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Today's MCAS were easy. I finished mine early and finished reading The Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft. I go to a different room to work on my MCAS than my classmates, with other kids as well, and the room has computers. The teacher is letting us use computers right now, so now you know where I'm writing this from. Woop.   I would have written a blog entry earlier, but in the school library this morning, an obnoxious kid kicked me off the computer to do schoolwork, though I doubt that w



Freedom For All- Or Not

Oh boy, don't you just LOVE the absurd mound of bureaucracy we call the standards that justify the even worse rules made to run the hectic, hateful place we know as the world? Seriously. They gave this girl a severe punishment and put her in some program for "kids with attitude problems"? Just because she wore some colorful socks with a cartoon character from a nonviolent, people-friendly show/franchise? That's just WRONG. The dress code is incredibly STUPID too. How could ANYBODY think that was




I stayed after school to watch my friend's band practice. Anyways, we kinda goofed around, and the band played some of "Crazy Train", and then I suggested "Iron Man". It sounded GREAT with the instruments we used, the music teacher helped us out. I find it very ironic for a band that didn't really play metal, or any of its variants, just some random tunes, that we played two metal songs.   We had MCAS again today, and our lunch was pushed back to 12:45 instead of 11:55, so we ate lunch at the t



Be Baffling These Dreams Do

Once more, I can barely remember my dream, but I know it was confusing... Very confusing... Just like the way our horrible world operates! Speaking of sleep, I wish I'd gotten more of it... We have more MCAS today, hurrah! The nightmare os standardized testing looms ever loftily above my head, which it is likely to drop upon in a dreadful metaphorical sense!   My dad's out in Cambridge for a few days, and since my mom goes out to meetings frequently, that means I'll probably have to babysit my



Motivational Speaker?

No MCAS today. But I had my reading fun class (I'm reading 'At the Mountains of Madness', WOO!), then my Assisted Study class where we studied for the MCAS (I question the legality and wisdom of using past MCAS questions and such to teach for this year's MCAS tests). Then I went on to my art class, where we're working on rendering. Then I had Math, which was dull. The math teacher for our team is pregnant and will be leaving at the end of the week, so in Social Studies (in English, we simply rea




I fell asleep around 10:30 PM and slept straight through the night. I don't often have uninterrupted sleep... Also, I can't remember what I dreamed.   My mom's been cleaning through my room- And it's making me angry. She got rid of stuff that had TONS of sentimental value to me. So I wrote a note asking her to stop last night, and put it on the counter for her to find this morning, and if she hasn't respected my wishes and I come home to find my room horribly "cleaned", well... Imagine very an




The MCAS were easy. I had to write a long composition, and I think I did pretty dang well. Of course all that means is I've managed to memorize a particular set of "information", one pertaining to how to "properly" write an essay, but hey, if I can rub it in, it'll do. So there's still more horrible standardized testing left- Hurrah. Some people took forever to even finish their rough draft, let alone their final draft of the composition. This one guy in my French class was late because he had t



Mcas Time

Yes, time for the standard testing. It'll be Language MCAS this time. I did well on the practice test, so I think I'll do well on this. Thank goodness for overreading... Looks like sneaking books into class does pay off!     Last night I had a talk with my dad about my Grandma and various things... I feel really guilty that I never got to say goodbye before she died... I had those letters she sent me and my sister framed... When I get home I'm writing letters to my grandparents telling them how




My school day went fine but...   It turns out my mom's depressed. She gave me and my sister a talk, and we talked about things like our Grandma (her mother)'s death and stress, and we ended up in a group hug reminiscing about Grandma and feeling sad. We miss her so much. I'm so glad I still have my other three grandparents, but I keep thinking about Grandma's death and the inevitable death of my grandparents, and how everybody dies someday, and yet despite what we do to validate our existence




I'm sad today... Because it's the four year anniversary of my grandmother's death. She died after a very long struggle with illness, and I can still remember getting the news. I was just nine... My mom had already gone to Ohio earlier because she knew Grandma didn't have long to live, and she was there in my Grandma's hospital room when she died. My dad drove my sister and I to Ohio, where my Grandma and most of my mom's family lived, for the funeral. We got there and we prepared for the funeral



Mr. Freeze

Alrighty, I'm up. I went to bed around 2:15 AM, and woke up around 10 AM. I'm still writing that short story, but it's almost finished. Yippee. I'm surprised I worked on it that fast, I mean, really, my latest short story "The Truth" (you can find a link in my sig) took me months. That's nothing to say of the incredibly long short story I'm writing right now as well.   Anyways, on to the title subject, my reader monkeys...   If there's one thing that gets to me about Batman, it's that Mr. Fre



Woo- Lateness

It's 1:44 AM as I write this... I'm listening to the Voltaire song "Graveyard Picnic" right now, although I was listening to Midnight Syndicate before. I'm writing a story right now and I can't believe how fast I've written it compared to some of the stories I've been working on... It's so cool being up so late, in the dark, listening to music, and writing a horror story.



Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Yeh. Pretty late, huh? I'm a quarter Irish, so yippee.   ...   I'm staying up late again. And the combination of it being cold outside and my listening to Midnight Syndicate again is giving me great ideas. Goody.



Video Game Wackheads

Okay, if there's one thing I hate worse than *insert something I hate here*, it's people who blame video games for everything. They accuse video games of making kids stupid, violent, ignorant, smelly, bad at school, rude, ugly, hobos, unaware of the name of Bill Clinton's cousin's neighbor's barber, etcetera. Sad, isn't it? Young people do horrible things and it gets blamed on video games, but where are the parents at, huh? They don't want to take responsibility for parental ineptitude, which al



Wonderful Blizzard Of Oz

Well, I didn't stay up late last night... Fell asleep before my mom went up... See, I went to a play at my church, which the title hints at... The Wizard of Oz, yes. However it was snowing incredibly, the wind and snow and storm was tremendous. My mom brought two of those snow-scraper things you can brush and scrape the snow and ice off of your car with, so a while after we got to the church, she had to go out and brush the car off (it was already that bad). While we waited for the play to start



New Blog Subtitle

Yeah, I changed the subtitle last week. They were lyrics from the Jim Infantino song "Stress". Here's the full version of the lyrics to that song:     ... Yeah. This week's subtitle is from the lyrics for a song, can you guess what it is? Some of you might know...   It's still snowing here. Awesome. So much snow it's incredible. And in March, right before Saint Patrick's Day, right after the anniversary of Caesar's death (Yes, it is spelled Caesar)... Crazy.   The irritating WWII kid I've



It's Snowing!

IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH! AND IT'S A HUGE SNOWSTORM! THE SCHOOL LET US OUT FIFTEEN MINUTES EARLY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It is so beautiful out, with all the snow falling and spiraling around... It's just wonderful... And I'm planning on staying up super-late again, so the snowing will make my experience (Midnight Syndicate+darkness due to the time being the middle of the night+sitting at a computer=a really spooky night, which I like) even better! YAY! And I only have a bit of homework! SMEE!  



Am I Awake?

...and the unfortunate Acorn-child was never to be seen again after his foolish descent into the Cave of a Hundred Squirrels, whilst the gigantic lawn gnome was once again dropped upon the incredulous Fish-Faced Boy. And everybody ran away screaming. The end.     I can't remember what I dreamed, but I'm sure it was something... I was awake on and off for half an hour at 1 A.M., I dunno why. My sleep patterns am messed down.     It's almost time for our Literary MCAS, or Massachusetts Compre



"no, I'm Spartacus!"

We finished watching Spartacus in Social Studies today. Historically inaccurate, yes, but a good watch. You forget that it was made in 1967, because it's such a good movie and the film quality's great. Our teacher likes to give us tons of background on everything we learn, he's like a walking library of Greek and Roman history. But considering that's what he teaches every year, it's not a surprise. *insert mental image of person sticking tongue out in a smile here before realizing GMan doesn't s



Dreams Are Very Strange Things Indeed...

I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed I was in some sort of Olympic swimming pool, with all these activities in it (that everybody was doing underwater) like riding sharks, being pulled along by sharks in a sort of chariot like activity without the chariot, or just swimming. The guy in charge at the pool directed me to go somewhere and he told me there was a door near the shark riding section of the huge pool (and I have no idea how I'd been holding my breath all that time) and I opened the door a



What A Wonderful World...

...Today I saw people bickering incessantly over pointless things, I was punished for something irrelevant that wasn't even breaking the rules, people being stupid (as per usual for those specific ones, sadly), and it didn't end after I got on the bus. Seriously, if you want a reason to wish you aren't human, take a look at some of the topics in COT. It's like those rooster fight sort of topics I talk about sometimes, but it isn't funny at all.   But on the bright side, it's better than listen




I wish I could have just stayed asleep today. I was so tired. It was like my head was magnetically attracted to the pillow, in fact. However, I went downstairs and had breakfast, along with a Diet Coke for the neccessary caffeine (Although my mom's trying to get me to drink decaf). Then I logged onto my comp and browsed the interweb. Didn't have time to post an entry though. Then I took my bus to school here.     On the way to school our bus passed a dead skunk and the smell lingered in the bu



Another Thing About Webcomics

Comic strips and comic books are bound by what is viewed as "politically correct". They cannot make jokes about or give a villain role to minorities (For example, an unwritten rule is "no creating annoying people who're minorities, disabled, or different somehow") or whatever. No politically incorrect portrayals of women, children, minorities, the disabled, and other types of people. Not even ugly, stupid, nitwitted, slow, waste-of-air morons anymore. Comic strips have such tiny windows for come




Man I didn't want to get up today... Urgh... I was so sleepy headed...   I was out sick yesterday, I forgot to say.   I hope I didn't miss anything important in class......   I forget what I was dreaming about... Might be because I didn't fall asleep for a long time...



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