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Bleh, I feel like I'm being attacked today. Why do people have to be all hatey and existy when they know it's rude of them? Nnn......... I just feel bad. *cries* I really don't think anybody gets it that when they say something mean to somebody online, the person on the receiving end will be offended.




Brain exhausted and strained......... Tired.......... Day at school bearable but frankly dull.......   I'm glad it's Christmas Vacation at last. Finally. Stress free time to be with my family and all. However commercialized, it's gonna be Christmas. Ahhh......     I wasn't flaming people, to clarify on my whining about the BBC. I honestly don't like the contest or the entries... Everybody who entered, I have no problems whatsoever with them or what they built. I think the color restrictions sp



Wakey Wakey.......

I'm up, once more..... At least it's the day I get out on Christmas Vacation..... Yeah, I called it Christmas Vacation, Politically Correct Police, boo hoo. Whatever....... Kill stuff. Yay.     Okay, on to something more important: BBC 39: PATHETIC. Geez....... A color restriction contest isn't very fun, for one thing, it also limits the number of people able to enter. Thirdly, OH MY ELDER GOD the entries for this contes make me cringe, shudder, vomit and finally want to make creative use of m



Smeeeeee! Smee I Say! Smee!

I have no homework whatsoever, and my day was okay (but if your school day was drastically reduced by a doctor's appointment, that would lessen your chances of having a bad experience, don't you think?), and now I'm home.   Now if you'll excuse me, an announcement for my blog: Seeing as some people are smarmy when they comment, I've taken up counting how many stupid/offensive things they say in their comments. When they go over a certain amount of stupid comments or if they post something that



Awake And... No I'm Not 'well' As You Call It.

I got to sleep in coz I have a doctor's appointment today, but I'm still in my angry mood. But at least I get to miss a bit of school. And I feel okay. But still angry. Whatever. I think I'll go do soem evil thingy. Bye.



Nur... Hurrah...

Well, I watched 'Superman Returns' on DVD with my dad. It was fun. I also did my homework before I watched it. So I was off my comp for a few hours. And when I got back, to my dismay something elsewhere had happened that did not make me happy. And then I was on BZP and I was okay. Then at another somewhere else I saw something a little mean. But seeing as I run that 'another place' I was able to fix it (I hope). So now I hafta go to bed.




For no sane reason (have I ever had one?) I just remembered the weirdest of facts: I like chocolate covered strawberries. O.o   My school day went good. First I had my easy English class, and then Math, which was a li'l bit dull and irritating, but it was okay. Then I had lunch and it was deeelicious. By the way, I finished reading 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward' and then read 'The Shunned House'. After lunch I had IA, which was easy. Then I had my PE class, where we played a fun Dodge-ball



* Throttles Something*

I feel angry. Punch kick smack maim attack slaughter angry. I don't know why but I honestly don't care. *Strangles something* I'm just seething with some sort of frustration........ Whatever. Better stuff it back in..... Bottle it up before the 'normal' people notice and decide it doesn't look right with all their silly delusions.



Engaging Myself In The Art Process...

Mhm, you see, I was racking my brain for inspiration, a tedious task, then I began rough sketches with my needlepoint pen, which I draw with as well. I then began full scale work on the art, tending to each detail, minute or major. Then after I finished the drawing, I began laboriously coloring in the background with a Sharpie, being careful not to smudge/damage the drawing, outlining the areas I would fill in. Then I took about ten minutes to finish coloring it in with the Sharpie. After that,




I wanna hear about what you think about my blog. Please do comment on what you like or dislike or have trouble deciding what your feelings are for whatever it is about my blog.




I had an okay day... I got my homework for Social Studies done in class, there's one monkey shot off my back, and my day went smoothly. I had Reading for Fun first period, and I got a chocolate at the end of the class. Then I went to Assisted Studies, and by answering questions correctly, I got five candy canes, mmm! I ate three at lunch. Then I had my IA class, which was okay. Then I had Science, where I got to dissect an owl pellet, which is the indigestible junk owls vomit up (it was baked an




Awake again, listening to the Mindless Self Indulgence song 'Futures'. I'm tired. Dealing with some stuff right now. And I just so happen to be coughing a lot..... Blegh. Onwards I must trudge to face the rest of the world........



Still No Snow.....

Zip. Nada. Zilch. Squat. No snow. A week before Christmas. WHY?! CURSE YOU, WEATHER! YOU AND YOUR UNPREDICTABLE-YNESS! And we all know it's the insidious plot of the gnomes... It's always the gnomes. Always. They do it all. Why are you staring at me? And what number is that you're dialing on your cell phone? Oh, it's the insane asylum's... Oh wait... HEY!     Oh, and if you ever are browsing in a candy store and want some fudge, get the peanut butter kind. Delicious beyond all belief.



200th Entry... Wow.

It dawned on me earlier today I was darn close to two-zero-zero entries. All this blogging in just the span of two months. I guess I have a lot of things in my sick head don't I? Which means so much more to pour out. It's amazing I got this far, even though considering if I hadn't had some school problems that resulted in me losing computer access, I would have reached this a long time ago. I'm the first member to reach 200 entries. I'm just astounded at how much I've changed since I became prem



Oh Geez...

I've just seen one of the absolute smarmiest, nastiest, rudest, and downright disrespectful posts in my life. It's just sad how some people can't grip the fact they did something wrong and can't find better avenues (and better methods) to express their distaste. That's all I have to say about it.     ---     Anyways, I'm listening to the Mindless Self Indulgence song 'Mind your rhymes'. Good one. Great beat, and it's very catchy. "'Cause I... Reign supreme... In my o-own little mind!"



A Recount Of My Day......

Yeah, so I woke up and got on BZP and packed my bag to be ready to leave. Went to school early to get some work done. Had my three non-academic classes, French first. Then we had IA, my health class right now, and instead of work, we got to watch a movie on smoking that lasted for about thirty minutes and then we got to read quietly, and I was reading the H.P. Lovecraft story 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward', which I began reading after finishing the eloquent novella, 'At The Mountains of Madne




Boy oh boy, Monday, it's frickin' Monday. Hallelujah or however it's spelled, like I care.     Here's a fun experiment, kids! First, begin going to bed waaaaaaaaay late. Say ten PM or so? And wake up around 6 AM! Oh boy! As if that isn't fun already, start drinking lots of Diet Coke! Do this every day and keep going to be late and waking up early! Eventually, you will become so tired that the caffeine will fail to power your body and you will slump over asleep in your bed! OH BOY, isn't it so



A Summary Of These Past Few Hours:

Updated my art topic. Posted in various areas. Perused the shelves of the brick. Drew art, doodled, racked my cerebral construct for dark and sickening inspiration. Fantasized about various acts with chainsaws and sledgehammers. Browsed the forums, of course. Breathed air. Sent PMs, I talk to a ton of people. Got threats from a grammar-impaired moron on another forum, and it's just my luck he can actually make good on some of those threats. Listened to music. Did homework, took a while. Had fudg



Updated Again...

In my fantabulously sickening and grotesque COT art topic. Go check it out, you might like my dark style. Or it could just make you vomit horrifically and wretch in disgust.



Hope Vs. Blind Faith

Hope is very different from blind faith. One definition of hope from dictionary.com: The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Now let's look at blind faith: Belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination. Vast difference. Let's see, which word has a more positive note? Hope. However, blind faith is often disguised as hope and better marketed. Blind faith is a vehicle for, and uses as a vehicle, prejudice, hate, discrimination, murder



Oh, This Is Sad... Just So Sad...

Pathetic what our world has come to. Is this what we do when somebody does the right thing and possibly saves lives? Turn on them? And you know what's the sickest thing about it? I bet you the kid who left pellet gun there will walk right into that office, ask for the pellet gun, and get it back with no alarm raised or any trouble, and I'm betting double he/she'll be commended for being responsible enough to get it himself. Sheesh.



Just Watched 'hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy'...

...Great movie, but I haven't read the book, so I can't honestly compare. I must say though, it was hilarious. "So long and thanks for all the fish! So sad it had to come to this!" That was what the dolphins were singing before they transported themselves away to avoid the earth's destruction... And Marvin the Android is my favorite character. And now I'm having food from Fuddrucker's... Mmmm..... *belch*



Two New Updates...

...In my COT art topic. Check it out if you haven't already.   *sings along to 'Shut Me Up' by Mindless Self Indulgence*



Didn't Hurt.

So I waited for ages in the lobby of the place where I would be tested, and then I went in, went through some procedures to get me ready, I.E., getting cotton rubbed on the spot where I would be poked, and then the needle went in. It wasn't painful, just a little pinching sensation. I waited a few minutes while the vial-thingies were filled with my blood, coz they'll be tested, and then I got a band-aid, and left shortly afterwards. Then my mom and I went to Burger King and got some Hash Browns.



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