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Captain America And Webcomics

Captain America is not dead at all. It's a little thing known as a marketing gimmick. Marvel will expand on and sensationalize on Cap's "death", whilst garnering them free marketing buzz like that Boston bomb scare did for Cartoon Network. He'll be back in force pretty soon. He'll be brought back in some form or way, regardless of whether anybody takes up the costume besides him, which people have done before while he was out of action (such as in the 50's in Marvel Comics). Some cliche plot dev



I Forgot To Do What I Didn't Next Week?

"GILLYBLIDDLE!" Bellowed the indiscriminately obstinate toad seconds before the gigantic lawn gnome was unceremoniously deposited atop the dull-witted and apparently quite squishy amphibian. The strange and akward procedures executed upon him by the aliens would cause the gnome to spend the rest of his days breakdancing in an insane asylum cell whilst muttering about apocalyptic toast monkeys. Markedly, the incredulous Fish-Faced Boy was smelling more and more like a dead trout, due in awful par




That's the song I'm listening to right now. Funny, being awake at almost 1 A.M., I don't feel tired much.   I'm working on some comics stuff... Giving it a creepy, 'from the beyond the grave' feel... But that won't be released for a long while... I'm so inspired by listening to Midnight Syndicate.




It's nearly midnight and I'm awake. I just finished reading Bioncle Legends #6, Inferno, and then the latest Pearls Before Swine book. I got bored and decided to come downstairs and use my computer. It's dark out and it's a cold night, so I put on some mood-appropriate music. Namely, Midnight Syndicate, a gothic horror music band. Wikipedia linky. Very creepy and spooky. And it gives me nostalgia. Makes me remember times long ago... Since their music is widely used at horror events and Halloween



Did I Forget To Repeat What I Did Next Friday Yet?

"Wot!" Screamed the incredulous Fish-Faced Boy, before a gigantic lawn gnome fell from the sky and ate him. This was only before a horribe, horrible error in the time space continuum occured, and the incredulous Fish-Faced Boy managed to escape at the cost of having a snail glued to his forehead. And then the gigantic lawn gnome was abducted by aliens.




Instead of going on a walk, my dad and I first checked out the sidewalks to see what their condition was, to see if we'd take a walk. But then we went to Borders. I had a $50 giftcard for Borders, so I was careful what I chose... I had to put back an Oingo Boingo CD coz I wouldn't have been able to get some of the books I wanted. I got the new Pearls Before Swine book, two Bionicle books, an issue of MAD Magazine and most importantly... Batman: Scarecrow Tales! WOOO!   I'm listening to The Bea



Diet Sunkist! Yay!

I've got me a big bottle of my absolute favorite orange soda drink ever, and IT TASTES SO GOOD! After all this time, I FINALLY HAVE IT AGAIN! Mmmm... I love the drink so much I even made my own parody of it, Diet Sadist... *SQUEE!*   I had the weirdest dream... First I was with my dad, searching for some person who was supposed to be my half-brother, and we were looking all over. There was this weird pen (like a caged/fenced area) where I think people were, and if I recall correctly, a tarp wa



Tin Foil Hats And Bottled Water

So I was reading Kopaka's Ice Engineering's latest entry (linky), and I read the article about the portable machine that lets you test substances and all that jazz, and a while later I thought, Oh great, now the conspiracy theorists will be going out in droves to buy it! It'll jack up the paranoia level as they test their meals for poison, and rely even more on bottled water (mind-control chemicals in the tap water, you know), and add more tin foil to their hats... I can imagine the following co



Mhm. Work, Yes?

I'm in the school library, and some of the band is meeting, but we aren't really doing anything... I showed my friend who started the band some of my art, he liked it. So I'm here at this computer in the library, and I showed my friend my Maj gallery, then I started writing this...   Agh... I had a math test and an essay to finish today... Gurgh...   I changed my blog subtitle... Iss true! They are out to get me...   I'll hafta get working on some art once I get home... I prefer drawing in



Wacky Dreams...

First I dreamed I was in this weird shopping mall I'd never been in before with my mom... It had so many stores and I remembered part of it from another dream. I was wandering around and I saw my mom waiting in line for something... Then I was dreaming that I was driving a car... I was doing pretty well, being cautious, until I was going up this ramp and suddenly I veered off course and the car fell over the side... And that's when I woke up. Shortly before the alarm clock went off, of course. I



B-movie Restaurant

I'm talking about this awesome place in Disney's MGM studios park. It's a sci-fi themed restaurant which has these seats shaped like old convertible cars (with tables, of course) and you sit in the car thing, and while you're there they show all these B-movie clips from the 1950's... Oh man I had such a laugh... My dad actually used to go to B-movies with his friends and joke about how bad the movie was, it turns out, and we had some laughs. Man that was fun.   I'm watching the Fatboy Slim mus




I'm listening to Weird Al's parody of a Crash Test Dummies song, called 'Headline News'. You oughtta go see the video, it's hilarious. Gotta go now... And I still can't believe I passed 400 entries... That's just crazy.   Nnn... I just realized I have French today... Not really a problem, but usually I also have IA to lessen any impact of boredom... Which would be my art class right now. Ah well.




A close friend of mine started a band called 'The Mushroom Heads' recently (they're still looking for more members) and I'm in charge of graphics, art basically. Woohoo. My friend and the other guy he's working with on this are pretty good, they both play piano and drums, and strangely enough they can make any tune stick in my head. I stayed after school to watch them practice and a couple auditioners came to try out, and I practiced drawing the logo my friend came up with. He also says he could




I wish it had been too cold for school today, I woke up and I was absolutely groggy... *Yaaawn* Seriously... I am tired and worn out today. Just my luck I have Math, English, French, and PE. Urgh.   I'm listening to 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings' by Smashing Pumpkins now. "Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage..."




I got my hands on the paperback reader's digest thingies from Marvel collecting their comics from the library... Anyways, it was the now-canned comic 'Sentinel', in which a boy finds a Sentinel robot (the mutant hunting robots) and repairs it, uses it to stage an attack on the school in which he becomes the 'hero' and fends off the robot, and then a lot of other things happen. Good comic. I just wish it hadn't been cancelled, it made for a very cool comic. So I read the first twelve comics (coll



Argh, No Day Off.

Well, school hasn't been cancelled. Even though it's pretty darn cold out there. I hope we get a snow/cold-day tomorrow then. Something to make up for disappointment. When they say it's gonna be cold here, it's gonna be cold. No doubting that. So wish me luck, I'll probably have to wear an extra coat to stay warm...   I'm listening to Weird Al's 'Alternative Polka' right now. Awesome. I especially like the part of the medley parodying 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings' by The Smashing Pumpkins. And




I've been getting all philosophical with myself lately, and the song that is also the title of this entry sums it up very well. --"Question!" by System of a Down. What happens when we die? I'd full well expect our bodies and brains stop functioning and we're gone like that *snaps fingers*, but there's the eternal question of "What happens after?" (Not to get philosophical/religious/political here, though, I'm just saying) This song also gave me nostalgia, even though it was released around 2




So, first, my school day was okay. French and Art class were really nondescript, but in PE class, it took us more than half the class to decide what game to play. Yeesh. Then Science went by quietly, Social Studies was okay as well. Then I ate lunch. Hurrah. I had English, which was extremely confusing... Our English teacher is kinda strange. Then Math, dull...   Anyways, my mom picked me up at dismissal for a dentist appointment. We drove to the dental clinic place, and waited. Then I went in




Today I have to turn in an English assignment (thankfully I did it) and I need to do something for French class I forgot to do over the weekend. I can't remember what I dreamed... Gotta go now.



I Notice...

I've had the honor of being quoted by Frankin-Kal-96.   Anyways, I'm listening to the Marilyn Manson song "Use your fist and not your mouth" right now. Go listen to it. NOW. I'm not kidding. This song's great, it has great lyrics, an awesome beat, and it's overall sick. In the 'awesome' sense of sick, that is. Although I guess it can be interpreted in a few other senses of the word as well.     I'm working on more art right now, plus something special related to comics...




I got up around 9:50... I can't remember what I dreamed last night because I wasn't able to sleep much til around 4:00 AM. I do remember my dream from two nights ago. I was traveling around places with my family. We stopped at a weird train station that had a restaurant which had shelves stocked with books, one of them a Batman book. The night before that, I dreamed I was on a cruise ship, and I got some free Bionicle promotional stuff, like a big rubber Kraata. Then I went to a buffet and got s



Short Story!

I've written a Bionicle Short Story, my first one in ages! Go check it out. It's Lovecraftian horror, with my own touches. I emphasized on the psychological elements heavily, although I fear I may have been redundant in getting the point across in some parts. I worked on it for ages, I would have ideas for it at the most inopportune times (like in school) and I would forget most of them fast. A combination of busyness, laziness, and forgetfulness kept me from completing this thing sooner. But I



Updated My Cot Art Topic!

Yep, it's been updated! Check it out! I added a ton of Empty City stuff, the city from the world of my character The Quiet Guy.   Whenever I hear the song 'You'll be in my heart' I get kind of emotional... See, when I was four, the movie Tarzan came out, and my grandmother took me to see it. My grandmother died six years later in 2003. That song was in the movie, so it has special meaning to me.



Psycho Baby

Remember I said a few entries ago how I did something I hadn't done in a long time? I'm gonna tell you what it is. Way back when, it was a rainy day and the fifth graders were inside, bored. A teacher put on The Goonies but quickly stopped it because it was found inappropriate. One student grabbed some graph paper, a pencil, and started drawing. He drew a circle with vertical lines for eyes and spiky hair, with two little circles for feet. This character was named Psycho Baby, an insane infant f



Spellin' Beee!

I won the schoolwide spelling bee! Me! I don't really care, but hey, bragging rights! I was so nervous that I would fail halfway through, but I won! I was out sick on Wednesday for the teamwide spelling bee, so I didn't know if I would have made the cut, but my English teacher put me in the spelling bee anyways because she says I'm the best speller on the team. Woo.   Anyways, my day was okay... Remember my definition of that term though. Anyways, in Art class, I drew something great in pencil



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