed to rapidly slice into each of the assault rifles, disabling them before moving out of the way, allowing Magmortar to raise his arms and launch a plume of Flamethrowers at the guards, forcing them to break rank.


"Please, don't wait for my invitation," Sleight said to Lafoyae and McKlellen. "These are all traitors and criminals to the united Kanto nations. As such, they should be rewarded as traitors deserve." He gestured forward. "They are yours for the reaping."

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Is Bite's evolution approved?

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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-==IC: Zach==-The two Gym Leaders nodded."From the descriptions we've heard of the man you are referring to, it sounds like it is indeed him." Hugh explained, but then frowned again."However, we have lost him; a couple guards chased him across town last night, but he vanished as suddenly as he had appeared, and his current whereabouts are unknown." Hugh explained, and sighed."I guess this takes precedence over your League challenge, Hikari, so I will hold off on contacting the Elite Four about this. You can take it when things aren't so bad." Hugh said to Zach, who nodded in response, as some shouting came from the north entrance to the city from the adjoining route."What?" Hugh asked in confusion, as a blur passed them, and then seemed to double back, as an oddly coloured Entei appeared, with a dazed orange haired man on it's back."Orange?" Zach asked in confusion, and Ray chuckled."Call me Ray, I'm giving that nickname up." Ray said, but Zach was still confused."The others are approaching as well... But we need to get to Dragonspiral right now." Ray said, and Zach looked at him, honestly not sure what was going on.-==IC: Black==-Black frowned, as he stared at the ancient relic of a building that stood in front of him. The entrance had been long sealed away once more, to prevent misuse for exactly this situation."... Tyranitar, Hyper Beam." Black said, pointing toward the sealed entrance to the tower, as the Tyranitar roared out.-==IC: Zach==-None of them got a chance to explain or understand the full severity of the situation, however, as a piercing roar rang out through the area."That's coming from the direction of the tower...!" Hugh exclaimed, as Zach and Ray frowned, both thinking the same thing, as the rest of the group quickly arrived."Black." The two said at about the same time, as Zach nodded to Kyle and Summer to follow, and ran toward the road leading to the tower. As they approached, however, the sound of an explosion rang out. The cause was shown shortly after, as they arrived to see Black walking across the seemingly unstable bridge to the tower."I should have known..." Zach said, as Black smirked."I believe that is my line. However; you're too late to stop me, as my plan is in full force now." Black said, as he turned, and walked into the tower."Wait!" Ray yelled out, growling after Black disappeared into the building."We have to stop him before he does something stupid..." Ray said, and thought for a moment."Sonja; could you have Sheik use Ice Beam on the bridge; or at least the lower half? We need to get across, but I doubt the bridge will hold much longer." Ray explained, as he turned to Sonja to address her.OOC: /EDIT: Looks good to me, personally. I say it's approved.

Edited by BZP Blade
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IC - Kyle Eston/Sonja Baron - Dragonspiral Tower: Sonja and Sheik both looked at each other, and then back at Ray. "Um... It's a Raikou...?" Sonja answered, at the same time that Sheik telepathically said, Er... I'm a Raikou...?


"Got it covered," Kyle said, moving forward and releasing Kitheus from his Poké Ball. "Kitheus, split up your Tri-Attack and launch the ice portion at the bridge." The Magneton nodded, charging up and taking aim. At the last moment, the two bottom Magnemite turned, launching the Electric and Fire portions of the attack into the air, while the top body's Ice attack struck, rapidly freezing the bridge. It stabilized, granting passage.


"Let's move!" Kyle called, nodding his thanks at Kitheus for his assistance as he hurried toward the tower's entrance.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Blah, I knew there was something off, but I thought sure we had had a second Suicune with us. xD-==IC: Ray==-Ray blinked, and then slapped his palm to his face."Right, sorry, my mistake. What was I thinking?" Ray said, as he nodded to Kyle. Ray, Zach, and Summer quickly hurried toward the entrance, intent on getting up to the top before Black could unfold his plan.

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IC: ZacZac face palmed as Dack entered the deck, but focused his attention on Bite who had just evolved, "Well, there is a perk," Zac said with a smile,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Ryan

"Sleeping in a snowdrift can do that to you," Ryan grinned. He hopped off Entei and hurried across the bridge to the entrance.


IC: Dack

It wasn't long before Luke docked the ship in the Fight Area. Dack and the others headed off the ship. The first thing the Rocket agent noticed was a number of sailors passed out near the docks, suffering from the Darkrais' nightmares. Walking past them, Dack looked up at the Battle Tower, visible above the trees but slightly obscured by the dark fog. If there was any clue as to where Palmer was, they would find it there, in the trademark symbol of Sinnoh's Battle Frontier.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: The last notes of the Ode to Joy played out on his violin. He set it down and walked over to shake the hand of his opponet. Hades hopped over to the pair as they did indeed shake hands.


"Well it was definitely the best that I have ever had."


"Though honestly I should have lost technically twice..." he muttered quietly to himself.


"We should do this again some time!" and then Richard was struck flat in the mass by the Night Shade of an irate Sableye.


"...Or maybe not," he said as he got back up.



IC: James watched as Mordred arrived back first. He was eating food that probably bad for him and looked like a slob, probably because he was.


"Gawain," he said sending out the Swampert, "Wash him down a little would you?"


The Swampert let out a force of water which had the effect of cleaning the Weavile at the expense of angering him.


"I apologize but your appearance could be a mess for us if they see you again. Though avoid going near that store again."


The two other members of James' team eventually both arrived at the spot as well. Unlike their Weavile companion they were not overtly messy to James pleasure.


"I need you all to move through this mall next. Remember it's only mischief and a slight amount of chaos that we want, please do not harm physically harm anyone and do not get into any battles. I trust that you can make this happen without supervision."


Gawain was slightly confused for a moment though Mordred filled him in with a quick whisper.


"Oh and make sure to take roundabout paths to get back to us. I would rather not link myself to this. It would be bad for Team Liberty..."


The four pokemon split off into different directions, the Swampert heading towards a manhole, the Weavile through the alleyways, the Scizor flew towards his destination and as for the Chandelure... James couldn't tell because it disappeared.


"Well let us be off. Would you like to get to get something to drink while we wait?" 


Hmm... I could go for an espresso.


"Excellent, I know of a nice cafe not too far away."

Edited by Metal Gear Minun


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IC: ZacShadows melted into Zac's shadow to hide, and Zac retrieved Crocanaw and Braviary. He and Z-Pup walked off the boat and went to follow Dack,"I remember coming here as a kid with my dad... I was gonna challenge but I was way too young at the time," Zac said with a smile, "Now look at it..."

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC - Sonja Baron/Richie Eston - Outside Dragonspiral Tower: As Sonja and Sheik followed after the others, Sonja suddenly skidded to a halt on the bridge, looking up at the tower as if searching for something. Sheik, upon noticing her, stopped, looking at the Liberty agent. "Where is it..."


We don't have much time, Sonja! the Legendary Beast called.


Sonja didn't answer for a moment, until... "Aha!" She smiled at Sheik, raising a hand and pointing at a spot on the upper wall of the tower, where a portion of the wall was missing. It was an injury to the building that had been caused long ago, one that, out of respect for those events, had been left unmended. "Sheik, do you think you could make it up there? You might be able to cut Black off."


The Raikou took a moment to study the distance, and then nodded. I believe so. Moving away from the tower, the Thunder Pokémon charged forward, leaping at the side of the building. Already landing fairly high up on the wall, Sheik dug her powerful claws into the stone, throwing herself up and toward the hole, where she managed to catch the ledge and climb in, disappearing into the darkness of the tower. Seeing this, Richie--still in the air on his Charizard--directed Zippo to fly after Sheik, entering the hole in the wall, the Charizard's flames disappearing into the dark.


Sonja watched the three go, before waving to the approaching Gold as she ran into the tower, the older Liberty Agent following behind with Ares...

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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-==IC: Black==-Black dashed through the tower, the way forward having been fixed via improvisation by those who walked this tower in the past. As Black dashed over the many hurdles in the way, he noticed that there was a hole further up the tower, and frowned, especially as he noticed a shape block part of the light shining into the tower. Growling, Black pressed forward, not paying it much heed at that precise moment, since it was further along than he cared about at that moment.

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IC: Lafoyae Belrose, SCI Base


"Leave them to me, sir." Lafoyae said telepathically to Sleight as she sent out her newly acquired Infernape.


"Do as I do.", Lafoyae told the Infernape as she rushed towards the soldiers, "Try not to dirty your hands too much."


Lafoyae, with eye watering speed, rushed towards a soldier, preparing an uppercut. Before the soldier could react, Lafoyae unleashed it on him, aiming for his nose, to be precise. It connected, smashing the soldiers nose into his face and quite possibly, his brain, killing him instantly.


"Your turn." Lafoyae said telepathically to her Infernape as she rushed towards the soldiers.


The Infernape bowed quickly, ran towards the nearest SCI soldier, used Mach Punch, made an uppercut readying motion with it. At the precise moment, he struck, killing the soldier.


"Let's continue.", Lafoyae telepathically said, "Good luck to you, sir"


With that, Lafoyae and her Infernape moved towards more soldiers.......


IC: Evan Tierra, Dragonspiral Tower



"Gnip, follow that Raikou!" Evan said, his voice full of urgency as the Garchomp entered the hole in the wall of the tower.


Evan could not help but feel something awful was going to happen here, no matter their efforts to stop it.......

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IC - Sheik/Richie Eston - Dragonspiral Tower: Sheik stood still for a moment, taking a deep breath as she attempted to track Black's scent. Behind her, Richie's Charizard landed, taking several steps into the old tower as Richie slid off of his back, nodding at the Raikou. The Thunder Pokémon did not seem to notice.


Two or so floors below us, she informed Richie and Evan, as the latter and Gnip arrived. We must slow him down.


"Right," Richie said, releasing his Butterfree, Pikachu, Swellow, Tyranitar, and Vaporeon. "Mr. Tierra, if you and Sheik could possibly cut him off, I could see about blocking the stairwells to the next floor."


IC - Sleight/TR - SCI Main Base "Colossoil": "And the same to you, Agent Belrose," Sleight said, nodding to Lafoyae. He looked around the main entrance hall, observing the carnage. Dozens of guards lay dead or injured, too hurt to do anything else against the Team Rocket agents. McKlellen remained nearby, his Lucario awaiting further orders. "Do you think you can finish clearing out this floor?"


"Yes, sir," McKlellen said. "What about you, sir?"


Sleight didn't answer for a moment, beginning to walk toward a stairwell that would lead into the bowels of the facility. "I am going directly to Sandrock," he said simply. "Buzz, Surge, and Koga will be meeting me there shortly; the others, meanwhile, are moving downward, clearing out the surrounding areas of the base. This company's leader, however... I would like to have a little chat with him before he sees his work undone entirely."


With that, the Shadow Admin of Kanto took to the steps, Charizard and Magmortar following behind him, the former's tail flame illuminating the darkness. As he moved, Sleight opened his comm.


"Attention all Rocket forces," he said calmly, his voice mixing with the sounds of his shoes on the cement stairs to create a soft, ghostly melody. "In addition to Carl Sandrock, SCI Executives Portia Raven and Nemo Buck should be considered targets of the highest priority. Report back upon making any sort of contact with them--we need them eliminated as soon as possible. Sleight out."



"Sir, you should've said something earlier," Koga replied. He was pressed against a wall, taking cover from gun fire around the corner. Toward the back of the hallway, behind the group of SCI guards, Executive Buck stood, issuing orders and providing his own cover fire. "Executive Buck is here with us. He will be dealt with shortly." Taking his hand away from his comm, Koga nodded at the elites nearby. They seemed to understand his message, as one of them pulled a flash grenade out of a pouch on her belt. Pulling the pin, she quickly rolled from behind cover, tossing it down the hall and into the middle of the group. They barely had time to scatter before it exploded, blinding and deafening the entire squad.


Koga's Muk, Forretress, and Venomoth moved forward. Venomoth was at the forefront, gliding quickly and quietly to the agents and releasing a Poison Powder attack on them, stunning them further--though missing Buck. The SCI agent had been smart enough to move back as the flashbang arrived, saving him from its effects. As his Gyrados attempted to knock Venomoth away, however, the Executive realized just what Koga was attempting, recognizing that the situation was out of his hands. Recalling the Water/Flying-Type, he moved back, disappearing down a side hallway.


He was just in time. As the SCI guards recovered, they took aim and fired at Muk, though the Poison-Type's body merely absorbed the bullets. As he arrived at their position, his body split in half, revealing Forretress, who glowed for a brief moment--much to the horror and shock of the guards.


Muk was able to avoid the explosion. They were not. Those who were not killed by the blast were knocked unconscious and buried by debris as a small portion of the ceiling collapsed, clearing the way for Koga to give chase to Buck. Recalling his Pokémon, Koga did this, leaving Ortrune's forces to their own devices as he flipped over the debris, tracing Nemo Buck's steps through the facility...

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC - Eric and Pierce, Route 38, Johto"That's for Joker to decide," Eric said as they walked up to the Rocket Base."Hey," a guard said, recognizing Eric from when he got handcuffs. "You got the kid. I'll send a message to Abyss. In the meantime, we have a small jail for him to wait in."To: Abyss Control RoomTwo agents have got the kid messing with our shipments. Requesting information on what to do with him.Route 38 Base CommandIC - Zac Flash, PNT, Unova"Figures that the first loss I have here is the final battle," Zac said, chuckling. "A rematch sounds nice, but I've got something eating my insides; it'll be a while before I get some free time. Thanks for the offer, though."With that, Zac left the National Tournament, heading for Nimbassa. He had some unfinished business in Anville Town.OOC: If you guys are interested, check out some updates on the fangame.
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