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Techna: Breakdown

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-==IC: Blade==-"Doesn't mean you couldn't have missed the vehicle." Blade commented, and shrugged, as he began to walk toward the Albiore once more, though he gave a slightly annoyed look to Krash."What's up?" Blade asked, mostly to get him to stop singing.

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IC: Krash (Krahzia)"What's up...? Well.." Krash looks upwards and begins saying things. "The sky, clouds, the sun, Venus tower, some manta thing, and- hey look! Rain...." He trailed off as a drop hit him between the eyes. IC: Daykia (CHI)"Okay, sir. Is there anything I could do now?" Daykia said. 'I'm not sure whether it'd be good or bad for Director Easo to be the one in the prophcey...' She thought.Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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-==IC: Blade==-"Whatever." Blade shrugged, as he continued to walk toward the vehicle."Besides, we've been assigned a mission outside the city, another reason for the hovercraft. Special permission from Jasrich Curfour." Blade said, finally remembering the former colonel's full name.

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IC: Krash (Krahzia)"It's raining!" Krash said. It was truelly just beginning to rain, just enough so people wouldn't notice unless someone pointed it out. Giggling, Krash put his bag under an overhang of a building and then ran around in circles before realizing something. "...I.. don't like rain." Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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-==IC: Blade==-"Then hurry up." Blade said simply, as he walked toward the Albiore."Anyone who doesn't want to get left behind needs to hurry." Blade said,as he literally didn't wait for the others, not pausing for a moment.

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IC: Northen VolcanoArketh swiped his blade through the air, hurling a bolt of darkness at Jasrich to knock him out of the sky. A knife flew by his head -- almost connecting with his layer of Shadow -- before he could prepare another assault, which seemed to come from below.He glanced down to see what looked like another being attacking from far below on the ground. The situation was getting difficult to keep up with as more arrived, presumbly for the sword. This needed to end soon.Drifting down a little, Arketh came to Blacklight's level, and placed a bony hand on the weapon. Mror still had a grip on the tool, though his tendrils attempting to dislodge his hand (something that had gone on undisturbed) seemed to be working.

Edited by Magnus Greel
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-==IC: Jasrich==-Jasrich did get knocked out of the sky; however, he was caught by the flying manta ray, and continued toward the Skeleton once more.Maybe if I can get close enough, while staying on the Manta Ray, I could unleash one of my spells...

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IC-Edubard:Something was...wrong. Near this sword, Edubard felt different. It's not that he was hearing things-in actuality, this sword seemed to cancel that out. No, he just felt that he had to make sure he could get it somewhere secure, to make sure it wouldn't harm anybody.But not before he had some fun with it, of course. He jumped over to Mror and Arketh, ignoring Jasrich, who was currently flying on a large cartilaginous fish."I'll be taking that," he said, placing his own hand on the weapon, his short sword held to be able to defend or attack quickly.

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-==IC: Jasrich==-"Really?" Jasrich muttered, and sighed."Sorry; gonna try this again." Jasrich said, as his mask glowed once more."Oh admonishing melody, rise in the name of the Necromancer! Mystic Cage!" Jasrich called out, as the earlier globe of glyphs surrounded the fighters which surrounded the sword of darkness. After it all was created, an explosion was caused close to, but not right next to the sword, so that it wasn't destroyed in the process.

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IC: Northern VolcanoAs soon as Edubard leapt into the sky and laid a hand on Blacklight, Arketh acted. Tapping into his powers of Shadow, the specter created a sphere of black energy around himself and the sword, through which he planned to teleport himself and the weapon he touched, and away from the explosion. The two would be transported away to another location, while Mror and the Toa of Air would be caught in the prison-trap conjured by Jasrich.

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IC-Edubard:Edubard noticed the falchion-like sword being covered with a black energy, the same as Arketh was. He acted quickly, sheathing his sword. He gripped the crystal sword's hilt with both hands, wrenching hard with his weight. He'd either come down with the sword, or be sent through Arketh's portal as well, depending on which direction he ended up going.

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IC: The WastesArketh appeared in the sky above the immense wastes of Karzahni Magna... along with two of three enemies still holding onto Blacklight. The inky darkness surrounding them dematerialized until only a lash of Shadow remained, which swirled rapidly around the Vortixx and Toa of Air. It had become flat and razor sharp, spinning about the two so as to slice them into pieces, especially their arms. His strips clung to the evil sword, both to stay whole from the slashing and pull it away.An idea came to Arketh's mind: this sword possessed great and potent power -- he could sense it -- so why not draw on it to destroy the two? Concentrating on Blacklight's energies, the skeleton of darkness attempted to finish off his adversaries by accessing the sword's abilities, and waited to see if any results came...

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IC-Edubard:Edubard again pulled out the golok-like short sword he had grabbed from the inside of the hovercraft-some sort of survival kit that was issued in them now-and blocked a few of the shadow-slashes coming at him."Let go of this bloody thing!" He yelled, swinging heavily at Arketh.

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IC: MrorWith only one thing attacking two beings, it was easy to deflect the blows. Maintaining his grip on the sword, Mror drew up, and kicked off of Arketh's chest, propelling him back, posdibly breaking Arketh's hold on the blade. It would certainly loosen it.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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--|--------- IC: Blacklight --|--------The sword of darkness glowed even stronger as the battle raged between the forces of darkness pitted against the forces of darkness. Now, with three enemies gripping the blade with all of their strength, it transmitted an even greater desire for possession - willingness to kill the other Hackers present if necessary.To those Technan members who were truly 'good', the darkness struck at them like blades. Even the less morally straight still felt a desire to get away from the blade; maybe even destroy it. But how could something so truly dark be destroyed by anyone?Arketh even attempted to go for the blades energies, as a possible channel. Unfortunately for him, it was not his to command... not yet, at least, if ever.All in physical contact with the blade, even the wrappings on the hilt, heard an incredibly soft, almost peaceful voice - but with a hint of malice unparalleled. "You... you are strong, all of you. Grasp upon my hide wrapped hilt and rip me from the ground. Bring me to bear against each other and leave me the strongest champion! Then, be granted the power even the Great Beings themselves will fear.... and... tremble before, begging for mercy."The voice went silent, leaving the groups assembled upon the volcano side to the mercy of each other. Who would claim the blade?OOC: Yeah, one of you rip the thing out of the ground... and try to hold on.Or write 500 page essays on why you should have it, to be graded by a certified English professor. Or me, because I'm cheap.(I suggest the first, I'm also lazy.)-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC-Edubard:Edubard heard the voice, gritting his teeth against the feelings emanating from the blade. Still, he had to take this thing and find a way to contain it. He swung his golok wildly, the other beings near him stepping back slightly as he forcefully ripped the blade from the ground--and near instantly wished he hadn't. The blade felt heavy in his hands, and as though it were exerting some force on him that broke through all mental barriers of insanity to the core within. He grit his teeth, weilding both weapons now."Step back," he commanded, though he wasn't sure from where. "I've got to safely contain this thing."

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--|--------- IC: Blacklight --|--------But that was only fantasy for Edubard, to contain it.. The wall was too high, and Edubard was shouted at in his head almost immediately, a force digging into his brain - "No! Strike him down! Kill him! Do not attempt to contain what your weak, mortal mind does not understand..."It now turned to Mror - though both conversations were heard by both parties. "Or perhaps you... you will kill him! Do it! Do it mortal!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC-Edubard:Edubard still had his Golok, and now he and Mror both had the blade out of the ground...and it was relatively awkward."Whatever the case," he said, golok raised high, "I say we don't drop this thing and let either of those other two have it. Agreed?" He was attempting to carry a civil conversation in the middle of a deathmatch.How droll.

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IC-Edubard:"Agreed. It seems we're going to take the concept of a three-limbed whatever to a new extent-three armed fight." He smiled, raising his Golok and looking over towards Arketh and the other being."Which one first-shadow man, or Mr. Warlock?"

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IC-Edubard:"Oh shut up, Blade," Edubard said, just randomly calling the sword something-he'd jumped into the fight before he could figure out the thing's actual name-"We're going to kill something for you, just wait. Do you want first blood?"

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--|--------- IC: Blacklight --|--------"Do you think you hold a Matoran's plaything?" was uttered out. The demands were so strong that any lesser being (Read: NPC) would immediately have yanked the blade away and tried to strike Mror down right there. The same feelings would be invoked in Mror as well."The powers of Blacklight are not bestowed on the week. They are bestowed on the strong...""...and you are not strong enough yet."The blades red glow faded to nothing more than a glimmer held inside, and what was held by the duo was now nothing more than a (remarkable) Falchion blade. The urge to pull others end faded, though the repulsion emanating from it was still present to those of 'good'. -Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: So, we're back on the ground by the volcano now?IC: Northern VolcanoBoth attacks focused on Arketh were counteracted by his whirling lash of Shadow, the sword being parried and the kick towards his chest deflected by the flat of the construct of darkness. His hold on the sword was strong and tight, guaranteed by the amount of strips gripping it, along wih his hand.The voice of Blacklight surprised him, but that didn't stop him for a moment. He fired several spheres of Shadow from the twirling lash at the pair, sending them at the two from all directions. As that happened, the skeleton pulled back on the falchion sword with his wrappings and working claw, trying to lead them into the narrow, sharp-edged Shadow strip, as well as have it for his own.

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OOC: Apparently we hadn't even really left the ground. I think the anchoring had been too strong for outside interference.-==IC: Jasrich==-Jasrich mused over the possibilities, and shrugged, as he dove to the ground."Lemme help, that skeleton annoys me." Jasrich stated, as he reached to reinforce the hold on the sword, spear in his other hand.

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OOC: I can remember Toa of Shadow teleporting through shadows before, so...IC: Pirok [Krahzia]> Incoming Call.> Accept? Y/N> Y> What do you want now?> Don't follow them. Following them isn't important.> Fine, what am I supposed to do?> Use your elemental power to travel through the shadows and get as near to the CHI building as possible.Within a few seconds, Pirok was in an alley nearby the CHI building.> Done.> Good. Now, enter the third building to the right of the CHI. It's unlocked.Pirok walked into the building.> Okay, what now?> There are fake explosives in front of you.> I see 'em.> Take them, and enter the CHI building, threatening to detonate them.> I don't know what the heck is wrong with your screwed up little head, mister...> The name is Reichenbach, and you're going to do it.There was a pause. Pirok was obviously considering the suggestion.> Is she really still alive?> Yes.> Call Disconnected.Pirok sighed, and began walking towards the CHI building.OOC: Now, admit it: this has to be the first time someone has threatened to destroy the CHI with fake explosives.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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-==IC: Blade//Krahzia==-"I have no clue, and I don't really care; let's go, we need to get out of here, before anyone else tries to stop us..." Blade said with a frown, as they began to walk back to the Albiore II again, except, more quickly this time.

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IC: Gust (Cafeteria, The Citadel)"Good. See you then. Head to the Citadel and make a bee line for the cafeteria."

IC: TorchTime: ~0813En route to New Metru Nui"Will do, Gust," said Torch. "Have the cooks save some hashbrowns for me, all right? End transmission."The radio clicked; the connection's static abruptly quieted. Torch laid the headphones in their recess on the hovercraft's dashboard and leaned back in his seat. Situated behind the windshield, he could still feel the passing air, but it had reduced to a comforting breeze.Relaxation -- an alien word to Torch, but a comforting one nonetheless.He closed his eyes and let the hovercraft do the driving.
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