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Dino Attack: At War's End


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OOC: Yes! Gah! I have found all 100 Gold Skulltullas in Ocarina of Time. Time to post!Your headquarters is looking pretty swell so far, that guy. Nice, big, and detailed. I am anxiously awaiting its completion.IC:Zach smiled as Zenna got reacquainted with the group. He was happy to see that she was alright. However, guilt was gnawing at his insides. She was sent to Antarctica because of him and his Mutant Dinos. He knew he would have to apologize sooner or later."Zach?" Dr. Cyborg said, snapping him back to attention. "Do you see what I'm getting at?" Zach turned back to the cyborg Dino Attack agent. Zach had identified numerous Maelstrom samples that Dr. Cyborg had presented toward him, seemingly for some part of the tweaks that were still being added to the Einstein Device. He scratched his chin briefly."Shot in the dark," Zach said, raising both hands. "We can gather samples of Mutant Lizards, Mutant Raptors, Mutant Pterosaurs, Mutant T-Rexes, Minifig/Mutant Lizard Hybrids, and (maybe for good measure), Maelstrom Dragons so we focus the Einstein Device's energy only on stopping the Mutant Dinos, not you, me, Rex, or Pterisa?"************************Nazareno swayed to the side as the Fire Hammer ran over another bump. Quickly regaining his footing, Nazareno swung a katana at Blaire. Blaire quickly blocked the sword and jabbed his other katana at Nazareno. The space ninja carefully stepped to the side and knocked the sword down on to the roof of the cab, causing sparks to dance.Lightning brightened the sky and illuminated hauntingly across Blaire's sunglasses. Thunder echoed through the city. Blaire flipped back his wet hair and suddenly forced his sword through the roof of the cab. He then slammed his forearm into Nazareno's head. He stumbled back in surprise and soon found himself hanging on vehicles roof as it sped by."You lose, Nazareno," Blaire snarled, slamming his boot into Nazareno's fingers. Nazareno felt tears form in his eyes from the pain, but ignored Blaire's snide remarks. He turned his head and saw a wave of Mutant Lizards rushing past the Fire Hammer. Smirking to himself, Nazareno brought his feet to side of the Fire Hammer and kicked himself away from the vehicle.He landed hard on the back of a Mutant Lizard, causing it to collapse. Mutant Lizard were stampeding in his direction. Nazareno jumped lightly on to the next Mutant Lizard with one foot and seemed to run across the Mutant Lizards as if they were a conveyor belt going the wrong way.Nazareno kept the Fire Hammer in his peripheral vision. Another flash of lightning and boom of thunder. Nazareno saw Blaire's features clearly in that brief span of light. There was surprise, yet amusement on his old rival's face. Nazareno moved closer to the Fire Hammer and made one final hop that took him back on to the Fire Hammer's cab.Blaire clapped mockingly as his trenchcoat whipped behind. "Impressive, Nazareno. Impressive." Nazareno kicked up his sword that he had dropped on the roof and lunged at Darkling. His opponent yanked his own Shinobi katana out of the roof and blocked Nazareno's attack. "Come on Nazareno, you've got to do more than silly tricks to defeat me.""Have it your way," Nazareno stated simply. With that, Nazareno brought his foot upward in Blaire's stomach. XERRD's leader grimaced, allowing Nazareno punch him hard in the face. Blaire stumbled back and slipped off the Fire Hammer, leaving behind one gray katana. Scowling, Nazareno kicked the katana off the Fire Hammer and gave himself a running start and jumped from the Fire Hammer.Blaire had rose to his feet rather quickly. His trenchcoat was stained with mud. He cracked his neck ominously. "Still have that old charm," Blaire grumbled. Extending his hands, his familiar smirk returned to his face. "Look where we have arrived, old friend." Nazareno merely nodded before running at Blaire again. They were standing outside the front doors of Dino Attack Headquarters. Broken glass, ruble, fire, and corpses surrounding the building.Blaire still managed to block both swords with his lone katana. Clutching the sword with two hands, he executed several wide, complicated sweeps at Nazareno before letting one hand go free so it could punch Nazareno. The fist clipped Nazareno chin. He took a brief step back before launching send several quick attacks back at Blaire. Whatever he couldn't knock way with his sword he quickly moved his body out of the way. Blaire than swung his fist behind him, shattering what remained of the glass on the front doors.Shaking his hand free of an glass shards, Blaire stepped through the broken door and gestured Nazareno to join him. Nazareno rolled his eyes and stabbed his swords through hole in the door. Blaire jumped back quickly and began to step farther into the headquarters lobby, Nazareno close behind.

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OOC: Hang on, I just need to get a few things straight, so is Nazareno with Zelda's group or did he separate? Because I already have a few of my guys in there as well who you don't really seem to have noticed.IC: Montoya and Copper quickly ran back into the room. "We weren't able to find much," Copper said. "That dang base got blown up from the inside there's nothing left!""Alright," replied Pierce. "They've already started taking apart the teleport," replied Crusher. "By this point travelling back to Antarctica is out of the question.""I don't want to do anything stupid though," replied Pierce. "We should be ready to seal this place if necessary, but we're going to wait until the last possible second to do so. Crusher, get on that radio, I want constant updates on the battle."

Edited by Atton Rand
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OOC:I'm not quite sure I like my status as the Sixth Ranger. Exactly how did that happen?IC:"Well, that's not how I would put it, but that's the basics of it!" Dr. Cyborg told Zach

Edited by avmatoran



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For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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OoC:Has it occurred to anyone else that the events of At Wars End have only taken place over a matter of roughly 3 days? The Adventure's island campaign was only a little over two weeks and this battle has only been going on for about 3-4 hours. Time really flies and it starts to feel like these events have been going on for months. Everyone in this RPG seems to have Jack Bouer stamina (There must be a trope for that) and they almost never eat, sleep, uses the restroom, or take a shower. (Everyone probably really smells too). Zenna only was sent to Antarctica the day before the attack on the maelstrom temple and here she is again two days after the maelstrom temple. With hundreds of pages, everything feels so much longer!Just an observation.

OOC:I'd rather be the smart one.
I seriously considered you being the smart one but that would mean I would be the the sixth ranger. That really would not make a lot of sense considering I'm the 5th most senior player out of the regular seven. You're the newest, and that is the quality that makes the sixth ranger the sixth ranger. Horrendous spelling aside, I assigned the smart guy to myself because I use a lot of arbitrary numbers, irreverent lists, psychology, sociology, and somewhat overly detailed descriptions of events and places.Might post latter Edited by that guy from that show

That is all


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OoC:Has it accursed to anyone else that the events of At Wars End have only taken place over a matter of roughly 3 days? The Adventure's island campaign was only a little over two weeks and this battle has only been going on for about 3-4 hours. Time really flies and it starts to feel like these events have been going on for months. Everyone in this RPG seems to have Jack Bouer stamina (There must be a trope for that) and they almost never eat, sleep, uses the restroom, or take a shower. (Everyone probably really smells too). Zelda only was sent to Antarctica the day before the attack on the maelstrom temple and here she is again two days after the maelstrom temple. With hundreds of pages, everything feels so much longer!Just an observation.
OOC:I'd rather be the smart one.
I seriously considered you being the smart one but that would mean I would be the the sixth ranger. That really would not make a lot of sense considering I'm the 5th most senior player out of the regular seven. You're the newest, and that is the quality that makes the sixth ranger the sixth ranger. Horrendous spelling aside, I assigned the smart guy to myself because I use a lot of arbitrary numbers, irreverent lists, psychology, sociology, and somewhat overly detailed descriptions of events and places.Might post latter
OOC: I guess that makes a certain amount of sense, though I am somewhat curious as to why you chose Andrew and Jackson as the Hero and Lancer.
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OOC: Nazareno and Blaire have been separate from Zelda and Solomon for awhile now. Nazareno and Blaire drifted away while fighting Maelstrom Dragons.And I have noticed the sudden arrival of multiple agents. Zelda is more focused on Helm, however. I have yet to actually address that (which I will...eventually).

I'm not quite sure I like my status as the Sixth Ranger.
Heh, you could've been the Chick like me. Which amuses me heavily.IC:"There's still the issue of Mutant Dinos that have broken away from the Darkitect's hold," Zach said, crossing his arms. "Like..." he glanced at Rex, then said in a low voice. "Trouble, Stranger's Mutant Lizard, or your Cyrista's Bane. They would still be susceptible to the Einstein Device's effects."**************************Minerva didn't both taking shots at Dr. Rex; it would've been a waste, really. She aimed the Xenon Launcher at the Mutant Dinos ahead of her and Vinyaya's Fire Hammer, clearing a path. Minerva looked in the side mirror and saw the Mutant T-Rex king approaching fast, vaguely reminding her of Jurassic Park. Vaguely.Minerva looked up out the window and saw the three Agents jets fly overhead and fire several missiles into Dr. Rex. They exploded as they collided with his Silge armor, but Dr. Rex was mostly unharmed. Ignoring the Fire Hammer he had been chasing earlier, Dr. Rex blasted the three jets out of the sky with a combination of lasers and fire breathe.Go ahead and run, Miss Fabello, The Darkitect sneered in her head, his pitch black skull smirking in her head. You won't last long either way. A scowl quickly formed on Minerva's face. She wouldn't let the Darkitect win."He's going after other agents, so we're safe for now," Vinyaya said with a sigh of relief. She then turned her only eye briefly on Minerva as she drove. "We'll get you back to the headquarters-""Why?" Minerva snapped as she began to train the Xenon Launcher on passing Mutant Dinos.Vinyaya seemed surprised with Minerva harsh tone, but responded with her own iciness. "You've been emotionally compromised, Minerva. You didn't say a word until the Darkitect spoke to you. You're in shock. You don't belong out here-""I belong out as much as you do, Vinyaya," Minerva snapped again. "I doubt someone who just lost an eye should be out here." Vinyaya didn't respond to this quip. "I can't...I won't let him take anyone else close to me. I can't lose you or Zach, or anyone else too. It..." she drifted off.Vinyaya stopped the jeep briefly and looked at Minerva intently with her lone eye. Her scarred face softened again like it did when she had convinced Minerva to leave her brother behind. It was a look of true concern for her well-being. "Are you sure you can keep going?" Vinyaya asked quietly. Minerva's lip quivered briefly. It would so much simpler to finally breakdown and cry on Vinyaya's shoulder.But there was a job to do. A battle to be won. Minerva was toeing the edge of an emotional breakdown. But she would hold it all in until they won. It wasn't healthy, but necessary. She could keep fighting. Win this battle for everyone that she lost because of this war. Minerva nodded slowly to Vinyaya. Patting Minerva on the shoulder in an encouraging matter, Vinyaya put the jeep back into drive and started back up again."Is there anything you can contribute to this...Einstein Device?" Vinyaya asked. "Just out of curiosity. I figure you'll still be out here, regardless.""Unless a couple of high school AP classes qualify someone to mess with something like it, no," Minerva continued to fire the Xenon Launcher. "I could probably help do something, but my talents are better used out here." Vinyaya shrugged without looking away from the road ahead of her. "So, what's the status of things? I've been sort of out of it.""Elite Agents Semick and Mercedes remained on the battlefield, but the latter was knocked out of the sky by Willa the Witch. Dr. Martinet is heading out to the crash site to see if she's alright. Rotor and Cabin have just returned from the thirteenth floor and have rejoined the fight in the air. Leadership roles have mostly fallen to the agents in the air, most notably Semick, who split the forces up to deal with varying threats. Though now, based on reports from I heard from Iron Predators still holding up at the headquarters, we need to organize a gauntlet of vehicles around the headquarters. Dinos are swarming the headquarters and, while the IPs are taking care of the bigger threats, Mutant Lizards are slipping through and entering the headquarters. Pulling everyone together to guard the headquarters from the dinos and at least hold back Dr. Rex a bit so the Einstein Device can be finished is the best idea I have at the moment.Minerva was extremely relieved to have a friend in a commander who had experiences with ordeals like this. Leadership was definitely not a strong suit of hers in any way, shape, or form. And having at least Semick, Rotor, and Cabin out in the field with her improved her spirits greatly. And she hoped that her being out with the infantry, despite all the MegaBlokLand she had been going through, would raise morale.Dr. Rex unleashed another inhumane scream. Minerva turned her head and saw him destroy a T-1 Typhoon and Iron Predator group with a combination of breath flames and laser bursts. She noted how easy it would be for Dr. Rex to run at Dino Attack Headquarters and topple it. So easy that she wondered briefly why he didn't. Then she realized the Darkitect was probably holding Dr. Rex back. Taking his time in reaching the headquarters. He wanted the Dino Attack Team and its allies to believe they still had a chance in defeating him. Just so that when he finally had Dr. Rex storm the building, he could savor the moment as the Minifig race lost all hope as the building, and their last hope, came crumbling around them. Flashes of her mother and brother suddenly appeared in her head. Victims of the Darkitect's work. Minerva gritted her teeth together angrily and turned to Vinyaya."Reforming the defenses around the headquarters sound like a solid idea, but that won't matter once the Darkitect uses Dr. Rex to his full abilities."Vinyaya nodded grimly. "I've noticed that. There's nothing we can really do about that, unfortunately. However, since the Darkitect firmly believes that Einstein Device will not defeat him, he will hold back until he decides he's done toying with us or he believes the Einstein Device is a threat. If he decided to attack and the device isn't finished, we're done for. In the meantime, the Mutant Dinos, Dr. Inferno, and the Fright Knights continue to attack. If we don't organize defenses, a little more than a few lizards will be breaking into the HQ. Think the Battle of the Power Station earlier this year only a zillion times worse."Minerva nodded, unable to come up with a good argument against this. "You should probably suggest this to Semick or someone.""No, you should just take control and form the defenses yourself, Elite Agent Fabello." Vinyaya smiled apologetically at a frustrated Minerva. "You think its a good idea, go for it. Your words will resonate with the team far more than mine would." Vinyaya turned her head briefly to Minerva. "From the way you look, commanding isn't really your thing. Just know that you aren't alone. I'll help you along the way."Minerva scowled briefly, but smiled appreciatively at the Space Police commando. She picked up the radio and stared at it momentarily. This was the best way to hold the line long enough for the device to be completed. The Darkitect must be stopped. Oswald and Athena appeared in her head again. She took a deep breath and began to speaking to every agent her radio's signal could reach.
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IC:"That's why I was thinking more along the lines of collecting samples from those to exclude, and tune the Device to affect all but those. It's a whole lot easier than getting a sample from every Mutant Dino to affect," Dr. Cyborg said.



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For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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And I have noticed the sudden arrival of multiple agents. Zelda is more focused on Helm, however. I have yet to actually address that (which I will...eventually).
OOC: I sort of get that. I just find it hard to believe that just because she's meeting her victim's father she'd be totally oblivious to anything going on around her.
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OOC:Well, I figured out a way to beat Dr. Inferno.The whole thing with the Sixth Ranger was that it usually fights against good guys and bad guys at the same time. Although, if you think about it, I've fought XERRD and the Dino Attack, so it fits. Also, the Sixth Ranger is usually the coolest and most awesome guy, so that's good.IC:It was a standoff. Cyrista's Bane had collared Dr. Inferno, but Inferno had returned the favor. The flamethrower arm of the mech came up to Bane's head, starting to glow. With a whoosh, it ignited and sprayed liquid flame all over the metal side of Bane's face. With a roar, Bane turned his head and bit the flamethrower, melting it with his internal furnace."Hey, Dr. Inferno, don't fight fire with fire. It usually doesn't work," Bane said."It does for me!" Inferno replied.At that moment, he got a transmission from Dr. Cyborg. "Hey Screech," Bane said, "the doctor wants your help back at HQ.""Right, I'm on way," Screech replied as she turned and left.Bane kicked out, tearing the legs from the Inferno Mech. Dr. Inferno finally let go of Bane, and Bane pulled him out of the cockpit, keeping him prisoner as he walked back to HQ, his current mission done.---------------------------"Well, that was anticlimactic.""Yeah, but it was still totally awesome.""So, the mech is gone, and the cyborg is on our side. All the distractions are just about over!""Hey kid, don't get cocky!""It feels like it's been months since the Maelstrom Temple. It's only been a few days, how amazing is that!"OOC:I had to get a quick ending.



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For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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OOC: Alright, I need something to post and since Brickman hasn't gotten to this, I'm just going to do it myself.IC: Rotor turned toward the purple-haired girl, who was busy talking to another man in suspenders."Look," Rotor shouted. "I hate to interrupt this reunion but we got more important things to be worrying about right now!"

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OOC: I'm seeing that people are experiencing writer's block and running out of ideas. I suppose that means that it's time. We've done all that we could... now, all that remains is the end of it all. Unless there are any objections, my next IC will most likely conclude the final battle.

OOC: PeabodySam...It's like you took all my hopes and dreams and crushed them into tiny little bits. I was thinking barely a few days ago "I wonder where Ben Gunn is at? I hope he finally gets to met Frozeen so he can...you know!" And then you go and do that. Just...eugh.
Argh! I was so certain I'd finally be vindicated! And yet you continue to taunt me!
Problem, players?
OOC: YES! By popular demand, I have decided to bring back Zenna. A bit rushed I know, I just felt I had to get her in there somehow. I'll try and explain some of the medical stuff later (probably something to do with one of Luzwheit's students fixing her up).
Hooray! Even though she's not your primary character anymore... However, as Brikman and Andrewnuva both said (and I see that you corrected this later on), it would have been impossible for Zenna to return to Dino Attack Headquarters via the Teleport Pad. The Teleport Pad's primary purpose is to be "the point of no return", and if someone did return... well, it's not really much of a point of no return, is it?As for your bout of Fridge Logic later on, remember that the Portal Operations Team went on a world tour before the final battle. It's most likely that, at one point, they stopped in Antarctica and cleared a space in the refugee facilities to receive whatever was teleported by the Teleport Pad (and, like a fire lane, most likely filled the area with signs saying things like "NO PARKING") to make sure that no one would be in the way of an incoming teleportation.
Andrew then glanced and said to the new arrival in a low voice; "In fact, you, Minerva and Cabin are the last female Elite Agents left. Claw got killed earlier. Rex hasn't taken it well."
Just a quick comment. Based upon the context, it seems that Andrew was implying that Claw was an elite agent. As far as I recall, she never actually received that promotion.And, if I'm not mistaken, I think Rosalie Mercedes is an elite agent. Gromtin too. So female Elite Agents are not an endangered species yet.
The horns on the side of the building are being converted into some form of vent. I don't really know what they are but the controls are accessible in both hallways. If anyone has an idea what their purpose should be let me know.
Really impressive work you're doing here, that guy. I'm truly amazed. As for what the "horns on the side of the building" were intended to be... on the original headquarters, they were purely aesthetic, and intended to fit in with the visual style of Dino Attack sets such as the Iron Predator and T-1 Typhoon, which used horns in their designs.
In response to the rooms, I placed the bedrooms as high as I did because PeabodySam had Rex's room way up on the 12th floor. The 11th floor I believe was technology centric and would have contained the security camera control center.
Just to be honest, my headquarters should not be taken as a canon example of "what is located where" in the building, for the most part. Sure, the garage is obviously in the left wing while the science/technology/medical centers are located in the right wing, and the lobby is obviously on the ground floor, but in the central tower, I had no real plan of what went where.For example, the 11th floor in my model was simply represented by a hallway that Engineer had set up some security cameras, much like the hallway where he first spotted Ata. Rex's room is on the 12th floor because I realized that I was on the 12th floor and still hadn't shown the living arrangements of the Dino Attack agents.
Has it occurred to anyone else that the events of At Wars End have only taken place over a matter of roughly 3 days? The Adventure's island campaign was only a little over two weeks and this battle has only been going on for about 3-4 hours. Time really flies and it starts to feel like these events have been going on for months. Everyone in this RPG seems to have Jack Bouer stamina (There must be a trope for that) and they almost never eat, sleep, uses the restroom, or take a shower. (Everyone probably really smells too). Zenna only was sent to Antarctica the day before the attack on the maelstrom temple and here she is again two days after the maelstrom temple. With hundreds of pages, everything feels so much longer!Just an observation.I seriously considered you being the smart one but that would mean I would be the the sixth ranger. That really would not make a lot of sense considering I'm the 5th most senior player out of the regular seven. You're the newest, and that is the quality that makes the sixth ranger the sixth ranger. Horrendous spelling aside, I assigned the smart guy to myself because I use a lot of arbitrary numbers, irreverent lists, psychology, sociology, and somewhat overly detailed descriptions of events and places.
I know, right? Actually, I'll just go ahead and confirm by Word of God that the final battle has been going on for much longer than 3-4 hours. In fact, as you'll see in my IC, December 21 is coming to a close...You know, seeing as this particular Five Man Band involves real people who all have their own points of view regarding which member of the band they see themselves as, this might be a little too YMMV to be on the tropes page.And now, I shall listen to an instrumental version of Alan Menkin's "Hellfire", followed by an extended version of Koji Kondo's "Last Battle", as I write this next IC.IC: Through the purple mist clouding his vision, and the agonizing pain and unbearable suffering that shook his entire form, Dr. Rex looked upon Dino Attack Headquarters. Despite the valiant efforts of Dino Attack Team, Alpha Team, Agents, and other factions, the base was now infested with Mutant Lizards, stalked by Mutant Raptors, bombed by Mutant Pterosaurs, and even now the Mutant T-Rexes had reached the building.The sight both pained him and pleased him. Dr. Rex still felt horrible that everything... everything he had ever worked for... all his dreams and wishes... were nothing more than a lie, and this was all the doing of Baron Typhonus. But he had already resigned himself to his fate, for there was nothing worth fighting for any more. Talia rejected him... Catherine renounced him... XERRD abandoned him... now, Dr. Rex's only hope was that the Darkitect would be merciful enough to grant him a swift death.And the last thing that stood between him and that escape he so desired was this insufferable team and their pathetic headquarters.The sun sets, Ronald. They continue to fight, despite all that they have lost so far. But now... it is time. Dino Attack Headquarters shall fall. Kill them all.Dr. Rex barely had the strength to nod. "Let us end this," he agreed, the sound of his voice barely more than a guttural growl from the back of his throat. With that, he slowly mustered the strength to take one step towards Dino Attack Headquarters, then another, then another.The sounds of his footsteps, complemented by the echoes of thunder as lightning streaked across the sky, served as the very song of impending doom.*****Rex stared out a window, looking out at the battlefield below. Despite the Mutant Dinos that were infiltrating the building, T-1 Typhoons, Iron Predators, and other vehicles led by Shadow, Digger, Viper, Rotor, and other elite agents kept the Mutant T-Rexes at bay. Rex could even tell which one was driven by Digger, for its weapons would never fire until at the last possible second, and Viper's vehicle was undoubtably the one that was moving the fastest, challenged only by another T-1 Typhoon piloted by Sam Race. Alpha Team and Agents provided back-up, and the Brickster's T-1 Typhoon was certainly doing damage...Behind him, Rex knew that Specs, Reptile, Hotwire, Zenna, Andrew, Zachary, Hertz, Kate, and Gromtin continued to work frantically on the Einstein Device. They were close to completion, and thanks to Dr. Cyborg, they needn't worry about the device going off prematurely and killing everyone. Frozeen and Greybeard both volunteered to guard the stairwell, and as it turned out, their assistance was very much needed due to the Mutant Lizards that were trying to access the thirteenth floor.But Rex saw the ruins of the battle-scarred city, with some buildings engulfed entirely in flames that reached high into the sky like the fires of MegaBlokLand. The devastation of this battle made the initial Dino Attack pale in comparison. Rex swallowed hard as he saw three Mutant T-Rexes tear apart an Iron Predator while an Agents Aerial Defense Unit, in its attempt to help, was shot out of the sky by a flock of Mutant Pterosaurs. Down there, Dino Attack, Alpha Team, Agents, Rogue Knights, and Skeleton Drones were dying. They held their ground, but were inevitably being pushed back by the overwhelming number of Mutant Dinos. There was no way Dino Attack Headquarters was going to stand much longer... not against this. It wouldn't be enough.And then Rex saw him. Through the darkness and the heavy rain, Rex could still see him, as his body was illuminated by the fires of war and the flashes of lightning; in the shadow, only his red eyes could be seen. Dr. Rex was marching towards Dino Attack Headquarters. And there was no stopping him now.Rex clutched his chest in pain. It was agonizing, as though a claw was ripping through his torso. His heart pains were worse than ever, and Rex had no doubt that the Maelstrom in his body had to do with it. He knew that everything was about to come to an end. Everything."We're running out of time," Rex whispered. When the chest pains subsided, Rex repeated his words in a louder voice so that the others could hear."According to my watch," murmured Specs, "it is now 5:36 PM. Sunset.""Remember Dr. Rex's declaration?" frowned Gromtin. "He said that Dino Attack Headquarters will fall when the sun sets.""That was a short day," remarked Hotwire. "I mean, this battle does feel like it's been going on for weeks, but sunset already?""It is the winter solstice, after all," pointed out Andrew. "Although it may not look it, considering that it's a thunderstorm. I wonder if maybe XERRD got ahold of Evil Ogel's old weather-manipulating pipe organ and used it to raise the temperature high enough for the Mutant Dinos to fight in.""Whatever the reason or cause," muttered Reptile, "it is clear that we have to finish the Einstein Device now or never. We may never again have another chance to strike at Dr. Rex.""But wait!" pointed out Dr. Cyborg. "We still don't have the Imagination! Sure, we managed to fix up the weapon so that it won't obliterate every Creative Spark in the blast radius, but that means that it still needs Imagination to counter the Maelstrom... and I don't think we really have any Imagination stored in this building, do we?""I don't believe so," Reptile shook his head. "Even when we had Dr. Einstein working with us, we never thought to keep a storage of Imagination. And even if we did, where could we find it? You cannot just smash a LEGO model and expect orbs of Imagination to just fall out; this isn't Nimbus System, where Imagination is far more bountiful from what I hear.""IF EINSTEIN HAD DESIGNED THIS THING TO OPERATE ON RADIO WAVES," Hertz spoke in an unintentionally loud voice, "IT WOULD BE FAR EASIER TO FIGURE OUT-""Well, I don't think we're up for a last-minute reprogramming," shrugged Hotwire."I'll do it," decided Rex.Hotwire raised an eyebrow, slightly bemused. "Come on, Rex. I appreciate the offer, but I don't think you're exactly the most qualified for reprogramming the Einstein Device to-"Rex shook his head. "No. I'll do it. I'll power the Einstein Device."The realization of what Rex meant washed over the Dino Attack agents as they fell silent. Rex sighed. He knew that the Einstein Device might very well be their salvation, and Reptile was right: it was now, or never. They could not afford to waste time considering the options; they had to act."You... you cannot be serious," Andrew shook his head. "Rex, like it or not, you're a little too valuable to this team to-""To sit around in a wheelchair and do nothing while everyone else is dying out there?" retorted Rex."But you're like a hero!" blinked Dr. Cyborg. "Everyone looks up to you, and-""And what good am I?" snapped Rex. "PBB, Aster Oid, Adventure... Amanda... even Trouble... they've all died because of me. Me. A so-called 'ropes expert' who can't do anything without endangering the lives of others and relying on Deus Ex Machina to save the day if the Big Darn Heroes don't arrive in time. And in our darkest hour, when you need a hero the most, where was I? Giving in to the very madness and lust for death that Dr. Rex and Baron Typhonus live for. I failed you. I've failed you far too many times.""Get ahold of yourself, Rex," frowned Reptile. "There must be another way that does not require an unneeded sacrifice.""And how many more deaths shall it take?" Rex raised an eyebrow. "How many more friends shall perish on the battlefield? How many more family members in Antarctica will be waiting for their beloved to return home, only to see a pair of Dino Attack agents forced to solemnly deliver the tragic news?""What be all this?" barked Greybeard as he and Frozeen approached Rex."I'm ready, Greybeard," declared Rex. "I'm ready to die.""You're going to sacrifice your Creative Spark to empower the Einstein Device?" blinked Frozeen. "Rex, you know... if you do that... there's no going back. I'm still confused about the circumstances that followed after Dr. Rex killed me, but I think it's because my Creative Spark was still alive that I was able to be reborn. Without a Creative Spark, you will... cease to be. There's no return."Rex sighed solemnly. Slowly, he shook his head. "Return was never an option, and I hope we all knew that when we signed up for this team.""Belay that!" declared Greybeard. "Rex, listen t' me! Don't be foolish, an' think this through! Yer young, an' even i' ye think yer world be over after th' death o' Amanda, thar be much more t' live fer. I be old; I liv'd me life! I be... alone." Grimly, Greybeard stared at the Einstein Device. "It should be me. I be th' one whose Creative Spark should be sacrificed, not yers."Rex locked eyes with Greybeard. "I have thought this through. It's the first time that I've been able to think clearly since my ill-fated marriage earlier today. With my Maelstrom infection, I do not have much longer to live, and even if I do survive this battle, what little life I have left will be full of pain and suffering and, in the end, benefit no one. But what if I can be useful? What if I can use what I have left to do something good? What if I have the chance to make a difference? What if I can do something meaningful and save everyone, rather than continue to bring pain and death upon all those whom I love dearly as my comrades, my family? Well, Greybeard, I have that chance. I can be useful. Just as Trouble used his dying breaths to kill Michelle Glados and save countless from her derranged ideas... just as J.D., Tracer, and Einstein sacrificed their Creative Sparks for the greater good... I shall not let my death have little consequence. I can do good; I can do the right thing... and if I must die a few weeks early, then I shall accept the bell's toll."Resting a hand on Greybeard's shoulder, Rex whispered: "And you're not alone, Greybeard. There is someone down in Antarctica who is, right now, praying that her dear granddaddy, the one thing she has left, will come home safely.""Mary Rose," breathed Greybeard.Rex nodded. "You still have family. As for me... this is my destiny.""I should 'ave known," whispered Greybeard. "Them dreams I had... they were about this moment." Greybeard swallowed hard. "Rex, me hearty... adios."After a short pause, Rex noticed: "You're crying."Shaking his head, Greybeard declared: "Shiver me timbers, I be not cryin'! It just be... th' rain. Thar be... err... a leak in th' roof, if ye... haven't... noticed." Still, the old pirate was clearly choking something back, and everyone was able to call his bluff.Frozeen patted Rex on the shoulder, but was at a complete loss for words, for try as he may, the Alpha Team agent just could not think of anything he could say. He settled for a handshake, and as Rex and Frozeen clasped hands, Rex murmured: "Thank you, Frozeen, for so much. Tell Chompy... tell Chompy that I said 'goodbye'.""I will," nodded Frozeen.The sound of Mutant Lizard screeches came from the stairwell, so Frozeen and Greybeard were forced to depart and return to their duty. Rex turned to face the other Dino Attack agents... Specs, Reptile, Hotwire, Zenna, Andrew, Zachary, Hertz, Kate, and Gromtin. "Together," announced Rex, "we have fought through this war and lived through so much. It's... truly been an honor to have known all of you. Now, we are at war's end, but it is up to us to decide how it ends. As for me... I've made my choice.""Reptile, Hotwire, Andrew, Hertz, and Gromtin, ready the Einstein Device to load Imagination. Zachary, I hope your Maelstrom powers can come in handy for this... I'm going to need you to just keep the Maelstrom in my body at bay while Dr. Cyborg (or someone else) extracts my Creative Spark. Specs... if you wish, I would suggest calling Viper and letting him know that, if he wants his dream to come true, he better come here soon."Glancing out at the looming shape of Dr. Rex in the distance, Rex whispered under his breath: "I'm ready. Let's end this."OOC: Unless there are any major objections, I'll end the final battle with my next IC post. If anyone wishes to do anything in particular before then, I suggest you do it now. With Willa the Witch and Dr. Inferno both down, and many of our posters running out of ideas, I believe that it is time. After that, I'll let the RPG run just a little bit longer (maybe a week... but two might be necessary, given the rate at which we move) to wrap up any loose ends in the post-war celebration.Guys... it's been fun.
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OOC:Yes, I still need to get out there and get exclusion samples, but that will take only a few days at most. I would be proud to extract Rex's creative spark.Also, I so totally called that one :).



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For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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OOC: Unless there are any major objections, I'll end the final battle with my next IC post. If anyone wishes to do anything in particular before then, I suggest you do it now. With Willa the Witch and Dr. Inferno both down, and many of our posters running out of ideas, I believe that it is time. After that, I'll let the RPG run just a little bit longer (maybe a week... but two might be necessary, given the rate at which we move) to wrap up any loose ends in the post-war celebration.Guys... it's been fun.
OOC: For some reason there's a strange mix of relief and sadness. Relief because being done this RPG means it will be easier to focus on other things, like my college assignments and my screenplays, but also sadness because I've been in this thing so long. I wasn't even much of fan when the Dino Attack Line came out, and now I'm one of its main players. It's going to feel weird when this is done. I'll probably be instinctly coming back to this board an the wiki forgetting it's over. Still, for some reason I do look forward to seeing the official TV Tropes page for the RPG.And now the moment you've all been waiting for.IC: Kate turned to where her mother was standing. "Look, mom," she said. "I'm eighteen, I don't need you watching me every minute. I know you love me and I appreciate that you don't want to see me hurt but I can take care of myself now.""Kate," Sarah said, a few tears swelling in her eyes. "I don't want to lose you!""You won't," replied Kate. "Listen, Kate. Don't try to be a hero, okay.""Mom," replied Kate. "This is a chance for me to do something with my life. You can be helpful elsewhere. Go on!"Sarah looked at her daughter tearfully. "Go help dad," Kate said. "Get down to the medical bay, and give him a hand."Sarah nodded. "You love him too, don't you?" Kate asked.Sarah nodded. "Well then help him too. When we're done here we'll be together again. Tell Pierce I said hi."Sarah nodded and turned toward the door. Kate watched her mother leave with a look of uncertainty before turning back to her work. "Father?" Zenna asked."Yeah," replied Kate. "Turns out Pierce was my dad this whole time."


"Everything ready?" Pierce asked. "I think so," replied Copper. "Now it's just a matter of what happens above us."Shaw sat in the back of the room in fear. She held her cross tightly in her arms and prayed- only this time she said it aloud, she wasn't embarrassed to be doing so, and at this point it seemed they needed all they could get. A little faith couldn't do much harm under the circumstances.Pierce was surprised when a familiar face stepped inside- a woman in her early 40's with long brown hair equipped with a shotgun/flamethrower. He smiled. "Sarah!"He ran up to her and hugged her tightly, Sarah dropping her weapon on the ground. "Your daughter say hi," she said."How's Kate doing?" Pierce asked."Fine," replied Sarah. "She told me to come down here, figured maybe I could help you.""Well," replied Pierce. "At this point we're starting to think about sealing this place off. Our only option right now is to take our chances down here.""What about the teleporter upstairs?""With the base the way it's in now," Copper said. "I'm not taking any chances.""We have the equipment in the back," Crusher explained. "Maybe you and Montoya could give us a hand with the sealing process.""What about Kate?""If they fail here," replied Pierce. "She'll get brought back to Antarctica where she'll be safe. When this is done, we'll be together again.""That's what she said to me," replied Sarah.Pierce smiled.OOC: I'm suddenly tempted to try and do a variation of the whole "battle wedding" thing where Pierce and Sarah get married during an operation.

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OOC: It's been fun as all heck, PeabodySam. Fun as all heck.Yeah, I dun goofed with the Claw thing. Just felt I needed to have that moment with informing Zenna.So if the end is near, about time I I get this done. Heck, I even feel it's an appropriate date for it.IC: There is nothing I can do, I suppose, Andrew thought, in regards to Rex. He's made his choice. Guess I can only do what I can to make this easier.It was horrible to think about the sacrifices that had to be made for this battle, and the battle itself at this time certainly wasn't helping. Still, Andrew understood how necessary it was, and had been. Mur and Einstein during the last mission had made that clear. And despite all Andrew could think of to say Rex still had to live for, he understood that he wasn't merely throwing his life away. He was doing what he could to stick it to Dr. Rex and the Darkitect for good.The team in the lab began gathering together around the Einstein Device. Zach and Hertz were carrying their modified launcher, along with a boxful of parts they might need for the device proper.As they began the work they needed to do, Andrew tapped Zach on the shoulder."Looks like it's almost over," he said to his battle-bonded friend and neighbor.Zach sighed. "Yeah. I just hope it's all worth it in the end.""It will be, it will be. Remember what I said during our little scuffle at camp. There's still a party waiting for us back home.""Heh, yeah," Zach smirked. "If there isn't, I'm going to send whoever dictates our near-future a strongly-worded letter about his angsty-art obsession."------------Semick's mind was in overdrive. The battle was harsher and harsher, and he, Attack, and Defend were nearly overloading their weapons. The Mutant Dinos were hitting hard now, and weren't taking any easy effort to stop. They were slowly overwhelming the ranks.He check in with their allies over radio. "Ospery! How's your forces?!"The voice that came back was strong, but resigned. "Most of my men are gone. Dashworthy and most of her Squad were downed, and Brickhouse got shot by a sniper earlier. We're on our last legs."He switched over to the Iron Hammer's frequency. "Magma! What about you?""Our fighters are still numerous," said the Alpha Team agent, "but there's just too many of them. I'm afraid it's near the end for us."Semick was tired of pessimism. "Don't say that! We can win this! Specs and the others will have the Einstein Device ready, we just need to give them more time!""Tell yourself what you have to, Semick," said Swerve over the Elite Agent frequency. "We need all the motivation we need right now.""Listen to the comn, the men clearly have it.""They're acknowledging that they're likely about to die.""Exactly."A chilling silence of voices came over the intercomn and Semick's T-1. The Elite Agent turned to look at his crew."Euh... Semick?" Bluetooth asked from the TALON-9 system.He had been thinking about it quietly ever since he had spoken with Andrew about possible ways to beat Dr. Rex. He had thought long and hard. About all he had done with the Power Miners and his foreman job (Much, but he could've done more). About all he had done as a Dino Attack leader (Plenty, but nothing that didn't qualify much until LEGO Island). About his role in life and desires for the future(Not much, only jobs and bills and a handful of not-very-close friends). And finally, he had considered what his men had done, and why. Pointman stuck out in particular.His only problem was that his timing was off, Semick thought. He was too early, the stakes weren't properly high enough for it. Now, however..."Crew, if you don't want to be a part of this," said the former Power Miner, lowering the T-1, "Go right ahead. There's parachutes close to the door."Bluetooth simply stared. Attack and Defend, after looking at each other, quickly decided to get up and get their parachutes."Uh, yeah," said Defend. "You're a good leader, Semick, and we've had fun, but I'm not sure we want to pull off such an act.""Agreed," said Attack."I fully understand," Semick said to his gunners. "You have my wishes for the best."The men nodded and jumped out. Bluetooth still hesitated."Well, Bluetooth?" Semick asked.The technician was muttering about something. Something about a message and Commander Vinyaya. "Er... yeah, I feel I should go, too," he said while grabbing the last parachute. "I know someone I don't want to leave."Semick nodded. "The world has too many widows and widowers. Go out there and be a family man.""I will." With a smirk, Bluetooth jumped out as well. Semick closed the door behind him. Then returning his attention to the radio, he prepared to give one last radio speech.----------"Stay strong, men! If we have to give it all up to give us our chance, so be it!""You heard the woman, stay strong!""Ach! Darnit, Duke! Why'd you have to fail so bad?!""They're pushing hard! I don-*KTZZZZZ*"That's it! No more 'Mr. Nice Guy!'""Give it all you got! This is the end!""About time.""I'm ready to die, dinos. Just try and scare me.""Come get some."Dino Attack team was in its final standoff. Willa was captured, Dr. Inferno was down for the count, and XERRD had defected, but the Mutant Dinos pushed on. Nearly two-thirds of their numbers had been killed since the start of the battle nearly twenty-four hours ago, but still they were not giving up.Nor was Dino Attack.United with what was left of Alpha Team, Agents, and XERRD's attack forces, they were continuing to fire all they had at the charging mutant overgrown reptiles. They were dying by the half-dozen, true, but it only strengthen their resolve by now. Gone was the fear they had felt when they had first met the massive enemy force across the river. They knew that if they gave up now, all they knew would be lost.There was no other option that would leave any Minifig's Creative Spark free of guilt. It was do or die. The final countdown. The eleventh hour.They had their weapon. Up above, in the creaking remains of the besieged Dino Attack Headquarters, the bulk of the Elite Agents were finishing their efforts to finally take out the Mutant Dinos' current ringleader. They were almost there now, just a little bit longer. Just a little bit longer."Bye bye, Babylon.""You magnificent friend, I read your book!""We're not going to die! We're going to live, rebuild everything into a golden age of peace, have grandkids, and Ole knows what else! We're not going to die!""I'm going to see Atlantis with my own eyes if it's the last thing I do!""Live or die. It doesn't matter now. Nobody's a redshirt. We're all heroes.""I don't even care about references anymore. 'Yippie-ki-yay, motherZnappers!'""That's the attitude we need! C'mon, this is just a game to us! Let's show these cocky evildoers that heroes really do always win!"Out there, in the frontside of Dino Attack HQ and the remains of the blocks of LEGO City around it, every agent made their final stand.Laxus continued to drive his team's Fire Hammer through the ranks, ramming Mutant Lizards and Raptors by the dozen. The frontside was a banged-up wreck, but he charged on. The more these creatures went down, the better for him to survive and help ensure there was a world for him to continue the work he had started as a young Martian on Mars so long ago.On the Xenon launcher, Catless and Pterisa continued to man the canon with extreme devotion. Catless had lost a very dear friend today, and she was not going to let that death be in vain. Pterisa was determined as ever to survive and begin a good life with Minifigkind, to make clear that her kind was not pure chaos. They were united in their task, and they weren't backing down now.Running hard through the hordes armed with only a pistol, Bluetooth joined the ranks of agents literally on their last legs. He ran through, handgun blazing in one hand while PDA beeping in the other, as he strived to avoid death. Finally, a Fire Hammer pulled up and let him in, and the Futuron technician hopped in to meet up with Holly Vinyaya and Minerva Fabello in their own standoff against the hordes. Together, Bluetooth felt his future chances brighten quite a bit.In the ruins of the pub where Pharisee, Trigger and Amanda Claw's stories had intersected to their climax point, Stranger and countless other Dino Attack snipers thinned the ranks with each shot. They were sending dozens of Mutant Lizards and Raptors to the floor, but still they came at the main forces. Their activity was soon to lose its privacy though, as a Mutant T-Rex had caught sight of them and was wandering towards them. But for individuals like Stranger, who was having the time of his life and was hoping for that one perfect trophy for his new living room wall, and his scarred Mutant Lizard companion, who was ready to do what he needed to make clear that his kind could live through this with some hope for the future, it was just another obstacle to jump.Driving the mysterious black-and-teal Urban Avenger, Sherlock sent Mutant Dino after Mutant Dino flying. He was redeeming himself from his folly during the schism with each passing shot, and the vehicle he drove gave him a sense of focus on fighting the monsters all around him, metaphorically and literally. There was no stopping him now.Up above in one of the T-1 Typhoons that had came to reinforce the team earlier, bringing back Zenna and Rosalie Mercedes with them, was another old ally. Titan had returned with them from guard duty at LEGO Island to join the reinforcements for the final battle. He was stern and near-unemotional as ever, but he knew perfectly well what was going on, and if his future meant being hit by a lightning bolt as his world came to a crashing halt, so be it. He would do his part.Also in the air was the rising former lawyer who was about to meet his grandest case yet. Rockford had understood the gravity of the situaion, and had joined the ranks of those coming back home to support the team. He was still not a fighter, but he knew where his place was when the call came, and where the leaders were expected to be. He was ready to face the final battle, and all the darkness he might encounter for joining.In a two-seated Urban Avenger, three men fought with guns blazing through the ranks of enemies. One, Agent Walker, was in near-pyschotic rage as he fired his pistol into his crowd of Mutant Raptors, screaming about something to do with a credit card. The other, Agent Lovhaug, used a unique kind of laser pistol that had the body of a pirate flintlock, and occasionally punched Mutant Lizards in the gun while screaming about his manhood. Supporting them was a cackling mad XERRD scientist by the name of Dr. Insano, who was clinging to theirs rolebars while pointing strange scientific devices at the hordes, decimating them in the process. Together, they seemed quite humorous, but they were undeniably doing much damage in their final stand.They were all united in one task: Fighthing to finish off the Mutant Dinos' attacks for good."This is for all the friends you've killed!""This is for the Second Headquarters Squad! Give 'em Megablokland, boys!""This is for Databoard, Claw, Redshirt, Mur, Louis “Dryptosaurus”, and every other agent you monsters have led to the loss of!""This is for all the damage you've done to our world!""This is for how stupid your designs all are!""This is for ruining my family reunion!""This is for all the misery you've wrought for the past year!""This is for LEGO Island!""This is for the Goo Caverns!""This is for Fort Legoredo!""This is for World City!""This is for LEGO Studios!""This is for Antarctica!""This is for Adventurers' Island!""This is for Mount Bricklake!""This is for the rest of the world!""This is for the LEGO Planet!""THIS IS FOR EVERYTHING!""This is Elite Agent Semick. Men, women, persons of indeterminable gender, I want you to know how proud I have been to serve you in this war. You've all done good, and I couldn't be more greatful for how well we've fought. I want to take this moment simply to say goodbye, and to not grieve with my departure, merely know that I fight to prolong our final stand, and to ensure you can keep fighting in my name and memory. So long, and thanks for all the fun."----------Now alone in his T-1 Typhoon, Semick could see the closing-in figure of Dr. Rex, finally coming in to finish the job at last. The former smiled a grim smile. Now was the time.He fired his main cannon (he had forgotten what the technical name was, he could never remember), doing nothing but cause slight bother. But it was enough. The beast's attention was caught. It charged at the T-1, but Semick flew up, narrowly avoiding the Maelstrom's tendrils.The creature seemed to want to just ignore it and moved back to face HQ. Semick responded with another barrage of firepower to the creature's head."YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" Semick cried. "C'MON, GET YOUR REVENGE FOR WHAT I DID TO YOUR SUBWAY SURPRISE!"The creature was definitely focusing its rage on him now. Semick turned around and flew back out towards said ruined subway exits where the creature had arrived hours earlier. The Mutant Mutant T-Rex followed close behind, roaring as it slowly catched up.Five tense seconds passed.It was ten yards from Semick's T-1's tail.Five more seconds.The creature began closing its maw on it.Semick hit the reverse and threw his T-1 backwards into the creature's maw. The vehicle wedged its back right in Dr. Rex's mouth, and for several seconds, managed to choke the beast out of surprise and mouth pains. But it didn't last long. The Maelstrom furnace of its mouth began making quick work of the T-1, and the teeth quickly clamped down on it, quickening the process.From the cockpit, Semick looked back to see the hot furnace evaloping his T-1, and the Maelstrom tendrils sweeping upwards towards him.For a brief moment, he flashed through his decently long life. His school years. His time playing in sandboxes. Watching the Space Race in action. Starting his work in the mines. Saving Josh Burke's life in the cave in. Becoming a foreman. Learning of the Rock Raiders. The earthquakes that brought him to the Power Miners. The Mutant Dino attacks. Joining the team. His encounter with Zero. Becoming an Elite Agent. Serving on Adventurers' Island. The Final Battle.Randal Tennoly smiled and leaned back in his chair, and looked out his cockpit window as the Maelstrom tendrils wrapped around the view. "It's been a good life," the veteraned man said happily.A shroud of purple-black and what felt like eons of pain later, he was gone.

Edited by Andrewnuva199

Your Honor, I Plead the Fifth.


I really need to handle my signature problems better.

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OOC: She isn't though, Atton. From both yours and avmatoran's posts, Zelda's clearly acknowledged the wide group of people that have suddenly decided to join her group. Her primary focus, at that moment, was Helm.But you're in luck, Mr. Rand, because its time for Zelda again.I just have one last idea that must be (ideally) completed before the end. Just a few days should do. I can then wrap up said idea after the battle. You'll know when I've accomplished "said" idea.*clap clap* Excellent way for Semick for go out, Andrewnuva.IC:Zelda turned snarkily toward Rotor, pulling her bandana back over her mouth. "Well, excuse me." Zelda snapped, crossing her arms. Rotor's face started to turn red with anger. "I'm trying to tie up a loose end here. I am full aware of what's going on. I just rather go to my grave with amends made." She then turned back to Helm. "Well, will you help defeat the psycho half-god controlling the Mutant T-Rex in silver armor?"Helm wiped his eyes and nodded grimly. Zelda clasped him on the shoulder reassuringly before backing away. Kat clapped her hands together. "Alright," she said, giving Zelda a brief, curious look. "Let's keep this fight up, shall we?""Indeed!" Solomon muttered loudly as he sliced through a Mutant Lizard's head, clearly back to focusing on the battle. Epic Winston nodded in agreement and joined him. Just before everyone was about to continue fighting, Lance Williams the surfer suddenly spoke up, having returned from the T-1 Typhoon he had been riding in."Elite Agent Fabello's given the order for all ground forces to pull back to the headquarters for the final defense. They're all to hold back the Mutant Dinos so the superweapon-thing can be completed."Kara Wise looked up to the sky grimly. Mutant Pterosaurs were divebombing Dino Attack Headquarters. "I think it's best we get back into the sky, Rotor, Cabin. Try to hold off those Pterosaurs."Zelda nodded faintly, a sick knot forming in her stomach. If this "Einstein Device" she was hearing about was completed soon, they were finished. "Let's get going." With that, she and the rest of the group began to retreat back to the headquarters. As she ran, her thoughts drifted back to Nazareno and Blaire. They still haven't returned. she realized, growing worried.*************************Nazareno was climbing the stairwell to the second floor of Dino Attack Headquarters, clashing swords with Blaire. Even with one sword, Blaire was giving away anything. Nazareno felt sweat drip down his cheek. Their duel only stopped to cut away Mutant Lizards that came to close to their proximity; even if their were rivals, their goal of saving this planet remained.Blaire stepped on to the second floor carefully. "Time is running out, Kareem," Blaire said irritably as he blocked Nazareno's katanas with relative ease. "We need to wrap this up. This is the final stand."Nazareno swung hard at Blaire's neck. The former assassin brought his blade upward and held back Nazareno's blow. Nazareno was already swinging his other sword when Blaire lashed out and grabbed Nazareno's arm. A sharp kick to the stomach later, Nazareno's left sword was sent spiraling down a hole back to the first floor."More evened odds, wouldn't you agree?" Blaire hissed with relish, his smirk. Nazareno adjusted his style quickly and continued the fight. They exchanged rapid blows, showering sparks everywhere. Purple fire reflected off of Blaire's sunglasses. He wouldn't give anything. Blaire wanted to final kill the great Kareem Nazareno while Nazareno wanted to final end the terror of Blaire "Matthew Vherestorm" Darkling."You claim to have changed your ways," Nazareno snarled, smacking Blaire's katana upward. "But you truly haven't. Matthew Vherestorm is in control, not you." Blaire's face twisted into an ugly frown. "If you truly wanted to do good, you would stop this petty fight and be back out there holding the line!""I am not Vherestorm!" Blaire roared, swinging his sword hard. Nazareno responded with his own swing. The swords collided with an ear-ringing clang and were sent flying in different directions. The two combatants clutched their hands in pain. "He is dead!" Blaire snapped."The man I see before me is most certainly Matthew Vherestorm," Nazareno said, clipping the side of Blaire's fist with a punch, sending him tumbling into a ruined wall. "Let go of this, Darkling. Once you do, Matthew Vherestorm will truly be dead." Nazareno wasn't sure what he was doing. Perhaps he could see that there was good in Blaire Darkling, but it was being overshadowed by an old persona threatening to rise back in control. As much as he hated the man, he would give him the chance to redeem himself.Blaire rose quickly and sent two punches toward Nazareno. The space ninja swung his arm upward and blocked on, but his cheek was hit hard by Blaire's other punch. Blaire then gripped his shoulders and slapped his forehead into Nazareno's. Nazareno stumbled back, surprised by the sudden ferocity of Blaire's attack."I am in control," Blaire snarled, gripping Nazareno's forehead tightly. Nazareno sent a punch straight to Blaire's midsection, knocking the wind out him. Nazareno kicked his lower chin, sending XERRD's leader back. Blaire quickly recovered and wrapped his hand around Nazareno's throat before slamming him against a wall. "You are a fool, Kareem Nazareno. I will take great pleasure in finally ending your life. But first..." Blaire was cut off as Nazareno wrapped his hands around Blaire's throat and squeezed hard. Blaire retched and swung his forearm into Nazareno's head. Before the space ninja could rise, Blaire curb-stomped his back, sending him smashing into the ground. With one foot on his back, Blaire lifted Nazareno's head upward by the neck."It's time to see the face of my greatest opponent," Blaire snarled. He quickly tightened his grip around the top of Nazareno's ninja cowl and, before Nazareno could throw him off, yanked it off of his head.Nazareno jerked his body abruptly, causing Blaire's foot to slip. Nazareno flipped himself over and, with little mercy, gripped Blaire's boot and shoved it away. Blaire flew back and went crashing through a wooden desk. Nazareno rose to his feet and glared at his fallen opponent.Blaire was soon back on his feet. A smirk formed on his face as he threw Nazareno's cowl to the side. "Well, I'm not sure what I was expecting."Nazareno's head was wet, not from rain, but from sweat. He was completely bald and cleanly shaven; not a hair was on his head except for his lightly-colored eyebrows. He had small, piercing black eyes and numerous creases around on his cheeks and around his mouth. Despite being in his early thirties and being extremely flexible and athletic, Nazareno's face gave off the impression of someone much older. He wasn't really attractive, but he was hardly ugly either.Nazareno wiped sweat away from his mouth, which was quickly forming into hateful, venomous stare as anger began to boil inside him. The only time his mask was ever removed was when he was in medical care. And to have it removed by his rival made the action even more insulting."Maybe I was expecting some handsome badman with long flowing blond hair?" Blaire said with a shrug. "A bit lackluster appearance, Kareem. Anticlimactic, if you will." Blaire smirk began to fade away as he could finally see how visibly angry Nazareno was. Before he could make a comment, a fist that felt like a ton of brick was thrown at his head, sending him smashing into another wall.OOC: A long time coming, but in a few posts, Dr. Cyborg will finally take control of XERRD!

Edited by Brikman McStudz
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IC: "Mac, you want to take over flying this thing?" Rotor asked as he jumped back into the helicopter. "Sure thing," replied Mac. "I haven't flown one of these things in three days.""Alright then," replied Rotor as Mac climbed into the cockpit. "What do we do?" Cabin asked. "You and I tay back here. I think we'll get a better view of the battle here and it'll be a lot easier to give orders. Besides, it's practicality. I figure you and I could use a short break from flying, Mac here hasn't gotten a chance in the cockpit at all."Snake was thrown against the back. "You purple hair?" Rotor shouted. "What's your name again?""Zelda?""Zelda, right," replied Rotor. "Watch him close. I don't want him causing any trouble."As Kara wise climbed into the co-pilot's seat of the T-1 Typhoon Mac brought it into the air."Get us toward HQ," Rotor said."Yes sir," replied Mac.There was a moment of silence before Cabin spoke up. "Aren't we forgetting something?" She asked."What?" Asked Rotor."The music?" "Music?" Replied Rotor. "Of course! Mac, take a look through that radio's library. See if you can find me some Wagner.""I got a bunch of things here," replied Mac. "Get me Rise of the Valkyries," replied Rotor. "Scares the megabloks out of everybody.""Coming right up," replied Mac. Hit hit a switch, and a moment later those opening notes played, and within seconds, the iconic tune of "Ride of the Valkyries" echoed through the city.

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OOC: Quick thing, Atton: Zelda's running back to the headquarters with the bulk of Jackson's cast and Solomon. Not riding on Rotor's T-1.

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OOC: Quick thing, Atton: Zelda's running back to the headquarters with the bulk of Jackson's cast and Solomon. Not riding on Rotor's T-1.
OOC: No offense, but that doesn't sound like a very smart move. I mean why run back to the base on foot when you have a perfectly good T-1 Typhoon that can get you there even faster, and if it's because they want to operate on the ground they can just be dropped off wherever. I just find it hard to believe they'd be willing to take their time running all the way back to base when a much easier method is literally right in front of them, though maybe I'm just annoyed because I specifically brought Rotor's crew in to give them a hand and so far you guys have just ignored them. Edited by Atton Rand
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OOC: Well, the others can board the T-1, but Zelda's running. She's specifically described (on the wiki) as extremely athletic (can probably run back to the HQ with ease) and is a million time more useful on the ground because of her particular skill set (swords).And because I say so.

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OOC: Well, the others can board the T-1, but Zelda's running. She's specifically described (on the wiki) as extremely athletic (can probably run back to the HQ with ease) and is a million time more useful on the ground because of her particular skill set (swords).
OOC: Maybe. It still seems like poor planning to run several blocks into the middle of a battle instead of just getting a lift and asking them to drop you off close by, though. Edited by Atton Rand
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OOC: There's a significant difference between a "plot hole" and a "thing which Atton doesn't think is plausible." Zelda's been on foot for pretty much the entire battle, so I don't really see what the problem is if she'd rather continue running.Aaand I gotta do a bit of rewriting now, since I'd drafted an IC that involved Brikman's characters running, like he said they were. I'll have something up later tonight. And that's a promise this time.

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OOC: There's a significant difference between a "plot hole" and a "thing which Atton doesn't think is plausible." Zelda's been on foot for pretty much the entire battle, so I don't really see what the problem is if she'd rather continue running.
OOC: The problem is it's kinda a stupid move to run on your own when you're in the middle of a war zone surrounded by mutant dinosaurs and there's a means of transportation right in front of you that can get you into the action within minutes (unless Zelda can run at light speed or something she'd be a heck of a lot slower) and people willing to help. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this?Not to mention the fact that they're going to the exact same place. Seriously, why exhaust yourself running several blocks when you can just have a helicopter take you to the exact same place in a significantly shorter period of time. Now if there was maybe a specific reason she wanted to run or something I could possibly understand- maybe if she wanted to go find Nazareeno and told her comrades to go without her or something but she didn't. According to you she just literally stayed behind while the chopper took off, and then ran in the same direction- I'm just really having trouble understanding that course of action. Edited by Atton Rand
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OOC: Except she wasn't on her own. She was with Solomon, Helm, Kat, Giles, and Epic Winston. It hardly makes any more sense to give one person in a decent-sized group a lift but then ditch the others.
OOC: The idea was supposed to be that Rotor and Cabin took everybody in their chopper. (that's why they were there to begin with, for the record). Since they were all going to the same place it doesn't really make sense that even though they were right there they'd just take off and leave anyone else to walk in the exact same direction- it'd be far more practical just to take everybody at once, and that was what I had meant to imply in my last post. Am I making any sense? Then Brickman said:
Well, the others can board the T-1, but Zelda's running. She's specifically described (on the wiki) as extremely athletic (can probably run back to the HQ with ease) and is a million time more useful on the ground because of her particular skill set (swords).
So by his description, everyone boarded except Zelda, who decided to run several blocks to the exact same location that Rotor was flying to anyway. If there was a practical reason I could maybe understand it (and don't just say "because she's needed on the ground"), like if she left to try and find Nazareeno and was going to catch up later or if she needed to destroy something on the way or something along those lines were to happen then I could understand- but just taking off and leaving her to run for no reason beyond simply so she can run to the same destination just seems like a pretty strange choice.IC: "Approaching headquarters now," Mac said over the radio. "Good," replied Rotor. "That was awfully fast. Mac, take us in for a landing. We'll drop off our fellow agents. Why don't you guys take Snake here with you, put him to good use?" Edited by Atton Rand
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OOC: It's just sort of thrown together, but it's all I have the time and energy for right now.IC: As Semick's T-1 erupted in a ball of flame, Swerve yelled over the comms."Now, while he's busy! If you're in range, hit him with everything you've got!"Volley after volley from the Cryothermic Cannons and XMM Launchers struck Dr. Rex, but the shots hardly affected the monstrosity.------------------------"Looks like we'll have to ride this one out down here," Wright murmured to Shiller's still unconscious form. The elevator was naturally not working, and there was no way Shiller could be carried up the stairs, so all that could be done was keep him within the infirmary as Pierce and the others sealed them in.------------------------Hotwire drew a careful breath. This would be the third time in three days that he would see a Creative Spark ripped from its owner and used for some other purpose. He tried to force the thought from his mind and concentrate on the Einstein Device, as Zach and Dr. Cyborg busily tried to figure out how to target it to Dr. Rex specifically.

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OOC: I gotta say, Wright is one passionate lover, being willing to let herself be sealed into an underground bunker just for him.IC: Sarah Bishop slowly worked her way up the stairs with a bucket of cement, Montoya behind her. The door was shut, and it was time to make sure it stayed that way. She dipped her brush into the bucket and started to run it along the edges. The hope was that it would keep the worst of things out- air could still be provided through the vents, but until they ran short of supplies they'd have to hope that mutant dines were unlikely to break in.OOC: I'm not sure if cement is the most practical tool for sealing a bunker, but it seemed like something that would work if you didn't want anyone to get in.

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IC:Dr. Cyborg shot the window out. Normally this would seem insane, but when there is a Mutant Pterosaur right under it helping you, it’s sane. He hopped right onto Screech’s back and soared away.He saw Bane running towards headquarters with Dr. Inferno in his claw. He jumped off Screech and landed on Bane’s head.“Don’t mind me Bane, just getting a Maelstrom sample. Nice job capturing Dr. Inferno, though,” he said.“Thank you, Dr. Cyborg,” Bane said as Screech picked up Dr. Cyborg and they left.Screech and Dr. Cyborg flew over the battle, looking for the other Maelstrom-corrupted parts of the team. They saw a bar being attacked by a Mutant Dino, but Dr. Cyborg could sense a Mutant Lizard inside.He dropped down onto the Mutant T-Rex, for the bar was filled with snipers, who were ineffective in close combat. He switched over to Hypermode and shot the T-Rex in the head, insta-killing it.He ran up to the bar. A sniper thanked him, but he waved it off and ran up to the Mutant Lizard. He touched it’s back, extracting a small sample of Maelstrom from him. He ran back out, jumped on Screech and flew out of the area.He saw a Fire Hammer driving towards HQ with Pterisa and Catless on the back. He flew alongside them.“Pterisa, I need you to fly alongside me for a moment. I need to take a sample of your Maelstrom,” Dr. Cyborg said.“Okay, Dr. Cyborg,” Pterisa said as she jumped out of the Hammer and glided. Dr. Cyborg reached over to her hand, and extracted a small bit of Maelstrom.“Thank you!” he said as he flew away back to the headquarters. However, on a whim, he jumped off of Screech onto the back of Dr. Rex! Dr. Rex roared and tried to throw him off, but not before he pulled some Maelstrom off of his back. He ran up Dr. Rex’s back and onto his head, and just as Dr. Rex reared back and roared, he jumped off. Screech picked him up in midair, and he steered her towards the lab.He jumped back in the window of the lab. He discharged the Maelstrom samples into holding tanks in the Einstein Device and hooked up sensors to distinguish the signatures. He put the panel back on, sealed it up, and put it back on the table.“The Einstein Device is ready!” he announced.



Γαρ επιστιμη!


Для науки!


For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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OOC: Atton, about the whole chopper thing, just relax a bit and start watching MST3K or something. It's just a text-based RPG, you should really just relax.Also, very good move there, avmatoran. I was worried about what might happen to our Maelstrom-infused allies.IC: The Elite team was hard at work now. Specs, Reptile, Hotwire, Zenna, & Kate were working hard now on the final mechanical & programming tinkers with the device to make sure it was completely and utterly ready. Zach was in a meditative-like stance, focusing his energies for what he would need to do with his Maelstrom abilities. Hertz and Andrew were making the final adjustments to the launcher, improving the barrel and trigger to ensure a better launch of the Device. Dr. Cyborg was preparing his tools for the finer integration of the Maelstrom and Rex's Creative Spark into the device, including preparing a device to accquire the latter.Rex himself stood aside with Frozeen and Greybeard, a somber look on their faces. Looking at them, Andrew figured that they were taking in what time they had left together to the best of their abilities, considering the latter two were still busy guarding the entrance from the intruding Mutant Lizards. Frozeen was perhaps Rex's last friend from the beginnings of his tour of duty that was still alive or active, and Greybeard perhaps knew the Elite Agent better than Rex knew himself, considering how alike they seemed at times.He probably preferred to keep to himself for now, but if Andrew was good at one thing besides building, pop-culture references, and being a walking encyclopedia, it was talking to people and trying to help out with their problems. And now was as good a time as ever. There would not be another chance soon.Andrew scrawled a note on Hertz's notepad saying You can handle this for a bit, right? There's something I need to do. He gave it to him, and his deaf comrade nodded in acknowledgment. Taking hold of the Device proper and starting to go through the parts, Hertz took over the device while Andrew walked over near the exit to the lab."Hey, uh, Rex?" He asked."Hmmph?" The Elite Agent said, looking up from his chest. "Something wrong with the launcher?""No, it's going well. I just... I need to talk to you about something.""Don't bother trying to change my mind," Rex said dismissively. "I've made it up, I'm going through with this.""I know, I know, it's not about that.""Oh?" Rex said, his eyebrow raised. "What is it then?"Andrew took in a deep breath. "Rex, before you go do... you know, follow in Dr. Einstein's footsteps and all, let me just say how much I hold in respect to you."You've left a bigger impact on this team like no one else. You were one of the first to join the team and become an Elite Agent. You were the one who interviened the most during the early days' biggest events, like Kotua's spout of crazy and . You gave strength to the idealist goals of taming Mutant Dinos and bringing out their good side. You got the attention of everyone in this team when your status as a T-Rex in a Minifig disguise was revealed. You and your brother were the ones who uncovered at last the mystery behind who caused this whole attack. Your return and participation in the power station crisis was a sign of hope and rallying when people like Databoard, Zero, and Kotua had disappeared or been let go."By the time of the Goo Caverns, your name and quotes were in the recruitment pamphlets they handed out in Antarctica. You may think you've really done nothing for us in terms of real value, that your actions have only lead to the death of others, but trust me, that isn't true. Your name still brings up feelings of respect among the team gossip. You're among the few agents that people can name off the top of their head beyond the Founding Members. There's a song circulating around the refugee camps about how much of an awesome man you are. You've been valuable to the war effort in more ways than we know. And we love you for it."I know you haven't gotten to know many of us personally. At most, we're comrades, or just battle-bonded friends. But we know you, respect you, and treat you nicely not just because of what you've done, but for who you are. You've been accommodating and resilient throughout all we've faced. Learning you were meant to be a tool to sabotage us from the inside, surviving on your own with Amanda as Mutant T-Rexes, surviving and escaping Dr. Rex himself, being captured, constantly escaping battle without a hair out of place, losing your leg control, and now everything that this battle has thrown at you. That you're here now, that you're doing this. You've stayed strong, and while your personality may've changed, your idealism thrown down to earth and stomped on for good measure, you're still the same man we've known for the past few months."We will never forget what you've done. I swear, if no one else does it, I will make sure your name is known. We'll have statues of you, books about your story, documentaries featuring your accounts high alongside others, and places will be named after you in eternal memorial. King Jayko, Artimus Rhodes, Johnny Thunder, the Infomaniac, the LEGO Maniac, Pepper Roni... Rex. You're going to go down in legend, I just know it."All I can say now, I suppose, is this. Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done, and know that you and all you cared for will not be forgotten. And when you do what has to be done by you and help your comrades to defeat the enemies, do it knowing that we all will miss you."Andrew stopped for a moment to catch his breath and catch a reaction. From the looks of it, Rex didn't look too moved, but he had a slight, almost sad smile to his face. "Thanks for the kind words, Andrew," he said."You're welcome. Oh, and if you see Baron Typhonus, tell him I said 'F-'""ANDREW, WHERE DOES THIS PART GO?"The LEGO Islander turned back, long used to Hertz's inability to have an indoor voice now. The communications expert was holding up one of several near-identical 1x1 studs with a look of confusion. Andrew couldn't blame him. So many parts used that shape in near-identical form it was hard to tell what they were often meant to be."Heh, guess I'm needed again," Andrew remarked. "And I know you'll be needed too, Rex. Good luck out there.""You too," said the veteran Dino Attack agent. They had both used different meanings of the term "Out there," Rex referring basically to outside and the rest of the world and the young man's life, and Andrew referring to whatever awaited the T-Rex-turned-Minifig beyond the mortal realm. With a nod of farewell, Andrew jogged back to Hertz's side.

Edited by Andrewnuva199

Your Honor, I Plead the Fifth.


I really need to handle my signature problems better.

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IC: "We're coming in close," Mac said. "Rotor, what's your plan.""Get us on the ground," replied Rotor. "Obviously some of our guys here would be better down there."Mac brought the helicopter into a small empty road about a block away from the front of the Dino Attack Headquarters. The purple-haired girl, and her friends, the man in the suspenders with the cap, the old man with the katanas, and the rest climbed out of the chopper. Quickly Rotor grabbed Snake and pulled him to his feet before throwing him out."Why don't you take him with you?" Rotor shouted. "Put him to use."Snake groaned slightly as he got up.There was suddenly a slight hissing noise coming from nearby- a mutant lizard, which started to approach before it suddenly exploded.Rotor looked up. There was a rough-looking one-eyed man riding a mutant raptor with a scarf on top of a building. "KA-BOOM!" He shouted. Out of the smoke, stepped another man, a man with a long white trench coat and a gray mustache. He was chuckling wildly."Don't look now, but I think we've just got reinforcements," Rotor remarked.OOC: I'm sorry, but I felt I hadn't done much with the Third Headquarters Squad lately, I had to bring them all back, and of course I love Firecracker's entrances (the fact that he can't so much as walk down a street without trying to blow something up).

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IC:Zach rubbed his wrists gently as Dr. Cyborg finished the final preparations. Things had suddenly became extremely morbid. Word came over the radio in the lab that Semick had been killed by Dr. Rex. Everyone was more determined than ever to finally defeat Dr. Rex and the Darkitect.From the radio, Zach was happy to hear Minerva's voice. There was sense of reclusiveness in her voice as she commanded the agents to pull back and defend the direct perimeter of the headquarters. She made no mention of any of her ordeals. He could only assume that Oswald was dead. He felt a shred of remorse for the older Fabello's death, knowing how much the Dino Attack truly broke him.He turned his stare to Rex, who was talking to Andrew. Zach swallowed hard. First Semick, and now Rex would die. Andrew would have something good to say. He usually did. Nothing he could say would stop Rex from surrendering his Creative Spirit to the Einstein Device, but he doubted that was Andrew's intention. His one last blow to the Darkitect would save the entire planet. Zach thought to people like J.D. and Tracer, who had given their Creative Sparks to save the likes of him and Zelda. Rex was saving the entire Minifig race with his sacrifice. He was almost tempted to say something to Rex, but couldn't find anything really uplifting to say that wasn't already probably being said by Andrew.He cracked his knuckles. The Maelstrom in Rex's body would try to prevent his Creative Spark from leaving. He would do everything in his power to hold it back so that spark could be extracted. You're finished, Darkitect. Zach thought with determination.*****************Minerva smiled faintly as Bluetooth climbed into Fire Hammer. They had responded to his message rather quick. "Good to see you alive, Bluetooth," she said."To you two as well," Bluetooth said. Minerva nodded and continued to work. She was surprised to see everyone pulling back to guard the headquarters under her orders. They needed it now more than ever, as the Darkitect decided to stop waiting and sent Dr. Rex lumbering toward the headquarters. Semick had already perished from the beast and, although being peppered with fire, Dr. Rex continued toward the headquarters mostly unfazed.Minerva fired at a group of Mutant Lizards swarming a medical Fire Hammer. Near the side of the jeep was Doctor Marco Martinet and Elite Agent Rosalie Mercedes, both fighting fiercely against the oncoming waves of Mutant Dinos. They stayed extremely close to each other as Marco swung his hammer into a raptor's skull and Rosalie paralyzed another with her Sonic Screamer. Not far from them, a rainbow-haired woman who Minerva realized was Raine Dashworthy, another Agent friend of Zach's, was fighting against her own pack of Mutant Dinos with a group of Dino Attack, Agent, Alpha Team, and XERRD members.Minerva turned her head briefly to Vinyaya. Even with the light of the world fading into night, she could see the Space Police Commando blushing. She clearly wasn't prepared to talk with Bluetooth. Minerva remembered Zach's sentiment about getting Vinyaya and Bluetooth together after this battle. Now's the best time. She thought with a smirk."Hey Bluetooth," Minerva said as she turned around in her seat. "Why don't you take control of Xenon Launcher from here while I go back and use a Cosmotronic Ray? I've become rather skilled at using them." Vinyaya shot Minerva a look of incredulousness. Minerva merely smirked."Uh, sure." Bluetooth said. Minerva nodded and climbed into the back while Bluetooth shifted to the front seat. Minerva picked up a Cosmotronic Ray and started aiming at Mutant Raptors while Bluetooth took control of the Xenon Launcher controls up front."So, Commander," Bluetooth said, just the barest hint of uncertainty in his voice. "How's your...ah..." He gestured to the right side of his face. Minerva suppressed a chuckle as she saw Vinyaya's cheeks turn an even brighter red. For all her combat skills, Vinyaya seemed very insecure of herself, romance-wise."Oh, it's fine," Vinyaya said, retaining an air of calmness in her voice. "I just took a few more pills that suppress the pain in the scars. Trying to adjust with shooting primarily with my left hand, but I still find myself using the right." Vinyaya chuckled quietly."Should you really be driving?" Bluetooth asked curiously.Vinyaya scoffed slightly. "They didn't want me out here in the first place. I'm sure the doctor that wanted me to stay behind would split a brick if he saw me driving a jeep around." They two laughed at this statement. Minerva allowed a small smile to form on her face. They were talking with no awkward stammering or anything. The weird tension was lowering"So, about your message you sent earlier..." Vinyaya began, finally touching on the subject that was ultimately making her somewhat on the edge."Yeah, you saw that?" Bluetooth responded, scratching the back of his head with one hand as he fired upon a group of Mutant Lizards. He seemed somewhat embarrassed, probably stemming from that he wrote that message when he believed he was about to die.Vinyaya smiled faintly. "Yeah, I saw it. And so did Miss Matchmaker back there and her partner." She jerked her thumb back at Minerva, who smiled apologetically at Bluetooth."It-it's alright if you're not up for it," Bluetooth said hurriedly. "I-I mean like I said in the message...we're probably just better as friends, commander. We-" he sort of drifted of as he saw Vinyaya laughing quietly."First," she said. "You can call me Holly, if you'd like.""Uh, okay, Com - I mean, Holly.""Now," Vinyaya continued, becoming more reserved once again. "Bluetooth...Ryan...I never said I was opposed to..." she shrugged. "Trying something, so to speak. Getting to know you better as a person instead of a technician-turned-Dino Attack agent who happens to be apart of a group that I lived with as a teenager." Vinyaya's features turned hard and took a quick look back at Minerva, who was smugly watching her. "After we send Dr. Rex to MegaBlokLand, we'll talk more about this, I promise."Bluetooth smiled weakly. "I...I think that will work." All three of them suddenly jumped as something landed on the hood of the vehicle. It was the body of a Fright Knight dressed in a coat of armor. Another body quickly landed on the hood and kicked the body off.Vinyaya's face twisted into a scowl. "What are you doing?!" she yelled out the window, rain smacking her in the face. The figure suddenly ducked down, revealing the face of Zelda Frodongan. Vinyaya raised an eyebrow, but stopped the vehicle so Zelda could climb in."I'm glad I found you guys!" Zelda said as she closed the door quickly. "Zach up in the headquarters?""Yeah," Minerva said, surprised by the woman's sudden appearance. "What's going on? Where's Nazareno?""I just got a lift over here. I was hoping to find you because..." she stopped, her features becoming more serious. "I think Nazareno's in trouble. I think Darkling's betrayed us."

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OOC: PeabodySam, before I forget, I've been meaning to ask you if it's okay for me to keep bugging you on Steam when we're done. I mean we'll have to find other things to talk about but still...IC: Amid the smoke, a group of other figures emerged. Among them were two gunslingers- one a tall man with a thin beard and a brown hat, the other clad in black with a thick dark mustache. There were three women- one a pirate accompanied by a naval officer, another looking like a gunslinger, and a third whose skin was almost grey. "Y'all will have to forgive Firecracker here," Maria said. "That there man love to make an entrance."Firecracker, the trenchcoated man smiled."Indeed," replied the black-clad gunslinger. "They call me Angel Eyes, this is my partner, codenamed Blondie."Clint Wayne stared at the others, only moving to spit for a second.Angel Eyes stuck his pipe into his mouth and lit it. "I know you," Clint said as he bit down on a cigar, staring straight at Rotor. "I thought we dealt with you already."Snake slowly got to his feet and started to run. Clint drew his revolver and fired, and quickly the man stumbled to the ground. He walked up to him slowly, his spurs echoing in the empty street. As Snake started to get up, Clint turned him around and grabbed him by the collar. "I thought you were dead," he remarked."I'm agent Rotor. This is my second-in-command, Agent Cabin, fellow pilot Mac. Lance Williams-""Lance Williams?" Angel Eyes asked. "The surfer?"

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Thanks for waiting guys.iC:The joy of seeing Zenna again quickly disappeared as soon as what Rex said dawned on Hertz. The elite agent had not been able to hear what Rex had said but heartbreaking truth dawning on him when he felt the elation of seeing an old friend shift to a somber truth.Hertz did not want to say anything. He did not want to acknowledge that Rex would be willing to sacrifices himself, well he had never been close to Rex he respected him deeply. It pained him to watch the icon of the dino attack team fall into depression. The details where a mystery, He aunderstood that Amanda was gone and his heart went out to him, but no one had yet told Hertz about Rex’s few weeks to live. That crucial detail was still lacking in the techie’s mind and he found himself pondering why no one else could make the sacrifice. Rex was a hero to the team and if he died, victory would feel far less sweet.Hertz had not made many friends since joining the dino attack team. He had yet to experience the loss of someone he cared about. Raider and Mur had only been acquaintances, he had worked with Zenna briefly and although her near death was horrible, he always gave himself comfort that she was alive. Now Elite agent Zenna was back and Rex would be the first person Hertz truly knew to die.Fallowed by the other elite agents, Zach and Hertz lifted the Einstein device from the table and over to the last remaining flight of stairs. Reptile and Doctor Cyrbog followed them carrying a box of extra parts that might be needed if the weapon failed. The plain was to take the device to the roof when they could have a clear shot at Dr. Rex and the battle below. Vipor was expected to meet them there so he could have the honors of pulling the trigger. As Hertz waited for Hotwire and Kate to lift Rex’s wheelchair up the flight of stair he nodded to Zenna.“GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK ZENNA.” He said. Ha! Nailed the voice volume! Elite agent Zenna smiled but raised her eyebrow at Hertz’s speech. “Why are you talking so load? What happened to your arm?”Hertz shook his head. “WHAT?”“What happened to your arm?” asked Zenna again?Andrew taped Zenna on the shoulder. “He can’t hear you Zenna.” He said. “He’s deaf as a doornail. There was an explosion earlier today and he lost his hearing. The arm’s a long story.” Andrew paused. “For the record Zenna, it is good to have you back. We thought you were finished at the fortress. It was hard for all of us seeing you hooked up to those machines.”Zenna shrugged. “Geez, I was only out for four days.” She playfully elbowed Andrew’s arm. “But thanks for caring.”The exchange between Andrew and Zenna enigmatic to Hertz, he was getting used to being left out of conversations. He had been for a lot of his life. The only difference now was that he could no longer eavesdrop. Hotwire and Kate had taken Rex’s wheelchair hallway up the flight of stairs and were opening the door to the roof of the building. Hertz felt the cold rain rush in and drench the occupants of the stairwell. Thankfully the Einstein device was waterproof. Dr. Cybrog had taken the liberty of adding extra plates to protect it from the leaky roof.Hertz felt a helicopter pass by overhead. Most agents heard it but Hertz felt the change in wind direction when its rotors spun above him. Looking past the agents in front of him he spied the craft hover near the landing pad that was currently occupied by Zenna’s Typhoon. The pilot, apparently annoyed by the lack of a parking space instructed the occupant to disembark from the craft and land on the wet roof. He tightened his black trench coat and ran across the storm to the cover of the stair well.“Some fool parked their helicopter on the pad.” Muttered Pharisee. “I would have proffered to land my Typhoon but someone took my place. Oh, hello Zenna.”“What brings you up here Commander?” inquired Specs flatly. “I thought you were out gallivanting across the city on your own personal mission.”“My job has been fulfilled.” Said Pharisee stone-faced, “Trigger is dead, there is own less unrighteous soul on this planet. Only one more great evil remains to be struck down this day. I would have come sooner but understandably the battle was somewhat of a distraction when bringing my helicopter to bear.”Threw his balaclava, Hertz saw Specs roll his eyes. “We don’t have time for your self-righteous sermons Commander. If you actually want to contribute something worthwhile to this day, go and help clear the base of mutants. Graybeard and Frozeen are buying us time, go find them and clear these halls as best you can when we activate the device.”Pharisee nodded and brushed his muscled form past the agents on the stairwell. “It is my duty to protect the sanctity of this organization Specs, I live to protect the righteous from the forces of darkness beseeching them. My duty is to minfig-kind and I serve minfig-kind today by striking down those who wish to destroy it.” The commander pulled his ridiculously oversized handgun from beneath his coat and walked purposefully down the stairs. “You are all good man and woman, it is for the likes of you that I commit the sins I do. I will do what is necessary to ensure your futures.”The commander disappeared down the flight of stairs. Spec’s muttered something incomprehensible about pious sons of 4+s before stepping on to the roof of the outpost. Hertz was vaguely aware of the lightning flashing above them when they moved closer to the edge of the building. The battle was in full swing below them as the ground burned with one-thousand fires. Hertz smelled the smoke billowing from below and the hairs on his arms stood on end when he came in contact with the maelstrom-rich air.Everything was so surreal, almost dreamlike. The death and misery bellow him had yet to sink in, he did not know the names of many of the agents dying and he expected he never would. It would be days until a full list of casualties could be made. Even then, everyone below would still be just a number to Hertz. He regretted not knowing their names, even the Fright knights and inferno agents had an identity that Hertz could never comprehend. He had killed today but it all felt so unreal, as if it were some sick video game. Only the smells and taste of the air anchored the elite agent to reality.He nodded to Andrew and Zach and the three knelt by the railing to position the device. Hotwire was probably on the radio with Viper, although Hertz could not hear the conversation. Thirteen stories below Hertz watched the helicopter’s twist and spin like leaves in a tempest. A Typhoon veered from its course and was obliterated by raptors below. Hertz barley flinched, how much had he grown desensitized to violence? In the last few weeks Hertz had seen so much death, now it all felt so normal. Had the war made him more mature or more apathetic? Would he ever be able to watch an action movie and experience the excitement of an explosion or would he forever be desensitized to the horror.The war had changed everyone. Hertz knew that he had been transformed in the last few days but he wondered into what. Had he matured and become a man or was he as stuck in the world of casual violence as ever? Would he end this day as a better man only to realize it had changed his life for the worst?Hertz’s face remained flat and emotionless as he surveyed the scene below. At some point, Doctor Nicholas Saran had joined them on the roof and was observing the events transpiring around them. Everyone present would be hailed as a hero, Rex would be a martyr. While Hertz had stayed because he wanted adventure and be hailed a hero, he was no longer sure he wanted that title. Sure, the Einstein device would not kill minifigs, but causing so much devastation at the push of a button hardly felt heroic.But it’s not about me, thought Hertz, It’s not about any of us. It’s for the planet, the universe, for those we love. He thought about Naomi. This is for peace; it’s for creating a world where we can live together without the fear of chaos and death. We may have made mistakes, we may even have lost that quality that mad gave us our minifigity, but for the sack of the minifigs everywhere and those fighting blow us, I would do it all again. A mutated helicopter flew overhead followed by a swarm of pterosaurs. Lightning flashed and rain continued to fall in the tempest around them. Agents fought and died and Hertz felt something he had rarely felt before.Hope. OoC: At this moment, the Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel is to be played.I also took the liberty of bring Dr. Saran to the roof. If Rex wants to talk to him that’s fine but don’t feel an obligation. I just figured that if Rex wants to get any last things off his chest, now would be the time to do itI eagerly await PeabodySam’s next post. Thank you for your patience with me, this RPG has affected me in more ways than one.PS: Semick's death was truly a surprise Andrewnuva. I always thought he would be one to last to the end, he had such an enduring quality about him and he was one of the most likable characters in the RPG. He will be missed.

That is all


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