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    I can still edit my entries even when my blog is closed :P

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    It was about time, wasn't it? :P

  1. Dimensioneer
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    I came across this flyer for a local band today and something caught my eye. The guitarist on the left bore more than a passing resemblance to our own Binkmeister, and then I spotted the name label (I swear, this is an un-doctored scan).....

    IPB Image

    Yep, apparently Binky, though he lives in the midwest, is in a small Florida band doing gigs that must promote themselves through spam faxes to our office!

    IPB Image

  2. Mr. Onua
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    Happy birthday to me! :D I'm now 15... not that old compared to most of our staff, but still pretty old. I've been out ALL DAY with family... now I'm tired, and I'm probably gonna be going to bed. :P



    I actually probably would've forgotten to post something here on my blog if not for a PM from someone wishing me a happy birthday.

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    Toa Stheno
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    [lastentry][longrant]For my birthday both my grandmothers take me shopping. I went with my dads mom yesterday and got as followed:






    -MT-21 Mobile Mining Unit

    -Anakin's Clone Wars Starfighter.

    -A Nerf N-Strike gun

    -A N-Skrike expandision kit with night scope and 10 extra bullets.

    -Two lightsabers

    My mom got me a Beverly Hillbillies DVD set and my dad got me Lego Star Wars II.

    My grandma that took me shopping said if I came out with As and Bs on the 4th quarter's report card she would get me an iPod.

    I might go shopping with my mom's mom today or Thursday.[/longrant]

    I has been fun owning this blog. Expect me back soon.[/lastentry]

  3. Velocity
    Latest Entry

    New font colour




    EDIT: Darn, That signout is already taken by Kopakalaka soo.... Any new ideas? :wacko:

  4. Nightwingfan
    Latest Entry

    ...listening to some Weird Al songs for a while, and I just thought I'd post about it, even though there's not really a point. My three favorite songs are Smells Like Nirvanna, Amish Paradise, and ebay.


    And I got Fire Emblem Path of Radiance today. It's a good game.



  5. Franco
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    The rotational schedule is an oppressive power structure.

  6. makuta_titan_01_full_768.jpg


    "You wanted our power, monster. Let us see if you can handle it!"


    Successfully got my entry in for Bionicle's last hurrah! See more pics and learn the complete backstory over in BBC or give it a like over on Rebrick!

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  7. Unassuming Local Beorc
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    Greatest word ever!?


    In other news, I vomited yesterday, guys.


    ...woo hoo

  8. Apologies if this is slightly confusing or incoherant.


    So, I've been listening to this song over and over for months after finding it on Spotify:




    I find it fascinating, and really like it, in a very precise, specific, probably almost nitpicky way.


    It's clear the narrator in the song (whether he's supposed to be Ethan Wood himself, doesn't matter) spent his childhood with bionicle. Seeing as he's showing specifically Tahu Mata, and the fact that he still has the original set with the original canister, it likely mattered to him through his childhood, teenage years, and now adulthood.


    Now, he's an adult dealing with adult problems...he clearly is approaching the end of a relationship, which is a difficult and confusing thing for anyone to go through.


    So, how does he try to make sense of his emotions in that moment? He relates it to Bionicle, something that's been a part of him since he was small. He expresses vulnerability in the confusion of this moment by essentially showing something pure from his childhood. In doing that, he expresses at the core who he is, as expressed in the line "what you see is what you get".


    That may be reading in too much...but really, this resonated with me in a big way. The narrator in the song clearly had hopes for everything in his life to go well when he grew up, and when something didn't, he calls back to his childhood in an effort to make sense of it. This isn't a new idea, but to my knowledge, this is the only song to do something like that with specifically bionicle...Bionicle was one of the biggest parts of my development as a child, so this resonated with me in a big way in particular.


    So, bringing attention to that song is one thing...but, there's a second thing that it made me realize. All the original fans of bionicle, who were old enough to be there for 2001 and experienced the story as it unfolded until 2011, are adults now. There's an entire population of people who were influenced by Bionicle as much as the singer in that song, all of whom are entering their respective industries right now, if they haven't already.


    For star trek, so many of the people who saw it in theaters were so inspired by it that they took jobs in specific scientific fields, changing what technology is available today. Some went into film, creating some of the most well-known movies and shows. Some got jobs in the government out of optimism to try to create the future. Many of those people lived their lives in a way that were shaped by what they took away from star trek. Many of them brought unique insights to their careers that were inspired by star trek. Many of them changed the course of the world in some way, influenced uniquely by star trek. This isn't at all unique to star trek, it just so happens that Star Trek's influence is well documented.


    Well, Bionicle's influence begins now. Obviously, the song I showed is not well known at all, but it is deeply unique and could only have been made by someone who grew up with bionicle. I think that some of the media, technology, and policy that emerge soon may begin to be influenced by the bionicle fans who contributed to them, even if it's in small ways. I think, statistically, that at least a handful will make a massive impact in the world, influenced by their experiences with the bionicle story and sets. I have no idea what the specifics of that will look like, but I believe that that will begin around now...and that's really cool to me.


    Again, maybe I'm reading too much into it. but it's definitely something I've been thinking about for a few months.

  9. sand_stalker_wip.png


    Also, can you guys give me any opinion on whether or not it should be bipedal? I think it will be more stable as a quadruped..


    And do any of my old buds still check this out? Like Ferhago, or Bunda, or Pintsize? ._.

  10. Kothra
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    This still exists, doesn't it.

    I certainly still do as well.

    Probably not here any more than the last few years but still around.


  11. VolcanoBakemeat
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    I may have failed to prove my manhood in time, but I am now officially 15 years old.
  12. LCU is a blast. I've been enjoying the story, humor, gameplay, everything. It's some of the most fun I've had on Wii U, and any game console for that matter. Highly recommended. =)

  13. Ngakunui
    Latest Entry

    To Florida, in fact. Around next week.


    But to your expectations, I am in fact loosing interest in Bionicle. It's not so much that I think it's "immature" or anything along those lines, but I'm maturing, as are my views on things. Let's just say, that if I stay a "fan" in the truest sense, It will definitely stay in the way of my life in the years ahead. I don't want to get caught up in any of the views the company owns, or stay attached. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against this site, but I simply cannot be interested in "Lego" beyond a pass-time, and even then, It's not one that I use that often. I still use it(actually, only Bionicle) as a theme for some of my drawings- rarely, and I still come here due to the people I know who frequent, but it's not something I seriously feel like devoting time to. My future is something I want to spend for what I believe in, rather than pleasing an addiction I've had since I was three years of age. I'm not going to let three tons of something weigh me down and keep me from doing what I need to.


    There are so many things in life I have ahead of me that are things I can't do if I'm attached to something so vain. Thus, for the past month, I have done little even remotely relating to Bionicle, save for a drawing I intend to inter into BS01's contest.



    Anyway, in case any of you still, by some miracle read my blog, you probably aren't going to hear from me in about a week or less.





  14. I was born! Yep, today is my 19th birthday. The Keyblade Master of Light has brought it to my attention that I was born on Sputnik day. :)


    Also, two days ago was my two year anniversery of joining this fine site. I got my Avohkii, even though it was a day late. :P


    Add to that that I just passed my behind-the-wheel driving test less than an hour ago, and it makes for a pretty dang good day. :D


    Even if my AC 14 topic isn't doing too well... :/

  15. Yes, I did log in just to see what spinny I had now. That's what I've become.


    Real talk though: happy anniversary to BZPower and to myself. I can't believe it's been 14 years since I signed up on my old dial-up internet. Times were so simple back then.


    Anyway, I don't really have much to update. I'm still working on my video game. I've mostly just been trying to survive this heat. There's not much incentive to me trying to go out and meet people when everyone's all sweaty and gross. I went to Brick Fiesta earlier this year (as is tradition) and had a lot of fun. Will not be a BrickFair this year, but I'll try to go next year and make this into a 4-year cycle :lol: ('09, '13, '17).


    How have you been? Yes, you. I thought I just wanted to see the spinny but now I'm interested.

  16. So, I was talking with a really close friends of mine about our past, more youthful obsessions. Her's ("hers"?) was Pokemon. Mine was Bionicle. Now, we're both major bookworms. She said that she considered reading the books in elementary, and decided against it. Then, she asked me what they were about. After about half a second of deliberation, I said that it's "like Zoroastrianism, but with robots, supernatural powers, and a religion-thing".


    There it is, folks'. Bionicle in a nutshell. :P

  17. Franz Joseph Haydn
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    So I'm thinking about getting lifetime premiership, what do y'all think?

  18. Wow, my first topic post here in a long time! I want to apologize for constantly dropping of the face of BZP, only to pop up again every now and then. But that's been done before, and I suppose it's just the way it's going to be.


    Anyway, check out my latest post, though it's nothing special. Just a wallpaper.





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