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Timely Insanity


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I agree! Vataki must not see how dashing that prestiguos hat makes him look, in fact, it has the aura of determination, character, big belly, white beard, and gift giving to all the good little matoran! In fact, I wish I had the very same hat! Such elegoance, such charisma, not in Vataki of course, but the hat! Oh, hello Vataki, uh, i was just um, mentioning you....hehe...aaah snap!XP~Ptoly

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Speaking of Jimi Hendrix...He might still be alive. In my town.There's a place for sale by someone named 'Jim' Hendrix.Too awesome to be a coincidence.

So what you're suggesting is he possibly gave up Rock-Stardom and faked his death to become a real-estate agent?...I think not. :P

naw man

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Speaking of Jimi Hendrix...He might still be alive. In my town.There's a place for sale by someone named 'Jim' Hendrix.Too awesome to be a coincidence.

So what you're suggesting is he possibly gave up Rock-Stardom and faked his death to become a real-estate agent?...I think not. :P
'Tis a joke, my good man.

Dude I am literally just a fart

More soon maybe?

We'll see...

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Man, I love the winter! But that's probably cuz the Florida summers can be unbearably hot some times...

I live practically in the center of the US, in a town called Normal...yes, Normal.Theres always "normal" rainstorms, always "normal" snowstorms.....in fact, we're so "normal" that not even tornados effect us, they go right around our city......so un-eventful...except last winter, that was awesome :DAnd by the way, i love your signature :P~Ptoly
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Baby.......I love snow and winter and the cold and the snow and the snow.....did I mention the snow?~Ptoly

Ditto :lol:I do think was the most expressive comic (I mean facial expressions) for your character, Vataki. You had such a sad face in the last panel. :P


In the meantime, you shall be loved and tolerated.


I am both Toa Mata Nui and Dragonfly the Luminescent


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Baby.......I love snow and winter and the cold and the snow and the snow.....did I mention the snow?~Ptoly

Ditto :lol:I do think was the most expressive comic (I mean facial expressions) for your character, Vataki. You had such a sad face in the last panel. :P
Thanks.Recently I've been trying to make my characters more expressive than I have in the past.

naw man

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So, Majhost and Brickshelf are both down for unknown reasons. I cannot log in or view my own folders. Only the images that are linked to in the topic or posts.BUT THIS TRAGEDY PROBLEM WILL NOT STOP I, THE GREAT VATAKI "VAHI" TERIDAX!New comic!Edit: Majhost and Brickshelf are back up - Alternate link.

Edited by Vataki

naw man

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