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Music Recommendations

Black Six


I feel like I'm in a minority of people who still buy music on CD. I invariably rip them to my computer, but I like that physical package, the sense of permanence. I'm also a sucker for box sets and special editions because I love all the extras that always come along with them.


Anyway, I feel like it's about time to further expand my collection, and am looking for input from you guys. Below are some of the things I'm considering, but feel free to make your own recommendations.

I look forward to what you all have to say.


(Just don't let Michael see this entry - he'll say I'm silly. ;) )


Recommended Comments

I feel like I'm in a minority of people who still buy music on CD. I invariably rip them to my computer, but I like that physical package, the sense of permanence. I'm also a sucker for box sets and special editions because I love all the extras that always come along with them.



Anyway, what are some bands/genres that you dig? I listen to a little bit of everything so I might be able to suggest a thing or two if I know what you like.

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Recommendation: Branch out and stop listening to mostly "Classic rock". There are decades worth of songs out there and more modern music is, and I repeat, not inherently worse than the stuff from that idealized time period.


I don't have any bands for you because I don't know what kind of genres you'd like.

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I feel like I'm in a minority of people who still buy music on CD. I invariably rip them to my computer, but I like that physical package, the sense of permanence. I'm also a sucker for box sets and special editions because I love all the extras that always come along with them.



Anyway, what are some bands/genres that you dig? I listen to a little bit of everything so I might be able to suggest a thing or two if I know what you like.

I listen mainly to classic rock, but also stuff that would probably be considered "oldies" (Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin). I enjoy soundtracks and other orchestral stuff here and there, as well as classical. I do listen to some newer music, but not much, and not that new. :P









Recommendation: Branch out and stop listening to mostly "Classic rock". There are decades worth of songs out there and more modern music is, and I repeat, not inherently worse than the stuff from that idealized time period.


I don't have any bands for you because I don't know what kind of genres you'd like.

I don't think you can say some music is 'better' or 'worse' than any other music, within reason. I have listened to more modern stuff and personally feel like it's either emotionally flat or simply derivative of the classic rock I enjoy so much. I'm sure there are exceptions, I just haven't found many yet.

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Hm. Classic rock is one of the genres I'm not really "into", per se.. I enjoy some, but not really enough to make decent recommendations. I suppose I could recommend some of what I do like (I.E. Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, and the like) but you're likely already at least somewhat familiar with them.
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I used to be the same way with buying physical CDs over downloading, but my views on that changed once I actually could buy digital songs from places like Amazon. I stuck with CDs for a while, but it was just cheaper for me to download, and I realized I never used CDs much anyway--everything I played came from my computer's speakers.


But I see the appeal.


Can't offer much advice for your music though. :/



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In regards to Band on the Run - talk to me. I have the 25th Anniversay edition and I can make you a copy of both discs. The running order on that edition mirrors the 10-track American release of the album, with "Helen Wheels" as the 8th track; this is one of the few cases where I feel the American LP listing was better than the UK version. Putting "Helen Wheels" as a bonus track disrupts the carefully constructed finale in "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five," which is the proper and essential conclusion to the album. Basically what I'm saying is, talk to me and I'll give you the album in a superior form.


As for the Led Zeppelin and John Lennon box sets, those are worthy investments. I've been looking into the Lennon one myself; the Zeppelin one would be counter-intuitive for me because I'm only missing three of their albums currently and will just pick up those individually at some point. On that point though, I could also provide you with copies of all the Zep albums I have, so maybe the Lennon one would be the wisest one to purchase.


Radiohead, I actually can't comment much on, because I actually have fairly limited exposure to their music. They're one of several bands I've been meaning to look into for a while.


Further recommendations for you, knowing your (impeccable) musical tastes: David Bowie. I remember browsing your iPod and being aghast by the lack of Bowie. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is an essential album - start with that and Best of Bowie and branch out from there, investigating all the different genres in which he has composed music. It will be a rewarding experience, and one that benefits from trying different periods in his chronology in no specific order; just what tickles your fancy next.


I also think you could benefit from a great exposure to Jazz, one of the most vital and important musical genres of this past century. For you, I'd say start with big-band and then work your way backwards to more tradition, rawer Jazz. You'll find the big-band stuff to be akin to Frankie and his peers. That'll warm you up. I've got a very good 3-disc collection of Big-Band music I could shoot your way.


I could go on. But that's enough for now. And hey. You know a fantastic music resource that's always open to you. ;)

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I do admit I need more Bowie.


Definitely grab the Zeppelin. Maybe some Hendrix. Also get Derek and the Dominoes.

I am sorely lacking in the Hendrix department. I do, however, own Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs - it's an amazing album.

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I do admit I need more Bowie.


Definitely grab the Zeppelin. Maybe some Hendrix. Also get Derek and the Dominoes.

I am sorely lacking in the Hendrix department. I do, however, own Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs - it's an amazing album.

Yeah, one of my favorite albums ever.

Also, if you're looking to expand your horizons, grab some prog rock. Rush, U.K., and Yes are all good places to start. If you are already a prog rock guy, grab some Mahavishnu Orchestra. They got some crazy stuff.

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If you are the classic rock kind of person, I'd solely recommend Pink Floyd. Try and acquire either The Wall or Wish You Were Here. I'd also recommend Rush, although they aren't as mainstream as most bands (enjoyable nonetheless though.) Any greatest hits album of theirs is sure to bring joy.
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The only time I don't buy my music on CD is if it never existed as a CD.


And dude.


Classic rock.


Soundtracks and orchestral (here and there as you say).




I have found my long-lost big brother.




«Takuma Nuva»
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As someone with a near-encyclopedic knowledge of classic rock, I have a few bands that are definitely worth checking out:

Jethro Tull. Late sixties-present. They have a huge discography, check out some stuff from each decade. My favourite band of all time. Quite unique, especially in the frontman's utilization of the flute as his primary instrument.
The Moody Blues. Early sixties-present. I recommend Seventh Sojourn and To Our Children's Children's Children.
Dire Straits. Late seventies-early nineties. I also recommend their lead vocalist and guitarist, Mark Knopfler, who has had an extensive solo career, and is a superb guitarist.
R.E.M. Late eighties-present, a bit more recent than the others, but still one of my favourites.
The Guess Who. Sixties-seventies or something like that. Incredible.
BTO (Bachman-Turner Overdrive). Lead by one of the members of The Guess Who. Hard, driving rock.

Anyways, I guarantee that you'll find something here you'll like.

Also more Zep and Clapton is a must. I insist.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I recommend you take off your fake hipster glasses and start listening to modern mainstream music like everyone else. ^_^

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If you're new to Radiohead, I'd suggest The Bends and OK Computer, especially considering your taste. The box set doesn't contain any special extras or the deluxe editions.

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I feel like I'm in a minority of people who still buy music on CD. I invariably rip them to my computer, but I like that physical package, the sense of permanence. I'm also a sucker for box sets and special editions because I love all the extras that always come along with them.


I am right there with you. Knowing that you have the official CD for something just makes it that more awesome when you're listening to it. I guess it's just that feeling you get when you know that you now own something entirely.... Like paying off a car or something. :P


I don't think you can say some music is 'better' or 'worse' than any other music, within reason. I have listened to more modern stuff and personally feel like it's either emotionally flat or simply derivative of the classic rock I enjoy so much. I'm sure there are exceptions; I just haven't found many yet.


The only two bands and songs I have heard music from and remotely like from the "Modern Era" (Assuming that this is like 1995-present day) are "Calling All You Angels" by Train, and "Fire" by Kasabian. I have to admit I like Train a little better, but I have been listening to some of Kasabian's music and it sounds like something from the 80s instead of something present day and is growing on me a bit. The problem with this though is, I turn anything on from the “Classic Era” (Pink Floyd, Wings, Bryan Adams, ZZ Top, Bad Company, The Eagles, Don Henley, Creedence Clearwater revival, and Golden Earring are just a few bands that I like in no particular order) and I feel instantly like myself again. :P


The key part for any music though, is if it something that I can listen to (let's face it is the whole point of music) for than 30 consecutive seconds, it's good music in my opinion. :P Most modern music I hear I can only tolerate for a minute or so before I have to shut it off.


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