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LEGO World Builder

Lego David

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So apparently, LEGO has just launched a new website called LEGO World Builder, where people can submit their ideas for potential new original LEGO Themes. The press release was kind of vague so we don’t  know how exactly this is gonna work yet, but I’d say it’s definitely worth looking more into.
For all those people out there looking to pitch a Bionicle G3 Idea to LEGO, this might be the place to do so.
Here is a link to this newly launched website: https://worldbuilder.tongal.com/discover?page=1&q= 16

Any thoughts on this new platform? Will you guys try to pitch any ideas to it? Me and a couple of my friends are already working on a new LEGO theme idea to submit to this platform. 

Edited by Lego David
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That's a very cool initiative on Lego's part. Hopefully actual projects will come out of this. I'd gladly submit a few ideas, but it's not like I'm that good at drawing and I haven't MOCed in years - or even a master at it.

EDIT: Here's my idea for an original constraction world. I tried to make the setting stand out from Bionicle and HF while still borrowing a bit. Feel free to contribute if what I've put so far inspires you!

Edited by PlasmaJaller
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  • 7 months later...
16 hours ago, Lego David said:

I have finally submitted my project to LEGO World Builder, after working on it for more than six months. May I present to you... Pirates of Arvodia!



Wow, you definitely have my vote! I always loved pirates, and this one looks to be a tale of epic proportions! :D



Formerly Iron_Man5


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I personally love the World Builder platform, the creative prompts and the different categories really help get my creative juices flowing. And I love checking out other Worlds.

I've created a couple of worlds and submitted them to World Builder's Pitch Fest.

One is a streaming series about Toa Lesovikk during his wanderings through the universe. I call it "HIATUS: a BIONICLE Legend". It's a lot like The Mandalorian but connects to a lot of other BIONICLE stories.

My other world is "The LEGO Adventurers Movie". It's a prequel to "The LEGO Movie" and stars Johnny Thunder and Pippin Reed, and also connects other LEGO media like Clutch Powers, Atlantis and Mars Mission.

Feel free to check them out and I welcome any feedback and/or concept art.



I'm trying to bring BIONICLE on the big screen.

the Kohrakazi project.

The Legend Retold


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/29/2021 at 3:44 AM, TERIDAX941 said:

Congrats on your project making the Pitch Fest cut! :D Best of fortune to you on the next phase!

Sadly, I recently got disqualified from this current Pitch Fest just because I haven't reached the age of 18 yet... :glare: They said I can re-submit once I turn 18, but by that time that happens, I fear it might be too late for my project to go anywhere... :closedeyes:

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4 hours ago, Lego David said:

Sadly, I recently got disqualified from this current Pitch Fest just because I haven't reached the age of 18 yet... :glare: They said I can re-submit once I turn 18, but by that time that happens, I fear it might be too late for my project to go anywhere... :closedeyes:

I mean, it was stated in the World Builder rules that you had to be over 18. :v


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