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Year 18


About Lorentz

  • Birthday 12/31/1994

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  1. This is general good advice. Also, how would we get all that concept art?
  2. Couldn't get past the first scene? Oh yeah, I forgot that Mask of Light was filmed on location.
  3. The pattern is that each one focuses on the line from 20 years ago.
  4. Yes, THOSE pictures are prototypes, but what is this supposed to be proof of?
  5. Very cool, but half the fun of "official" Matoric is that it is a very thinly veiled cypher where most of the characters look like the letters they represent, making it very easy to read.
  6. Okay, well now you gotta spill the beans. What did you do?
  7. That would be the worst possible writing decision ever, even worse than the Tuyet clone thing. " I would expect you guys to cry in happiness" Why would you expect that? Our lips would lift in disgust.
  8. I was tempted to report this. ChatGPT doesn't know snuff about Bionicle. "Elemental Crystals" don't exist, and the other examples are such obvious generic ideas that it's rather frightening that you couldn't have come up with them yourself. You are literally having a robot think for you.
  9. The way it was described in the book, I would guess. Massive physical trauma from the Great Cataclysm. Turaga are also not fragile, like human elders. They are stronger than Matoran in everything but the movies.
  10. It's basically just radioactive seawater. There was no deliberate action taken to cleanse it.
  11. I lost all of my Rahkshi and Bohrok-Kal CDs
  12. TLR's depictions of the characters are extremely inaccurate to the lore. They are supposed to be fully biological creatures (with some implants here and there) wearing armor. No glowing eyes, no spinning axels, etc. ******, the Scopio monster had the guy riding its back for no reason.
  13. That makes sense, but why? Seems like an obvious mistake.
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