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Best Ending E V E R

Oh. My. GAWSH. Holy MUKAU. Mata Nui!   Best ending EVER.   Read it. Now. If you haven't already...and if you've read the rest of Wildfire...It's better than the ending of HP7 by about ten miles. I am SO behind the times.>>   Geez, SPIRIT, why are you so awesome?!   -Raia-



I Want...

...to be a best-selling fantasy novelist. ...to get a boyfriend. ...to figure out how to talk to that one senior who is beyond awesome not to mention cute. ...to get a life.xD ...to get rid of my acne. ...to do well on the upcoming PSAT. ...to not be socially inept. ...to stop now.   It's good to make a wish list sometimes. Other times, it just makes you realize that you're a hopeless dreamer.   No...not hopeless...hopeful.   <3   I think I'm having one of those sugar-induced mult




I'm officially crazy.   Stark-raving MAD.   ...I'm trying to rewrite the entire BIONICLE saga.   8D   Wish me luck!>>; I just finished the prologue...I love the ending line. But I'm still crazy. I've been complaining about all the work I've got, and yet I'm going and trying to write the whole...Karzahni I'm insane.   LOL.   -Raia-



'nother Thought

Life is a delicacy that is best chewed slowly for maximum enjoyment.   -Raia-



Mary Poppins Is A Genius!

Last night, I had a revelation. But the internet was a meanie and wouldn't let me share it with you. Bad internet!   It's very simple really; the only real way to be happy. I introduce...the Spoonful of Sugar Philosophy!   A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down The medicine go dooooooown The medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down In a most delightful way Life inevitably sucks sometimes. It sucks a lot, actually, after a certain point. But, if w



Natural Habitat?

Dude, lemme try that Jeremy!=D   This is how I maintain sanity: I pretend to do my homework while really browsing BZP and deviantART.   Oh yeah, and there's this kid at school. He's nice. And I like his hair. And he's tall. And helpful. And he plays the bells, like me. And he has a fun name.x3 Furthermore, he's calm, reasonably soft-spoken, patient, smart...   He's also a senior. I'm a sophomore.   Why can't I be a good-looking, outgoing, loveable person who isn't a mere 5 feet?;;




To me.=P   So I just got a letter in the mail from Creative Communications, a publishing company, saying that the poem I sent in for their contest has been selected to be published.     Another writing scheme successful!   -Raia-



Le Sigh...

So. Block day. I had one today. A block day at my high school means you have two 'seminars' which are basically study halls, in between which you have hours 2, 4, and 6 for looong stretches. It also means no band rehearsal. So I got to sleep in for an hour.   =D   It also means I have P.E. for like EVAH.   Dx   Suffice to say, I'm sore all over. Which is no help, because tonight the band is playing at the opening of the local festival, aptly named 'Old Settlers.' The opening is called Stand



I Shall Call Him Fluffy!

On a lighter note, I drew a raccoon in Photography! The teacher said, and I quote, "If you're done with your test, draw on the back of your answer key!"   So I did.   ...What?   -Raia-



Out Of The Circle

I've been feeling for a while now that I'm out of sync.   Not just physically, but socially. I have a little group of girls to hang with, but I don't feel as if I'm really part of them- just an onlooker, able to observe and know but not to be a part of the world.   It sucks.   It's like I'm not even there! I'll make a comment, try to jump in on a conversation, but half the time I feel as if they aren't really listening. I know they're good people...I know I'm a good person...aren't I?   Or a



Is Autumn!

Yes, it is.   So it's Labor Day weekend, and specifically, the last day of the three-day weekend. So I should have the sads, but I don't feel much of anything, except an itch to go work on some arts 'n crafts I need to finish before school tomorrow.   I missed an hour of P.E. on Friday (the Friday before last Friday, to be precise) while at the doctor's, so to make up we are given the option of 1) writing a paper on a sport of the teacher's choosing or 2) do an activity in which you achieve yo




So yeah, today in Basic Photography, we got to familiarize ourselves with play with the cameras.=D THEY CLICK.   Thus, in AAT, boredom yields to DOODLY.   ...on my camera parts diagram, no less. Both gals to the right are moi. Aand the girl on the bottom left is Rowan B. Allason, the main character of my novel-in-progress.=3 I'd never drawn her before...I like how she turned out. Even though her nose is too short and she has no pupils.   I had some fudge, so I'm semi-insane at the moment. I




It's like doing drugs- you think it won't hurt to try it once, and then you start doing it all the time, and next thing you know, it's Sunday afternoon and you haven't started your Pre AP II English paper, which is due tomorrow, typed.   *Runs around in circles screaming*   -Raia-



Neeew Draaaw

He's not that big, but he took waaaaay longer to draw than Kirop did...oh well...click the lovable Av-Matoran to review him.^^   As for my life, well, not too much interesting. I got a random nosebleed on the way back home from the state capital, but that's about it. Not that any of you really wanted to know that I had a nosebleed.xD   Oh, and I SHOULD be doing my English homework right now. But you only live once...   -Raia-



M R I, Anyone?

Well yesterday it was passing period between 5th and 6th hour, and for some reason I got it in my head that it was the end of the day and that I needed to go outside to my mom's car. I actually called her cell phone asking which entrance she would be at and almost went out the door before realizing that it was 6th hour, and I was late for P.E.   Whaaaaat is wrong with meeeee?D=   So yeah, I can't remember anything anymore, I find myself places that I shouldn't be, and I'm constantly tired. So



Final Poll Woe

I couldn't find a very good picture of Eeyore.D=   Thanks for noticin'...   Aw, come on, support poor ole Raia, wontcha? WONTCHA?   ...high school makes me all pessimistic like Eeyore. To cheer me up, CLICK THE LINK, in the name of Mata Nui! It's all a popularity contest! Is not fair...okay, so the Exosep is win, and the Nihu-Motara is all right, but come on! None of them are colormous! And the Exosep isn't even a weapon, it's a mechanical arm.>< So yeah, support the Thunder St



First Day Blues

So today I started high school.     Why the sad face? Because nothing went right. Nuffink. Well, that's not completely true...band was fun. But I am a band geek.   The BAND=<3. <3 is the BAND.   Mm yes. Other than that though, major bleh-ness. I am afraid of the diabolical torture that is Trig. Also, all the teachers are either boring or insane. And when I say insane, I mean they sing goofy songs, call themselves wizards, or similar. Yeah. I kept running into people, mostly my neigh




My heart stopped when I went to this topic.   Will you vote for me? Pleeeaaaase?   -Raia-



Guardian Of... Water Bottles?

"I am here to protect your water bottles!"   >>   <<   First thing that popped into my head. I'm an Aquatic Guardian now. I'm also Bored. Nice to meet you.   All this randomness was brought to you by Dark Chocolate M&M's. Literally. I was munching on them, and they made me hyper. I also happen to be writing on my fantasy stuffs, which is probably living proof that all great artists are insane. Now we know why they are insane...   Too much sugar.   -Raia-



* Whoosh *

Sweet 16 parties are fun!8D   So yeah, got back from an overnight at the Great Wolf Lodge at like 1 o'clock-ish and almost immediately had to go to a doctor's appointment, though I squeezed a shower in between, thank Mata Nui.   Basically, GWL is a waterpark condensed into a hotel. Spent the afternoon romping around water slides with three of my friends, ate some cake while watching HP5 on TV, then wandered around the arcade. We ended up pooling together about 400 tickets, and my friends insis



" I Need The Chicken Shucked! "

...I asked my mom what help she needed making dinner yesterday, and that's what she said. I responded with a deadpan: "You mean corn."   "Yes, that."   So I was sent to the front porch with three ears of corn and an old Hallmark bag for the husks, complaining about the heat. Actually, it was kind of relaxing to sit out front and watch the bumblebees busy in the flowers out front. When I go outside, I get all philosophical. I started thinking about the old days, when people had to shuck their p



If You Can't Read This Entry, Tell Us.

I got that from a funny story I heard at Driver's Ed...apparently, the principal at one kid's school made this announcement over the intercom: "We are testing the intercom. If you can't hear this, tell us."   xD   Driver's Ed, by the way, is officially the most boring class in the world that this Raia has taken so far.     There was funnier one in the paper a while ago, but I forgot to clip it.=/ I love Zits because I'm going through all the stuff that Jeremy (main charrie, for those of you



Raia Has A Blog? Oh Boy...

Well, I did it. Finally started a blog! Not that anyone cares, but meh, I could use one. Funny thing is, I'd been plotting to go premier for a while, and I finally sent the money in. Two days later, BZP turned 7, and everybody got premier features.   How incredibly...ironic. And of course I am old-fashioned and mailed my donation, so it hasn't even gotten there yet. IRONIC.   In other news, I have a songfic in the works! It's Taka-oriented, and features one of my favorite songs. Squee. Nearly



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