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Pokémon: Rise Of The Rockets


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"Jake!" Ryan cried, rushing over to the place where his friend had vanished.

"Aerial Ace!" Dack said before Staraptor struck Quil.

"No!" Ryan shouted as Quil shot a Flame Wheel at Staraptor. "Stop this battle, now."

"And why should we stop now?" Dack asked.

"One of my best friends has just... died," Ryan said in a hollow voice. "Can't you show a little mercy?"

"Why should I show you mercy?" Dack growled.

An explosion of energy far to the east caught the two trainers' attention.

"I almost forgot... the Darkrai," Ryan muttered.

"Darkrai?" Dack scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"A group of Darkrai is conquering Hoenn as we speak," Ryan explained, pointing to the dark clouds on the horizon. "There's no telling when they'll get here, and they'll destroy anything in their path. I've heard that Sinnoh's already fallen."

"What?!" Dack said sharply. "Sinnoh?!"

OOC:Sad to see you go, Nuju. :( Thanks for everything! You were a great friend. :)
By the way, Parugi, Nuju is letting each of my characters keep one of his Pokemon. Should I make new profiles for them?

Edited by Konuju

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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OOC: :(Sorry to see you go, Nuju. It was great playing with you, though; if you ever feel like returning, you're always welcome to. :)Konuju: Nah, you don't need to rewrite them. I would, however, update them to reflect what just happened.IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove City: As they had finished healing their Pokemon, Ethan nodded. "Since you know the way, would you mind leading us there?"IC - Plasma Rooks - Black City: The vans rapidly approached their destination -- a large building, very castle-like in appearance, though not out of place in the technologically advanced city. A pentagonal wall surrounded the outside of it, providing the first line of defense for the governmental structure in the event of an attack.As they approached one of the corner gates, one of the Rooks looked at Evan. "Hope you're putting together a convincing story," he said. "The council won't take too kindly to finding out that someone's been fighting one of our legends without good reason..."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Yeah, update, that's sort of what I meant. I'll get to those later, as I still have Dack's flashbacks to finish up.

Dack was taken aback by the news that all of Sinnoh had fallen to a group of Darkrai. My hometown... Snowpoint... Dack could clearly recall the devestation following the avalanche in Snowpoint City. He closed his eyes as the memories rushed in...
A few months ago...

Dack Majors silently dropped onto the roof of a building. He glanced up at his Swellow, just as his partner Hannah jumped off her Staraptor, landing next to him.

“See anything?” she asked.

Dack shook his head, barely visible in the moonlight. “Nothing. This guy’s smart.”

For the past week, Dack and Hannah had chased a Liberty agent across half of Sinnoh. They were now waiting in Sunyshore to ambush the agent. However, the Liberty had somehow managed to escape or bypass all of their traps so far.

“It’s almost as if he knows we’re waiting for him,” Hannah whispered.

Dack rolled his eyes. Ever since the Liberty agent had escaped their ambush in Hearthome, Hannah had been convinced that someone was helping him; a spy within Team Rocket’s forces.

“I’m serious,” Hannah said. “How do you think he’s outsmarted us this whole time? Someone is passing him information. Someone from Team Rocket.”

“Well, whoever this traitor is, he’s not doing a very good job right now.” Dack pointed down. The Liberty agent was almost directly below them, about to enter a coffee shop. “Let’s go.” Dack pulled on a large jacket over his dark red shirt, then motioned for Swellow. The bird Pokemon dropped the end of a steel cable, which Dack grabbed on to. Swellow then lowered Dack into an alley on the side of the building. As he let go of the cable, he saw Hannah coming down in the same method, also wearing casual, non-Rocket clothing.

The two Rocket agents stepped out of the alley and casually entered the coffee shop. Trying to look discreet, Dack turned his eyes to the television, which was giving the evening news. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Liberty agent take a seat in the back of the shop and pick up a newspaper. Deciding that the agent could very well be watching them, Dack turned his attention back to the TV.

"The damage done to Snowpoint City was extensive. Nearly the entire city has been buried..."

Dack started. “What?!” he cried. Rushing to the TV, he saw a news broadcast on an avalanche that had practically buried Snowpoint City.

"Lieutenant," the reporter began, "We understand that the security cameras in Snowpoint Temple recorded what might have been the cause of the avalanch. Could you describe it for the viewers at home?"

"Of course. I'll just need to take control of the feed for a moment," Jessica nodded and looked to the screen, fidgeting with her Poketch as the footage from the security cameras came on screen, "Starting at around here, a group of youths enter Snowpoint Temple. We've identified several of them as known Team Liberty Agents." The image zoomed in on the Liberty Agents' faces, pixelating for a moment before sharpening. "At this point, the Liberty Agents approach the then dormant Regigigas and then release Regirock, Regice, and Registeel and force Regigigas to wake up." The video showed the three Regis being released and then the statue of Regigigas falling apart to reveal the Legendary Pokemon. "Obviously feeling threatened by the presence of humans and hostile Pokemon, Regigigas attacks. The Liberty Agents fight back and use their own Pokemon as well as the Legendary Golems to beat down Regigigas." Jessica let the battle footage play out for a bit before zooming in on Regigigas, "Here is where we believe that the avalanch occurs. As soon as Regigigas hits the ground, a tremor is produced. Several civilians have reported feeling the ground shaking underneath them moments before the avalanch began and we do not believe that this is a mere coincidence."

"So are you saying that Team Liberty is responsible for what happened here?"

"No. At least, they themselves did not cause the avalanch," Jessica replied, "However, the footage clearly shows that they deliberately provoked Regigigas in to attacking and caused it to fall, which in turn lead to Snowpoint City being buried. Not only that, they also captured Regigigas and then ran off. I'm sure that you're aware of the legend of Regigigas?"

"I am."

"Then you should know that Regigigas once stopped an avalanch such as this from destroying Snowpoint City in a time long gone. Had Team Liberty not captured it, Regigigas may have been able to do the same here," Jessica said, "So while we do not hold Team Liberty responsible for the avalanch itself, we do hold them responsible for the events that lead to it as well as every man, woman, child, and Pokemon that was lost as a result of this tragedy."

"Lieutenant, Team Rocket and Team Liberty have been in conflicts with each other for the past two decades," the reporter said, "How will Team Rocket respond to this?"

"For now, our main priority is to rescue as many civilians as we can and get them to safety. Team Rocket will be dedicating numerous resources to the excavation and restoration projects of Snowpoint City as well," she answered, "As for our response to Team Liberty, we view this tragedy as a prime example of the short-sightedness and selfishness of these terrorists. They blindly attack Rocket outposts, factories, and supply lines, all without thinking of what their actions will do to the people who are not involved."

"However, Lieutenant, Team Liberty claims that they do this in order to stop, and I quote, 'The atrocities that Team Rocket commits on both the people and Pokemon all across the land.'."

"Team Rocket's reputation is not spotless and none of us will ever claim that it is," Jessica replied, "That being said, their own actions are not as just as they so claim them to be. With every outpost that they tear down, they leave a city vulnerable to a disaster such as this. With every factory that they burn, they take away the jobs of good people who work hard to support themselves and their families. And with every supply line that they sever, they deny cities the resources that we take for granted." Gesturing behind her at the remains of Snowpoint City, she continued, "How many more times will we have to see a scene like this because of their irresponsibility? How many more people like these must suffer because of their mistakes? For the last twenty years, Team Rocket has battled against these terrorists not because they are a threat to us, but because they are a threat to the people!" Taking a moment to collect herself, she said directly to the camera, "And for every Team Liberty member out there who is watching this broadcast, then know this. We know who you are. We know where you are. And we know what you are doing." Pausing for a moment, she continued, "And for the people who call these criminals, these parasites, these hypocrites their heroes, then it's time that you knew the truth. Even as I speak, Team Liberty is scouring the four great regions, searching for Pokemon like Regigigas to subjugate in to their forces. They are brainwashing the icons that our fathers and their fathers before them once revered as children. They will stop at nothing to get what they want and what happened here today is just a taste of what they are willing to do. So now, citizens of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and every proud city in this society that we live in, I implore you to help us stop these rebels and their twisted plans before they consume the world as we know it. Because until they are put down for good, more places like Snowpoint City and the innocent people who live in them, will continue to suffer."

Stepping back from the camera, she turned to the stunned reporter and said, "Any more questions?"

"N-No, that will be all. Thank you, lieutenant." Jessica nodded and turned to return to the search teams combing the buried city. "Well, there you have it, everyone. It seems that there are some things about Team Liberty that we didn't know about before. We'll continue our live coverage at Snowpoint City in just a moment. Back to you in the studio."

“No... no...” Dack moaned.

“What is it?” Hannah asked, startled.

“Snowpoint... my home...”

Hannah glanced at the TV. “There was nothing you could do,” she said gently. Then, in an undertone, she added, “but we’re trying to remain inconspicuous, remember?”

But Dack didn’t seem to hear her. “I should have been there... they need me!”

No!” Hannah hissed. “We need you!

“They need me!” Dack repeated, rushing out of the coffee shop.

“Dack, come back here!” Hannah cried.

“Swellow!” Dack shouted. “Snowpoint needs us!”

“Dack, get back here!” Hannah grabbed his arm. “You’re putting this entire mission in jeopardy!”

Hannah shrieked as the large bird Pokemon swooped down, grabbed Dack out of her clutches, and started heading north.


Dack was in a daze as he flew toward Snowpoint. He hadn’t been to his home since he’d left it to join Team Rocket three years ago. And it takes a disaster like this to bring me back, he thought grimly.

When he finally landed in the city, Dack could hardly recognize it. Many buildings were completely covered in snow, and bright rescue tents colored the white landscape. Using a tent by the half-buried Pokemon Center as a marker, Dack made his way to a pile of snow under which his home lay.

Ignoring the knot that had formed in his stomach, barely thinking at all, Dack grabbed a shovel from a nearby tent and started digging. He worked silently and tirelessly, with the help of Swellow and Luxio. Throughout the entire night Dack continued to dig and dig and dig, but the sheer amount of snow that lay between him and his home was incredible. After several hours of tireless digging, the sun began to rise in the east, and Dack finally collapsed, exhausted.


Dack opened his eyes to find that he was on a bed in a rescue tent.

“Oh, you’re awake,” someone said.

Dack lifted his head and saw a strangely familiar girl. “Madison?”

“Yes, and what were you thinking, staying out in the snow?” Madison glared. “You were found passed out on a snowdrift, they said.”

“My home,” Dack explained. “I was trying to dig it out.”

“Your home was in a lower area of the city,” Madison said flatly. “It would take days for just one man to unearth it.”

“What about my parents?” Dack asked. “Are they alright?”

At Dack’s question, Madison’s stern expression broke. “No... they were in their house when the avalanche came. I had just dropped by about an hour before.” She looked at him, her eyes swimming with tears. “Oh, Dack, I’m so sorry.”

Dack stared at the ground, trying to digest this information. After a long silence, he asked, “What about Luke? And Matthew?”

At this, Madison cried even harder. “Matthew’s d-dead. I helped identify his body. I think he was trying to protect his Skorupi.”

Dack took a deep breath. “And Luke?”

Madison shook her head. “He left to train in the mountains a few days before the avalanche. I don’t know if he was far enough to avoid it, but I haven’t heard from him since. I was planning on going out to look for him once all the work here was done.”

Dack sat up. “That will be too late,” he said. “Cleaning this place up could take months. If Luke is in trouble, we need to help him now.”

“You can’t seriously--” Madison stammered. “No! You can’t come with me! You’ve just woken up; you need rest!”

“No, I need something to do,” Dack replied, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. “My parents are dead, and so is one of my best friends. I can’t just sit here and lose another.”

Madison was speechless.

“I’m going, with or without you,” Dack said. “Are you coming?”

OOC: Yeah, that news broadcast was a direct quote from Promised Land's post in the old topic (page 81).

Edited by Konuju

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: Evan, Black City."I intend to tell the truth.", Evan said, "It may not help, but then again, I did not expect much in the first place."IC: Feral Tierra, Team Aqua Base"Your organization may not be prepared for this.", Feral said, a smile crossing his face, "Let me take 'em on, and I'll ask something of you....."Feral then sent out an Excadrill cloaked in shadow, it's eyes as yellow and burning as the sun....

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IC: Dack
A few months ago...

A few hours later, Dack and Madison left the destruction of Snowpoint and headed for the mountains. Madison sent out her Froslass to scout ahead. “So how’s Team Rocket been?” she asked. “Why haven’t you come back to Snowpoint? I’ve seen plenty of Rocket members here, but you’re never with them.”

“I’ve been doing work in other areas of Sinnoh,” Dack answered. “And even one assignment in Hoenn.”

“Couldn’t you have requested an assignment in Snowpoint?”

Dack sighed. “I guess I didn’t want to return until I had defeated Adam.”

Madison stopped walking. “Don’t tell me you’re still obsessed with beating him.”

“I'm not obsessed, it’s a goal,” Dack explained. “It’s the reason I joined Team Rocket.”

“You’ve been trying to beat Adam for the past nine years, and haven’t even visited your friends and family for three years,” Madison retorted. “I think that qualifies as an obsession.”

“I’ve been training!” Dack cried.

“Adam is gone, Dack,” Madison said. “We haven’t heard from him in the past three years any more than we’ve heard from you. Tell me, what exactly do you plan to do once you’ve defeated Adam? Return to Snowpoint and be hailed a hero? Return to your former life -- a life you haven’t lived for three years?”

Dack frowned. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Madison’s words had hit home. He hadn’t really considered what he would do once he had defeated Adam, but come to think of it, Team Rocket wouldn’t exactly let him just drop out and go home.

“You’ve held on to this grudge for too long, Dack,” Madison said. “It’s dominated your life.”


After several hours, Madison’s Froslass returned and motioned toward a cave on the side of the nearest mountain. Dack and Madison climbed up to the cave in silence. When they made it to the opening, they found Luke sitting in the back of the cave next to his Machoke.

“Luke!” Madison cried.

Luke looked up. “Madison? Dack?!” he said in disbelief.

“What happened?” Dack asked. “Are you okay?”

“I was ambushed by a Noctowl,” Luke explained. “It came up from behind and knocked me off a cliff. I broke my leg in the fall. That bird was berserk. It kept trying to attack me until Machoke fought it off. But Machoke was hurt in the battle, so he couldn’t carry me to safety. We managed to find this cave and we’ve been recovering here.” Luke frowned. “But what are you doing here?”

“Snowpoint was hit by an avalanche,” Madison said. “When you didn’t return for a few days, I decided to go looking for you.”

“That avalanche was probably what made that Noctowl so crazy,” Luke shrugged. “Its home was probably destroyed.” He turned to Dack. “And why are you here? I haven’t seen you in years!”

“I heard about the avalanche on the news,” Dack said quietly. “I abandoned my current Rocket assignment and went straight to Snowpoint. But I was too late. Both my parents are dead, and my home is destroyed.”

“What?!” Luke cried.

“Matthew’s dead, too,” Madison added.

“It was Team Liberty’s doing,” Dack muttered.

“It was?” Luke asked.

Dack nodded. “I saw it on the news. They enraged Regigigas, making him fall. That’s what triggered the avalanche.”

“How could they do such a thing?” Luke wondered.

“I had heard that Team Liberty was trying to recruit Legendary Pokemon to help them overthrow Team Rocket, but I never thought that they could cause this much destruction,” Madison said.

“That’s why I’m going to stop them,” Dack decided.

“What?” Madison cried. “I thought you were here to stay!”

Dack shook his head. “You were right, Madison, I’ve been obsessed with defeating Adam. So now I’m broadening my goals. Once you two are safe in Snowpoint, I’m going back to Team Rocket, and I’ll be sure to make every Liberty agent pay for what they’ve done to our home.”

“You don’t have to do this,” Madison protested.

“My parents moved to Snowpoint trying to avoid this war,” Dack said grimly. “It bought them several years, but the war eventually came to them. Running and hiding won’t do us much good. So I’m putting all my efforts into defeating Team Liberty and ending this war. Before, I wanted to defeat Adam just to get even with him for humiliating me. But now... now I have something worth fighting for.”


Once Froslass had made an ice cast for Luke’s leg, the three friends headed down the mountain and back to Snowpoint. Throughout the long journey, Madison and Luke tried to persuade Dack not to go, but nothing would stop Dack’s newfound drive.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Madison asked when they finally reached the outskirts of Snowpoint. “We could use all the help we can get in rebuilding our city.”

Dack shook his head. “I’m thinking beyond myself... beyond Snowpoint. Imagine how many more cities Team Liberty could destroy if they aren’t stopped.”

“Well, thanks for the help, man,” Luke clasped Dack’s hand. “I hope to see you around sometime.”

“Yes, make sure you actually visit us this time,” Madison said with a slight tone of accusation.

“Right,” Dack muttered uncomfortably.

The three friends embraced. As Dack watched Madison and Luke depart further into the city, he noticed a strange shard of rock jutting out of the snow. Picking it up, he recognized it as a Pokemon fossil.

It probably ended up here thanks to the avalanche, Dack thought. If I could revive it, then I’d have a powerful new member on my team. Pocketing the fossil, Dack called out his Swellow and headed south.

Team Liberty had destroyed his home, his family, and one of his best friends. But as he flew on, Dack Majors vowed that he would have his revenge.

OOC: Thus ends Dack's series of flashbacks. I imagine the music from the final scene of The Dark Knight playing towards the end of this. It doesn't fit as well as The Lion King did with Ryan's flashback, but it still sets the tone. Actually, I find it interesting that I associated music from The Lion King with Ryan and The Dark Knight with Dack. It sort of reflects the two characters' personalities pretty well.

Edited by Konuju

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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OOC: Nicely done, Konuju. And alrighty. ^_^IC - Plasma Rooks - Black City: "Hm. Well, you'd have to have one heck of a good reason to avoid some serious punishment," the agent said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. The van entered the complex, rapidly approaching a garage; behind them, the second van followed, before splitting off and heading toward an infirmary.As they parked, the Rooks exited the vehicle, pulling Evan out after them. "You have ten minutes before we take you to speak with the leaders of Isshu," the agent said.IC - Archie/Dov - Aqua Base: Archie stared at Feral, still not entirely trusting of him. "I'd be more inclined to trust you if I knew just who you were -- and how you got here."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC:"Shock it." he said to the now-dispatched Minun.He didn't even bother telling him an actual move- the intention was so simple for an electric-type. A ball of energy rose from Minun's person, hitting the lock. With a -click- the door slid open."Will that be sufficient?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: I presume the door won't be as easy to get past as it is in the games.

OOC: Indeed. Team Aqua is serious business this time around.

;3IC - Archie/Dov - Aqua Base: "Sir, we've just detected an attempt at an electrical breach at the main gate," said a voice over Dov's walkie-talkie as the two talked to Feral. "Dispatching a pair of guards now.""Dov, see to it that whoever these newcomers are -- probably agents of Liberty or Rocket -- get a boot in the opposite direction," Archie ordered. Dov nodded at him, before turning and heading in the direction of the main gate. He didn't feel comfortable leaving the Aqua leader alone with this new person, though if he insisted..."How about this," Archie said as Dov disappeared. "You help take care of this threat -- and, assuming they aren't Team Rocket, the threat of the Rocket agents who freed me from prison -- and I'll give you whatever it is you want. Within reason, of course." He held out a hand. "My name is Archie, by the way. Pleasure to meet you."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Lark answered by tossing in both Manuel and Galvantula even as Namikaze surged forward into the pool. The stunned guards just arriving barely had a heartbeat before the two pokemon were on them."Araña, Volt Switch. Drachen, Brick Break."The guards keeled over, incapacitated. One had burns all over him. The other had been defeated with a strike to the back of the head-possibly a kill, but Manuel didn't care.Lark Surfed in, retrieving Galvantula and the Remoraid as Manuel hopped to his side. He was about to say something, but had heard what he judged two people/mon coming. Joseph and his mon moved as quietly as they could to the wall facing the entrance. His finger went up over his mouth even as he whispered: "Bulk Up."The Scrafty didn't even nod, it just used the move. With one workout its muscles increased visibly.Joseph was an opportunist. They'd possibly be fighting throughout the base, so Drachen would be Bulking Up at every possible moment.Lark then watched and waited, prepared to order Manuel to attack. The footsteps were coming closer...OOC: The two people/mon that Lark hears are the Exca and Dov.Scrafty's @:+1 Def+1 Atk-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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"You're from Sinnoh, aren't you?" Ryan said quietly.

Dack remained silent.

"Well, if you are, then I'm sorry for your loss." Ryan stood up, determination burning in his eyes. "But you have to realize that Hoenn is headed for the same fate! My home will fall, just like yours!"

"I'm a Rocket," Dack said slowly. "And you're a Liberty. We're sworn enemies."

"We don't have to be!" Ryan insisted. "We could unite against a common enemy!"

"Consider yourself lucky," Dack said darkly as Swellow swooped down to grab him by the shoulders. "If it weren't for the fact that my friends in Snowpoint are in danger, I would end this here and now. Snowpoint has already suffered enough at the hands of you Liberties."

The Rocket was about to fly off when he noticed three Pokeballs laying on the ground. These had belonged to Jason Alco. After a moment's hesitation, Dack scooped up the Pokeballs. Then Swellow took off, carrying him toward Sinnoh.

OOC: Nuju had also said that Ajad could have some of Jake and Jason's Pokemon. But with Ajad gone at the moment, I'm going to take all of them and deposit the ones I'm not keeping in a PC. Oh, and here's their profiles:

Species: Aggron (male)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Ryan Sanders (OT Jake Soren)
Appearance: Aggron looks just like any other Aggron
Personality: After journeying with Jake, Dragonite, and Inferno, Aggron had become a close friend with his allies. With Jake’s death, he has been left in the hands of Ryan. Aggron is already somewhat familiar with Ryan, and is willing to protect him as they both grieve the loss of Jake.
Ability: Rock Head
Specialty: Has a high defense, and because of this, is slower than usual Aggron
Known Moves: Headbutt, Metal Claw, Tackle, Mud Slap, Harden, Iron Tail

Species: Snivy (female)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Dack Majors (OT Jason Alco)
Appearance: Snivy looks no different from any other Snivy
Personality: Snivy was caught by an old man and given to Jason. At the time she was a bewildered Pokemon who didn’t really understand what was going on. She bonded some with Jason, but now that Jason is gone, Snivy has found herself in the hands of Dack. She is a little wary of her new trainer and is much more distant from him compared to Dack’s other Pokemon.
Ability: Contrary
Specialty: This Pokemon has a high HP, but this is canceled out by lower Defense and Special Defense abilities. In other words, she is a good all-rounder.
Known Moves: Tackle, Leaf Tornado, Wrap, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed

In Nuju's original profile for Snivy, she only had Tackle, Leaf Tornado, Wrap, and Vine Whip (I think it was way back when the 5th generation Pokemon were first revealed, and those were the only known moves for Snivy). Can I add Growth and Leech Seed?

Edited by Konuju

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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OOC: Konuju - that's fine, yeah. And since I don't have an enter button on my phone to separate this - the Team Aqua mission is now frozen until I edit this post with my official ultimatum on tearing through mooks like paper. I really don't appreciate it after having said that multiple times in the past. Please stand by.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Feral Tierra, Team Aqua Base"Very well. My Name is Feral Tierra.", Feral said shaking Archie's hand, "Seems like we have a deal then. Tell me what to do and where to go, and I will obey."IC: Evan Tierra, Black City, Holding CellEvan pondered what to do."This will be tough to explain to these guys.", Evan thought, "Eh, my pokemon will stand by me, for good or ill.""As will I", a kindly voice said in Evan's mind, "You have suitably impressed me, Evan Tierra.""Landorus?", Evan thought, "But I damaged you badly! How are you?""My body is still sore, but I can take a lot." Landorus responded in Evan's head, "I will make sure Team Plasma hears my side of the story as well."Evan was amazed, a Legendary pokemon would deign to help him. He felt honoured."Hey you.", A Plasma Rook said, "Your ten minutes are up. Time to go.""All right.", Evan said calmly, "Lets go."

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OOC: As I feel this needed to be said, anyway, I'm not going to directly berate what just happened Fearless, so don't worry about it. But I do expect this general attitude toward NPCs -- from everyone - to change. I can literally count the number of people who understand my view on them on one hand, and that shouldn't be the case.Everyone: The fact of the matter is, NPCs. Are not. Paper. You are not a lawnmower, and they are not a field of grass welcoming your blades to cut them to pieces, with the only hassle being the time it takes to get through them all. No; they are characters in and of themselves, as well, even if they are not the main characters of the story like PCs are. They, in terms of battle, are meant to be obstacles in your path, requiring a certain level of ingenuity and actual thought to defeat. They, too, can use strategy, they can dodge, they can incapacitate, they can kill, they can hit, just like a PC can. They are not flies to be swatted away without a second thought just to establish how cool your character is, which is what I've seen a lot of in the RPG, both following the downtime and before it. To a certain level, I'm trying to encourage character development by putting these blocks in your path -- and that's not what's being accomplished when they get mowed down like that.So, please; stop treating them as badly as they've been treated for however long. It was fine, to an extent, when the RPG started because things were being sorted out and everyone was still starting out. At this point though, it's not going to fly anymore; it should be common sense that, as you're getting stronger, so are the opponents you're fighting. I shouldn't have to throw Legendaries or Executives or extra-dimensional monsters into your path just to get you to slow down and actually acknowledge a challenge -- and, ICly, the threat to your life that a mission presents should be enough to make your characters think twice about talking down to someone of higher power than them or barging into a base that, for all they know, could be full of people waiting and willing to kill them.And in case this wasn't picked up -- this whole god-modding thing ties into character development and realism a lot. I implore you guys to take these things more seriously, because I have a really strong feeling that the lack of acknowledgement of these rules is partly what's killing the RPG. :/Whew. Having said that, the mission can now continue. For those that aren't involved in the TA plot -- once again, this applies to everyone. Don't brush this off as not applying to you, because it does.Now to get back to role-playing. Thank you for your cooperation. :)IC - Dov - Entrance to Aqua base: Any ambush that the Liberty agents might have been planning was thrown out the window as massive tentacles erupted into the room from the darkness, sweeping around the area before making way for a large jellyfish to appear. The Tentacruel, easily twice as big as a regular one, swept into the room, gelatinous body making it easy to slip through the halls; on its head rode Dov, Team Aqua Executive.Upon sighting the Liberty members, he pointed. "Grab 'em and wrap 'em!" he ordered. Twenty tentacles launched outward in response, aiming to wrap around the Liberty agents and their Pokemon in an attempt to capture them.OOC: And just a correction -- the Excadrill isn't Dov's, so it's not with him.IC - Archie - Team Aqua base: Archie nodded. "Main entrance, a couple of halls down that way," he pointed. "Help take care of whoever is trying to break in -- and make sure you catch them alive."

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: I'll edit in a proper IC, just need to know: How many 'mon can Lark send out to do battle with that thing?EDIT: Edited.IC: Lark analyzed the Tentacruel coldly. This thing wouldn't go down easily.Normally, a trainer would send out one 'mon to do battle against another. That was only fair, after all.Lark did not deem a gargantuan Tentacruel tearing through the wall and trying to grab him and his friends a normal happenstance.Keeping the boosted Manuel before him, he pulled out both his other poke balls and threw them. Namikaze flashed into the water, while Sasori landed on the side of the wall."Vasserbewaffneten-Psybeam. Drachen-D-Tail. Araña-Thunder Wave."As the three 'mon launched their respective attacks at the center of the Tentacruel's body, Joseph analyzed the huge thing's movements. At its size, it had great power. But on the other hand, it was doubtful that it could dodge the three moves due to said size and, well, being a jellyfish. That was what he was obviously counting on.But what he doubted the Aqua dude would know to see was his last one. Psybeam was a move advantageous against the jellyfish. And a Dragon Tail could at the very least scare it.So after the first two moves, Lark felt confident he could slip a Thunder Wave in. And when he did, he was certain he could gain offensive momentum-paralyzing the monster would slow it down and possibly prevent it from moving.There was a saying in chess where he came from: "The pawn's soft steps to victory are not heard when the queen thunders across the battlefield." The Thunder Wave was the pawn. The queen-or queens, as was the case-were the Psybeam and Dragon Tail. All Joseph had to do was sit back and let the trick work.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Feral Tierra, Aqua Base"Very well then, sir." Feral said, teleporting away to the entrance....Feral reached the entrance, seeing a giant Tentacruel being attacked by the pokemon, one launching a Thunder Wave, one firing a Psybeam, and one readying a Dragon Tail. Feral deduced that it would be best to neutralize the Thunder Wave at least..."Lazengann-S, absorb the Thunder Wave for that poor thing will you?", Feral said to his Excadrill, "3 on 1 hardly seems fair...."The Excadrill nodded and ran towards the fight, folding up into a drill, and neutralizing the Thunder Wave for the Tentacruel."I made a deal with that man.", Feral thought to himself, "It would be bad for me to let him down..."OOC: Fearless Leader, what has been sent out on your team again?IC: Evan Tierra, Black City BuildingEvan was escorted down a narrow hallway by 4 Plasma Rooks, one carrying his five pokeballs containing his friends. They walked for what seemed an eternity before reaching a doorway and stopping."Enter now and recieve your judgement from the leaders of Unova.", a Rook stated in a stern voice, "Show proper respect to them."Evan entered the doorway, and found himself in a vast white room with a simple table in the middle, several chairs along with it.....

Edited by Alku
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IC - Dov - Aqua Base: The Aqua Executive didn't need to dodge the attacks; Feral's Excadrill took the Thunder Wave for him, disabling it, leaving only the Psybeam and Dragon Tail. And while the former would be super effective on Tentacruel, it wouldn't knock it out for the count; intense training had worked to give Tentacruel, like those Pokemon belonging to elite trainers everywhere, a slight resistance to the negative effects of their opposing types.Still, he could reduce the damage from Dragon Tail. With a swift order, Tentacruel's eyes flashed, creating a barrier of energy in front of and around itself, raising the jellyfish's defense. The Dragon Tail attack crashed through it, though as it landed, striking the gelatinous body of Tentacruel, it did less damage than it would have otherwise done.On top of that, it put the attacker in a position that Tentacruel had wanted it. Six tentacles launched forward, twisting around the Pokemon's body in an attempt to catch it. Ignoring the pain from the Psywave, Tentacruel aimed another few tentacles at the other two Pokemon, launching a mixture of Scald and Ice Beam at each.IC - The Council - Plasma Castle, Black City: As Evan went to take a seat at the middle table, lights turned on above the semi-circular desk that had been built around it, a few feet in-between it and the center of the room. Six figures sat at the desk, each one wearing robes of six differing colors.These were the Six Sages of Team Plasma. The Reformed Bishops of the government. Evan's judges in this trial."Welcome," one of them, a man wearing brown robes, said. "I trust you know why you are here before us?"

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Evan, Plasma Castle"Yes sirs, I was sent here for fighting a legendary pokemon of Unova and critically injuring it." Evan said in a calm tone."But why did you do it?", Sage Giallo asked in a calm voice, "You attacked Landorus, but we still do not know why...""I came to him for his help.", Evan said, "He asked me to prove myself worthy of his aid. I did not wish to capture him..."

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IC:Oh dear. This wasn't going well. If he knew Lark, he would want to take down Exca. That left Tenta to him. Hex let his remaining Mon out, making the odds six to two."Pulser, outrage the Tentacruel, Grash, Thunderbolt at the same!"Pulser flew wildly and continually pounded at the enormous Tentacruel. Grash shot a thunderbolt at its tentacles, trying to disable its main weapons.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Almost as soon as the cry left Hex' lips, Lark proved him right."Araña-GOOD and Swagger Exca. Vasserbewaffeneten- GOOD and Bullet Seed jelly. Drachen-Bulk Up and GOOD."The Galvantula skittered at full-speed and agility away from the attacks. Thanking its lucky stars it had time to practice with Jackal recently in dodging such attacks, it shook its spinneret at the Excadrill in an attempt to enrage it.Namikaze darted away, crying out as the water heated up around it and it recieved some damage. However, he wasn't going to let a move of the same type as its own take it out when it still had to REALLY shoot. If a Remoraid could grin, he would've as he blasted several high-speed seeds at the bases of the tentacles attempting to ensnare the Scrafty.The cold-eyed Scrafty in question merely eyed the tentacles reaching for it and flexed its muscles, working out into a jump off the gelatinous belly of the Tentacruel. Its strength had noticeably increased this time.Lark watched coolly. Manuel was in a spot of bother. His and Hex' joint attacks were an attempt to get rid of that spot.The bombardment of the Tentacruel, while not likely to net a KO, would probably serve its purpose-distracting the giant thing while disabling its weapons so that the Scrafty could take care of the Excadrill. The Swagger served to confuse said mole so that it would have a harder time fighting the emotionless and precise Scrafty, and could even lead to its own drill ending up in the Tentacruel if Lark and Hex were lucky.Joseph was still not as confident that he could win the fight. But his plan had adapted. And with the help of Hex, he felt that their chances of winning were pretty good.OOC: Scrafty (Manuel/Der Eisen Drachen)@:+2 Atk+2 Def-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Feral Tierra, Aqua BaseLazengann-S was angered by the Galvantula's act, he felt his attack rise, but he was also blinded by his rage in the process.Feral walked calmly towards the battle, despite the utter pandemonium that unfolded around him. "C'mon out, Gnip-S!"Out of a pokeball came a Garchomp wreathed in darkness."Earthquake, Gnip.", Feral said in a ferocious tone, "Lazengann, Sandstorm."The Garchomp roared an earthshatteringly loud roar, shaking the ground around the battle, damaging nearly everyone but her. Lazengann, though confused, dug into the ground, and bored back up, whipping the sand he brought with him into a Sandstorm.....

Edited by Alku
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OOC: I've forgotten how fast paced this RPG is. ._.IC - Eric Spiros: "Sure, sure," he said. "As long as you don't mind swimming." He smiled, and handed an underwater breathing apparatus to both Ethan and Karin, and called his Pokemon to the water. "Watch for anything," he told his Pokemon, standing on the shore of the beach.He turned to his companions. "If, for some reason, I get distracted, the base is somewhere along those rocks," he said, pointing in the direction. He then proceeded to run into the ocean, getting used to the cold of the water.IC - Plasma Group: A pack of 5 Plasma trainers had formed not moments after the sighting of two trainers, and a Duskull ahead of them. With the group, orders to protect a Meloetta hidden in the Anville Town forest. Naturally, when two trainers and a scout appear in the middle of a forest, where is has been presumed ordinary, things get... Suspicious.They carried a Jolteon, a Swampert, a Gallade, a Ferrothorn, and two Fraxures. They could easily take on two simple looking trainers, they thought. How easy it would be. The Swampert had thrown a Hydro Pump, and Jolteon shocked the enemies. But the two fled."Fan out," the Plasma commander said. "The won't be getting too far. Two of you, guard the Temple." Two grunts, carrying both Fraxures and the Gallade, rushed off to a temple, covered in plant life with several trees growing out of and in it. It had become known as the Temple of Lost Song, due to legend.According to the legend, shortly after N had left Team Plasma, a curious trainer stumbled upon a peculiar looking tree in the forest of Anville. Engraved on the tree were the notes of a song, however, it was not complete. For a month, the trainer camped out, playing the section over and over, when she became tired and simply left. On her way out of the forest, though, he found another tree, with more notes on it. Her interest refilled, she went around and about the forest, recording the notes on 3 other trees. She returned to the first tree, and played the full song on a flute. When it was over, they say a green light glowed from beneath the tree, and a building rose from below. Inside was a stone table, and on it, a sleeping Meloetta. The trainer was determined to capture it, and, being champion once herself, felt confident. She was wrong, and harshly defeated by the legendary Pokemon. One of her Pokeballs, containing a Chandelure, is rumored to be left on the table, when the trainer left, as a token of respect. She disappeared shortly after."These Unovan legends could use some rewriting," a grunt said, reading a scroll."They don't make much sense, too. It's probably false; there's no Pokeball on the stone table. Much less an actual Meloetta," the other responded."There is no Pokeball, yes," the first said. "However, the tablet you see on the table is indeed a Meloetta. The 7 scattered around the Unova Region were sealed, due to their destructive potential. All were not aggressive, however. I actually think it was unnecessary, but whatever. What's past is past."The stone tablet that was a Meloetta emitted faint noises. If one was close enough, they resembled an ancient song, as the notes began to inscribe themselves on the back of the tablet. The ancient melody is returning.

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OOC: Sorry about my absence here again, there's a lot of school stuff going on. :|


IC - Zac Flash: "You alright?" he asked. From a branch, he called Kongo to help. "Doesn't look like you'd be able to climb. My Pokemon can carry you up and about if that's alright." He too noticed some aftershock, as his legs stiffened.

-==IC: Summer//Anville Forest==-


Summer nodded her thanks.

"The shock's still affecting me... And my shoulder's hurting a little more..." Summer admitted, as she looked back to where the Plasma trainers were.

What could the reason for them attacking us like that be...? Summer wondered, as she frowned.


-==IC: Zach//Olivine City==-


Zach walked onto the boat, and then headed inside, to where the cabins were.

"So; I wonder where our rooms are...?" Zach wondered with a slight frown, as he looked around.

Edited by Tiz Arrior
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Parugi approved this via PM, he can't post because of the server error.Username: Nebula 2.0Name: Kuro ShiroganeFaction: NeutralHometown: Anville TownAge: 15Appearance: Kuro is a tall teenager. His hair is mainly black with streaks of silver coming in. Kuro wears a white hoodie zipped open to reveal his shirt. His shirt is split diagonally, with one side being complete white and the other having a checkerboard design. Kuro wears three featureless rings, two black and one white, on his left hand. His pants are a faded black and running shoes are completely white.Personality: To others, Kuro seems to be quite off. Although amiable and trustworthy, Kuro is a horrible judge of character and would help an obviously evil person. He also doesn't seem to realize the gravity of the conflict between Team Rocket, Team Liberty and everything in between. Kuro has a strange obsession with the colors black and white.Background: Kuro has always been coddled by his parents, isolated from the rest of Unova in Anville Town. In fact, the only contact Kuro has had with the outside world was from his older brother. His brother, a Trainer, would send him postcards from the cities and towns he visited. Kuro held his brother in high regards and idolized him, much to the dismay of his parents. About 2 years ago, Kuro stopped receiving postcards from his brother. The last one he received was one of the wall surrounding Lacunosa Town. Assuming the worst, Kuro began to save up money and become a trainer in order to find his wayward brother.Pokemon: Elek (Tynamo), Soul (Litwick)Species: TynamoNickname: ElekTrainer: Kuro ShiroganeAppearance: Elek's body is more bluish-white. His eyes also appear to be bigger.Personality: This Tynamo seems to have his head in the clouds. Elek spends most of his time orbiting around Kuro's head. Despite this, he is very focused in battle and follows Kuro's commands.Ability: LevitateSpecialty: Elek depends on maintaining distance in order to bombard his enemies with long range electrical attacks.Known Moves: Tackle, Thunderwave, Spark, Charge BeamSpecies: LitwickNickname: SoulTrainer: Kuro ShiroganeAppearance: Soul's "wax" is very white, thus making her look more like a marshmallow from a long distance.Personality: Soul is very affectionate but also rather cunning. She will sometimes attempt to absorb Elek's life force while Kuro isn't looking.Ability: Flash FireSpecialty: Soul enjoys using moves that affect her stats or afflicting her opponent with a status effect.Known Moves: Ember, Astonish, Minimize, Smog, Heat Wave (Egg Move, but she can't use it at this stage)

Edited by Nebula 2.0

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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OOC: Skyward Sword does not help my usual activity :XIC: Seth arrived in Unova, but where he was, he had no idea. The Pokemon he saw we much different than the ones in the other regions, but the whole region itself was... strange. Seth felt a strange connection, as if he had been here before. "Why is this place so familiar to me? It's a calm region... Yet... It's as if I've been here all my life..."IC: The Darkrai continued to move east, spreading Darkness in their wake. Five had convinced the rest that they need not head south, figuring that most humans would have escaped from there already. Instead, they began their journey twards Mauville, where they intended to meet up with the female group and from there, head eastward until they had covered all of Hoenn in shadows. "So what are we gonna do next, Five?" asked Seven, floating around without a care."We cover this region in shadows, then report to Sombra," Five replied sternly."You're no fun," pouted Seven, crossing his arms. "And call him, Master, as we are supposed to, or I'm gonna tell on you.""You really think Sombra would dare try and strike me down?" hissed Five. "He knows well enough that I have a powerful ally.""HAD, a powerful ally, Five," said Four. "He's not with us anymore. Two and I have covered for you enough. Next time, you're on your own." Five looked down and continued on, saying nothing more.'I hope you still remember, old friend,' thought Five. 'You know what we have to do when the time comes...'~Det






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OOC: hai guise. I'm back. The forums decided to let me post right after I PMed some people about not being able to. XP So yeah, my apologies about holding people up; but I couldn't help it. ^-^;So yeah. Just to officialize it -- Nebula is indeed approved. Welcome to Rise of the Rockets! ^_^Detranix: You and others. :PIC - Dov - Aqua Base; entrance (assuming I'm reading the attacks correctly):The Outrage attack was blocked by a rapid shifting of Tentacruel, tentacles leaping up and blocking attacks as they came. Further, Tentacruel's size in relation to the entrance hall had been exaggerated; at ten feet he could still move comfortably within the room, its long and high walls giving it plenty of breathing room. Moving his body to the side allowed him to evade the Thunderbolt, though it caused his grip to loosen on Manuel, freeing the Scrafty."No more playing around," Dov muttered. "Tentacruel, freeze the water!" The jellyfish turned its attention to the large pool that the Remoraid was currently swimming in. Raising a few of its 80 tentacles, it launched more beams of cold energy at the pool; ice began to rapidly expand from where the rays hit, quickly freezing it, and threatening to do the same to the fish. At the same time, more tentacles raised and aimed at Pulser and Manuel, more Ice Beam attacks firing toward them.IC - Sages - Plasma Castle: "So you assumed it would be fine to use one of the Unovan Legendary Pokemon in a struggle that did not concern it?" another sage, this one in red clothing, asked, his annoyance evident. This was Rood, Sage of the Red. "Are you not aware of the laws of this land?"IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove City: Ethan sighed. Looking at Jamie and Karin, he shrugged. "If you've got a water type... you might want to send it out," he said, before going after Eric. Placing the apparatus in his mouth, he swam after the younger Rocket agent.IC - Kyle/Sonja - Boat to Nuvema Town: Kyle and Sonja followed after Zach, Orange and the others coming behind them. "No idea, but I can find them," Kyle said. He held out an offering hand to Sonja and the others. "Here; I'll take your stuff to your room while you guys search around." He sent out Daiga to help him do so.The Liberty agent nodded at him, before handing Kyle her bag -- after removing a smaller bag with some battle and tech supplies, of course. "There are probably a lot of other trainers here," she said. "We might be able to get some training in before we get to Isshu." She looked at Zach and Orange. "Wanna go see?"

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: I can try to recap but I don't explain very well. :| After that, if I recall, members of Team Aqua broke into the base we just broke Archie out of, and exploded it. They had guns, which is why we didn't go fight them off, and Archie ran off with them. They fled to the previous Aqua HQ, but I myself got lost after that. I think a few people broke in while another teleported in.IC - Zac Flash: "I might have some supplies to help that.." he said, digging in his bag, still clinging to the treetop. "Here we go, a Cheri Berry. My last one, though, I'm not sure if it works on people nor if you actually have paralysis. But it's work a shot, right?" He threw the berry down at White. "I've also got bandages. Not sure what good it'll do. Again."Kongo rolled his eyes, and carried White up the tree, next to Zac, before she could consume the berry.IC - Justin Icewater: Justin wandered away from the group to do some exploring of his own. He was more of a soloist, himself. Sparky was beside him, as they walked to the front of the ship."The ocean is nice, ain't it?" The Electrike nodded, not necessarily understanding the question. "I thought so too."IC - Eric Spiros: "If you need water Pokemon, I have 2 spares," he offered. The base wasn't far, though. What trouble could they get into?IC - Team Plasma - Anville Town Forest: One Plasma entered the temple. It was still how they had found it, old. Cobwebs formed everywhere, and moss was growing on the stones. "You're sure this is an actual Meloetta?""Of course. The legend's been here for a while now," the other responded. "Well. Maybe not hundreds of years, but enough.""Do you know where the others are located? The other Meloetta, I mean.""Not really. They could be anywhere in the region. Heck, there's probably one in that museum."The first one laughed. "I would think they'd notice."

Edited by nara
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IC - Kuro Shirogane - Anville Forest: Like a bolt from the blue, a young trainer skipped through the forest with a Tynamo floating alongside him. He seemed carefree, passing by the two trainers in the tree without noticing their presence. He continued on his way, before seeing Team Plasma by the temple. He immediately stopped in his tracks and dropped his bag to the ground. The Tynamo stared at his trainer as he frantically searched through his bag. The young man smiled as he had found a pen and his town map and began to walk towards Team Plasma. To him, Team Plasma were heroes who kept Unova safe and peaceful.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Lark examined the status of each of his fighters. Remoraid was looking damaged, but not out quite yet-under the Sandstorm, however, Namikaze would be. Galvantula was pretty damaged as well from the Earthquake. Manuel was the only one who was essentially untouched, having been in the air during the Earthquake as he attempted to escape."Araña-Gastro Acid mole and GOOD to ceiling. Drachen-D-Tail, GOOD to ceiling. Vasserbewaffneten-Surf."Sasori's 'cheek's bulged even as it ran upwards. Finally halting at the spot where the ceiling and the wall met, it spat down globs of acid at the confused Excadrill and all around it.Manuel, meanwhile, hit the ground and used both his Dragon Tail and legs to propel himself into the air, away from the ice beams firing all around him. While his actual speed hadn't increased by that much, the Scrafty could use the more powerful muscle for stronger and quicker leaps. Thus, he was able to dodge them just barely. Manuel's hands and tail grabbed into the ceiling. Within moments, the 'mon had formed solid hand- and tail-holds from which he hung. Namikaze gave what could only be described as a Remoraid's grin. Zooming back to the entrance to the base with door still open, he gathered up water around himself in a charge back towards the other end of the room. Tens of gallons of water were in the air in a second, racing over the ice and down towards the area around where the sandstorm started...Lark nodded again. Gastro Acid combined with the Swagger would mean that Manuel could take out the Excadrill with ease. Whether its ability was Sand Rush or Sand Force, an Excadrill would quickly lose its value without said ability, and it would not be able to pierce-if it could hope to outspeed-Manuel, anyways. And while it looked easy to dodge Gastro Acid, the liquid nature of the move meant that it would seep into the tunnel.As for the Surf, Joseph guessed the Remoraid would be out in one or two turns at this rate. It was mainly a last-ditch attack to hit Garchomp and Excadrill, as well as lightly damage Tentacruel. Namikaze had played his part. Now it was the time to make best use of the the sniper while he still could.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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-==IC: Zach//Olivine Ship==-


Zach and Orange both nodded, as they handed Kyle their bags after retrieving supplies that might be needed if they ended up in a fight. They then followed Sonja, as the two of them looked around for anyone who could help them train.


-==IC: Summer//Anville Forest==-


Summer nodded, as Kongo carried her up the tree, and ate the berry once she reached the top. She didn't think it was the best type of food around, but didn't complain about it; even though it didn't appear to help.

"I don't think it was paralysis either... Rather just a very large amount of electricity that hit me, and that really hurt. And knocked the breath out of my for a while." Summer explained her theory about her injuries with a frown, as her shoulder started to hurt again.

"I just hope that blast didn't open the injury that my shoulder received again..."

Edited by Tiz Arrior
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IC:Hex examined his own Mon. Pulser was in the air, Grash was out- he lifted the Pokeball and retrieved him -and his Prinplup was standing at his side, ready for combat."Pulser, get back and Dragonbreath on Tentacruel! Jackal, protect Lark's Remoraid."As the Dragon Mon flew backwards at a fast pace, firing twin beams of fire-like energy at Tentacruel, Jackal slid/swam in towards Namikaze, flippers up in defense.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Feral Tierra, Aqua BaseFeral noticed this new Development and decided it was time to take another course of action.. He looked at the Tentacruel and got a sinister idea.Feral ran towards the Tentacruel, a savage grin on his face, an aura of purple glowing around him. he got onto the main body and told Dov, as he slammed his hand against the "jewel" on the Tentacruel's forehead, "Let me help you out!"Feral then, released what could only be thought of as sheer Darkness into the Tentacruel, enveloping it in a veil of shadow."This should allow him to fight much better.", Feral said, a lood of glee in his eyes, "He's been infused with my darkness, so his attacks will hit harder, at the cost of his stamina."IC: Evan Tierra, Council Chamber"I actually fought him to ask for his aid in helping me overcome a troubling matter that I have", Evan said, "I am the envoy of Palkia, ruler of Space. I speak on it's behalf, but an incident that may have resulted in the loss of someone's life, has both released a horror beyond words, and may have sealed off my power to control space...""Why should we believe you?", a green robed Sage asked, who was known as Ryoku, "You could have captured Landorus for use in the war."Evan then exploded and said, "If I wanted to catch him, then I would have had him a lot sooner! There is a greater threat out there, can't you feel it? To be honest, I'd rather see the war end. So we could try to take on the real danger!"

Edited by Alku
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OOC: Kothra/Nara: Np. I had a feeling that confused some other people... XPNara got the basic series of events down. To elaborate, Rex, the guy who was speaking Latin, thought we were Liberty agents -- I think. After clarifying, the Rocket group and Archie went to the beach to interrogate Archie; while we were doing that, The Fearless Leader's group spied on us, ish. What we learned from Archie was that Team Aqua's been planning a comeback for a while, and they had actually planned a breakout on the same day that Ethan and the others broke him out of jail. As it happened, the Aqua attack on the jail happened right after he told us this; finding that Archie was gone, the Aqua agents went on a bit of a gun rampage, shooting up Lilycove and using "something" to track Archie to the beach. He managed to get to them while they used their guns to pin the Rocket group down.After that, Archie and his men teleported to the Aqua base, where, during a conversation with an Aqua executive, it was revealed that TA is looking to try and make an alliance with the Hojohsin League by taking out TL and TR. While they were talking, they stumbled upon Feral Tierra, essentially Evan Tierra's dark side given shape by his control over Space and connection with Palkia. As well as this, The Fearless Leader's group broke into the entrance hall of the base at the same time, so Archie sent Dov, the executive, to deal with them, while also making an alliance with Feral, who also went to deal with them.Essentially what's going on right now:-Archie got away and is at the Aqua base-Feral and Dov are fighting Hex, Joseph and Lark in the base-The Rocket group is heading to the base^_^IC - Kyle Eston - Boat to Nuvema Town: Having taken the others' bags with Daiga's help, Kyle and the Sandslash went further into the ship, looking for the rooms they had been assigned. He read the tickets as he walked, looking at the numbers on the doors.Rooms 163, 164 and 165, he thought to himself. 163 through 165... 80, 81, 82... He sighed. This was going to take a while.IC - Ethan Worth - Ocean, going to Aqua Base: Ethan shook his head as a wave slapped him in the face. "That's all right," he said, continuing his swim in the direction that Eric had pointed.IC - Sages - Council Room, Plasma Castle: The Sages went silent for a moment at Evan's outburst. Then Gorm, the Blue Sage, spoke. "You speak in riddles," he said. "What do you mean when you say that you are Palkia's envoy? What greater threat do you speak of?" He raised a hand before Evan could speak. "Be aware, we know well about the war raging in your region. Our belief that it is for the good of the people that the war is not spoken of in this region does not reflect our own knowledge of it. But we are unwilling to take in it, for it is not a conflict that we have a say in. If, however, another power, one that threatens more than just the Kanto regions, is truly beginning to spread, then perhaps we will offer an ear and listen."Ryoko shot Gorm a look, suggesting a dislike toward the Blue Sage's open-mindedness. Nevertheless, he was silent, waiting for Evan to speak, along with the others.IC - Dov - Team Aqua Base: Tentacruel raised a few tentacles to defend itself from the Dragonbreath, these appendages getting scorched in the process, though not badly damaging him. In retaliation, he raised even more, firing Ice Beams at the incoming Surf, Remoraid, those on the ceiling, everything that wasn't fighting alongside it.A second later, however, it stopped; the strange human had climbed up to his face, and seemed to be doing something. Tentacruel's eyes widened as power poured into its body, a dark aura quickly engulfing it. Dov was thrown off by Feral before the man himself leaped backwards, the shadows taking their effect.When the shadows cleared and Dov looked up, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in surprise. Where once had stood a normal, albeit large Tentacruel now towered a monstrosity. Its main body had turned completely black, red orbs shining out against the dark color. Further, its eyes were bloodshot, its 'beak' now more serrated, and its tentacles quite a bit thicker, though not overly so.Glaring up at its opponents, Tentacruel launched itself into the partially frozen water, quickly utilizing Rapid Spin to churn the pool into a whirlpool/tornado of water before it could be interrupted, Ice Beams still firing up at those Pokémon on the ceiling.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Right. Thanks.IC: "Alright," muttered Karin, following Ethan's lead by pulling her own aquatic rebreather unit and pulling it over her face. She released her Buizel, Kawauso, from his Pokéball and commanded him to dive into the water and guide her along the path Ethan was taking.

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IC: Evan Tierra, Council Chamber"There are 2 threats.", Evan said, his voice a bit quavery, "One is a group of 9 Darkrai, who seek to drown the world in Darkness. I faced one of these Darkrai. IIt took me down effortlessly. The other threat is that of a creature that was born into this world as a result of the power of Space and my connection with Palkia. While it may not be an immediate threat, it will be of much concern to the entire world.""You still haven't answered the question of what you meant by 'Palkia's Envoy'.", Zinzolin, a purple robed Sage said in a curious voice, "What connection with Palkia do you have?""It's better I show you.", Evan said, a bit of a grin appearing on his face as he brandished the Lustrous Shard, "I am able to channel Palkia's power with this shard of the Lustrous Orb. I am not sure if my power is sealed, but let's find out together, eh?"Shutting his eyes, Evan focused on a Pawn he saw guarding the outside of the building. Carefully, he made an upward circular motion, opening a hole in space, causing the Pawn to fall on the ground, her eyes looking bewildered at where she was."While that was not the most efficent way to show you this power, it was the one that would be most effective in my eyes." Evan said, smile appearing on his face.

Edited by Alku
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IC - Sages - Plasma Castle: "Interesting," Gorm said as the Plasma Pawn appeared in front of them. "Interesting, indeed... So tell us why, with this kind of power at your disposal, you can't use Palkia to deal with these threats?""Aren't we getting off the subject at this point?" Rood asked, though curiosity was evident in his eyes. "We're supposed to be talking about the attack on Landorus.""This is true," Bronius said. "However, I think the connection here is rather clear. This man -- what was your name, by the way? Regardless, this man seeks to defeat these threats. While we do not know just what they are or how powerful they may be, it is obvious that there is a reason he does not simply call upon Palkia, even with a connection such as his. Perhaps Landorus could help him... Though, as Gorm said... why not use Palkia?"IC - Ethan Worth - Ocean: Of course, as Ethan was swimming solo, it didn't take long for Buizel to pass by him. He kept on swimming, though; the place wasn't that far off. Just a little more swimming...

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Evan Tierra, Plasma Castle"I refuse to use it to cause bloodshed.", Evan said, "I am Evan Tierra, by the way.""Hrm, that is indeed noble of you, but how can we make sure you wouldn't do the same with Landorus?" Rood asked."I am left with no choice but...", Evan said, getting out of his chair, "If you want to ensure that does not happen, then, I swear fealty towards Team Plasma..."

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OOC: Sorry for my absencees. School and a certain assassin kept me away.


IC: James had very little comments on the conditions of which he was traveling. So I shall skip his trip in the sewer up to the part where interesting stuff happens. He looked around a corner and promptly ducked back.


Guards, two of them, armed. I'd rather delay Pierce's knowledge of my entrance as late as possible. So how to distract them...


He pulled out Galahad's pokeball and tossed him out.


This may be risky.


"Sir Galahad, use Metronome."


He started to splash in the water. This seemingly harmless attack actually made James freeze as it would have meant the two guards would come over there and they would have to fight if they heard it and thought to check it out. Luckily however after a moment of waiting it appeared that they did not.


"At the risk of being discovered try again."


This time Galahad grew a little red as a small stream of fire came out of fire where it caught on to a piece of garbage.


"Huh do you smell something?" one guard said to the other.


"Smells like... garbage burning?"


"Once more Galahad," he said knowing and praying in his mind for one particular move.


Suddenly black gas came out of Galahad's mouth as the Smokescreen appeared causing the guards to cough and not be able to see James as he and slipped past them into a service entrance into the base.

Edited by Claus Von Minun the 4th


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