They have a lot of colleges. We looked at a bunch and stayed in an okay hotel. We walked around a lot and I picked up a few key details. College students either have a long board or one speed bike. Also there are a ton of awesome restaurants around there.
I think I gonna actually buy COD for myself tomorrow. I have been having major withdrawals from it and I waaaaant to play.
huuuurrrrrr why does it say Neaku
anyways go check out my profile on the homepage hehehe
this entry is also about iPhone OS 4.0, which, in my opinion looks to be awesome. I very much dislike how my 1st gen iPod Touch can't use the multitasking, which is what I'm most excited about. If it costs anything for us 1st gen Touch users, I won't be buying it.
I can't go see Fang Island and Anamanaguchi tonight. ;.; My friends plans fell through and we both have waaaaay too much homework.
And opinions on the iPad? Also anyone as excited as me for 4.0? x3
or just parties where there will be a lot of people and my opinion doesn't get factored in.
a lot of people means there will be very different crowds, which leads to bad parties. I mean, how did you even think about inviting those people, of course they were going to do that.
planning parties just sets it up for disappointment. just people hanging out, doing something other than listening to bad music and "dancing" is what is fun.
and why has dancing evolved into a simple fist pumping
So apparently playing Pokemon and not COD makes me better at COD and Pokemon.
And Congratulations is leaked/streaming so yeah listening to that. Its okay, but Congratulations the song is pretty good.
My sister texted me asking which Pokemon game I had said I wanted (waking me up) so I had to decide quickly. I choose Gold because Growlithe and Arcanine are awesome.
I still chose Cyndaquil though, and I'm trying to EV train him as much as possible. Luckily all the trainer Pokemon have given Spd. EVs so far.
yayssss :3
E: grrrrrrr bug catchers and their multiple caterpies
but I have nothing to put in it.
Well I guess I've been listening to music lately. Like Fang Island, whose opener is one awesome track.
E: oh oh ask me stuff... I guess.... and I'll answer... maybe
I would have been all over this internet war, and as you can see I'm very late, as I was playing COD. I'm glad though, I'm generally a target of the staff. <3
I just realized that there were no blog entries about it, thus without further adieu:
CO-OP SOUNDS AWESOME, and different campaigns for solo and co-op sounds even better.
I can't imagine how they are going to make it better than the original, but I know they will, and I'm terribly excited. :3
Also comment on wip please:
Through some flashing of my old (obviously not obsolete) Linksys wireless router, and some very thought intensive and time consuming processes, I have finally connected the two wireless routers together, and I can now get very easy internet connection in my room. That means Xbox Live on my HD monitor finally!
however i have tons of homework to do before that noooooo
And then tomorrow Portugal. The Man
I'm not a huge fan of Fallout 3.
I was, but now that I've played it, it just doesn't appeal to me. There's just too many options and if you want to get everything, you have to do the entire game perfectly and that's not what I want. meh, and the point I'm at, I don't even see where the story is going.
And oh, I had a very pointless snow day today. I was supposed to go on an in class field trip (which has already been rescheduled with the last snowday)
Are the ones that leave you going, WHAT THE JUST HAPPENED at the end.
List of films that I've seen like that:
Primer [YES]
Momento [i don't like the actors, but the end is one of the best plot twists]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Ehhhh but really cool/sad idea, beginning was really boring]
Donnie Darko [so sad ;_;]
I must see more, suggestions please.
So Wednesday and Thursday we had no school due to snow. Thursday was more that every other school had cancelled and ours was the only one not to, so school peer pressure oh noes, but whatever, fine for me. Then I had school today, we did almost nothing becaaauuuse... Next week I have completely off, woot! If only I didn't have school today, I would have had a twelve day weekend. hehe
I went adventuring with the snow during the snow days and had quite a fun time. Jeans and pajama pants ac