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'eeeeeeee!' In Other Words, That Surprise.

... I kinda stopped doing the 'Egads! Fish!' dialogues coz I ran out of ideas, I did have some but I just wasn't very inspired. But I decided, "Why not use the dialogue format, but make something new?" So I started working on a new series..... Meet, my friends, Dr. Kuak and Twitchy McJitters...   Comments, criticism, winged giant Chinchilla named Cupcakes?



Home From School...

Aye, I've participated in the excericise in futility people call 'education'.   My day was okay, I had reading fun first period, then I had Assisted Study the next, and music after that. Then I had Science, which was boring but easy. Then I had lunch, and a bunch of morons were right in front of the vending machine taking ten minutes to get whatever it was, and then it was too late for me to get a snack, and I had to go sit at my table because the stupid vice-principal said it was time for eve



Hoo-ray I Have To Go To School.

I'm pretty dang sleepy, as can be proven by my frequent yawning among other things, and sadly I still hafta go to school. Plus I tried making toast and something went wrong and... Bah. Whatever. I'm still tired, I was having this weird dream involving Darth Vader and Dragon Ball Z for some reason... It made sense in my dream but now it doesn't...     Right now I'm listening to one of my favorite Disturbed songs... Yay...       I'll have to load my body with large fabric warming garments, put



When You Sit Back And Think...

When you take a moment to simply chill and relax from the world, you enjoy life. You can feel a breeze on your face, you can appreciate the crisp air, you can just sit against a tree and ponder everything. You can see the beauty in a forest, or feel the spectacle of a cloudless starry night. Taking in the little things about life that seem to go unnoticed in the hustle bustle of everything, and letting yourself breathe, clarity and peace of mind come to you. Things as everyday but beautiful as w



Hurrah, An Account Of My Horribly Wonderful Day.

Prepare to have your eyes pull themselves back into your head in horror, for I am about to show you.....       AN ACCOUNT OF HOW MY DAY WENT! *B-movie scream*         Okay, so I went to school, and when I was in homeroom I did something to my left ankle and it hurt like heck for some reason. So I limped to French, where we had croissants and hot chocolate! Hoo-ray. Then I had music, and we saw a clip of the Ellen DeGeneres show, where a six-year-old who could play songs like 'Twist and shout'



I Got Me A New Mouse!

My dad and I went to Comp USA about a week ago and we bought a new mouse for me, among other things. Now, I got it installed and it's cool. It'll take a little getting used to but it's better than my stupid old mouse.     And to summarize what's happened today, I added a new content block, and I noticed that I passed 300 entries. See the two entries below to find out more.



How Could I Not Notice?!

I didn't even notice that I've passed 300 entries! Last time I checked I was somewhere in the 280's! I thought I'd at least bet in the 290's, but not this! Ah well, another record broken. Sweet. Heheh.



New Content Block

You can go see for yourself, little tacquito gnomes. Feel free to mock my choice of listening, until I hunt you down and bring with me the horrible spleen monkeys who will give me revenge and devour your soul. Hoo-ray. If what I'm saying is making your eyes hurt, then I've succeeded in my goal to... What was it I was talking about? ._?



To Start The Day Off....

A nice mindnumbing clump of LYRICS! Hoo-ray. --"Rise", by Disturbed. I'm listening to it right now. The rythm(sp?) is catchy and absorptive.       *SQUEE*       ...I need......... Ellipses........ ...So delicious....... *SQUEE*         Sippin' my Diet Coke right now... 'n stuff...



Here Thar Be... Writing Of Some Sort.

Yeah, I'm posting that poem I mentioned. Hoo-ray. Live again inside Give voice to their fear And give body to this cold heart Follow what is not Lead what was. Run from doubt Flee to uncertainty. The storm encroaches My nightmare approaches. Know nothing Remember all The night remains The dreams not found in others' brains. The cold rises But what else stays down? Sink back to the dark Let the fragments of my world surround Let me feel. In there is what would be here Can I fi




I went to Borders today with my dad, I got a Dilbert book (random acts of management), and two CDs: System of a Down's Mesmerize and Disturbed's Believe. Right now I'm listening to 'Liberate', on my Disturbed CD. I have an odd taste in music: While I am a metal fan, I like old bands like Talking Heads, or the B-52s, and other bands, or bands like the Proclaimers, White Stripes, They Might Be Giants, Weird Al, Hot Hot Heat, Moxy Fruvous... I like Jazz and Blues as well, and a capella is a very go



Very Weird Dream...

I forgot to tell you guys, I had a freaky dream... I was with my dad and sister or something at this Chucky-cheese like place, only way different, it was nighttime and raining, and I was interchanging with being a weird, side-scrolling, purple-suited Luigi who was kinda pale and strange, fighting tons of Goombas on these pyramid like structures. And then I was back in the building, on what was like a city made out of those pipe-and-bridge kid's structures, and I nearly lost my balance and I was



About The Trout...

...I don't think I'll do it for a while or the plot'll get vile.[/seussianRhyming] Anyways, hoo-rah, it's Saturday. Lucky me I did most of my homework Saturday. Yip-ee.     ...         ......       Ellipses are my friends... Don't you love ellipses?... ...You don't? ...What's wrong with them? They only want to cuddle inside your skul...




This time it's lyrics from 'Conflict', by Disturbed. Whee. --"Conflict", by Disturbed. It reflects a certain mood I've been feeling... I'm a nice person but a lot of stress, anger, and aggression's always gnawing at me. Recently I've been feeling like that frequently, and I'm really trying to keep a cap on it. Seriously, I feel kinda... Well, my creepier/stranger thoughts are making the rounds often. And what I think subsists mostly of those.




We didn't even have academic classes today, we just went to the concert and then watched videos, hoo-ray. They performed one of my favorite songs, 'Puttin' on the ritz' in the concert (performed by members of the chorus, orchestra, and band). My French class was dull, and my French teacher is evil, and my music class was okay, and then my usual appointment with the counselor was cancelled and I had to go to assisted study, gragh. And then when I got out of the bus, half my stuff fell out of my b



Awake And... Well I Hope Today Won't Kill Me.

Yeah, I gotta catch the bus soon. And then we have super short classes, then we see an concert, and we actually get to watch two movies, awesome! And yeah, I'll probably have another dialogue up soon... Unless the little green men in my shoes get me... They're [spookyvoice]eeeeeverywheeeeere...[/spookyvoice]



"egads! Trout!"

I bring you the third installment of my dialogue-format comedic series, folks:   Anyways, I got some homework done, and had pizza. Hoo-ray.



Updated My Content Blocks Again...

New addition to my 'Blog Links' block... Plus I edited it, as five or six blogs is definitely not 'my top three', is it?   Anyhow, I'll have a new dialogue up shortly.



Weird Dream...

I had this strange dream: I was with the Toa, I think, and there were four of them, the other two from their team had been replaced with squid things. And we were passing around these gigantic canisters with what we thought were 2007's sets. And it was just plain weird, we were all teleporty and stuff. Gagh.   I'll have a new dialogue up today, don't worry.



"fish! Egads!"

The dialogue returns... I had so much fun writing it the last time I decided to produce more... Here it is:   Likey?   My school day was dull, I did have a math test and get called to the vice principal's office, but really it was boring. As usual. Day after day, sitting in a big concrete death trap, memorizing data. Hoo-ray.



Gotta Run Soon...

Gotta go catch the bus, and ride to a concrete structure where I will be seated in a series of desks, in a series of rooms, memorizing data, half of which will likely be outdated by the time I graduate. Hoo-ray.   I'll have another humorous dialogue up soon... It was just so much fun I decided to carry on and do another for you guys. "TROUT IN YOUR CHEST!"



My English Assignment

I had to write a dialogue between two people for my English class, so I did, and it turned out much more fun than I had imagined. Having to rely on speech alone to convey the surroundings and conditions was rather fun. So I thought I'd share it with you, I made up three characters for it. Here it is: Samuel and Martin are characters I made up out of thin air, the esoteric Howard is based off of H. P. Lovecraft, his name being an obvious homage, and the nature of his machines a tribute to Nyar



Mhmn, Yyyyyyes...

My school day was fine, I had another chat with that science teacher who's a Lovecraft fan, and I went to a doctor's appointment. I had lunch/dinner from Burger King, and I got some homework done on my ride home. Smee.   So anyways, I'm reading an H. P. Lovecraft short story, "Herbert West: Reanimator". Very good. It's one out of a bunch of stories in one of the H. P. Lovecraft collections I got for Christmas, and they have footnotes, with explanations of things, from the editor of the collect



Snow? Yay!

IT SNOWED! Just a little though... It'll probably melt quickly... ARGH! It's sad but... At least it snowed. Heh. Anyways, I forgot to mention since our school is having a concert Friday, we only have double periods today and tomorrow, and then on Thursday we have all four classes and on Friday we have super-shortened classes.   Anyways, I think that Bionicle short film is pretty cool. Very good, although I saw it without sound on and liked it better, the music is a little stupid, especially fo



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