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Year 11

About Underscore

  • Birthday April 5

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Emerging Defender of Mata Nui

Emerging Defender of Mata Nui (138/293)

  1. 3.5/5 a little like stoner rock the way it builds up. Pretty good, probably not something I'd go out of my way to listen to though
  2. Oo, I got a few. I remember when I first joined, this place had more stuff than I could could comlrehend. Even though 2013 was well after the 'golden age' of BZP, that one year period after I joined was the golden age of BZP to me. Activity was exploding compared to now. I spent hours at the computer screen scrolling through pages and pages of stories, mocs, theories, comics, games, and so forth. One of these instances that I remember fondly was my discovery of the Dark709 comics, and I'd spend many an hour reading through all of them. To my 11 year old mind, those were comedy gold. I remember closely following Staff Survivor II and the Titans/Monsters Attack on BZ-Koro contest, and participating in my first MakutaFest. I remember participating in various RPGs such as BZPRPG, Trapped in a Map, and the Gangs of Metru Nui, and getting called out for the unintentional bunnying or godmoding or whatever other general noobiness that I inevitably did. I remember sending in dozens of news reports in a desperate attempt to earn proto. Now that I have been OBZPC for a couple years now, I look back on that and cringe.. Sometime after I had been a member for a while I found G&T, where I would come to make a lot of friends and enjoy playing games with them. The mafia games especially stick in my mind. I remember closely following all 40 some pages of Tower of Trepidation hosted by MT Zehvor, the first mafia game I ever played. And of course who could forget sending Vox into space. Good times. Oh, also all of the leaks preceding the return of bionicle. You could just feel the general excitement of new fans and old alike as everyone anticipated what would come from G2. And who could forget the hype train, the dead meme that was beaten into the ground so much that it died again. Kinda anticlimactic now looking back on it all knowing how much of a flop G2 was, but it was a lot of fun at the time.
  3. My band also has a camp next week.Do we know each other? Quick what instrument do you play! Alto and tenor saxI play alto and bari sax.Are you my band step-son?! (Before anyone gets really confused my school band has created a family tree of who is related to who with no regard to how a family tree should function.) Uhhh I don't think so
  4. My band also has a camp next week.Do we know each other? Quick what instrument do you play! Alto and tenor sax
  5. Game resumes right in the middle of band camp ._. feels band man
  6. Let's go B and B
  7. Sorry, was busy all day. Question A and option A if it isn't too late, if it is don't worry about it.
  8. I really hope the episode doesn't THAT long. Joking aside, that was a really good episode. It also makes me interested in finding some of the shards. I think that's how they write it in fake countries like England
  9. Chuckles Deenkerneeken Qendroj of earth, please
  10. Have fun with the next rounds guys
  11. I spent it doing homework so that's pretty cool
  12. I think it's fair to say that a significant amount of people who tried to get into Hero Factory were somewhat older Lego "veterans", who perhaps had been with the Bionicle story for several years. And compare Bionicle to Hero Factory: Bionicle had a complex and engaging storyline and relatively deep characters (for being aimed at kids, anyway). Hero Factory...well, didn't. The older audience that had came from Bionicle might've been expecting some of those things in a new line that had replaced the story that they had grown to love for the past 10 years. So, there are plenty of reasons not to like Hero Factory. But one has to keep in mind that, at the end of the day, Lego is just a company with the aim to sell toys to kids. Bionicle was obviously flopping at the end, due to its overly convoluted story and sets that weren't selling as well, and it was greedy to expect Lego to continue with something that was clearly damaging to themselves. It's unfortunate that Lego and Hero Factory got so much unwarranted salt. E: Wow, this is my first non-G&T post in over 2 months
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